Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 145: Fairy days


During the summer vacation, Gu Xiangyi and his wife came back for a few days. They didn't have much vacation time, so as soon as they came back, they went up the mountain to pick mushrooms like crazy. They really wanted to do this.

"If I don't eat some mushrooms here for a year, I feel like something is missing. Nothing else tastes the same."

"Yes, yes, sister-in-law, look, we got another big basket today."

Zhan Aiping was holding Xiao Doubao in the hospital and said, "You left your son behind and went up the mountain to dig mushrooms every day. Did you really miss your brother and sister-in-law when you came back? You just wanted to eat, right?"

I don’t usually get up early, but when digging mushrooms, I get up earlier than anyone else, and I’m full of energy, digging for most of the day.

"No, no." Gu Xiangyi waved her hand: "Sister-in-law, you don't understand. It always feels wrong without this."

Zhan Mingzhao smiled and said, "Sister, mixed mushroom soup is still the most delicious. If you add only one kind, it won't taste good. The more kinds of mushrooms, the better..."

He pointed to the large basket he had picked.

Zhan Aiping's mouth twitched: "You better watch carefully, don't eat so much that you end up in the hospital."

Zhan Mingzhao said: "Sister, don't worry, I have experience, which was taught by my brother-in-law in secret."

Zhan Aiping clicked her tongue and said, "Let's go get Doctor Zhao."

Gu Xiangyi said: "That's great. It's still safest to eat mushrooms in the hospital."

If you are accidentally poisoned, go directly to the hospital for emergency treatment, but be careful not to get the most poisonous kind.

They have been very careful, the probability of poisoning is extremely small.

Zhan Aiping covered the little bean bun's ears and said, "You are all so greedy. You are teaching the children bad habits."

Little Doubao turned his head and looked at his aunt Zhan Aiping seriously.

Gu Xiangyi: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, he can't be taught badly. I suspect he has been like my eldest brother since he was a child."

Zhan Aiping: "You really have confidence in your son. I hope you won't be exhausted when you tutor him in the future."

Zhan Mingzhao smiled and said, "Then leave it to his aunt."

"Dream on."

It’s great to have refrigerators and freezers now. You can prepare the mushrooms and store them in the refrigerator. You can have a convenient meal whenever you want. Many people who have refrigerators at home stock up on mushrooms as the first thing they do.

Zhan Aiping also stuffed some into the freezer.

If the freezer is not used to store mushrooms, what else can it be used for

No matter how delicious the food is, you will get sick of it if you eat too much. After Zhan Mingzhao and his wife had been eating like crazy for a few days, they calmed down and behaved themselves, but they started eating spicy and sour food crazily again.

"The chili over there isn't tasty at all. I have to bring two bottles of chili sauce next time."

"It smells like soy sauce. Let's get some mushroom sauce."

Zhan Aiping was truly amazed to see them eating as much as they could as soon as they came back. They went there to study, not to become food connoisseurs.

After finishing the meal, Zhan Mingzhao and his wife lazily lay down under a big tree in the hospital to take a nap. Zhan Mingzhao regained some of the feeling he had when he was hanging out in the village. "Yes, that's the taste."

The wind is cool with a hint of heat, making people feel lazy and comfortable.

Zhan Aiping looked at the couple's carefree appearance and couldn't help but recall a statement she seemed to have heard from somewhere: it is said that the closer to the tropics one is, the more likely people are to become lazy and slack.

Because the warmer the place, the easier it is to obtain food, crops can grow in all seasons, and seeds scattered randomly in the wild will grow vigorously, so a lot of food can be found.

The short summer vacation was spent in their overeating and laziness. Gu Xiangyi hugged his sister-in-law and cried as he went to college.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I will come back next year!"

Zhan Aiping's mouth twitched, and she thought, are you thinking about me or about Junzi

"Study hard, you two."


By the end of 1977 or 1988, sample books came out from the publishing house and were delivered to Zhan Aiping. Zhan Aiping gave the math exercise books to her son Guo Bao Rou, and also gave a set to Xiao Tangyuan and Lu Cheng.

