Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 129: Do labor


Teacher Jiang was a woman of medium build, with short hair, a round face, phoenix eyes, and silver-rimmed glasses. She smiled very kindly. She said to Zhan Aiping, "I have carefully read this little guy's homework. It is the best in the class. I heard that he wrote three copies."

The summer homework assigned to students is usually not checked intentionally by teachers at the beginning of the new semester. Teachers just flip through it casually, without pursuing right or wrong, and checking whether each question has been completed.

The same is true for assigned diaries and essays; teachers will not check the content too carefully.

But Dangdang's summer homework was so special that Teacher Jiang remembered it all at once. As teachers, they were familiar with the handwriting of every student. They knew it by heart without saying it, but those who wrote neatly were the ones who had made a name for themselves in front of the teacher.

It is not easy to have a few students who can write beautifully in a class. Most primary school students’ handwriting is awful.

Teacher Jiang singled out the homework of "Dangdang" in the class and talked to teachers from other grades. The result was - wow, three grades had the same handwriting.

This is surprising.

The owner of the handwriting was actually a child who had never attended elementary school.

Teacher Jiang: “…”

Zhan Aiping said: "Skip a grade, my child is still too young."

Zhan Aiping also knew that her son Sweet and Sour Pork might not need to go to the first grade, but he was really too young and could barely go to the first grade.

In the future, the age limit for entering primary school is strictly regulated, and children are not allowed to start school earlier. In many classes, children have completed the first grade content in preschool, but they still have to go back to the first grade again when they are in the first grade.

When children go to school, they not only learn knowledge from textbooks, but also gradually get in touch with society and participate in communication.

Zhan Aiping is also worried that if her children skip too many grades, the age gap between them and their classmates will be too big, making it difficult for them to become friends.

Zhan Aiping also had a student life. In fact, she knew that the role of schools and teachers was limited. It mainly depended on a person’s self-discipline and ability to study on their own. She used to have good grades in math and didn’t need a teacher to teach her at all. She wasn’t a good student who listened carefully in class, but she still got full marks in math exams. However, her Chinese... was very poor.

Someone even laughed at the diary she wrote.

It is incredible that a person whose Chinese language performance can only be said to be not lagging behind has actually published a book.

Teacher Jiang: "Your child is quite tall. Apart from his age, he is not too unusual sitting in the class."

Zhan Aiping pays attention to supplementing her children with nutrients such as protein. The two children are much taller than children of the same age. Although Guo Bao Rou rarely goes out to play, in order not to be shorter than his sister, he jumps around at home, hoping to grow taller quickly.

Children at this time are either skinny or chubby. Those with well-proportioned bodies like sweet and sour pork and small glutinous rice balls stand out.

Teacher Jiang went to look outside the first grade window. He originally thought he was going to see a skinny little monkey, but it turned out that this sweet and sour pork didn't look skinny at all, his face looked childish, and his height was about the same as an ordinary seven-year-old child.

His sister is actually taller than her brother.

"Not very tall, but not the shortest in our class either." Teacher Jiang asked, "Dr. Zhan, you are quite tall among women. How tall is the child's father?"

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "It's quite tall, much taller than me, a bear."

Neither she nor Gu Sheng is short. Both children are much taller than children of the same age and have been growing taller recently.

Teacher Jiang: “…” A bear? Is there such a description

Teacher Jiang hesitated to speak. The description "a bear" or something like that really sounded like a description in an elementary school math problem.

But an image instantly appeared in her mind: a tall, mighty, strong, rough, dark-skinned man with stubble.

"Doctor Zhan, you were pretty good at math when you were a kid, right?"

Zhan Aiping: "… I often got full marks in math when I was a kid." She found that Teacher Jiang's thinking was very divergent. How come he suddenly jumped to her math grades

Teacher Jiang: “No wonder.”

Zhan Aiping: “…”

"Doctor Zhan, please consider it. I actually think it's appropriate for the child to skip the third grade, but as you said, I'm afraid he won't be able to adapt. I think he's doing well in the second grade."

"Are you afraid of separating the siblings? He has a twin sister."

