Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 21: Bad luck


"Divorce, you must divorce me quickly!" Gu Ze'an contacted his youngest son Gu Sheng and immediately scolded him without any explanation.

Gu Sheng had been missing since the end of the year and had no contact with his family. However, Gu Ze'an still heard from outsiders that the little bastard was married. He "faked the imperial decree" and "did things secretly" to get the matter done.

Gu Ze'an was confused at first when he heard his old comrade-in-arms talking about his youngest son. He also said congratulations, that his youngest son, Gu Sheng, had met a girl in Shanghai and was anxious to get married. He had made a contribution again. The girl had a clean family background and was said to be a retired female soldier. The higher-ups knew that he wanted to settle down and have a stable family, so they encouraged him and helped him get the matter done as soon as possible.

Gu Sheng was a very clever thief. He bypassed old acquaintances and vaguely told others not to spread the news. It was Gu Sheng's idea to hint that his four brothers were not married yet...

Yes, his four older brothers are all unmarried. There are five bachelors in the family. Excluding him, there are still four.

When Gu Ze'an first heard that his fifth son got married without consulting his parents, he was actually quite understanding and not unhappy. The same went for his wife Qin Ying. The two of them were not picky about their daughter-in-law, as long as their son liked her, brought her home and was willing to get married.

The reason was that a few years ago, the eldest son brought a girl back home. At that time, Qin Ying was probably a mother-in-law for the first time, and she had some unpleasantness with the girl, which delayed their marriage.

Later, this girl died while bravely saving someone while on a business trip.

The eldest son was depressed for a while, and the old couple felt very regretful. This girl was a good girl. Maybe if she had agreed to their marriage at the beginning, maybe they were preparing for the wedding at that time, maybe the girl would have taken leave because of pregnancy and did not have to go on a business trip... The things that happened later would not have happened. Would everything be different

It has already happened, and it's too late to regret.

Since then, Gu Ze'an and his wife decided not to interfere with their son's marriage. In Gu Ze'an's words, "Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. He has to accept the wife he chooses himself."

However, ever since this incident, their family seemed to be under a curse. The eldest son devoted himself to his work, and the second, third, fourth, fifth... none of them had the desire to date.

They won't allow any son to bring a girl home to meet his parents or introduce her to a date.

By now, Gu Ze'an and his wife are just about to burst into tears. People of the same age would have already had children and grandchildren. They had five sons and one daughter, all of whom were raised peacefully. The sons became five bachelors, while their daughter was obsessed with another boy, but that boy didn't like her and she refused to get married.

When he heard that the thief Lao Wu had secretly married, Gu Ze'an started to applaud and cheer. This was like the green branches that sprouted in spring, allowing them to see the sunshine in the cold winter.

Things finally got better. One of the bachelors in the family was gone and he got married. The fifth son also got married later.

"Good boy, you are indeed the one most like your father!" Gu Ze'an praised at the time.

Qin Ying also laughed at the time: "He looks like me, and his personality is as cunning as yours."

After waiting for so long, the couple finally have a daughter-in-law, as long as the daughter-in-law is a girl!

It was a pity that the couple were too happy too soon. They asked about the girl's situation: "Is she of good family background? Oh, she's an excellent retired female soldier, a female military doctor. This guy has good taste."

"I have to show off to Mr. Zhang next door that my youngest son picked a military flower."

"He's a medical student, so reliable!"

"What's that girl's name? Our first daughter-in-law."

The person who was asking for Gu Ze'an and his wife replied, "Zhan Aiping."

Gu Ze'an clapped his hands happily: "Zhang Aiping? This name sounds very respectable, she is a decent girl."

He pushed and pulled his wife's shoulders: "I asked you to name your daughter Gu Aiying, but you refused."

Qin Ying was stunned for a moment, feeling that something was not right: "Is this girl's surname Zhang or Zhan? Is it Zhang in Gongchang Zhang or..."

"His surname is Zhan, which means great ambitions. Ai means a booming business. Ping means a chance encounter. This name is very heroic and full of vigor!" The person on the other end thought hard to say something nice.

Gu Ze'an and Qin Ying were shocked when they heard the name.

Zhan Aiping, a female military doctor, in Shanghai...

The image of a person emerged in their minds at the same time.

Gu Ze'an was dumbfounded: "...Did I hear it right?"

Qin Ying was shocked: "Is it Pingping? Ai Feihong's daughter?"

Qin Ying will always remember that woman, who told her that she was "what life is like everywhere, it should be like a flying goose stepping on the snow mud", and Pingping was "a chance encounter, and it felt like meeting a confidant at first sight."

—Life is unpredictable.

