Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 137: Sesame filling


"Brother Zhao, you have to have confidence in yourself." Zhan Aiping encouraged him again and again: "You also want your unborn child to have a college dad, right?"

Zhan Mingzhao: “…”

"Really, I tell you, the first exam paper after the resumption of the college entrance examination will definitely not be difficult. Because so many years have passed, everyone has a weak foundation. This will be good for you. Your sister and I, your brother-in-law, will prepare review materials for you..." Zhan Aiping's eyes became brighter and brighter as she spoke. She thought that since her brother had the desire to go to college, she must send him to college.

I took the college entrance examination in December 1978, and I still had one year to prepare, so I was ahead of others.

"Sister, don't be so gullible. There's no sign of reinstating the college entrance examination. If you go to the fields and shout with your head down that the college entrance examination will be resumed soon, who will believe you?" Zhan Mingzhao was almost in despair. Ever since the resumption of recruiting workers, peasants and soldiers as college students, the number of students recruited has increased in recent years. This year, many professors who studied abroad were rehabilitated and have now returned to their teaching positions. It seemed that the time had come to expand the recruitment of workers, peasants and soldiers as college students.

Zhan Mingzhao thought that since it was possible to expand enrollment, he would most likely be selected as a worker-peasant-soldier college student.

But—his sister actually said that it is very likely that the college entrance examination will be resumed!

Zhan Aiping said, "If I really shout, many people will believe me. Don't you feel it yourself? More and more people are returning to work. Doctors who have studied abroad have returned to the big hospitals in the city... Not only doctors, but also teachers and professors."

"Our hospital has admitted a good doctor who has a serious liver disease and is recovering. He used to be a medical school student. I guess he will return to the medical school to be the president next year or the year after. Really, I'm not kidding you."

Zhan Mingzhao covered his ears: "Sister, please stop talking. I just made a plan and my beautiful dream is shattered..."

Zhan Aiping couldn't help laughing: "Broken as hell, now is a fresh start, the future is bright, you have to believe, your sister and brother-in-law will tutor you in math, physics and chemistry, plus you will have to take a foreign language in the college entrance examination, if you maintain your foreign language advantage, you can get into university, I'm not lying to you!"

"Be good, listen to your sister and study hard for one year, just one year, one year! I tell you, there will be news in seven or eight years, don't worry..." Zhan Aiping kept persuading her younger brother, urging him to study hard and prepare for the college entrance examination.

"You're already a father, so stay strong!"

Zhan Aiping knew that persuading Zhan Mingzhao alone would not work, so she went to pull Gu Xiangyi over and told her that the college entrance examination might be resumed in the next two years and that Zhan Mingzhao was interested in going to university.

Gu Xiangyi couldn't help but yearn: "Go to college!"

Although Gu Xiangyi has been a poor student since childhood, and Zhan Mingzhao has also been a poor student since childhood, they are a combination of poor student couples, but Gu Xiangyi still envies those who can go to college.

"A Zhao, sister-in-law is right! Just try hard for a year! You can set an example for the baby in our belly! Look, Yuanyuan and Youyou are studying every day..."

As a wife, Gu Xiangyi began to actively persuade Zhan Mingzhao. She had recently seen Guo Bao Rou and the others studying hard and doing their homework every day, as well as the great educator and test setter Comrade Zhan Aiping's earnest teaching every day. She also developed a desire to pursue learning.

"It's always a good idea for you to learn a little. In the future, one of us will have to help the children with their homework, just like my sister-in-law."

Little Tangyuan whispered: "It's not a happy thing to have a mother like this."

Could it be that her unborn little cousins would also have to suffer the same torture

Zhan Aiping heard it and asked, "Oh? So you want to change your mother?"

Little Tangyuan's body froze for a moment, then she threw herself into her mother's arms and said loudly, "Mom, I'm very happy! I love you so much! Yuanyuan wants to do a few more math problems today!"

Zhan Aiping said: "Let's write another composition."

Little Tangyuan hugged his mother's neck and howled: "Mom..."

She is so desperate!

If you ask her to do a few math problems, she can still do it, but if you ask her to write a diary or compose an essay... she just can't do it.

Zhan Aiping tapped her forehead and said disdainfully, "You are already the class monitor, this is really outrageous."

"Dad said you have good writing skills. Why don't you write a few more for him to read?"