Zhan Aiping hesitated for a moment and said, "Teacher Jiang, let me ask the child for his own opinion."

"Okay, it depends on the child's opinion."

Zhan Aiping originally wanted Guo Bao Rou and his sister to go to school together and be in the same class so that they could take care of each other, but... she also guessed that Guo Bao Rou would definitely skip a grade, and as for Xiao Tang Yuan, she just had to study hard.

When the child came back from school, Zhan Aiping asked Guo Bao Rou for his opinion: "Do you want to go to the second grade?"

Guo Bao Rou asked: "Mom, can I go?"

Zhan Aiping: "Do you want to go?"

Guo Bao Rou said firmly: "Go!"

Zhan Aiping: "… Then I can't be in the same class with my sister."

Guo Bao Rou said: "We can go home together after school."

Xiao Guobao has his own secret thoughts. Deep down, he doesn't want to be in the same class with his sister because his sister is taller than him. When people know that they are twin siblings, they laugh at him and say that Xiao Tangyuan looks more like his sister.

Sweet and sour pork couldn’t stand it anymore. We were not in the same class and couldn’t be compared with other students.

Zhan Aiping said: "Well, then you can try to study in the second grade."

Zhan Aiping told Gu Sheng about the matter, and Gu Sheng agreed. Zhan Aiping looked at his face and said, "You must understand your son very well."

Gu Sheng: "…I wasn't shorter than you in elementary school."

Zhan Aiping burst out laughing: "You said you don't care, haha, you guys really care about height."

"There is no harm without comparison. In fact, he is quite tall."

Gu Sheng: "I was also quite tall at that time."

Zhan Aiping: "Tsk tsk tsk tsk—you can grow so tall, taller than your brothers, thanks to my encouragement since you were a child."

Gu Sheng crossed his chest and said shamelessly: "...It's thick and long, right?"

"I'm accusing you of being a hooligan." Zhan Aiping glared at him, her cheeks flushed, "Where there are a lot of men, they only talk nonsense."

The two children are going to be separated into different classes. New first-grade books have been distributed, and Zhan Aiping plans to keep them and pay for the second-grade textbooks again. The children will go to different classes.

"Bad guy, bad guy, my brother is a bad guy!"

Knowing that her brother was skipping a grade and leaving her alone in the first grade, little Tangyuan sobbed for a long time with red eyes, but little Guobao was very kind-hearted and his determination to skip a grade was not shaken at all. He hugged his sister and told her: "Sister, study hard. I am going to the second grade now. I can't always watch you read, study and do homework. I am sorry for you."

Little Tangyuan paused for a moment with her nose red from crying, blew a small bubble, wiped her eyes, and took the initiative to hug her brother: "I can't bear to leave my brother."

Guo Bao Rou pretended to be regretful and said: "Then brother will stay with you."

Little Tangyuan wiped away her tears and said, "Mom said Yuanyuan is very strong. Brother, if you want to go to the second grade, go ahead..."

Zhan Aiping was shocked after listening to the two kids chatting. Gu Sheng was holding Little Mianhua and playing with his little daughter. Zhan Aiping sat next to him, wanting to say something but stopping herself.

Gu Sheng glanced at her.

Zhan Aiping asked: "Did you hear what they said?"

Gu Sheng said lazily: "I heard it."

Zhan Aiping: “…” These brother and sister are two little actors.

She leaned close to Gu Sheng's ear and said, "These children in our family are so dramatic, just like you."

Gu Sheng looked at her with a pair of peach blossom eyes and smiled: "Like you."

"You are free, why don't you send the child to the new class as soon as possible? I have something to do." Zhan Aiping was going to the hospital for a major check-up, so she had to get there early. However, it was also a big deal for the child to be transferred to a new class, so she thought that Gu Sheng could take the time to send the child there, and it wouldn't waste any time.

"You are the child's biological father, you should also go to the school to check it out."

Gu Sheng said: "Okay."


Gu Sheng sent the two children to school and sent the bouncing little Tangyuan to the first grade. After little Tangyuan entered the class, she began her performance. With red eyes, she expressed her reluctance to leave her brother. More than a dozen classmates came to comfort her.

