Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 138: mascot


In December, in the bedroom, with the lights on, Gu Sheng was wearing a white shirt, a grey sweater vest, and an unbuttoned coat. He sat at the desk, holding a stylus pen, and carving words on wax paper.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the most popular simple printing method in private was called wax plate printing, also known as steel plate printing. In schools, teachers also used this method to quickly print tutoring materials.

Place wax paper on the steel plate, and hold a stylus, just like writing, and carve the text you want to print on the wax plate with the stylus. If you accidentally carve a mistake, it is also simple, light a match, burn the wrong word for a while, the wax will melt, the wrong word will be eliminated, and finally it will solidify, and then you can carve the correct text.

After the wax plate is engraved, it can be printed out.

Zhan Aiping had already sorted out some of the study materials. She asked Gu Sheng to do this mechanical copying work, saying, "You carve it beautifully. You must be a real father assigning homework to our son and daughter."

Of course, these are not just tutoring materials for my daughter, there are also more college entrance examination review materials.

Zhan Aiping can carve too, but right now she is taking care of Xiao Mianhua. Her little daughter is over one year old and still sleeps with the couple. She plays with her daughter for a while and then coaxes her to sleep.

The mother and daughter were listening to the radio, which was playing music. Zhan Aiping had always hoped to have a little girl who could sing without being out of tune. She wanted to start this from an early age, and let her little girl listen to music before going to bed every day.

In order not to disturb Gu Sheng, the music on the radio was very low. Zhan Aiping took her daughter to listen to the music. Although Xiao Mianhua could not pronounce the words clearly, she also hummed and sang.

My daughter was humming along to the tune, so maybe she does have some musical talent!

Zhan Aiping couldn't help but sing along as her daughter hummed. Once she started singing, she became bolder and happier.

Gu Sheng's hand trembled and he carved another wrong word. He had to carve words while listening to his wife singing. What kind of torture was this? He really couldn't help laughing.

"Wife, please stop singing."

He could hold back his laughter, but his hands were so weak from laughing that he couldn't even hold the iron pen.

Zhan Aiping asked: "Did I accidentally disturb you?"

Gu Sheng: "You sang so hard that my hands became soft."

Zhan Aiping: "What does my singing have to do with your soft hands? When you listen to me singing, shouldn't it be murderous and more powerful?"

"Your wife, I am training your ability to concentrate. Pay attention."

Comrade Xiao Zhan is very self-aware. She knows that her singing is just noise. Shouldn't she become more irritated the more she listens to it

Gu Sheng: "I can't help laughing if you sing again. My dear, your voice is so nice, why do you sing so up and down like this?"

Zhan Aiping: “…”

“Then I won’t sing.”

Gu Sheng encouraged: "Sing, just sing louder, I love listening to my wife singing, as long as she doesn't mind me laughing - I can keep a straight face, I will listen carefully!"

Zhan Aiping glared at him and said, "Little Tangyuan has learned your sweet talk."

Gu Sheng lowered his head and wrote: "No way."

"I am taking the college entrance examination. If I don't get into Tsinghua or Peking University, I will be sorry for my wife's earnest teaching."

"If my brother-in-law fails to get into college, I will help you beat him up." Gu Sheng rubbed his wrist. They, the brother and sister-in-law, have paid too much for their younger brother and sister.

Zhan Aiping: "Don't say harsh words, my brother-in-law."

Little Mianhua fell asleep. Zhan Aiping kissed her daughter's little face and covered her with a quilt. She stood up and stretched, walked behind Gu Sheng, massaged his shoulders and relaxed his wrists.

Gu Sheng smiled and held her horizontally. Zhan Aiping reminded her, "Tomorrow is Monday, don't do anything rash."

"I know it's Monday. I didn't plan to mess around. It was you who wanted to mess around."

Zhan Aiping used a conciliatory policy and took the initiative to kiss his face, "You've been busy all night, go to bed early."

"Then kiss for a while before going to sleep."

The whole family got up early on Monday. Zhan Aiping got up in the dark and turned on the lamp. Xiao Mianhua was still sleeping soundly. Zhan Aiping carried her to the crib to sleep. Gu Sheng had already made the bed.

Zhan Aiping: "I'm not good at anything except making the bed."

Gu Sheng smiled and said, "So that you won't be lazy and go back to bed again."

The temperature isn’t very high right now, nor is it too cold, but—”Sleeping is so sweet in the winter.”

Who can resist missing their bed

Zhan Aiping sighed regretfully. She really wanted to roll into the bed with residual warmth and stay there for a while.

"Be thankful we are not in the Northeast. With your fear of cold, you wouldn't even be able to climb in the winter."

"It's fine in the Northeast, you don't understand. The colder it is, the better I sleep. I cover myself with a big quilt and heat the kang. I don't get off the kang all day."

