Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 141: Brother Gu


After finishing the last exam of the college entrance examination, Zhan Mingzhao walked out of the examination room. He felt that the sky was exceptionally blue, the clouds in the sky were exceptionally beautiful, and the air around him was filled with freedom and sweet fragrance.

As soon as he came out of the examination room, he couldn't stop laughing, which attracted many young women nearby to look at him. Some of the bolder ones came over to talk to him, "What's your name? Which commune are you from? How did you do in the exam? Let's discuss a question..."

"Young man, you look young, are you an educated youth who just went to the countryside? Do you want to join the gathering of educated youth in our commune? If we are admitted to university at the same time, we can..."

Faced with such a situation, Zhan Mingzhao was already at ease. He rejected them one by one, hinting that he was already married and had a child.

Zhan Mingzhao stood under the tree waiting for Gu Xiangyi, but Gu Xiangyi caught a glimpse of him first. Gu Xiangyi came over and stepped on him, "What's wrong? So many female educated youths are surrounding you? You look so happy."

"Wife." Zhan Mingzhao smiled. He was very attractive when he smiled. "I'm really happy. After today, I won't have to look at my sister's review materials anymore."

“I don’t do math anymore.”

It's hard not to laugh.

"You look so silly!" Gu Xiangyi took his hand and went back. After the exam, she felt particularly relaxed. The two of them floated back lightly, checking answers all the way.

When they returned to the Gu family, Gu Sheng and his wife had already prepared food for them. Gu Xiangyi was so busy eating that she didn't even have time to take care of her son.

After finishing his meal, Gu Xiangyi wiped his mouth and said, "If I really get into college and go to another place to study, I won't be able to enjoy my brother's cooking."

"it's a pity!"

Zhan Aiping suggested: "Then prepare for the exam for another year and eat as much as you can."

"No, absolutely not!" Gu Xiangyi shook her head: "Before taking the exam, I felt that my chances of getting into university were very low, but this test paper - the more I do it, the more confident I become. Sister-in-law, you are really amazing. The questions you set are much more difficult than this test paper."

"I was thinking as I was writing, it's actually so simple hahahaha."

Zhan Mingzhao nodded: "I heard people chatting when I came out. They said it was difficult, so I didn't say anything."

Gu Xiangyi: "In my exam room, many people haven't finished most of their math papers yet."

Zhan Aiping nodded: "I hope both of you can get into college!"

Zhan Mingzhao and Gu Xiangyi both applied to schools in the capital, Gu Xiangyi to the Medical College and Zhan Mingzhao to the Capital University of Foreign Languages. If both of them were admitted, they could just take their children to school.

Everyone in the family compound knew that Captain Gu’s sister and brother-in-law had taken the college entrance examination. After the exam, they all came to inquire about the situation, asking them what the exam results were like and whether they had a chance of getting into college.

Director Li said: "The review materials Xiao Zhan prepared are good. Although I didn't understand them, I learned a lot."

Someone else teased, "You are so old, do you want to go to college? Let your fourth child go."

King Kong's mother felt uncomfortable: "Is he going to take the college entrance examination again? Can he pass it? Why is he going to take the college entrance examination again..."

Unlike others who are overjoyed, King Kong Mom doesn't like the resumption of the college entrance examination. If it is resumed, all college students will have to take the exam. Should we be based on grades? What's the point? It's better to be based on recommendation as before.

Thinking about the duck egg results that her King Kong brought back, King Kong's mother felt a tightness in her heart.

"His brothers and sisters can get into college? There are so many people taking the exam. The college entrance examination also takes into account one's class background..."

Director Li said, "King Kong's mother, you should go back and tell your King Kong to study hard and stop bringing back salted duck eggs."

"It's different now than before. It's not honorable to get a score of zero."

As soon as Director Li said this, the other sisters-in-law all laughed.

Shen Liqing and her cousin Zeng Jiang and Xue Xiaomei came to Gu's house. Zeng Jiang and his wife hurriedly checked with Zhan Mingzhao and his wife.

The couple felt more and more disappointed. Zeng Jiang was worried: "It's over."

Zeng Jiang hit his head with a book. He was confused. How come he didn't know anything as soon as he entered the examination room

"What if I don't get into the school I chose..."

Xue Xiaomei was also anxious: "Don't worry, why don't we take the exam again next year."

Zeng Jiang bit his lower lip: "I only have one last chance."

Zeng Jiang took the college entrance examination this time with a pledge. He promised the Xue family that if he failed to get into university after taking the college entrance examination twice, he would stay in the countryside honestly and be a farmer with Xue Xiaomei for the rest of his life, and would no longer think about the college entrance examination.

When he first went to the countryside as an educated youth, Zeng Jiang had already given up the hope of going to university. He was determined to stay in the countryside. But now everyone is returning to the city and more people are hoping to go to university. For him to stay in the village, alas... he is really miserable.