Zhan Aiping urged: "Finish writing it again and see if you can find any mistakes or omissions."

She asked her smart classmate Youyou to be the tool to catch bugs and correct the mistakes again before the book was published. Zhan Aiping didn't want to mislead her students.

"Xiao Tangyuan and Lu Cheng should finish writing the few books they can write."

Little Tangyuan complained: "Where's my sister? Doesn't she have to write? I envy her so much!"

"Little Cotton is still young."

Lu Cheng listened to Zhan Aiping's words and started to do the math problems honestly. Seeing that Lu Cheng had turned against him, Xiao Tangyuan had no choice but to do the math problems honestly as well.

Little Cotton watched her brothers and sisters doing math happily. She took a small fruit and took a bite.

Zhan Aiping held her daughter in her arms, took out some dates, and tried to teach her to recognize numbers, learn basic addition and subtraction, and memorize the multiplication table.

Little Cotton was very proud: "Mom, I know one plus one equals two, two plus two equals four, and three plus three equals six!"

"Well, our little Mianhua is very good." Zhan Aiping touched her head: "But you can't always just know that one plus one equals two. We have to learn more."

Little fool, you can't have all the same tricks.

Little Cotton: “?”

Zhan Aiping asked her to count carefully again, but Little Mianhua counted in a mess. She must have learned to count in kindergarten, when all the children counted together. But when she counted by herself, she always shortchanged and missed one if she was not careful.

Addition and subtraction within 20 are a complete mess.

Zhan Aiping had long known that her little girl, Mianhua, had no talent for mathematics, so she didn't ask her to be as good as her brother, let alone her sister. She just wanted her to keep up with ordinary people.

The child is still young and there is no need to force her to learn. Zhan Aiping is just giving her some enlightenment.

Little Cotton said confidently: "Mom, I'm very good at math. I'm better than Little Fatty."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Don't compare yourself with others.

Zhan Aiping looked at her daughter dejectedly, thinking that the teacher had given her a red flower. She also went to Zhan Aiping to explain the situation, saying that Xiaomianhua was popular and every time she asked her to answer a question, someone would whisper the answer to her.

Zhan Aiping didn't know whether she should be glad that her daughter was popular, or worried that she would develop a habit of not thinking about anything, as people would always give her things.

Forget it, it’s just a kindergarten, there’s no need to push the child too hard. Zhan Aiping plans to let Xiaomianhua go to elementary school later.

Their little cotton girl has nothing else but confidence and good popularity.

Guo Bao Rou did all the math problems and found a few printing errors. Zhan Aiping gave feedback to the publishing house. After the publishing house makes some revisions, the set of books will be put into use in the first semester of the next year.

Zhan Mingzhao and Gu Xiangyi stayed in the north during the winter vacation. They said they would not come back in winter as they wanted to experience the northern scenery. In fact, they had never seen heavy snow, so they wanted to go to the northeast to visit their relatives.

Zhan Aiping was trembling as she listened to Gu Xiangyi's voice on the phone: "Sister-in-law, I'm freezing..."

Zhan Aiping thought to herself, you deserve it. I won't freeze you to death. "Who told you to visit your second brother in the summer and come to your sister-in-law in the winter?"

Gu Xiangyi: "I want to come back to eat mushrooms."

Zhan Aiping: "... You should also go over there and eat more stewed dishes."

"My second brother asked when you would come to visit relatives. Come and see the snow, sister-in-law. The kang is really warm to sleep on tonight."

Zhan Aiping: "I'm afraid of the cold."

In fact, she also wanted to see the heavy snow and experience the feeling of below zero temperatures.

In January 1979, the New Year's Day was very lively. It was also the first year after the economic opening up. Little Tangyuan and his friends performed again and prepared for the New Year in a lively manner.

However, this year was not very peaceful. Gu Sheng went to the front line. The next time Zhan Aiping saw him was in March in a military hospital in Chuncheng.