Little Tangyuan said depressedly: "Dad loves his wife, and his wife's farts are all fragrant."

Zhan Aiping: “Hmm?”

"Because I am my mother's favorite baby girl, he said that I write well. My brother said that he loves me and loves my dog too."

Zhan Aiping pinched her little face and said, "Your father is right. You are quite talkative. Your brother in our family is not as talkative as you. Write down what you want to say. You, little Tangyuan, are the most talented in writing in our family."

"Your mother was right to name you Little Tangyuan. Aren't we just a little sesame glutinous rice dumpling? If you squeeze it hard, you will find that it is filled with ink."

Little Tangyuan emphasized: "That's sesame filling!"

Zhan Aiping laughed and said, "It's all black. Our little tangyuan is full of ink."

"In the future, I will publish a book just like my mother!"

Little Tangyuan was frustrated: "I can't write it..."

He can't even write a short essay of 100 or 200 words, and he's thinking of writing a book. That's simply a fantasy.


Zhan Aiping began to prepare review materials for next year's college entrance examination. Her younger brother was going to take the college entrance examination, so she was particularly concerned and wrote several example questions and practice questions for Zhan Mingzhao on the same day.

The person who set the questions, Zhan Aiping, is very experienced.

"I'll borrow you some middle school books first. If your foundation is weak, I can also help you consolidate your elementary school books..."

"I collected questions for this kind of test paper and did one page every day. Little by little, it adds up..."

Zhan Aiping began to quickly sort out the key points of each subject and recall the questions from that year according to her memory. Of course, because the college entrance examination papers in each place are different, she didn't know what the college entrance examination papers in Yunnan Province were about.

"You do the questions, and I do the questions too."

"Little sister, you should also do some exercises with me. You two will have a companion. Use your brain more, otherwise you will become stupid for three years after pregnancy."

Gu Xiangyi: "Ah!?"

Does she also have to write questions

Zhan Aiping did not discourage their enthusiasm for learning. The questions she set were all very simple. First of all, she wanted to cultivate their enthusiasm for learning. If they made mistakes every time or did not know how to do it, it would really hurt students' enthusiasm for learning.

"Our three little leatherworkers, remember to check your homework for your aunt and uncle!"

Lu Cheng, the pot-baked pork dumplings, lined up and saluted: "I guarantee to complete the task, Chief."

Lu Cheng enthusiastically handed Xiao Tangyuan a model of a wooden gun that he loved and treasured, "Here you go."

Little Tangyuan happily took it and said, "Okay, you guard that side, I'll guard this side, and point the gun at anyone who doesn't do mom's homework!"

Lu Cheng and Xiao Tangyuan are just there to make up the numbers, the one who really does the supervisory work is Xiao Guobao Rou.

According to Zhan Aiping, "You two are already grown up, you can't be worse than elementary school students."

Zhan Mingzhao started his own arduous learning journey, and Zhan Aiping also asked Zhan Mingzhao to teach English to a few little ones.

Maybe everyone is a little bit of a know-it-all.

Ever since Zhan Mingzhao started teaching his two nephews foreign languages, his own foreign language proficiency has improved rapidly, even to the point where he himself is a little scared. The rapid improvement in his foreign language proficiency has brought Zhan Mingzhao great enthusiasm.

"If the college entrance examination is really to be restored, I hope to take the foreign language test. Putting aside other things, I will definitely get a high score in foreign language."

Zhan Mingzhao calculated carefully and found that if he added his foreign language scores and worked hard to pass other exams, he might not fail to get into university if the college entrance examination was really resumed.

In order to set a good example for his children, and with the encouragement of loving people around him, Zhan Mingzhao studied diligently and even took the initiative to ask his sister Zhan Aiping for advice.

"I'll be relieved if you study hard."

As the saying goes, people feel refreshed when good things happen to them. Dean Zhan Aiping is in a very good mood. She takes time to do some math, physics and biology problems during her commute to and from get off work every day. At the same time, she also has to write medical papers. She has published several papers combining Chinese and Western medicine.

A true time-study expert is a master of time management.

Several doctors were shocked when they found the math book in her office. "Dean Zhan, you don't want to go back to school for further studies, do you?"

Zhan Aiping said: "If there is a chance."

"Maybe I'll go to school to be a teacher."

Doctor Liu smiled and said, "You don't teach mathematics when you become a teacher."

