Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 19: improvise


The two of them packed up, the people had just started work, the charcoal fire was just lit, a pot of boiling water was smoking, and before their butts had even warmed up on the bench, they got their marriage certificate.

They each had a certificate in their hands.

Gu Sheng put away the thin piece of paper and let out an inaudible sigh of relief. His originally tense muscles relaxed in an instant.

He thought he had concealed it well, but Zhan Aiping still noticed it.

Zhan Aiping: “…”

That's right. Now that the wedding party has passed and the He family has been dealt with, even if she doesn't get married with him and stays in Shanghai, no one can force her.

Gu Sheng must be afraid that she would regret it, so he came here today to act as the snail girl.

Now that the matter is done and they have obtained their marriage certificate, he won't go back to his old ways, right

Zhan Aiping looked up and stared at Gu Sheng's handsome profile in a daze. Could it be that she only had a one-day "Snail Girl" experience card

—Ding, your experience card has expired.

Noticing her gaze, Gu Sheng raised his eyebrows: "Comrade Zhan Aiping, you still have a chance to be a dog, do you want to seize it?"

Zhan Aiping was speechless and choked up, thinking to herself, do you dare to say this before getting the marriage certificate

She glanced at him with disdain: "Comrade Gu Sheng, please do not doubt Comrade Zhan's revolutionary determination. I, Zhan Aiping, will never betray the revolution."

Gu Sheng smiled when he heard her words. It was rare for him to smile so easily. His originally peach blossom eyes completely turned into two gentle little crescents, and his unruly sword-like eyebrows became much softer.

Zhan Aiping was stunned for a moment, she found that her man was really "quite handsome".

Gu Sheng put away the smile on his face, pointed at the marriage certificate in her hand, and said lazily, "Comrade Zhan Aiping, who is determined, remember to put away what you have in your hand. This is your application to join the party."

“Don’t get expelled from the party within three years.”

Zhan Aiping: "Same here."

The two raised their hands and high-fived three times to celebrate.

Zhan Aiping looked down at the piece of paper in her hand, her mind full of thoughts. She thought that she and Gu Sheng had been married since 1971, and if they went in 2021, they would be able to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary.

That’s fifty years.


Now is the first step of the 25,000-mile Long March. What will happen next and what we will encounter is still unpredictable.

Zhan Aiping sighed, alas, after all, her "Snail Girl" experience card was gone.

"Why are you sighing? Are you regretting it? Do you want to be a dog?" Seeing her sigh, Gu Sheng felt subtly uncomfortable, thinking that she really regretted it.

"You are the dog." Zhan Aiping lifted her sleeves and showed him the teeth marks on her left arm: "This is the evidence that you let the dog bite me back then."

Gu Sheng lowered his eyes, looked at the two shallow marks on her arm, and whispered, "I'm sorry."

Zhan Aiping smiled: "Forget it, there is no need to say sorry to each other. After all, I broke your head, knocked out your teeth, and I almost made you..."

She said no more.

They grew up together and there are so many right and wrong things in the past that they could not finish talking about them even if they spent three days and three nights.

But Zhan Aiping still murmured to him: "Gu Laowu, why did you push me?"

Gu Sheng asked in confusion: "Push you? When?"

Zhan Aiping's head was covered with a "well" character. Which time? She thought to herself that "enemies always come together", a debt that could not be settled. She stepped on his instep and strode forward alone.

Gu Sheng's long legs were faster than hers. He grabbed her hand, and his tone was somewhat cautious: "You, you want to betray the revolution?"

Zhan Aiping: “…”

"No matter what, I apologize."

Zhan Aiping looked at his extremely nervous face and suddenly smiled: "Well, then I forgive you."

Gu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief. When he realized his misbehavior, his handsome face immediately turned cold and he said in a tough tone, "I don't need your forgiveness."

"You have so much more to apologize to me for."

This guy was really awkward. Zhan Aiping blinked and squeezed him with her arm: "What? Comrade Gu, you want to betray the revolution too?"

Gu Sheng sneered: "You underestimate my determination."

Zhan Aiping tried to put her arm around his shoulder: "Good brother, let's go together from now on."

Gu Sheng mercilessly moved her hand away, put his arm around her waist, and said lightly: "You are not my good brother, you are my woman now."

"If you don't believe me, just look at the 'Party Membership Application' in your arms and wake yourself up."

Zhan Aiping looked embarrassed and thought, you just realized it now

Did this guy ever treat her as a woman before

Thinking about the "Application for Party Membership", Gu Sheng felt warm in his heart. He really wanted to laugh, but he had to hold it back. He held back his laughter but not his hands. Finally, he couldn't help but rubbed her head.

Zhan Aiping covered her head in annoyance: "Why do you always pick on my hair?" What's wrong with this man? Men also like to pull hair

"I'm happy to." Gu Sheng smiled and said, "Zhan Aiping, you have changed a lot since you retired from the army. Your hair has grown longer, and you have become whiter..."

Became gentler and less prickly.

In the past, she was like a little wild cat with bared fangs and claws on the roadside, with a bad temper and a strong sense of vigilance. As long as he came close to her, she would show her claws mercilessly. Now, she put away her proud claws and finally let him touch her.

He foolishly walked into the trap, and now he is marked with his own mark and shackled with invisible chains.

—This is his cat.

