Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 140: A successful start


Thinking that there was only a little over a month left, Zhan Mingzhao studied very hard, almost working himself to death. He tore through the calendar every day, wishing that the day of the college entrance examination would come soon so that he could take it and be done with it.

Zhan Mingzhao studied too hard, and even Gu Xiangyi followed suit.

Their little kid is not very noisy, eats well and sleeps well. When he wakes up, he lies in his aunt's arms and looks at his parents with half-closed eyes.

He really acts like Big Brother Gu.

Being stared at by Brother Gu in this way, Zhan Mingzhao and Gu Xiangyi felt their backs tighten and they couldn't help but work harder.

There are also many doctors and nurses in Yanxin Health Center who have signed up to take the college entrance examination. Zhan Aiping not only signed her consent, but also sent them free review materials. She hopes that these aspiring people in their hospital can be admitted to university, study in medical school, and become a better doctor.

"President Zhan is such a nice guy. He agreed to sign the document without hesitation and even encouraged me to take the college entrance exam."

“… I’m just afraid I won’t pass the exam.”

"Don't be so unmotivated. If you can't pass this year, there's always next year."

Zeng Jiang and several other barefoot doctors in the village also wanted to enter medical school and followed the storm of learning.

Dr. He’s daughter Helan also signed up for the college entrance examination, and Zhan Aiping sent her the college entrance examination review materials.

Doctor He was in the ward, with nothing to do, so he looked through the college entrance examination review materials compiled by Zhan Aiping. He commented: "The materials you compiled are good, but the handwriting is a bit immature."

Zhan Aiping didn't say anything and didn't say that this was Xiao Guobao's handwriting.


It was December of 1978, and the college entrance examination was approaching. This year, more than five million people signed up for the exam. Xiao Tangyuan and other children were looking forward to its arrival.

Because they have holidays during the college entrance examination!

For primary school students, is there anything happier than having a holiday

Xiao Tangyuan and Lu Cheng are in the second grade, and Xiao Guobao is in the third grade. It is December and New Year's Day is approaching, and Xiao Tangyuan's class is still rehearsing for the New Year's Day art performance. Xiao Tangyuan is the class monitor and also the lead dancer of her class's art performance.

The cultural program of Xiao Tangyuan's class was classical dance. They invited Zhou Yu, a dance teacher from the Municipal Children's Cultural Palace, to rehearse. At this time, they had been rehearsing the dance for several days.

For an elementary school student who is not so keen on studying, participating in the New Year's Day cultural performance is a great joy. He often has two or three classes to rehearse dances without having to attend classes.

Little Tangyuan has a high talent for dancing and Teacher Zhou can understand it quickly. Zhou Yu originally thought that since it was a dance for elementary school students, it didn't need to be too complicated. But she met such a great treasure like Little Tangyuan, so she made many adjustments and increased the difficulty of the lead dance moves.

Zhan Aiping has been obsessed with hair-doing these days. Her hair-doing skills are getting better and better. While her daughter was dancing classical dance, she collected many classical buns and practiced with a wig for a few days. She wanted to do a flying fairy bun for her daughter.

Little Tangyuan sat for most of the day, waiting for her mother to comb her hair. Zhan Aiping then changed her into a pale blue dance costume with a fairy-like shawl around her neck.

Zhan Aiping put a touch of red on her daughter's forehead, kissed her little face, and watched her dance in the yard to the beat.

Little Tangyuan's gait is light and her dancing posture is extremely beautiful. As her mother, Zhan Aiping can't think of any other adjectives to describe her. There are only eight words that come to her mind: as graceful as a startled swan and as graceful as a swimming dragon.

Comrade Xiao Zhan feels that his daughter is like the flying fairy in the Dunhuang murals.

On New Year's Day, little Tangyuan, the lead dancer, will dance on a big drum.

"Yuanyuan, be good and don't move. Mommy will take a picture of you."

