Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 143: carpenter


After Gu Xiangyi received the admission letter, at the same time, in Zhongcun, Uncle Xue was carrying a load and walking back. He stopped to rest halfway. He put down his straw hat, wiped his face with a towel, and then started smoking a pipe.

After a while, he heard the sound of gongs and drums. Uncle Xue didn't take it seriously. Unexpectedly, someone shouted to him, "Uncle Xue, there is a happy event in your family!"

Grandpa Xue's heartbeat slowed down and his face did not look very good. He had a not-so-nice guess, could it be that his son-in-law Zeng Jiang was admitted to university

Well, those educated youth are doing evil things, doing evil things, and they are so eager to go back to the city.

Although they all want to go to university, Uncle Xue doesn't want his son-in-law to go to university. Zeng Jiang has already married his daughter Xue Xiaomei, so he should live a peaceful life in the countryside. Why is he still thinking about all those trivial things

The educated people were heartless. Many of the educated youth who returned to the city got married and had children here. Many of them were married to other educated youths. They were called married, but in fact they just had a wedding banquet. They were still single in the household registration because they were afraid that marriage would affect their return to the city. So two educated youths lived together. They had children but did not get a marriage certificate.

At that time, most country folk did not get married with a marriage certificate, but only held a ceremony in the village. Therefore, it was considered normal for the educated youth to live as husband and wife in the countryside without a marriage certificate.

Later, when they had the opportunity to return to the city, the couple found a way to go back. As for the child? They just left it there, as if they had never had the child. Without this past, many abandoned children were adopted by villagers.

There are couples who abandon their children, there are also those who abandon their wives and children, and there are those who abandon their husbands and children...

Uncle Xue has seen a lot, and he is worried. Zeng Jiang looks like a kind and righteous man, but what if he becomes a heartless person like other educated youth in order to return to the city and abandons his wife Xue Xiaomei in the countryside.

He went to study at a university outside and his heart changed.

Uncle Xue's face didn't look good: "What happy event could there be in my family?"

"Listen to the music and firecrackers over there! There's good news in your family. Someone has been admitted to university! Someone in your family has been admitted to university!"

"Old Xue, your son-in-law has been admitted to university!"

Many people came to congratulate Uncle Xue. Some came to congratulate him sincerely, while others came to laugh at him, wondering if Zeng Jiang would become a Chen Shimei after being admitted to university.

Uncle Xue looked unhappy and did not look kindly at the person who came over with a smile to deliver the notice.

Chen He, who came to deliver the notices, cried out "bad luck" when he saw this. These days, delivering notices is a job that everyone is vying for. People will be happy when you deliver them, and they will get red envelopes, or at least have a meal with good wine and meat.

As a result, when he saw Uncle Xue's expression, he understood something. Well, this is another case of family conflicts. Not only can he not have good food and drink, but he is also in trouble.

Chen He kept saying it was bad luck, but he said dutifully, "Is Xiaomei Xue here? Xiaomei Xue's admission letter has arrived."

"What? Little Sister Xue!"

Mr. Xue was stunned: "What? What did you say? Whose admission letter is it?"

"Xue Xiaomei's college admission letter. Who are you to Xue Xiaomei?"

"I'm her father!"

"Congratulations! Sister Xue was admitted to university!"

Grandpa Xue's eyes widened in disbelief: "My daughter got into college? You mean my daughter got into college?"

He has several sons and is a wealthy man in the village, but he has only one daughter, who married an educated youth. Now he says that his daughter can be admitted to university

It wasn't just Grandpa Xue who couldn't believe it. The whole village didn't believe it. It was okay for Xue Xiaomei's husband to be admitted to university, but Xue Xiaomei? She was a villager who was born and raised in the village. How could she be admitted to university? !

"-Oh my!" Uncle Xue's eyes turned red with excitement, "My family has a college student. It brings honor to our family. Our ancestral graves are smoking!"

"Come in and sit down quickly. We are going to kill two chickens today. Call her brother and sisters-in-law over!" Uncle Xue slapped his thigh and quickly sent people to buy wine, cigarettes and firecrackers.