Shen Liqing advised him: "If you fail the exam this year, you will have another chance next year."

"I promised the Xue family, just twice."

Zhan Aiping asked curiously, "What if Xue Xiaomei passed the exam and you didn't? How many more times do you have?"

The Xue family was afraid that if Zeng Jiang was admitted to university, he would abandon his wife and children and leave Xue Xiaomei in the countryside, so they restricted him from taking the university entrance exam.

But what if Xue Xiaomei was admitted to university but Zeng Jiang failed

Will the Xue family still stop Zeng Jiang from taking the college entrance examination

Zeng Jiang and Xue Xiaomei were stunned, "Ah?!"

Neither of them had ever considered that this was a possibility.

Zeng Jiang was an educated youth who went to the countryside, while Xue Xiaomei was just an ordinary rural woman with little education. If Zeng Jiang couldn't get into university, how could Xue Xiaomei get into university

Zhan Aiping said: "Xue Xiaomei has a strong learning ability... When it comes to college entrance exams, sometimes you need a little luck and the ability to perform well on the spot."

"Tsang Jiang, you made several careless mistakes."

Zeng Jiang made a bitter face: "I am under great psychological pressure... Yes, I am in a bad state of mind."

He had signed a military order and only had two chances. If he failed, he would never be able to take the college entrance examination in his life, unless he was a treacherous man.

Under such pressure, Zeng Jiang was inevitably in a state of panic.

Xue Xiaomei looked confused: "I... I got into college?"

Zeng Jiang's eyes lit up: "Yes! Little sister, you got into college!"

Zhan Aiping's words suddenly gave Zeng Jiang a guiding light. It didn't matter even if he and Xue Xiaomei failed to get into university this year. He and Xue Xiaomei could take the exam again next year. As long as either of them passed, the problem would be solved perfectly.

Even if we make the worst plan! The second year, they both failed to get into college. There is still a third year. By then, he cannot take the college entrance examination, but Xue Xiaomei can. As long as Xue Xiaomei is admitted to college, will the Xue family stop him from taking the college entrance examination

The more Zeng Jiang thought about it, the more relaxed he felt. Yes, there is always a way out. He still has a chance, many chances.

Zeng Jiang thanked Zhan Aiping: "It is you, Dean Zhan, who sees clearly and enlightens me. Otherwise, I would still be regretting and afraid, dwelling on this dead end."

Zeng Jiang is very grateful to Zhan Aiping.

Zhan Aiping shook her head and smiled, "You reap what you sow. Thanks to your careful teaching of my younger sister, I think she has learned very well. She can't do the difficult questions, but she is not careless about the basic questions."

Zeng Jiang smiled and scratched his head.

Xue Xiaomei tugged at her clothes. She felt a little embarrassed by Zhan Aiping's praise. Zhan Aiping's praise gave her great confidence. She nodded and said, "I will study hard next year if I fail the exam this year."

Shen Liqing, who was standing by, saw that they were all excited about studying, and she also became excited, "Xiao Zhan, do you think I should take the college entrance examination?"

Zhan Aiping said: "As long as you are willing, you can of course sign up for next year's college entrance examination."

Several people chatted happily. In order to thank Zhan Aiping for enlightening him, Zeng Jiang even sent a chicken to her house to express his gratitude.

Zhan Aiping said: "With just these words, I got a chicken."

Little Tangyuan flatters: "My mother's words are worth a thousand gold!"

"I'll kill a chicken for you tonight."

After the tense college entrance examination, there will be the New Year's Day cultural performance. The college entrance examination admission notices will not arrive until after the New Year. Those who are waiting for the results cannot be anxious.

We are about to enter the year 1978.

Because her daughter was going to perform, Zhan Aiping got up early and went to school with her daughter. Zhan Mingzhao also went with her. The two siblings helped the students in Xiao Tangyuan's class with their hair and makeup.

Gu Xiangyi was holding Xiao Doubao and watching the fun with Xiao Mianhua.

"Monitor, your mother is so beautiful!"

"The monitor's mother is so beautiful!"

Zhan Aiping was happy when she heard the primary school students around her praising her beauty. She thought that children are so adorable. They have all mastered the skill of sweet talk and have such sweet mouths.

Little Mianhua standing next to her aunt is also very eye-catching. She looks like a snow doll carved out of gold and jade, with a soft and cute appearance. Her facial features are not as delicate as her sister's, but when these features are combined together, she has a natural cuteness, especially when she smiles, making people want to pamper her.

Several sisters-in-law told Zhan Aiping: "We want to steal your daughter back!"

After helping the children dress up, Zhan Aiping felt relaxed. She held Xiao Mianhua in her arms, picked up the camera, and went to the front of the stage with Zhan Mingzhao and his wife to wait for the next performance. Xiao Tangyuan's performance was the fifth.