Little Tangyuan happily took photos as her mother asked. After taking the photos, she showed off: "Mom, am I really pretty? Am I a fairy?"

Zhan Aiping couldn't help laughing, "Yes, yes, my daughter is the prettiest."

When this little girl doesn't speak, she really looks like a quiet lady in a painting of court ladies. But as soon as she opens her mouth, she becomes lively and jumps around, turning into a sword-wielding heroine in a martial arts novel.

Gu Xiangyi took some time out from writing the topic to take a look at the mother and daughter. The more he looked, the more envious he became. "I want a daughter, too. I want a daughter, I want a daughter..."

Zhan Mingzhao touched his hair which had lost a lot of weight recently. His mind was now full of math problems.

He didn't want to do math problems, he just wanted to raise a child, he didn't want to do problems anymore.

Teacher Zhou from the Children's Palace went to Gu's house today. After watching Tangyuan dancing, he couldn't help but say to Zhan Aiping, "Your child has a high talent for dancing. Let her learn dancing from me."

"Learn to dance? I have to ask my child's opinion." Zhan Aiping was extremely excited. She, a mother who had no artistic talent at all, actually had a daughter with extremely high dancing talent.

Will her daughter take the entrance exam for the military art academy and become a student with specialty in dance

After Teacher Zhou left, Zhan Aiping asked her daughter Tangyuan alone, "Yuanyuan, do you want to learn dancing, become a dance specialty student, and apply to an art university?"

Zhan Aiping thought her daughter would happily agree. After all, her little girl really didn't like studying and avoided doing homework. If she became a dance specialty student, there would be fewer requirements for academic performance, and she would have to practice dance hard on weekdays.

"Mom..." Looking at his mother, Xiao Tangyuan hesitated and shook his head, "Mom, I like dancing, but-"

Zhan Aiping squatted down and touched her head: "What's wrong?"

"I want to go to the Military Medical University." Little Tangyuan whispered, "Just like my mother."

After she finished speaking, her eyes lit up. She looked up and glanced at Zhan Aiping, then lowered her head shyly.

"Really?" Zhan Aiping was extremely surprised, with a faint smile on her face, "Just like mom?"

"Of course." The little girl started to brag. She was no longer shy and said confidently, "I love my mother's little glutinous rice dumpling the most!"

Zhan Aiping smiled: "I just tell my mother sweet words."

"If you want to be a military doctor, you don't have to apply to a military medical university. You can study at a medical university and then join the army."

Little Tangyuan was stunned for a moment, "Really?"


Little Tangyuan said, "Then I want to go to military school."

She also wanted to wear a military uniform and hold a gun.

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "You can study at the Military Art School."

Little Tangyuan: “…”

"But I want to be like my mother!" The little girl stamped her feet. She looked at her mother and thought, do you understand

Zhan Aiping asked her, "How does it look like mom? Mom is no longer a military doctor."

"Just like in the photo... Mommy is so pretty."


Zhan Aiping was stunned and guessed that maybe Gu Sheng showed his daughter some photos. This guy always secretly hid many ugly photos of her.

She held her daughter, unlocked the door, opened a drawer, and looked at old photos.

As a person with an idol complex, she put some of her favorite photos in a notebook. For example, when she was young, there were not only ugly photos, but also many handsome photos in military uniforms.

Zhan Aiping took out several photos and showed them off in front of her daughter. In the photos, she was wearing a military uniform, with short hair, young and handsome... She picked up a group photo and suddenly felt that she stood out in the class photo.

It was all because of the ugly photos in Gu Sheng's hands that Zhan Aiping used to think that she was not very pretty. In fact, she was good-looking, but she didn't realize it at the time.

Little Tangyuan recognized his mother in the crowd at a glance: "This is my mother! My mother is so beautiful!"

With a smile in Zhan Aiping's eyes, she thought narcissistically: It is very beautiful.