"You are indeed a talented teacher. All those barefoot doctors are convinced that you are a good teacher. Many of them want to come to our hospital for training and study."

Zhan Aiping locked the door of her office. Before going back, she went to the ward on the third floor to visit a middle-aged male patient in his fifties. The patient's surname was He. He was a Western doctor who had studied abroad and was very skilled in treating illnesses. However, because of this background, he had not had a easy life in the past few years.

Before, not only intellectuals were labeled as the "stinking ninth category", but Western medicine was also in danger at that time, especially Western medicine doctors in urban hospitals with overseas study backgrounds, who were heavily targeted and had a hard time.

Just like in Shanghai, the military hospitals were okay, but the situation in ordinary hospitals was very serious. Many skilled Western medicine doctors were taken away for reform and were not allowed to practice medicine.

Medical disputes exist in every era. If you use some more radical Western medical treatments to treat patients, even if you cure the patient, you will be overthrown and reported.

On the contrary, if we use traditional Chinese medicine to treat people at this time, even if the disease is not cured, no major accidents will occur.

The anti-snake venom serum that Zhan Aiping had taken the initiative to contact before was promoted in this hospital with her support and has been very effective. It has saved many patients and prevented at least hundreds of people from having to undergo amputation.

However, when they went to several other provinces to promote anti-snake venom serum, the process was not so pleasant. They were treated as spies and even when they finally saved the patients poisoned by snakes in the hospital, they were met with joint resistance from the local hospital directors and doctors.

"Doctor He?" Zhan Aiping knocked on the door and entered the ward. When she entered, Doctor He was reading a book. Seeing Zhan Aiping coming in, he waved his hand and said, "Don't call me doctor. Just call me Uncle He. I am of the same generation as your godfather. I won't take advantage of you."

"In the hospital, I feel more friendly to call him Doctor He."

Professor Sun asked Zhan Aiping to take care of Dr. He. Dr. He had been demoted for a period of time before and his health was in bad shape. Later, he was released to recuperate because of the recurrence of his old illness. Also, because of his sensitive identity, he was not comfortable staying in the city hospital.

"I won't treat this illness." At the beginning of the year, the situation was still tense, and Dr. He was unwilling to treat the disease because he was afraid of harming the doctor who was treating him.

Finally, he was sent to Yanxin Township Health Center.

Doctor He looked at Zhan Aiping and said, "You are also a courageous person."

"I've been reassured, but you still can't relax?" Zhan Aiping knew that things would calm down in the next two years, but people like Dr. He have become cautious because of the repeated setbacks in recent years.

Zhan Aiping knew that Dr. He would become the president of Chuncheng Medical College soon after the college entrance examination was resumed.

Dr. He shook his head and sighed: "When I see you, I can't help but think of my daughter."

Dr. He's daughter He Lan had previously gone to the countryside as an educated youth, but later she couldn't resist and married a local rural family and had a child. He was very worried about his daughter and was afraid that she would not live well in the countryside, but she was already married and had her household registration in the village.

Zhan Aiping revealed some news to him: "Maybe in two years, when the college entrance examination is resumed, your daughter Helan will be able to enter a university again."

"Is this possible?" It is difficult for a family like theirs to be selected as a college student. Dr. He certainly does not want his daughter and grandchildren to waste their lives in the countryside.

"Why don't you let her review her high school textbooks first?"

Zhan Aiping chatted with Dr. He for a while, then she walked out of the ward. She thought of Helan's current situation. She had married to a rural family and had a husband and children. In this situation, she was afraid that even if she was admitted to university, her husband and mother-in-law would not allow her to go to school.

Then she thought again, with Dr. He in charge, something like this shouldn't happen to Helan, but the others...

"President Zhan!" When Zhan Aiping was about to walk out of the hospital gate, she was surrounded by a group of children. They called out to Zhan politely. Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "Can't you be more orderly?"

"Hello, President Zhan!"

Some of these children are children of doctors in the hospital, and some are children from the town, and they are playing together at this time.

Zhan Aiping saw several smaller babies at a glance, whose umbilical cords she had cut. She suddenly remembered the joke Qin Yanfang had made at the beginning, that the babies whose umbilical cords had been cut by Dr. Zhan should stand on this side, and the babies whose umbilical cords had not been cut by Dr. Zhan should stand over there.

In the blink of an eye, these children have grown up.

(End of this chapter)