No matter how she showed her claws or scratched him, she couldn't get away.

Another three years? Dream on, the "Application for Party Membership" will be nailed to his chest.

Zhan Aiping asked: "How else have I changed? What happened?"

"Nothing." Gu Sheng laughed roguely, his sword-like eyebrows raised, especially asking for a beating. He bent down and gently patted her face: "No betrothal gifts, no salary, you have to do all the housework, and you are not allowed to divorce within three years..."

"Remember, Comrade Zhan, don't be a dog."

Gu Sheng was very proud: "My good days are still to come."

As he spoke, he rubbed her head again, and then sighed in a pretentious manner: "Comrade Zhan, you will find that your revolutionary companions are very smart in the future."

Zhan Aiping snorted and laughed: "I'll wait and see."

She blinked and thought, you're digging your own grave.

As the saying goes, the devil is always stronger than the righteous. She just didn't expose it to avoid some people getting angry and embarrassed.

—Those who are favored are fearless.

The cinnabar mole will always be your cinnabar mole. The cinnabar mole you have for your entire life can never turn into mosquito blood.

At this time, the two of them were standing on the street. The white fog had dissipated and the noise around them gradually rose. There were more people on the road than cars. Squeezed in the crowd, even four-wheeled vehicles had to move slowly.

Zhan Aiping took a deep breath of the fresh morning air. Someone really got up too early. The other person had just gone out to do something, but they had already finished their work.

She tugged at Gu Sheng's sleeve: "Shall we go to the movies?"

"Watching a movie? So troublesome?" Gu Sheng frowned.

Zhan Aiping: “…” I’m so unlucky to be your wife.

She yawned, stretched, and said lazily, "Let's go back and take a nap."

Anyway, she doesn't have much romantic talent, and she has no interest in doing things that couples in this era should do, such as watching movies, visiting parks, and boating on lakes.

"Since you want to go, I will go with you reluctantly."

Zhan Aiping: “?!”

Raise ducks. She must raise ducks in the future! She raised two ducks, one named Xiao Gu and the other named Xiao Sheng.

—A dead duck is still stubborn.

There were many movie screenings around the Spring Festival. Gu Sheng bought tickets and the two of them went in to watch a movie. Zhan Aiping fell asleep while watching the movie because she realized she had seen this movie before. She felt sleepy and fell asleep while listening to the movie.

After waking up, the person next to her handed her a handkerchief. Gu Sheng said expressionlessly, "Wipe it."

"Some comrades sleep really well."

When Zhan Aiping saw the lump on his arm, her face instantly turned red. She would never go to the movies with Gu Sheng again in her life!

After the movie, Gu Sheng sent her back, "I'll buy the tickets, you pack your luggage, and I'll pick you up."

"I will also arrange your organizational relationship."

"Yeah." Zhan Aiping nodded, and she said casually, "I trust you to do the job."

Gu Sheng said: "Although we are just making do with each other, we still have some friendship from childhood, so I won't let you down."

Zhan Aiping: "... I am marrying you with the intention of just getting by, but I still have some friendship from childhood, so I won't have high expectations."

Gu Sheng: “…”

Zhan Aiping made a scissors hand gesture behind her and said, "Watch me use magic to defeat magic."

"By the way, I have a lot of delicious food at home. You can take some away. These are all thanks from my patients."

"Hey, there's also this hair-strengthening sesame candy. Would you like to try it? It's delicious."

Zhan Aiping: "You don't have to worry about middle-aged baldness anymore."

Although the military cap can still save face, it is better to be not bald than to be bald.

She didn't go into detail about how good she was. After all, being an anti-baldness expert wasn't a nice title.

Gu Sheng hesitated to speak: "You, you, you still have patients... you... quack doctor?"

"Just show me your hand, and don't harm others." Comrade Xiao Gu thought to himself, if I don't go to hell, who will

Zhan Aiping's face turned dark.

Let’s block each other and break up. We can contact each other through the message in the bottle later.

It is indeed a "friendship" that has grown up. There is a little trust, but not much.

Gu Sheng sighed: "No matter how much I thought in my life, I never thought that you would study medicine."

Zhan Aiping took his hand and said sincerely: "Fifth sister, I thought you would apply for the art troupe."

"You sing very well, really." She was right about this, because Gu Sheng's singing was really good, he had a good image and temperament, excellent vocal conditions, and good musical sense.

Gu Sheng's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot: "Why don't you try to scream again?"

Zhan Aiping pinched her cheeks with both hands, made a face at him, and said nothing.

She hasn't done this action for a long time, it really brings back memories of her childhood.

Gu Sheng: “…” Why could he just be so desperate as to marry this woman

Is it too late to regret now

Zhan Aiping put down her hand, and the two looked at each other in silence. They were already close to the bottom of the building. An old lady who was passing by and coming back from buying vegetables saw them and immediately laughed:

"The soldier really loves his wife. He came here early in the morning. I heard he brought a lot of good things. Oh, he even washed clothes and cleaned the house for your wife. He is such a good man."

"Teacher Xiao Zhan is so lucky to marry a good man. He is handsome and has good character. He is not like those stinky men who don't even help when their family members fall down."

After saying that, the old lady left with an ambiguous smile.

Zhan Aiping: “?”

Gu Sheng: “!”

Who told you this

(End of this chapter)