Gu Sheng laughed: "Don't think about it, come and help me put on my clothes."

Zhan Aiping worked tirelessly to put on his military uniform, helped him button up, straighten his collar, and tidy up his clothes. Finally, she looked at her masterpiece with great satisfaction, hugged his handsome face and kissed him.

"Very good." The man is thirty-one years old.

Gu Sheng held her in his arms: "I really want you to treat me like this every day."

The man loved her helping him get dressed.

Zhan Aiping said: "Then I'll help you put on your clothes, and I'll go back to sleep."

Gu Sheng gently rubbed her face: "It's good to have a Monday. I can't bear to make you get up early every day..."

Zhan Aiping: "—I'm not that lazy, am I?"

The couple pushed the door open and walked out. Xiao Guobao and Lu Cheng were already dressed, with their schoolbags on the bench. They said in unison: "Report to the commander, we have already forked Comrade Yuanyuan!!!"

Little Tangyuan was wearing the red and white clothes of the guard of honor and hugged her mother's thigh uncomfortably. Her mother was the only one in the family who could understand her. It was so difficult to get up early and she wanted to sleep a little longer.

Little Tangyuan was drowsy.

Zhan Aiping suggested: "Why don't you let mom tie a ponytail for you to go to school."

"No!" Little Tangyuan instantly became alert.

I got up early just to let my mother comb my hair beautifully. Little Tangyuan said: "Mom, don't worry, comb your hair beautifully. Monitor Gu will raise the flag today."

Zhan Aiping gave her a beautiful hairstyle and said, "Take off your hat and let Brother Lu Cheng help you clip the little flowers."


Little Tangyuan carried his Little Red Riding Hood and prepared to set off.

Guo Bao Rou and Lu Cheng went out to buy steamed buns. Soy milk, fried dough sticks, porridge and buns were already available in the family quarters in the morning. If Zhan Aiping was too lazy to make breakfast, she would let her children buy breakfast for her.

"Do I look good, mom? Do I look good, mom?" Before leaving, little Tangyuan was very vain. He put on a tall little red hat in advance, with his own big drum on his chest, and tried his best to look good.

"It's beautiful, it's beautiful. Our Yuanyuan is the prettiest."

Lu Cheng next to me was eating a bun while thinking, I am the only one walking in the front, and the flag-raiser with a red flag is not so showy. This Little Red Riding Hood band in the crowd cares so much about their image.

Zhan Aiping gave the buns to her daughter and said, "Okay, let's go to school."

The three-person team set off in a mighty manner. Zhan Aiping watched them leave. She had to wait a while before going out again because Gao Jingmei would come to find her and they would watch the children raise the flag together.

Zhang Lirong saw the beautifully dressed eldest daughter, Xiao Tangyuan, from the neighboring house early in the morning and couldn't help but feel envious. This girl was so pretty and lovely.

"It would be great if we could have another daughter." Zhang Lirong was eager. She also wanted to dress up her daughter, comb her hair beautifully, and let her wear pretty dresses.

It’s all because of this useless Luo guy.

Captain Luo was thinking: "It would be better to be a flag-raiser. It would be great if Jin Bao could be a flag-raiser too..."

Gao Jingmei and Zhan Aiping went to watch the children raising the flag together. They both held cameras. Gao Jingmei was wearing a military uniform and Zhan Aiping was wearing a brown coat. They took pictures in the slightly chilly morning breeze.

Even someone like Gao Jingmei was very excited when she saw her son raising the flag. She said excitedly: "My son will become a special forces soldier, join the three-service guard of honor, participate in the military parade in the future, and be a flag-raiser in front of Tiananmen Square. That would be amazing..."

Mothers always think too much. Her son was just raising the flag in elementary school, but she already fantasized about her child joining the armed forces guard of honor.

Zhan Aiping looked at her daughter in the crowd, her expression full of pride and joy. Her daughter Yuanyuan played the loudest drum.

Lu Ming and his wife came to take Lu Cheng back home. Lu Cheng didn't want to go back because he knew that his parents would leave him alone at home every now and then as usual next year.

Lu Cheng: "Aunt Zhan's house is nice, there are many people and it's lively."

Zhan Aiping said: "If your parents are not here, come to your aunt's house and spend the night."

Zhan Aiping quite likes Lu Cheng. She thinks he is like herself when she was a child.

Lu Ming and his wife felt embarrassed, so they had some free time during this period, so they invited Zhan Aiping and her whole family to have a meal at the Lu family's house. Their two families were not in the same family quarters, but they were not far away from each other.

The houses are about the same size and have similar styles, both are minimalist. Lu Ming and his wife don't spend much time at home, and each is busier than the other. To them, home is like a hotel. They don't have many things, and since they are both soldiers, they keep the house clean and tidy.