Such a happy event must be celebrated properly.

—There’s a college student in their family!

"My little sister passed the exam?" Zeng Jiang and Xue Xiaomei came back and were very surprised when they saw Xue Xiaomei's admission letter. Xue Xiaomei was stunned: "I passed the exam?"

"I passed! How did you pass, little sister?"

Xue Xiaomei: "I just read the college entrance examination review materials that Dr. Zhan gave me..."

"Doctor Zhan? Is that Zhan Aiping from Yanxin Health Center? She also gave it to many barefoot doctors—"

The others heard this and took it to heart. There are many wax-engraved college entrance examination review materials on the market, and they are of mixed quality. When they heard the name Dr. Zhan, they would choose this one next time.

Gotta get Dr. Zhan’s review materials!

Who doesn’t want a college student in their family

When Xue Xiaomei was admitted to university, her sisters-in-law couldn't help but feel jealous. They were all rural girls, so how could she marry an educated youth and now be admitted to university

Being admitted to university is like changing one's destiny. As soon as you graduate, you will have a stable job and eat state-funded food. You don't have to earn work points in the village like they do.

Uncle Xue was smoking a cigarette, and he noticed what his daughters-in-law were thinking, so he quickly started to criticize them: "You idiots, isn't it worth being happy that your sister-in-law got into college? Your sister-in-law is already a college student, so why doesn't she take care of her nephews and nieces? Don't you want your sons and daughters to get into college?"

Yes! When the sisters-in-law of the Xue family heard this, they happily went to celebrate their sister-in-law’s admission to university.


Although Zhan Mingzhao's admission letter arrived late, it finally reached Zhan Mingzhao's hands. Zhan Mingzhao breathed a sigh of relief, "Finally, I don't have to worry anymore."

The news that Zhan Mingzhao was admitted to the Foreign Languages College spread to the staff quarters, and the entire quarters was in an uproar.

"Dr. Zhan's younger brother and sister were admitted to university. I heard that Dr. Zhan tutored both him and his wife in college."

"No wonder Dr. Zhan's son skipped a grade, always got first place in exams, and always got full marks in math."

King Kong's mother said, "What's wrong with a full score? A full score is just one fried dough stick and two eggs. Isn't it just one more fried dough stick and two more eggs than our King Kong?"

Others laughed at her: "They have golden eggs, and you have a stupid egg."

Mother King Kong: “…”

"Dr. Zhan is so amazing, all of her children will be college students in the future."

The family compound was in an uproar, both the Gu family and the Zhan family were in an uproar.

Gu Ze'an never expected that his daughter and son-in-law could both be admitted to universities in the capital. He said to Qin Ying, "Pingping is really amazing. She can even carve a piece of rotten wood."

Qin Ying: "How shameless of you to call your own daughter a piece of rotten wood."

Gu Ze'an: "Don't you know what your daughter was like before?"

Gu Ze'an said cheerfully: "I think our daughter-in-law Pingping must have been a carpenter in her previous life. She can smooth out any thorns with her hands, and as for carving a rotten wood, that's no problem at all."

Gu Ze'an even called and mocked Boss Gu: "Boss, look at how dedicated Pingping is. She brought all her brothers and sisters to college. You can't compare to her in this respect."

Boss Gu's face darkened: "..."

Now he gets scared when he hears the word "Ping".


"My son was admitted to Capital University of Foreign Studies, my own son was admitted to university?" When Zhan Bo learned the news, he was more than just shocked, he was simply confused.

This news came out of nowhere.

—Is this still his good-for-nothing eldest son, Zhan Mingzhao

After being confused, Zhan Bo was happy. No matter how Zhan Mingzhao got into university, he was admitted to university after all. "School of Foreign Languages, is our family going to have a diplomat?"

When he thought of this, Zhan Bo's complexion turned red. Diplomat! He was a diplomat, what a glory for his family.

Zhu Jiaorong smiled reluctantly: "You've just been admitted to university, and you're already thinking too far ahead to become a diplomat."

Zhu Jiaorong was nervous, she felt regretful and uncomfortable. She just gritted her teeth and swallowed her tears.