Little Tangyuan: "I can't bear to leave my brother."

"Yuanyuan, let's play together in class."

Gu Sheng and his son had no chance to see such a scene. Gu Sheng went to the second grade to deliver the sweet and sour pork. Teacher Jiang was already waiting there. Teacher Jiang was not surprised to see Gu Sheng in military uniform. Most of the children here were children of military officers. Some of them had parents who were both soldiers and had no free time, so they would ask the soldiers to help pick up and take care of their children.

Teacher Jiang saw that Gu Sheng had a young face and looked a bit like Xiao Guobao, and even more like Xiao Tangyuan she met in first grade, so she guessed that they might be related.

Teacher Jiang: "Are you the child's cousin? Are you his uncle?"

Teacher Jiang heard last time that Dr. Zhan's younger brother was very handsome, and she thought that the man in front of her was indeed very handsome.

Guo Bao Rou said: "He is my father."

Gu Sheng: "I'm the child's father, hello, Teacher Jiang."

Teacher Jiang was stunned for a moment: "Oh, you are the child's father..."

Teacher Jiang subconsciously said some polite words, but in his mind, he kept echoing: a bear, a bear, a bear...

He is indeed quite tall, with a good figure.

Gu Sheng saw Teacher Jiang's strange look, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Did the child's mother say something?"

"Oh, nothing." Teacher Jiang shook his head and smiled, "Doctor Zhan must have done very well in math in elementary school."

Gu Sheng: “…”

Captain Gu guessed that it must be his wife who said something.

I sent the child to school and asked the teacher to take good care of him, and that was my mission accomplished.

After the child went to primary school, Zhan Aiping inexplicably felt that the burden on her shoulders was lightened a lot. The child will go to primary school, learn more knowledge, and become more sensible.

Shen Liqing came to her home to chat and envied her very much: "Your child has been sent to primary school. I also want my child to go to primary school."

Zhan Aiping: "It's OK for him to go to kindergarten. It will save you a lot of worry for your little fish."

Shen Liqing: "…It's not that worry-free."

Every family has its own problems.

"Xiao Zhan, what kind of job do you think is suitable for me?"

Zhan Aiping was surprised to hear Shen Liqing's question: "You want to work again? Is it because your children are grown up and you feel too idle?"

Shen Liqing: "I think my little fish is too lazy. He even makes excuses when I say he is lazy, saying that he learned it from his mom. It was his dad, Lao Wang, who taught him this. What the hell is this?"

As a mother, Shen Liqing couldn't stand her child's lazy behavior.

Shen Liqing said: "I want to set a good example for my children."

Zhan Aiping said, "Why don't you go back to your old job and become a teacher? Are there any vacancies in the elementary school for children of children? It would be good for you to become a teacher, and you can take care of the children."

Shen Liqing shook her head: "I can't go to the children's primary school. The requirements for children's primary schools are very strict now. In the past two years, the leaders above have suddenly tightened the study discipline. It's different from before. The requirements for teachers are also high. They also require teachers who graduated from normal schools..."

Ordinary schools do not have strict learning requirements. In an ordinary village primary school, as long as you have attended junior high school or high school, you can be a substitute teacher in the village primary school.

The requirements for primary schools for children of cadres have been quite strict in recent years.

Zhan Aiping said: "It's better to be stricter, so we can feel at ease."

Shen Liqing said: "After all, the leaders' children also have to go to school here."

Zhan Aiping asked, "Then you're going to the town school?"

Shen Liqing: "I don't really want to be a teacher... Doctor Zhan, don't laugh at me. I actually want to sweep the streets. Aren't there a lot of educated youth returning to the city now? It's too hard to get a job. I heard that after Chen Yuan returned, he was given a job sweeping the streets."

"I'm not making fun of her, I just think this job is suitable for me." Shen Liqing sat up straight: "I just want to try a job that doesn't require any brains or skills."

"You are indeed a cultured person with wild imaginations." Zhan Aiping suppressed her laughter: "You don't even sweep your own house but you go and sweep outside. You have some ideas."

