Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 149: Handkerchief


Zhan Aiping went to Yanxin Health Center to complete the final handover of her work. She was going to be a teacher at Guicheng Medical College soon. Dr. He recommended her, and Zhan Aiping agreed.

After a few years of campus teaching life, she will have to continue her studies when the graduate entrance examination is resumed. Now is a good time for her to read more books in school.

While others went into the sea to make money, the couple both switched careers and became teachers.

Zhan Aiping brought a lot of candies, cakes and fruits and distributed them to the hospital staff. Everyone was reluctant to leave.

"President Zhan, you really have to leave. I really don't want to let you go..."

Zhan Aiping said goodbye to everyone one by one. A little girl named Zheng Xuemei also came to see her with a few children. Zheng Xuemei was the little girl who gave birth prematurely that year. She had treated her when she first arrived. Now she is a primary school student wearing a red scarf.

Zheng Xuemei said: "Doctor Zhan, I can recite the recipe song, and I know hundreds of medicinal herbs. I want to be a doctor in the future."

"Okay." Zhan Aiping smiled and touched her head.

From 1971 to 1979, eight years have passed. Zhan Aiping looked at the hospital behind her. A new family building was built, a ward building was also built, and there was an operating room... The two rows of bungalows were still there. Children were playing in the yard surrounded by the two rows of bungalows and the family building. Someone had built a loofah rack in the flower bed in front of the door. There was also a small wooden pavilion in the yard for people to rest, and there were stone benches and stone tables on the side. After get off work on weekdays, many adults sat in front of the stone table to play cards, with a large group of people watching, and the children playing on the side.

It is always very lively in the evening when the sun sets. With the setting red sun shining, children are chasing and playing, or riding adults' bicycles or children's walkers, running around everywhere.

Little Tangyuan and his friends like to play hide-and-seek with their friends in the hospital, because there are so many places to hide...

There are too many scenes to recall in her mind, and Zhan Aiping really feels reluctant to leave.

"Director Zhan! Come and take pictures!" A row of neatly dressed young nurses kept calling Zhan Aiping over to take pictures. Everyone called out "Director Zhan". Zhan Aiping walked over with a smile and took many group photos.

After Dean Zhan Aiping left, the new dean was Dr. Zhao, the same dean who had been poisoned by mushrooms and wanted to leave.

—Who would have thought that he would eventually become the director of this hospital

Sometimes when thinking back on the past, President Zhao himself feels depressed: "One misstep can lead to eternal regret."

This unlucky dean who was poisoned by eating mushrooms on the day of the report will probably be recorded in the hospital's history forever and become a legendary figure that all new doctors hear about when they first enter the hospital.

Dr. Zhao, who had just become the dean, warned everyone: "Now that I am the dean, none of you can bring up this matter again."

The other young nurses and doctors all burst out laughing. Who would listen to his threats? They were just said in private, so who knew who said it

Doctor Zhao: “…”

Zhan Aiping said to Dr. Zhao: "From now on, this hospital will be handed over to you."

"Don't get poisoned again."


Xiao Tangyuan has been very busy recently, saying goodbye to many people. Even Jinbaoer from next door has said goodbye to her twice. Jinbao was really reluctant to part with her. When he heard that Xiao Tangyuan would no longer be his neighbor, he cried twice.

Zhang Lirong was very depressed, but she was obsessed with making money and didn't care about this for the time being.

Little Tangyuan said to Lu Cheng with great regret: "From now on, my position as squad leader will be yours."

She really couldn't bear to give up her career as a class monitor which was in full swing in the past. Now she wanted to give the position of class monitor to Lu Cheng, and her family's Zongzi would also have to be handed over to Lu Cheng's family to help raise.

There may not be a large compound like this to raise dogs in the future. Zhan Aiping thought about it and decided to leave this big wolfdog here. At least here, it can be free.

"The squad leader has given it to you, so don't fight with Zongzi."

Lu Cheng was speechless: "I won't fight with a dog."

Never before, never will.

Little Tangyuan said: "You didn't even beat Zongzi, but the squad leader is still yours, you made a profit."

Lu Cheng shook his head: "I won't be the squad leader, I will continue to be the labor committee member."

"Okay." Little Tangyuan thought that this guy was too obsessed with being the labor committee member supervising other people's work, while her brother Guobaorou was ambitiously planning to become the squad leader.