Most of the things in the Lu family's house belong to Lu Cheng. Gao Jingmei bought a lot of clothes, snacks, shoes, and a variety of toys for the child. The Lu family also has a small green double-layer refrigerator.

Gao Jingmei said to Zhan Aiping: "This refrigerator in my house is of no use. If you need it, you can take it to your home."

Zhan Aiping said: "We have an old freezer in our hospital that everyone uses. It's convenient for freezing things."

Zhan Aiping also wanted to get a refrigerator before, but the hospital’s freezers were convenient to use, so there was no need to waste money. After seven or eight years, all kinds of factories were converted into refrigerator factories, the production capacity of refrigerators increased significantly, and the price became cheaper.

Gao Jingmei: "I also want to get a black and white TV, but there are no programs to watch here."

"Our husband Lu cooks all the dishes himself, come and try them." Gao Jingmei showed off her husband's cooking skills. She chose a man like Lu Ming not only because he looked to her liking, but also because he cooked delicious food.

"Xiao Cheng, do you miss the food your father cooks?"

Lu Cheng said, "Mom, Uncle Gu's cooking is still better."

Gao Jingmei was surprised: "Really, Dean Zhan, your old Gu still cooks?"

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "He and your Lao Lu went to the same school, and they both cook delicious food."

Gao Jingmei: "… This isn't a cooking class."

"Next time I go to your house, I'll try Captain Gu's cooking."


The children are on winter vacation and the Chinese New Year is coming. It is 1977. The New Year is particularly lively. The firecrackers in the supply and marketing cooperatives are selling like crazy. So many major events have happened in the past year that people all over the country are celebrating the New Year with joy.

In addition to firecrackers, other items were also selling like crazy. The black market, which was once hidden, gradually appeared on the surface. Many people found that no one was watching and they traded openly in the daytime.

It has also become much more convenient to buy anything.

The brother and sister Guo Bao Rou and Xiao Tangyuan are on winter vacation. After finishing his homework, Xiao Tangyuan goes out to play all day long. He takes small firecrackers and gathers with a few brothers to set off firecrackers. He is very happy.

Lu Cheng was a big firecracker fan. His uncle sent him a bunch of fresh fireworks. He lit some that flew all over the ground, some that bloomed on the ground, and some that flew into the sky...

Xiao Tangyuan and Lu Chengye went out to play, while Zhan Mingzhao and his wife spent the New Year at Gu's house. Gu Xiangyi's belly grew bigger and it was obvious that she was pregnant. Zhan Aiping and Gao Jingmei got some mahjong, and a group of people got together to play mahjong during the New Year.

Zhan Aiping really likes playing mahjong. She is not very good at it but loves to play. She doesn't like to use her brain when playing mahjong. She likes to take a chance. The joy of winning by chance is the real joy.

But they were unlucky today. They played mahjong with Gao Jingmei and her husband and lost badly.

Very depressed.

"Mom, mom! Come and see me set off firecrackers!" Little Tangyuan came back happily. She was wearing a bright red dress and her braids were tied with red ropes. She looked like a little Fuwa.

"My dear, come stand beside your mother and be a mascot." Zhan Aiping felt that her rosy-cheeked daughter could bring her good luck.


Little Tangyuan lay on his mother's legs and looked at her mahjong tiles.

Lu Cheng looked at his biological mother Gao Jingmei at the mahjong table and asked, "Do you want me to be your mascot?"

Gao Jingmei glanced at her son, then at the small firecracker in his hand, and refused, "Don't come. Mom is lucky now, so there's no need to change her luck for the time being."

Lu Cheng: “…”

Zhan Aiping urged, "Go quickly, go to your mother's place, get some more firecrackers, and teach your mother how to light them."

As the name suggests, "point the gun" means to play cards to let others win.

Little Tangyuan held his face in his hands and showed off: "Mom, I am also good at making firecrackers, much better than him. Do you want me to teach you how to make firecrackers?"

Zhan Aiping: “…” What a leaky little girl.

Gu Sheng couldn't help laughing: "You don't need your mother to teach her. She graduated from the artillery school and is a professional at firing artillery."

Little Tangyuan was puzzled: "Didn't my mother graduate from the Military Medical University?"

"You just graduated from the Artillery School." Zhan Aiping kicked him.

Zhan Aiping held her little girl in her arms and played for a while, and found that her luck had really changed. She kissed her daughter and said, "Oh, my Yuanyuan is really my mother's lucky charm."

"Xiao Cheng, your mother is a graduate of a genuine artillery school, and she is a professional in firing artillery."

Gao Jingmei didn't believe it, so she called her son over and said, "Come and change your mother's luck."

Lu Cheng: “…”

They were playing mahjong while Zhan Mingzhao was reading and doing homework. Gu Xiangyi coaxed Xiao Mianhua and watched him read and do homework. Zhan Mingzhao listened to the not-so-obvious sound of mahjong being rubbed next door, as well as the lively sound of firecrackers and children's laughter outside, and thought that all the happiness belonged to them.