Comrade Xiao Zhan thought he was so handsome at that time. If he were a man, he would want to marry him! !

Little Tangyuan was very excited. She picked up a photo in one hand and looked at the left and then the right.

She looked down again, and suddenly she saw a familiar yet unfamiliar figure. Little Tangyuan said in surprise: "Dad is here!"


"Is this daddy?" Little Tangyuan asked hesitantly.

She seemed to have seen a photo of her parents!

Zhan Aiping picked up the photo, which showed her, who was 17 years old, and Gu Sheng, who was 19 years old. They looked very disheveled, wearing military uniforms and lying on the grass. There was mud on their clothes and faces, but their eyes were bright and shining.

This is the photo that was stolen by Zhan Aija. It is a group photo of them when they participated in the competition.

"It's Dad."

Little Tangyuan suddenly became very excited, even more excited than her own mother: "It's Daddy!!!!!"

"He looks so young."

"Mom, did you have a fight? Did you smear mud all over his face?"

Zhan Aiping: “???!!”

"No, I'm your father's great benefactor. Humph, without me, he wouldn't have won the award."

Although she really wanted to trample him into the mud at that time.

Little Tangyuan asked: "So he will marry you?"

Comrade Yuanyuan is very curious about her parents' past love.

Zhan Aiping: "That was something your father had planned for a long time."

"Mom, tell me, tell me."

Zhan Aiping blushed: "What are you talking about? There's nothing to say."

“Mom…” Little Tangyuan hugged her mother and acted coquettishly. She really wanted to hear about her mother’s past.

Zhan Aiping said: "Your father was very weak at that time and couldn't beat me."

Little Tangyuan looked at her with suspicion, and both of his eyes said: I don’t believe it.

Zhan Aiping: “…”

"If you don't believe me, mom won't tell you. Ask your dad."

Little Tangyuan finished looking at the photos with great interest. If her mother had not prohibited her, she really wanted to keep the photos privately and look at them secretly. Knowing her parents' past love made her feel warm and sweet, and she had an innocent and pure yearning for her parents' love.


As the day of the college entrance examination drew closer, Zhan Mingzhao and his wife did not suffer from insomnia. Instead, Zhan Aiping tossed and turned at night, unable to sleep. She was filled with emotion, thinking about her younger brother who had passed away young and was going to enter college, thinking about the children she had delivered in the town, thinking about the college entrance examination that would change the fate of countless people... thinking about her rebirth, which also brought countless new lives.

Gu Sheng held her in his arms: "My little sister and brother-in-law eat and sleep well all day long, taking turns sleeping like dead pigs... Wife, why can't you sleep? If you don't know, you might think you are taking the college entrance examination."

Zhan Mingzhao and Gu Xiangyi are indeed fat and cheerful. The closer they get to the exam, the better their mood becomes and they are cheerful all day long.

"I'm thinking about something." Zhan Aiping turned around and moved closer to Gu Sheng's arms: "Dad must remember to watch his daughter's performance on New Year's Day."

"Remember, remember, you forgot, this is a primary school for children, we should send representatives to watch the children's performance, I want to be the representative."

"Are you sure?"

"I promise, my name will definitely be on the list." Gu Sheng hugged his wife and chuckled, "You watch it at home every day, and you haven't gotten tired of it yet. My daughter has danced so many times."

"How can this be the same? That's our daughter dancing on the stage!"

Gu Sheng assured: "I will definitely clap the loudest then!"

Zhan Aiping breathed a sigh of relief. "Teacher Zhou from the Cultural Palace said that our daughter has a talent for dancing. If she works harder, it won't be a problem for her to become a student with dance expertise."


Zhan Aiping continued, "My daughter said she didn't want to be a dance major, she wanted to apply to the Military Medical University."

Gu Sheng gently rubbed her face with his fingertips: "What do you think?"

Zhan Aiping: "What else can I think? Of depends on whether she can pass the exam."

