Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 130: Small boss


Zhan Aiping indulged her two children and allocated a small vegetable plot for them. Generally, schools also have labor classes, and each class has its own vegetable plot, and the output from the vegetable plot belongs to the entire class. Now, the family also has a small vegetable plot for the two of them.

Comrade Xiao Zhan recommended that they plant radishes. "Let's plant radishes!"

"No, no!" The two little guys refused in unison.

Finally, they planted some onions, peppers, tomatoes and mint. Among them, onions are the easiest to grow and grow fast. When you need them, you just pinch a handful and they will continue to grow.

Little Tangyuan said, "Mom, from now on, call me squad leader Gu at home!"

Guo Bao Rou said: "Mom, I am Commissioner Gu!"

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Now that they have Dean Zhan, Captain Gu, Squad Leader Gu, and Commissioner Gu in their family... there is no need to be so obsessed with power.

Little Tangyuan wiped his muddy hands on his buttocks and said, "Mom, why can the labor committee member supervise the class monitor? Am I not the oldest in the class?"

Xiao Guobao said, "I am the labor committee member, so I have to manage the labor. As long as the labor is under my management, you don't want to avoid labor, do you?"

"If you avoid labor, you are not a good monitor."

Little Tangyuan: “…”

"You even wiped it on your pants..." Zhan Aiping rubbed her brows and said, "You two should take a shower quickly."

Zhan Aiping encourages her two children to take an active part in labor, but hopes that they will not cause more trouble than they help.

When Gu Sheng came back, the family of five held a family meeting to discuss their future work plans.

Sweet and sour pork actively spoke: "Mom can't escape labor either!"

Zhan Aiping said: "Isn't it enough for mom to work every day? You two brothers and sisters should actively participate in the work."

Little Tangyuan: "My brother is the labor committee member. He should take the lead. He should be on duty one more day!"

Little Cotton: "Hey, Mom! Move!"

Gu Sheng: "I will draft the labor battle plan."

Zhan Aiping glared at him and thought to herself, you big head ghost.

In fact, the plan written by the elementary school student Sweet and Sour Pork was extremely unreliable. Finally, it was his father Gu Sheng who stepped in. First of all, he was very familiar with the labor work at home. Secondly, planning and arranging the division of labor among people was a piece of cake for him. Gu Sheng quickly arranged everyone's duty and division of labor.

Zhan Aiping flipped through his plan and sighed, "Now it's good. Staying at home is like joining the army. I have to do housework... I don't want to make the quilt."

Folding the quilt is really the root of all evil. Although folding the quilt is not a difficult task, she just doesn't like to fold the quilt. She is too lazy to even shake it. She just wants to dry it in the sun occasionally.

"I suspect you are targeting me with malicious intent. You just can't stand my bed." Although the thin quilt and sheets are a little messy, Comrade Xiao Zhan likes this kind of cozy feeling.

"They even require the sheets to be flat." Zhan Aiping looked carefully and found that there were many detailed regulations. Damn, even the pillows had to be placed in the designated positions.

Gu Sheng raised his eyebrows and looked down at the stopwatch: "Don't ask, I'm targeting you. After being married for a few years, I'm tired of your bed. Your bed is my bed."

It would have been fine if Gu Sheng was the last one to get up, but Zhan Aiping was the last one to get up, so he couldn't even make the bed even if he wanted to.

Zhan Aiping: "It's not easy for you to tolerate me for so many years."

Gu Sheng smiled: "Same here, this is a good time to let your son check your bed."

My son, the labor committee member, focused on details, wanted to get points, and did his job conscientiously.

He is a supporter of his father's labor battle plan, commonly known as a lackey, and is particularly satisfied with all the details.

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Gu Sheng patted her shoulder and encouraged her: "Mom, you should also set a good example and take the lead."

After saying that, Gu Sheng looked at the roof and recalled: "I remember some people were also health role models..."

Zhan Aiping covered her face and said, "A good man never brags about his past achievements."

