Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 17: Good day


He Mingzhang and his mother got nothing at the wedding banquet, and they were as anxious as ants on a hot pot. He Mingzhang hoped that Zhan Aiping's marriage was fake, and she was still thinking about him in her heart. Maybe when she woke up the next day, she would regret it and come to him...

Who would have known that the person who came to the door the next day was not Zhan Aiping, but Old Lady Qin, the widow's mother-in-law.

Old Lady Qin brought a group of people with her, "Smash it! Smash it!"

The group of people behind her rushed forward and started to smash and destroy the He family's house. Zhou Jiacui screamed, "What are you doing? You can't mess around!"

He Mingzhang stepped forward to stop her, but Old Lady Qin spat on his face and hit him with her cane. He Mingzhang was knocked to the ground by the old lady without noticing. He was thinking about how to get away, "Old Lady, I am sorry for your family. What compensation do you want—"

Old Mrs. Qin aimed at the spot and gave him a kick that would cut off his offspring. She stepped on him with all her strength. She was the one whose half body was in the coffin. Her son was gone, and her grandson was someone else's. What was the point of her living

Just die together with him!

This bastard, it would be a relief for him to just die!

"Tianci? I'll let you stab it the fucking way." Old Lady Qin stepped on the thing, pulled out a knife from her sleeve, and stabbed it accurately.

"Ah!!!!" He Mingzhang screamed like a pig being slaughtered, and a pool of blood soaked his pants.

When Zhou Jiacui saw that scene, she fainted.


A few days later, Zhan Aiping learned about the "tragedy" that happened in the He family. He Mingzhang was not dead, but the old lady had disabled him. The thing was useless. It was said that half of it fell off when it was carried to the hospital. Many people in the yard saw it.

When this incident happened, all the men around felt tense, but many widows felt a lot quieter around them. There were fewer gossips about men, and even fewer people dared to harass widows, for they were afraid that another cruel and reckless mother-in-law would follow their example.

Old Mrs. Qin is old, and even if she goes to jail, she will spend her remaining years in prison. What's more, there is a reason for it. He Mingzhang just has something that is no longer useful, but he is still alive and well.

He still had to be sent down for reform.

After Zhan Aiping knew his fate, she thought it was really gratifying, but it had nothing to do with her anymore. She was now Gu Sheng's newlywed wife, and it was the end of the year, so she was happily and lazily preparing for the New Year.

Zhu Jiaorong and Zhan Aijia went back, and Zhan Bo called her: "Live a good life after getting married, don't be stubborn, listen to Xiao Gu more... Get the marriage certificate as soon as possible."

Zhan Aiping responded casually. Although he was her biological father, in her opinion, he had been dead for many years. The subtle father-daughter relationship had long been gone with the wind.

Zhan Bo is a power-obsessed person, but he has no ability. In the past, Zhan Aiping's mother held a high position, which made Zhan Bo feel uncomfortable, but he also took advantage of the situation and was praised by others.

Her mother died and became a martyr, leaving behind a good reputation, but in the end, when people are gone, everything is gone and she will be forgotten. Others may still take care of her daughter and son because of her, but no one will take care of a remarried husband.

As the eldest daughter of the Zhan family, although she had good grades and joined the army, she chose to be a military doctor. That meant she was just a technical cadre, not an administrative officer. She was not a commander-in-chief and did not manage the people under her, so she had no power or prestige.

Zhanbo has always complained about this. Before she transferred to the school, Zhanbo urged her to strive for a career in administration so that she could become a school leader in the future.

Zhan Aiping has no ambition to be a leader. She thinks that being a technician is good and her job level and salary will be promoted in due time. But if you want to be a leader, it is difficult to move up because everyone has their own position.

Zhan Bo now calls Zhan Aiping "Xiao Gu" all the time, and it is obvious that he is very satisfied with this son-in-law with a bright future. He no longer asks Zhan Aiping to be a leader, but instead advises her to be a good wife.

"You are not a child anymore. Stop arguing with Xiao Gu and learn from your Aunt Zhu how to be a virtuous wife."

"From now on, everyone in the family will listen to Xiao Gu."

Zhan Aiping said coldly: "In my house, you have to listen to me. As your daughter, don't you know my temper?"

Zhanbo was furious: "Will Xiao Gu listen to you?"

Zhan Aiping said directly: "Even if he doesn't listen to me, he has to listen to me."

Zhan Bo was so angry that his liver hurt: "Why, do you still want to fight with him?"

Zhan Aiping: "If he fights, I will accompany him."

"He wants to divorce you?"

Zhan Aiping sneered: "Just get a divorce, since we haven't even got the marriage certificate yet, you might as well get a divorce sooner."

"Crazy, you are really crazy."

After hanging up the phone with his daughter, Zhan Bo was very upset. Knowing that Gu Sheng might become his son-in-law, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep for several days. Is there such a great thing? Can he marry into the Gu family? Can he have a good son-in-law like Gu Sheng with a good family background, ability and appearance

He waited in fear until his daughter's wedding banquet, and only felt relieved when he knew that Gu Shengren had really come.

But before he could feel at ease for long, he felt upset when he heard what Zhan Aiping said!

Zhanbo now feels very disappointed. His daughter is useless. He is afraid that the marriage with Gu family will fail and they will become enemies in the end.