Shen Liqing: "When my son and daughter see me as a worker like this, they realize how hardworking my mother is."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

A virtuous person does not like to be called virtuous by her children. Similarly, a lazy person does not like to be called lazy by her children. However, Shen Liqing's children encouraged her to be diligent.

Shen Liqing asked: "What kind of job can I find?"

Zhan Aiping said: "You should take care of the yard at home first and do the things at hand."

"You can work with your children and slowly look for a job. After a while, Director Li should notify you of a batch of jobs for military dependents. You have education and knowledge, so it won't be difficult for you to find a job."

"Okay." Shen Liqing rolled up her sleeves and said, "This time I want my big fish and small fish to taste the cucumbers grown by their mother."

"So that they won't always accuse me of stealing vegetables from Aunt Zhan's house."

Zhan Aiping joked: "Is stealing by scholars really stealing? This is taking it openly. Anyway, we can't finish the food at home."

*After her brother left, little Tangyuan was left alone in the first grade. She performed very well, was generous, and was good at acting coquettishly, cute, and pitiful, which earned her a lot of popularity. It is also because of this that she, Comrade Yuanyuan, has not yet joined the Young Pioneers and has not worn a red scarf, but - she is already the temporary monitor of the first grade of the primary school.

The temporary class monitor has a probation period of one month. After one month, whether she will serve as class monitor will be decided by classmates through voting. If she performs well as a temporary class monitor, she will be able to become a glorious Young Pioneer in October.

She also has to participate in the selection of the honor guard.

Comrade Yuanyuan started her career as squad leader in a hurry.

Being a class monitor is also a technical job. Comrade Yuanyuan is very ambitious, because as a class monitor, she has to actively communicate with teachers and classmates, take the lead, and maintain discipline in class... Oh, she is so busy.

As soon as he got home, little Tangyuan ran to his mother's legs and said, "Mom, I'm so suffocated. I want to gossip and do some tricks in class, but I'm the class monitor and I'm in charge of discipline. How can I gossip and do some tricks..."

Little Tangyuan dragged a small stool and sat beside her mother, supporting her chin with both hands and resting it on her mother's legs. She, a first-grade class monitor, was very sad.

Zhan Aiping was originally shelling beans, but when she heard her daughter's words, she tried to hold back her laughter so hard that her hands were shaking.

Her eldest daughter has no other advantages, but she is very honest in front of her mother.

Being a monitor limited her performance.

Zhan Aiping touched her daughter's hair lovingly: "Our Yuanyuan is very conscious. Yes, as a monitor, you must set a good example, manage class discipline, and do your homework seriously. Only in this way can everyone be convinced and recognize that you are an excellent monitor."

Little Tangyuan sighed sadly, and she tugged at her mother's clothes: "But I really want to talk and do some tricks in class, and I don't want to do my homework seriously..."

Zhan Aiping tries hard to keep smiling as a mother.

This little girl should be made the class monitor, thanking her first-grade teacher and classmates for helping her solve a big problem.

If this little guy hadn't become the class monitor, Zhan Aiping would be afraid that her parents would be called every few days. Seeing what they were saying, she would want to do all kinds of things, not study hard, and not do her homework.

Thanks to the strict management of the primary school.

Zhan Aiping tapped her eldest daughter's forehead and said, "Then think about it in your mind."

"Our Yuanyuan must be a good class monitor and a future Young Pioneer." Zhan Aiping thought to herself that her troublesome little daughter should always be a class monitor and a discipline committee member and should be strict with herself.

Little Tangyuan sighed and wrinkled his face into a bitter gourd.

Zhan Aiping teased her: "Don't you want to be the monitor? If you don't want to be the monitor, there are others who do."

He wants to be the class monitor and also wants to do some tricks, but there are no good things coming to him.

Little Tangyuan said: "I want to be the monitor!"

She wants to be a class monitor, join the Young Pioneers, join the guard of honor, wear a little red hat, and play music to raise the national flag.

"Ambitious." Zhan Aiping scratched her little nose and thought that it was good to have a carrot hanging in front of the donkey, so the donkey would know to run forward.