Gu Sheng shouted outside: "Squad Leader Gu!"

"Here!" Little Tangyuan came running over and responded enthusiastically.

"At home, you are also a squad leader..." Captain Gu gave a strict lecture to the squad leader at home. Little Tangyuan nodded repeatedly with a serious attitude. Finally, Gu Sheng said: "Dad has been a squad leader since he was a child. Now that he has a daughter like you, Dad has someone to take over."

Little Tangyuan hummed several times. She was brainwashed by her father's encouragement. Now she was full of passion and wanted to be a good class monitor at home.

"Dad is the monitor, where is mom?" Monitor Gu asked curiously, "What is mom?"

Zhan Aiping said expressionlessly: "Mom is the study committee member."


Gu Sheng laughed: "Disband now, squad leader Gu, go and do whatever you want."

"Okay." Little Tangyuan saluted and ran out.

Gu Sheng closed the bedroom door and looked at Zhan Aiping with amusement: "Some people are called study committee members, but at best they are just group leaders."

Zhan Aiping said confidently: "What are you talking about? I had good grades in high school, so I was the study committee member."

Gu Sheng couldn't help laughing: "You said your daughter has a goldfish brain, but I think you are the one with a goldfish brain... How dare you say that about Yuanyuan."

"Their mothers gossiped and made small movements in elementary school, and didn't do their homework."

"Tell me, how many times did you play Gobang with others during class?"

"Are you the one who got up early in the morning to finish homework?"

Zhan Aiping: “…”

"You forgot, I helped you with your homework."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Finally, Gu Sheng commented: "My daughter is just like you, cut from the same mold."

"If you keep saying that, I'll hit you with a pillow."

"I did well in the exams, and I have good grades! You can't deny that I have always had good grades since I was a child!"

Gu Sheng sat on the bed and pulled the corner of her quilt, then hit her with the pillow. "You are still angry and embarrassed, my wife. You are just a little monkey. You won't obey unless you wear a tight hoop."

Zhan Aiping sat up and realized, "Putting on a high hat hurts people."

She was indeed not a very obedient child when she was young. She was lazy, greedy, and loved to play and did not like to study. However, because she was strong-willed and refused to admit defeat, she resisted her lazy nature.

When she was serving in the army, she required herself to do her best due to various regulations, but when there were no such requirements... she would return to her most comfortable state.

If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight.

People's pursuit of fame, wealth and desire are the motivation to move forward.

Gu Sheng said: "They are still young, there is nothing wrong with competition and a competitive spirit."

"Yes, now everyone in the family has an official hat, except our little Mianhua, who has a bald head." Zhan Aiping leaned on Gu Sheng's arms with her cheek in her hand, wondering what kind of class leader their little Mianhua would be when he goes to school in the future.

Gu Sheng: "She is a member of the masses."

Zhan Aiping laughed: "There is only one person in our family."


Xiao Tangyuan, the class monitor, is very responsible. After school in the afternoon, she took three classmates home to do their homework, becoming a little leader. She dragged a few benches and chairs, and the four of them did their homework at a small square table.

Arithmetic problems can be copied from each other, and each person can do a few problems.

Little Tangyuan gave instructions: "Bamboo, you write these five questions, Pumpkin, you write these, and I'll write these."

Zhuzi said, "What about Chinese? You can't write the same words to fill in the blanks and make sentences."

Douzi: "Chinese is so difficult to write..."

Little Tangyuan scratched his head: "Let's do math first!"

Xiao Tangyuan is the class monitor. As a class monitor, he naturally cannot lag behind in class performance. He must complete every homework well and get praise from the teacher.

So she found several classmates to do the homework together. The power of the crowd is strong. Everyone wrote a few questions and they finished it quickly.

And she also has an extra cheat - sweet and sour pork.

"Brother, can you help me check if the answer is correct!" Little Tangyuan used her brother's cheat without any guilt, which was her weapon to maintain good grades.