He didn't dare to brag about his good son-in-law Gu Sheng to others, for he was afraid that within a year or so of their marriage, the couple would have countless quarrels and fights. The four masters and disciples of Tang Monk had gone through 81 trials and tribulations without breaking up, but his eldest daughter and son-in-law might not be able to withstand any trial and would break up soon.

Zhanbo sighed.

Zhu Jiaorong asked him why he was sighing, and Zhanbo said, "It's because I didn't teach my daughter well."

"Pingping has developed this temper now, and I am to blame."

Zhu Jiaorong was secretly delighted, but as a stepmother, she couldn't say anything. She rolled her eyes and said, "Pingping is an excellent girl. It's normal for her to have a temper."

Zhanbo said: "This daughter should not be spoiled. If she is spoiled, she will lose face. She must be taught well from a young age."

"Pingping has become like this, Zhan Aijia can't continue like this, I now treat Jiajia as my own daughter."

Zhan Bo said: "Parents who love their children will plan for them in the long run."

Zhu Jiaorong: “…” Although she didn’t understand, she nodded.

"Jiaorong, from now on, let Jiajia do all the housework, such as washing dishes, cooking, shopping, and cleaning. You can just take a break." Zhanbo's heart was burning with anger. His hands and heart were itching. His own daughter was not around, so even if he wanted to discipline her, he was powerless.

Whenever he thought about Zhan Aiping and Gu Sheng quarreling and fighting, he would be furious that he would lose his good son-in-law and his good in-laws! He was so angry that his liver hurt!

Don’t think about it too much, the more you think about it, the angrier you’ll get!

The eldest daughter deserved to be punished, but he was powerless and could not do anything about it.

Zhan Aijia must be taught well, otherwise even if he gets a good son-in-law in the future, all his efforts will be wasted.

Zhu Jiaorong was stunned: "...?"

"Why... why?"

Zhanbo made the decision: "She must learn to be a good wife! For her own good, you must educate her and not let her be a lazy woman."

Zhu Jiaorong hesitated: "But, but she still needs to find a job, didn't she say she had contacted..."

"What's wrong with work? Let her come back to do housework after get off work. I will watch her do it. My daughter will be disciplined at home."

Zhu Jiaorong looked unhappy: "But she doesn't want to."

"Don't want to? Just tell her that if she doesn't want to do housework, she will be sent to the countryside. She must do housework at home for three years, washing clothes, washing dishes, sweeping the floor and mopping the floor. If she doesn't want to do it, forget about getting a job."

Zhu Jiaorong: "This..."

Zhan Aija doesn’t know yet that her “good days” in the Zhan family are about to begin.


It's already the end of the year. Although she is married, Zhan Aiping still spends the New Year alone in Shanghai. She tells others that Gu Sheng has gone on a business trip. As a soldier, it's natural for him to be busy and not be seen.

Of course, some people were skeptical, but those who had sharp eyes and had seen Gu Sheng helping her wash clothes thought that he was a good man who "loved his wife."

What happens in the tube-shaped building cannot be hidden from anyone.

All the students went home for the New Year, and Zhan Aiping's job at school was to take turns on duty with other teachers. When she was not on duty, she stayed at home and hibernated.

After Gu Sheng left that day, she never contacted him again and spent her winter alone.

It was winter and there was no heating or air conditioning, and Zhan Aiping didn't want to exhaust herself. She had nothing to do during the day, so she only exercised for an hour or two at noon, and stayed in bed the rest of the time. She borrowed a radio at home and got several old Soviet novels from Ye Fangjing. Every day she read novels, medical books, listened to the radio, and ate melon seeds and roasted sweet potatoes at home.

I curl up in bed every day, feeling lazy, and it’s really comfortable.

She had no worries about food. When she was on duty, she worked part-time as a doctor. The news of her treating the pregnant teacher last time spread out. Other teachers knew that she was proficient in Chinese medicine and acupuncture, and they were skeptical.

For people of this era, even those who study medicine, most of them prefer traditional Chinese medicine to Western medicine.

Because the Western medicine system was not yet complete, many people who studied Western medicine were only half-baked and could not make any name for themselves. However, at that time, stories about Chinese medicine secret techniques and prescriptions were countless.

And those folk remedies are sometimes useful and sometimes not, depending on the person, and it’s hard to explain why.

Although he didn't dare ask Zhan Aiping to treat any serious illness, he did come to her to ask the old military doctor for prescriptions for minor ailments such as hair loss and rashes.

Most people in the new century will stay up late, suffer from anxiety and stress, and hair loss has become a common problem. As an old Chinese medicine practitioner, Zhan Aiping is truly experienced in treating hair loss.

As for Zhan Aiping, she treated people without charging any money, but people gave her a lot of food, including eggs, melon seeds, peanuts, pork, and pastries. Zhan Aiping enjoyed the food very much.

Money is not that important in this era. You need tickets to buy everything, so food is more substantial.

In such a cold day, it is so comfortable to stay at home, warming yourself by the fire and curling up in the quilt. While others are preparing for the New Year, she can feed the whole family by herself, and she lives a life that even pigs would envy.

It’s good to be young and sleep more.

Zhan Aiping cherishes the days when she can sleep in bed.

Until the second day of the Chinese New Year, someone couldn't hold it in any longer and called her:

"… "

Zhan Aiping didn't say anything: "..."

"The eighth day of the first lunar month is a good day. I have some free time. Let's go get the certificate."

(End of this chapter)