Zhan Mingzhao should not have been sent to the countryside in the first place. With his condition, he was sent to work as a laborer in the city and live a muddle-headed life.

Zhu Jiaorong secretly cursed Zhan Aijia's ungrateful daughter in her heart. Now that Zhan Aijia's daughter had become so arrogant that she didn't even take her, her own mother, seriously, and she had to be servile to please Zhan Aijia.

Zhan Aijia should be allowed to go to the countryside, marry a country man, and then cry and kneel down to beg her mother for help to return to the city.

Zhu Jiaorong was extremely angry. She wiped her tears and said, "Now you only care about your eldest son and ignore your youngest son. Our Xiaokang is still suffering in the countryside."

Zhanbo hesitated and said, "He was fine the last time I went there. His hands are more delicate than yours. He must have never suffered any hardship."

Zhu Jiaorong was choked by his straightforward words, "You have to find a way to get our son back to the city. He also wants to take the college entrance examination and go to university."

Zhan Bo said: "The countryside is where people can be trained. Why don't you let him join the army? It's easier to get into college in the army..."

Zhu Jiaorong wiped her tears. Military training was so hard. Her well-off family could not afford that.

Zhanbo and his wife called Zhan Mingkang, who said on the phone: "Well, I'm reviewing for the college entrance examination. Please send me some more money. I want to buy books and materials, and buy good materials for the college entrance examination review."

"Okay, okay, we'll give you more money. You need to study hard."

Zhan Mingkang hung up the phone with a clear conscience. Going to college? Only fools go to college? After passing the college entrance examination, you will be forced to find a job and go to work. That is not as comfortable as now.

Anyway, his biological father Zhanbo is rich and has a salary. Zhanbo sends him money, which is enough for him to spend in the countryside, and much more than what other people earn from work points.

Why should he suffer when he can get so much money without any effort

Zhan Mingkang plans to save some money as a dowry for Sister Yanyan, and then live with Sister Yanyan in the countryside.

Zhou Yanyan hesitated: "Brother Kang..."

She wanted to ask Zhan Mingkang when his parents would let him return to the city.


Zhan Mingzhao and his wife were preparing to pack up and go to college. They would have to stay in the capital for several years, and would only have free time during the winter and summer vacations. They didn't know where they would be assigned to work after graduation.

The future is vague, yet full of light.

When Gu Xiangyi was leaving, she was reluctant to leave. She hugged her sister-in-law and cried, "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, I can't bear to leave you. I don't want to go to college. I won't go..."

Gu Xiangyi cried her heart out. She had just left the protection of her parents and came to her brother and sister-in-law's house. She watched Zhan Aiping become pregnant and the sweet and sour pork, glutinous rice balls, cotton balls and bean buns were born one by one. So many years had passed in a flash. She had deep feelings for this place and she was reluctant to leave.

Zhan Aiping wiped her tears: "Silly girl, just like a child, all good things must come to an end."

"Sister-in-law, wait for me to come back during winter and summer vacations."

"I often call me at my office."

Gu Sheng and Zhan Mingzhao stood aside, and seeing their sister-in-law crying together, they seemed to be a little calmer.

Zhan Mingzhao took the initiative to invite: "Brother-in-law, how about... we hug each other and cry?"

Gu Sheng: "Don't come here."

After seeing her younger brother and sister off, Zhan Aiping leaned on Gu Sheng, her expression inevitably sad. Although she did not cry, she felt very reluctant in her heart. She was too embarrassed to cry in front of her younger brother and sister-in-law.

Gu Sheng said: "If you want to cry, you can cry secretly in your bed at night. I won't laugh at you."

Zhan Aiping hit him with her elbow: "Why are you crying? It's not like we won't see each other anymore. We can take trains and planes now... If we have the chance, let's take a plane to visit our relatives."

Gu Sheng smiled and said, "Okay."

Not long after Zhan Mingzhao and his wife left, Director Zhou from the publishing house came to visit Zhan Aiping and invited her to participate in the writing of a set of elementary school mathematics tutoring books.

(End of this chapter)