Qin Ying and Ai Feihong were more like enemies than friends, and they often quarreled with each other. She gave birth to five sons, and they were quite envious of her eldest daughter Pingping, wishing she could be her own daughter.

Qin Ying doted on Pingping very much. This child had been naughty since she was young, just like her younger son Gu Sheng. The two were not much different in age and always fought with each other. Qin Ying often took sides, and of course, she supported Pingping.

Gu Ze'an's eyes were filled with sadness because Pingping wouldn't let him hold her, saying that she liked Aunt Qin more. So he was particularly disgusted by this lively little girl who kept chattering every day: "She is so naughty, whoever marries her in the future will be unlucky."

Gu Ze'an also secretly told Qin Ying: "We should teach our daughters this way in the future. If a daughter like this is raised, it will be great if she marries our enemy in the future. We can take revenge on him this way."

Qin Ying scolded him: "What nonsense are you talking about? Why do you say that about Pingping?"

"I'm praising our Pingping. She has grown up. At least she is not bullied by that wild boy anymore!"

All the events of that year were vividly remembered, one after another, playing on a loop in front of Gu Ze'an and his wife.

Zhan Aiping married their youngest son Gu Sheng, and their youngest son Gu Sheng married Pingping.

No, it can only be an enemy from the previous life.

Gu Ze'an covered his head and said, "Am I dreaming? The sun is rising from the west. How could Pingping marry our fifth son?"

"That's impossible. They can't possibly get married. Is this a mistake?"

"Is there something wrong with your son's brain? Why did he marry Ping Ping?"

"Have they met in recent years?"

Gu Ze'an and Qin Ying thought it was outrageous.

Later, they inquired carefully and learned about the affair between Zhan Aiping and He Mingzhang, and her temporary remarriage of their youngest son Gu Sheng. The couple fell silent.

Gu Ze'an: "Are they a fake couple? What kind of agreement did they reach?"

Qin Ying: "... maybe."

Gu Ze'an was silent: "Then my son is quite loyal. This kind of bastard should be beaten. Why did he marry our Pingping?"

Qin Ying: "That's right. Lao Wu is quite loyal, if nothing else."

"But they really got married. Even if it's just a show, there's no need to get a real marriage certificate."

"Aying, this is your son, what do you think he is thinking?"

Qin Ying: "He is still your son, how can I know what he is thinking."

So there was this phone call. As soon as he contacted Gu Sheng, Gu Ze'an scolded him bitterly: "Divorce, don't waste your time, good girl, are you worthy of your Aunt Ai? Wasn't your Aunt Ai good to you when you were a child?"

Gu Sheng on the other end of the phone listened and let him curse.

After he finished scolding, Gu Sheng said lazily: "I won't leave."

Why do you want to get divorced if you got married based on your own ability

Gu Ze'an: "Your mother and I have guessed it. Are you trying to repay a favor? Damn, you are disloyal. It's fine if you help, but you can't take it seriously. What do you want to do?"

Gu Sheng was scolded for a long time, and he also got angry: "I don't have any other intentions, I just want you to be unlucky, Old Gu, didn't you say before that whoever marries Zhan Aiping will be unlucky? Now Zhan Aiping is married to your son."

"Now you're in trouble, haha."

Gu Ze'an was already pissed off by this thief: "If you were by my side, I would beat you to death, beat you to death, you little bastard."

Gu Sheng sneered: "But you can't beat me. Don't look at me as your youngest son. Unfortunately, I am the tallest in the family and I am the best in fighting."

Gu Ze'an: "Your wings have hardened, haven't they?"

"It's already hard."

"Are you going to leave or not?"

"No, I won't leave you. I won't leave you. I will let her be your daughter-in-law."

"I don't have any other hobbies. I just want to see her as your daughter-in-law now."

Gu Ze’an: “…” This kid is asking for a beating.

Could it be that he was originally planning to leave, and this has provoked him

Gu Ze'an asked him: "What do you want?"

"It's nothing. You and mom can rest assured. I will just live with her and you will have another daughter-in-law." Gu Sheng said with a smile.

"Make do with, make do with each other?" Gu Ze'an almost choked on his own saliva. This little bastard could live with anyone else, but he had to make do with the eldest daughter of the Zhan family.

"Why do you have to live with her when you can live with anyone else?"

"Don't you think you didn't have enough fights and quarrels when you were little?"

Gu Sheng said: "I really want to live with her."

"Zhan Aiping is my wife now. I will take care of her slowly."

"As for me, I want to make her obedient."

After saying a few words, Gu Sheng hung up the phone in a very domineering manner.

(End of this chapter)