"Dad!" Little Cotton hugged her mother's neck and accurately recognized her father in the crowd.

Zhan Aiping looked back and saw Gu Sheng in military uniform in the crowd. He was looking at her and her daughter.

"Our little Cotton has very sharp eyes. He recognized his dad." Zhan Aiping waved to him.

Gu Sheng was sitting in the representative seat in the front rows, where he could perfectly appreciate his daughter's dancing. Zhan Aiping could only take pictures from the side with the camera, but she planned to go to the middle later to take a front-facing picture of the child.

Gao Jingmei stood beside her, with her, Zhan Aiping was speechless when she saw her: "Why are you squeezing in with me when you're not sitting in the representative's seat?"

Gao Jingmei shook the camera in her hand: "Aren't you going to take a picture of your son?"

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Gao Jingmei's photography skills are not just bad, but extremely bad. To use the words of later generations, it is shooting from a straight male angle.

She took a lot of ugly photos of her son. If Lu Cheng wasn't so handsome, he would have become ugly under his mother's hands.

Exactly the same as her mother Ai Feihong.

Zhan Aiping said: "Take good pictures of your son."

Don took some weird photos of her daughter.

Gao Jingmei said confidently and generously: "I'll take a few photos for your daughter too!"

Zhan Aiping: “…”

The camera was in someone else's hands and she couldn't stop it.

Her own photography skills were not very good, so her real hope lay with her younger brother, Zhan Mingzhao, who had made movies and was said to have learned photography from a photographer.

Zhan Mingzhao held the camera and waved to Zhan Aiping.

Zhan Aiping reminded him: "Take a nice picture of Yuanyuan!"

"rest assured."

Gao Jingmei followed up and said, "Take a nice picture of my son, too."

Zhan Mingzhao: “All of them!”

The show in Xiao Tangyuan's class began. Zhan Aiping looked at her daughter's graceful dance and the amazing applause from the audience, and the pride and satisfaction in her heart were incomparable.

"Whose little girl is that dancing on the drum?"

“She’s so pretty!”

"Then I know her, the daughter of the Gu family, Gu Sheng's eldest daughter..."

Gu Sheng sat in the middle, surrounded by four men. Old Zhang on the left pulled his hand and whispered to him, "How about we become in-laws? Arrange an engagement for the children."

Gu Sheng refused, "The child is still young, I don't want to arrange a baby marriage."

The man in front turned around and said, "How about you consider my son?"

The man behind him stretched his head and said, "Your son is nothing. If you want to be my son, then he is still my son..."

"Xiao Gu has two daughters, so I think my brother is the best match for her."

"What good things are you thinking of?"

Gu Sheng rejected them all with a cold face. Then he played whack-a-mole and rejected every one of them.

Gao Jingmei nudged Zhan Aiping with her elbow and said, "Look at your man. He's so popular. You don't even watch this show anymore. You just talk to him."

Zhan Aiping couldn't help laughing when she saw the scene. She went to find the political commissar and asked him to maintain order at the scene.

Political Commissar Wu came out and scolded them: "Look at you guys, you are already quite old, but you are eyeing the father of a little girl. Are you so short of a daughter-in-law?"

“It’s missing!”

When the performance was over, little Tangyuan excitedly rushed to her parents. She jumped up and down with a very happy expression, "Mom and Dad, do I look good? Do you think my dance is good?"

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "It looks good. It looks great."

Didn’t you see that your father has become such a popular person

"Let's stand over there and take a picture later. Yuanyuan, your program won first prize. You and your classmates take pictures holding the certificate first, and then our family will take pictures holding the certificate alone. Yuanyuan, holding the certificate, stand in the middle."

The Gu family took photos, and more and more people came. At first, it was Gu Sheng and his wife with their children, and then Zhan Mingzhao and his wife, Gao Jingmei and her children joined in, Shen Liqing also came over, and several teachers also said they wanted to take photos...

—Click, click.

The photos from several cameras had not been developed, and Zhan Aiping was particularly curious about the contents of Gao Jingmei's camera.

But Gao Jingmei didn't let her see all of them. She only picked out a few photos of her daughter to show her.


"There's nothing I can do about it." Gao Jingmei sighed regretfully. She also wanted to show the photos openly, but her own son didn't want to.

This child is shy.


The Chinese New Year is approaching, and Brother Gu said he would come over and bring Zeng Xue with him. He did not call to inform them, but solemnly sent a telegram to his younger brother Gu Sheng.

The format of the telegram was very serious, but the content...

Zhan Aiping couldn't help laughing while holding the telegram: "This elder brother is interesting. You said that it would be enough to just make a phone call, but he sent a telegram."

"He also solemnly informed us that he was going to get married."

(End of this chapter)