Gu Sheng laughed: "If Yuanyuan gets into university, then our mother and brother must have put in a lot of effort. If she fails, let her become a dance specialty student."

Zhan Aiping nodded: "Grasp both hands, that's what I mean."

"Would you rather have a daughter who is a military doctor or a daughter who is a dancer?"

Zhan Aiping sighed: "You are holding two axes and asking me, do you want this golden axe or this golden axe?"

"They're all golden axes, how can I choose?"

Gu Sheng kissed her on the forehead: "Then let her make her own choice."

"It's up to her."

Zhan Aiping still plans to let her daughter learn dance as a hobby, as she happens to like it.

Little Tangyuan practiced dancing in the yard every day. Zhan Aiping also wanted to dance with her, but her hands and feet were not coordinated enough and were too stiff.

Little Tangyuan was helpless: "Mom, fast when it's fast, slow when it's slow, you're not boxing, just follow the beat."

Zhan Aiping supported her chin with her hand: "..."

It’s obvious that both she and her daughter are tone-deaf, so how come little Tangyuan can keep the rhythm

Lu Cheng also participated in the cultural performance. The girls danced, and the boys were the background. Others played drums, and he also performed a few backflips.

When Xiao Tangyuan and he had nothing to do, they would compete in handstands and backflips. It was fine for the two of them to compete in handstands, and see who could stand the longest, but the backflips...

Zhan Aiping watched the two of them doing backflips outside the yard—

I always feel like I have accidentally entered the Shaolin Temple.

Zhan Aiping: "It makes me dizzy."

The sweet and sour pork was very envious and he wanted to secretly flip a few, but no matter how he jumped, he just jumped around in the same place.

Zhan Aiping watched her son jumping around without saying a word. She suddenly wanted Gu Sheng to turn over a few for her.

Captain Gu refused: "I'm not an acrobatic troupe."

Zhan Aiping sighed: "I know you are old, it's not easy."

"Provocation doesn't work on me."

It was still somewhat useful. He quickly flipped through a few pages and showed them to his wife, which shocked Captain Luo who was going out next door.

Captain Luo: “…”

You are young, you show off.

Not only do the children flip through the books every day, but the adults also follow suit.

I know that your wife is a doctor. She used to be a military doctor. She is good at orthopedics. If you sprain your back, your wife will save you.

Head Luo complained to Zhang Lirong: "Old Gu is getting old, but he still thinks he is young."

Zhang Lirong was worried about something else: "What instrument do you think our Jinbao should learn?"

"How about learning a few backflips too?" Zhang Lirong also wanted her son to go on stage.

Captain Luo: "... He has to be able to turn it over."


The day of college entrance examination arrived, and Zhan Mingzhao and his wife went to take the exam. The entire Gu family mobilized and sent them to the examination room together. They were lucky enough to be assigned to the same school's examination room, and they did not have to be divided into two groups.

Gu Xiangyi and he both wore red shorts inside. This was Gu Xiaomei's request! Red, festive! Not only were their red shorts festive, the examination room was also decorated in a festive way, with banners hanging everywhere and various slogans of encouragement, which made people's blood boil.

Although the examination room was decorated festively, most of the examinees wore clothes in colors such as blue, gray, and black, mostly gray and blue, with perhaps a few wearing red shorts.

Zhan Mingzhao: “…”

The entire Gu family came to see them off to the examination room, it was an extremely grand affair. Xiao Guobao, Xiao Tangyuan and Lu Cheng stood in a row, raised their hands, and made numbers in front of them. Xiao Tangyuan was 1, Guobaorou and Lu Cheng had two 0s, and the three of them made a "100" gesture.

Gu Xiangyi: “…”

Zhan Aiping was holding little Doubao in her arms, and little Doubao was holding a small flag with the words "Victory" in its hand.

If I fail the exam, I will feel so sorry for my sister and brother-in-law's family.

(End of this chapter)