Zhan Aiping brought her three children to visit him. Gu Sheng was sitting on the hospital bed with a bandage on his head. He looked energetic, but pale. He was very happy to see Zhan Aiping and her children.

Zhan Aiping brought him some fruit and peeled a precious apple for him to eat, thankfully saying, "It's good that you're not dead, and you don't have any missing limbs or anything..."

"Wife, how can you talk like that?" Gu Sheng felt sweet in his mouth as he ate the precious apple peeled by his wife.

Zhan Aiping gently touched his face. There was some stubble on his chin, which was not shaved clean and slightly prickly. He lived very casually in this hospital and it was unknown how long he had not taken a shower. There was no need to ask.

Although he was wearing hospital gown and had a bandage on his head, looking a little shabby and haggard, he still exuded a wild masculinity, as if he was a battle wound.

"I'm missing an arm and a leg, so I'll take your mother and others back to my hometown to dig wild vegetables." Gu Sheng supported himself on the hospital bed, raised his finger and pointed at his mouth, indicating that he wanted to be fed.

Zhan Aiping fed him a small piece of apple and said, "We don't eat wild vegetables. We want to eat meat."

Little Tangyuan lay beside his father's bed and said, "Mom, I want to eat apples, too."

She saw that her father was eating so sweetly and deliciously.

Little Cotton said in a baby voice: "I want to eat too."

Pot-Boiled Pork said, "I want to eat it too."

Gu Sheng sighed: "They are just little gluttons. Can't they see that daddy is sick?"

"Give it to dad first." Zhan Aiping fed Gu Sheng an apple and peeled apples for each of her children. He washed the apple and ate the sweet and sour pork himself. Zhan Aiping peeled little rabbit apples for her two daughters.

When Gu Sheng saw the little rabbit, he was envious. He said pitifully, "Wife, I want to eat the little rabbit too."

Zhan Aiping raised her hand as if to check his head: "... Let me check to see if there is any damage to the brain."

Gu Sheng held his forehead and said, "Maybe a little. My mind has been confused recently and I can't remember some things clearly. I just remember that I wanted to eat the rabbit apples that my wife peeled."

Little Cotton said caringly, "Mom, give Dad the little rabbit to eat."

Little Tangyuan said, "Let's eat bananas."

The two sisters started eating bananas. In fact, they didn’t like apples, or rather, no one in their family liked apples.

Bananas are the only fruit that are least likely to taste sour. They are super delicious and sweet. Banana slices topped with the yogurt made by mom are truly a delicacy.

Gu Sheng: "What a thoughtful daughter, daughter-in-law, I want to eat bananas too."

After he said that, he blinked and looked at Zhan Aiping.

Zhan Aiping: “…” Are you still a baby

Although she didn't say it openly, Zhan Aiping still felt sorry for him. She simply went to get a plate and planned to make a beautiful fruit plate. She sliced bananas, put little rabbit apples on it, and fed Gu Sheng with a fork.

Lao Xie, a patient who shared the same room with Gu Sheng, came back. When he saw Gu Sheng's wife and children, his eyes almost widened. Not only did he have such a beautiful wife, but he also had two pretty and sweet daughters and a handsome son.

His beautiful wife is still feeding him fruits and his daughter is singing to her father - what a fucking magical day this is.

No wonder those beautiful nurses were so attentive to him and Old Xie thought he was just a hypocrite, but it turned out that he had a fairy at home.

Old Xie's envy was beyond words: "Old Gu, what kind of heavenly life do you lead on a daily basis?"

Gu Sheng said calmly: "Marrying a wife is a godly life for a doctor."

Old Xie said: "Those young nurses will be very sad."

It's so hard to meet such a handsome male officer, but he has a good relationship with his wife at home.

Zhan Aiping raised her eyebrows: "Flirting with other women?"

"I dare not do that." Gu Sheng said seriously: "Wife, you know that my family is henpecked."

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "I don't think you would dare."

Gu Sheng had a lot of free time while recovering from his injury, but he had something to tell Zhan Aiping in advance: "Wife, we may have to move, and it's quite far away."

(End of this chapter)