“We all can’t do this problem…”

Xiao Guobao is a good teacher and doesn't mind tutoring his younger sister, especially since his younger sister has three elementary school dropouts following behind her. Teaching one person is one thing, but teaching four people gives him a greater sense of accomplishment.

It’s like running a small tutoring class at home, it’s very fulfilling.

Zhan Aiping didn't mind her son having a small tutoring class at home. She even bought him a large blackboard to serve as a podium and simulate a classroom, fully satisfying the child's desire to act.

Douzi and a few others started to call him Teacher Gu.

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "Teacher Gu has started the class."

Looking at the booming education cause in front of him, Comrade Xiao Zhan is relieved about his daughter's academic performance. With her brother watching over her, she should be among the best.

Zhan Aiping also gained some good popularity because of this. Douzi and Zhuzi's mother came to thank her, "Thanks to your little monitor Gu, I was worried that he would not do his homework. Now he finishes his homework as soon as he gets home before playing, and I feel relieved..."

"I have some dried sweet potatoes that I sun-dried at home. Give them to your children to try."

Little Tangyuan frantically canvassed for votes one by one: "You must support me to be the monitor!"

Douzi and the others nodded: "We all vote for you to be the class monitor."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

After seeing off her classmates, little Tangyuan, wearing her father's military cap, stood in the sunset. The golden setting sun gave her braids a layer of gold.

She felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment, thinking that since her little Tangyuan had worked so hard, the class monitor position would definitely be hers, and no one would come to snatch the position from her.

"Mom, I must be the class monitor, right?"

"Yes." Zhan Aiping touched her daughter's head with a smile, thinking that it would be great if her daughter could maintain this enthusiasm.

It would be best if I could always be the monitor and always be strict with myself.

In the distance, a figure stood under the eaves, looking at the mother and daughter in the sunset. Niu Chunyan hesitated for a long time, but finally walked over. Before Zhan Aiping could speak, Niu Chunyan said first:

"Your daughter is so nice! She's much better than those bad boys in my brother and sister-in-law's family."

Niu Chunyan's words were quite sincere. She used to think that Zhan Aiping was unlucky and gave birth to two daughters. She thought daughters were a waste of money and did not need to be raised too carefully.

But recently she has seen the Gu family being so lively. Little Tangyuan has her hair in braids and goes to school happily with a small schoolbag on her back. When she comes home, she hangs around her mother and chatters a lot. She is also spoiled, clingy, and does not hold grudges... Who wouldn't like such a cute, lively, and clingy little daughter

Niu Chunyan is old and lives with her brother. She still feels lonely even though she has five little nephews at home. She also wants a child of her own.

In the past, she always followed Mrs. Niu and boasted that their Niu family had given birth to five boys in a row. In fact, did this have much to do with her? Did she really think it was good to have so many boys

Several kids making noise together is so noisy that it hurts people's ears every day. Having two or three brothers is already lively enough.

Also, because there were mostly married women in the family quarters, people laughed at her for being an old spinster who could never get married. She felt upset, but couldn't say anything else. She could only laugh at others for not being able to conceive and giving birth to few boys, and used this as a weapon to attack others.

That day, Zhan Aija laughed at her openly for being treated like a slave in the Niu family. Niu Chunyan was upset for several days. She actually found out several times that Sister-in-law Niu had interfered in her marriage.

Mrs. Niu taught her how to be picky, saying things like your brother is an officer, this one’s family is not good, this one doesn’t look good, this one… Niu Chunyan wasted many years without getting married, and just stayed in the Niu family to help her brother and sister-in-law take care of the children.

Zhan Aiping asked her: "Niu Chunyan, what can I do for you?"

"I, I'm getting married." Niu Chunyan took a deep breath: "Doctor Zhan, just, just... can you help me dress up when your sister-in-law gets married?"

"I'm sorry about what happened before. I apologize to your family..."

(End of this chapter)