The college entrance examination may not be resumed next year. When will he finish writing this question

Do I have to write for another two years

He also wants to play mahjong.

Gu Xiangyi supervised him: "Dad, please be more serious and write well. I see that your accuracy has improved recently."

Zhan Mingzhao was helpless: "Can you still tell?"

"That's right." Gu Xiangyi said, "Don't I have the answer here?"

Zhan Mingzhao: “…”

The whole family was busy, and Xiao Guobao was even busier. Zhan Aiping forbade him to write winter vacation homework for others, let alone help his sister and Lu Cheng with their winter vacation homework. He had a more glorious task. He was conscripted into the army and became a small worker, carving wax cardboard.

Zhan Aiping rewarded him with ten cents for each piece of paper he engraved. These were the college entrance examination review materials she had compiled.

Zhan Aiping planned to collect several sets of college entrance examination review materials, and when the college entrance examination was resumed, she would take advantage of the situation and sell them privately to make some money, or give them away as gifts. She guessed that there were many people in the hospital who were going to sign up for the college entrance examination, as well as barefoot doctors in various villages.

When the college entrance examination was resumed, all kinds of wax plate mimeographed materials sold like hot cakes.

They would never have imagined that these college entrance examination review materials were carved by elementary school students working part-time during their winter vacation.

Guo Bao Rou is very patient. He likes this job very much, likes the unfamiliar knowledge and topics, and likes the joy of making money even more.

It costs one dollar to carve ten pieces, and ten dollars to carve one hundred pieces.

Comrade Zhan Aiping felt that he was being exploited, but Guo Bao Rou was very happy because in school, students helped teachers carve wax plates for free, and he could earn ten cents, which was a treatment only his own mother could get.

Mom is such a good mom.

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Comrade Xiao Zhan sometimes feels that her son has a talent for making money, but sometimes she is not sure.

After working hard to earn ten yuan, he saved half of the sweet and sour pork, used the other half to buy snacks for his sisters, and also paid for a chicken to improve the family's food.

Little Tangyuan and little Mianhua really love their brother so much.

After the New Year, the winter vacation was about to end. Under the supervision of her mother and brother, little Tangyuan did not become the one who rushed to finish her homework. She finished her homework long ago and was not waiting to go to school happily.

Going to school also has its benefits. She can be the class monitor and play music in the guard of honor.

Little Tangyuan said to Lu Cheng: "Let's wait until next year to continue setting off fireworks."


In June, Gu Xiangyi gave birth to a boy in the military hospital. Zhan Mingzhao became a happy silly father and said incoherently: "Sister, I'm really a father. I have a child?!"

Zhan Aiping brought the children to stay in the hospital and asked Zhan Mingzhao to look after Gu Xiangyi while they looked after the newly born "little cousin".

The little guy seems to be eating well, weighing six pounds, with a few hairs on his head, light eyebrows, tightly closed eyes, and a small and delicate nose. Judging from the nose bone, the nose bone should be high... It is hard to tell whether he looks like his father or his mother.

"It's my brother! Mom, look! It's my brother!"

"He's so popular!"

"Mom, my brother is still sleeping..."

Gu Xiangyi looked at her own son and felt a little disgusted by his ugliness, but her own nephews and nieces were not good-looking when they were born, so this kid should look okay.

"Sister-in-law, who do you think he looks like?"

Zhan Aiping: "I can't tell either. You'll know when you grow up."

"The child has quite regular features. Don't worry. Both our families have good-looking children."

Gu Xiangyi said helplessly: "They say nephews resemble their uncles, but he has too many uncles."

Who does he look like? I really can't tell. He doesn't look like his parents, and he doesn't look like his grandparents either.

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "Maybe each uncle is a little bit like me."

There are no such things as similarities. In the end, the children all grew up to look like themselves, with just some similar features.

Gu Xiangyi: "... Just don't be like Big Brother."

As the youngest sister, she has five brothers. Among these brothers, she is more afraid of her old-fashioned and serious eldest brother.

Zhan Aiping: “…” Girl, don’t set any flags rashly.

It's really weird. After Gu Xiangyi said this, Zhan Aiping really felt that this little nephew was a little bit like Brother Gu.

Zhan Aiping murmured, "It's probably just a psychological effect."

How could Gu Xiangyi and Zhan Mingzhao, two lively and unreliable elementary school students when they were young, give birth to a strict and old-fashioned older brother

"Sister-in-law, what psychological effect are you talking about?"

Zhan Aiping: "After you said that, I think you look a bit like a big brother."

Gu Xiangyi said seriously: "That must be your psychological effect, sister-in-law."

(End of this chapter)