The chickens in her family will be slaughtered later. When Xiao Tangyuan officially becomes the squad leader, Comrade Xiao Zhan will be overjoyed. This position of squad leader is like a tight hoop on Monkey King's head.

"Our Yuanyuan must be a good class monitor." Zhan Aiping happily encouraged her daughter.


Little Tangyuan started her career as class monitor. This was the job that her brother Guobaorou wanted to do, but he skipped a grade and didn't get the job. Since he was young and his personality wasn't particularly fierce, the second grade class monitor was a fat boy who kept the place in check and he had been the class monitor for a year.

Sweet and sour pork only got a position as a team leader.

Seeing his sister being the monitor, the older brother, Sweet and Sour Pork, was very sad. He also ran to his mother and said, "Mom, I want to be the monitor, Mom, I want to be the monitor..."

Zhan Aiping: "Be a good team leader first, and then we can be class leaders next year, okay?"

I have two kids at home, each with their own worries. I thought everything would be easy after sending them to school, but new problems arose.

Her son also wants to be class monitor.

"Mom, can you please go and talk to Teacher Jiang?" Guo Bao Rou tugged at his mother's clothes: "If I become the monitor, our Gu family will have two monitors."

Zhan Aiping couldn't hold it in any longer: "Poof—"

Why not give her a third place in the family

"Mom, mom, I want to be the monitor! I want to kill the chicken."

Zhan Aiping comforted him: "Even if you are not a class leader, we can still kill chickens. A group leader is also a leader, just like my mother's dean and my father's group leader, the same."

"No—" Guo Bao Rou shook his head desperately. His team leader sounded too low-ranking.

He continued to beg, "Mom, please tell Teacher Jiang."

He still has to ask his mother to ask for a job. Zhan Aiping pinched his little face and said, "That's just using the back door. We need to look at your personal ability. If you do well, you will definitely be able to be the class monitor. You must unite your classmates, follow the mass line, and let your classmates trust you. They will vote for you in the next school year..."

The sweet and sour pork turned into a bitter gourd face: "… "

But does he really want to be the team leader for a year? He doesn't want to! How can he just be the team leader when his sister is the class monitor

Finally, Guo Bao Rou couldn't help it and went to Teacher Jiang to give his opinion. Teacher Jiang didn't assign him to be the monitor, but the labor committee member of the class. Teacher Jiang said kindly: "This is a difficult position. Can you complete it? The labor committee member must have a lot of responsibility and strive for honor for the class!"

Sweet and sour pork: “…Yes.”

Among primary school class cadres, the most visible ones are the monitor, discipline committee member and labor committee member. Especially the labor committee member, who has to arrange labor every day, manage the class vegetable garden, clean up on duty, register and get scores with labor committee members of other classes... and the weekly class cleaning is the time for the labor committee members to play a role, arranging sweeping, mopping and wiping windows... They have to urge students not to be lazy and supervise all labor work.

The previous labor committee member of Teacher Jiang's class did not manage the class well, and he wanted to resign. So Teacher Jiang asked Guobaorou and the previous labor committee member to work together for a month. If Guobaorou did a good job, he would become the official labor committee member next month.

A new official has three things to do when he takes office. After becoming the labor committee member, Xiao Guobao is also full of energy. He wants to make his career bigger and stronger, be an excellent class cadre, be an excellent Young Pioneer, and never fall behind his sister. He wants to be a good brother.

In order to excel in academic performance, one must strive to be the best in other aspects as well. One must be in charge of labor not only in class but also at home.

Guo Bao Rou ran home with his small schoolbag on his back. As soon as he got home, he made a work plan seriously. He wrote a lot of clauses and asked his sister to sweep the floor and wipe the table.

"Mom, I'll watch my sister do the labor."

Rather than urging his sister to do her homework, brother Guo Bao Rou prefers to urge his sister to do some labor. It is too difficult to tutor little Tangyuan with her homework, but it is much easier to just watch her do the labor. She doesn't have so many questions.

She can't escape labor!

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Little Tangyuan: “…”

Xiao Guobao was very motivated: "Mom, I will take care of the hygiene work at home from now on."

"Give me and my sister a piece of vegetable garden!"

(End of this chapter)