"You..." Lu Cheng looked at Xiao Tangyuan and knew that her family was moving away. He felt very reluctant, but after thinking about it, he did not say anything reluctant. Instead, he said, "My mother will go to your mother to play mahjong during the Chinese New Year in the future."

Little Tangyuan nodded: "I want to be a lucky charm for my mother."

There has to be a winner between the two mothers who graduated from the artillery school.

When they parted, they exchanged carefully prepared small gifts. Lu gave Xiao Tangyuan thirty small handkerchiefs embroidered with various patterns and colors, which shocked Xiao Tangyuan.

She blurted out: "So many!"

He has washed her handkerchief so many times.

This dirty little dumpling who never likes to wash his handkerchief.

Xiao Tangyuan felt a little embarrassed for having used his handkerchief for free for so many years. In fact, she wanted to say that she had become much more diligent now, and at least she only washed it once or twice, and she no longer used paper towels!

Little Tangyuan sighed: "Our gifts collided."

The gift that Comrade Yuanyuan prepared for her brother Chengzi was also small handkerchiefs, but the quantity was a little small, five small handkerchiefs. It seemed that she was being stingy.

Little Tangyuan said, "I'll give you the remaining twenty-five later."

Lu Cheng: “?!” What does he need so many handkerchiefs for

He still accepted the handkerchief given to him by little Tangyuan. He didn't know how many handkerchiefs this dirty little Tangyuan owed him.

The two exchanged handkerchiefs, and Xiao Tangyuan said happily: "I guess we are what the book calls handkerchief friends!"

Lu Cheng was puzzled: "Really?"

The little pot bun passing by: “?!!!!”

Where did these two people read the books


Compared to her brothers and sisters who had to say goodbye to many people, Little Mianhua was much more carefree. She had a lot of cute dolls. She hurriedly dragged a box and stuffed all the dolls into it.

Finally, she lay down in it herself, feeling very happy. Little Cotton felt that sleeping on the doll was much more comfortable than sleeping on the bed.

Finally, Zhan Aiping found her little daughter sleeping in the box, drooling so much that the legs of the little tiger doll were wet.

"Little Cotton?" Zhan Aiping gently woke her up.

"Mom?!" Little Mianhua opened her eyes and was stunned when she saw her mother in front of her.

This little guy has been sleeping for a long time.

Zhan Aiping wiped her little daughter's mouth and said, "I asked you to pack your things and put yourself in as well."

How come her own daughter can sleep so well? She’s just like her.

"Mom, I slept so comfortably, and I want so many dolls."

Zhan Aiping kissed her little face and said, "Clean it up well."

I bought a spring mattress later and slept more comfortably.


What Zhan Aiping found most difficult to deal with was the yard at home. It was ok to plant fruits and vegetables there... In the end, she decided to dig up the flowers and take them away. She dug the flowers out carefully, planted them in pots first, and then find a place to plant them in the ground later.

Prune the flowering branches, trim the leaves, trim the roots...

Gu Sheng squatted beside her and asked softly, "Do you like it so much?"

Zhan Aiping nodded.

Gu Sheng smiled and said, "I'm still busy now. When I'm old and retired, I'll plant flowers for you in the yard every day."

"It's a deal." Zhan Aiping looked at him and smiled: "When we get old, we want to live in a house with a big yard, with two floors, plant a lot of flowers in the yard, and have a dog."

After packing up their belongings, the family left the place where they had lived for more than eight years.

After traveling a long way, I saw many mountains, including rocky mountains that stood like stalagmites in all shapes and sizes. There were also many lakes and rivers, and I crossed many bridges. The river was very wide, and it was very beautiful at sunset. The red sun was reflected in the water, and my eyes were filled with sparkling waves like broken gold. The endless mountains in the distance were like an ink painting.

The buildings are not high. From a distance, it looks like an ancient painting town. When you look up, you can see the distant mountains. The mountains, water and buildings are combined together, and the scenery is full of green mountains and verdant green.

There are many people fishing by the river, and there are cruise ships taking tourists across the river, which is very comfortable and leisurely.

When she arrived at the place, Zhan Aiping felt like she was surrounded by a scenic spot, with scenery everywhere.

(End of this chapter)