Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 22: Take medicine


After the call was hung up, Comrade Gu Ze'an felt that his high blood pressure was about to flare up. Let's hear what this thief said.

"Just make do with each other, just make do with each other, how can a couple just make do with each other like this? He's still making do with Pingping, do you think he's got his head kicked by a donkey?"

Qin Ying said, "You said before that Lao Wu is most like you."

Gu Ze'an: "..."

Qin Ying sighed, she came to her senses and persuaded Gu Ze'an: "It's good for Pingping to be our daughter-in-law. I like Pingping. You can see that she is a good match. They grew up together and are childhood sweethearts. The two families know each other well. Pingping is also a good girl, and our fifth child is not bad either. It's a good thing to keep her in the family..."

Gu Ze'an glared at her: "How dare you say such a thing."

Qin Ying glared at him: "What's wrong? Why am I embarrassed?"

Gu Ze'an asked: "Do you still remember what you said about Lao Wu every day when he was a child?"

"Let him learn from Pingping next door! He is not as good as Pingping! Oh, my fifth child is not as tall as Pingping. From now on, just call Pingping sister..."

Qin Ying's face cracked: "Why did they become husband and wife?"

Gu Ze'an: "Yeah, I also want to ask, why did they become husband and wife?"

"Didn't you just hear him say on the phone that he married Ping Ping just to go against me, his father, and he also wanted to punish Ping Ping. This wolf cub has a strong desire for revenge."

Qin Ying was more optimistic: "Maybe we can just make do with our lives. The two children are grown up now. We can just make do with them and their lives will pass. Ai Feihong is gone. We can help her take care of her daughter. The fifth child won't bully her too much."

"Maybe he likes Pingping."

Gu Ze'an: "Tell me honestly, do you believe this?"

Qin Ying: “…”

Gu Ze'an: "I really hope that they can get along with each other, but the way they are fighting against each other, who can think that they can get along with each other?"

"An ordinary couple would just have a quarrel, but they are the kind that can really fight. You know Pingping's skills... and your son... you know... they are two dangerous people. Putting them together will cause a chemical explosion."

"He said he wanted to make do with it, but how can he make do with it if they started fighting? When he married Pingping, I felt like we had a new son in the family."

Qin Ying: "It feels like two brothers getting together, right?"

Gu Ze'an: "Could they be just two brothers getting together? Pingping stood beside him at that time, just like his own brother. Lao Wu has been suppressed by four older brothers for a long time, so he wants to have another younger brother."

"This is incest!"

Qin Ying: "... Don't talk nonsense. There is no such thing as brotherhood between men and women."

Qin Ying thought of an idea and said, "Why not let his younger sister go over? His younger sister has a good relationship with Pingping. With her sister Pingping taking care of her, we can rest assured."

The man that the younger daughter likes is also there. He had been clamoring to go over there, but he doesn't like their younger daughter, and they don't want their daughter to go over to him. But their daughter just likes him, so what can they do

Qin Ying had been begging from her little daughter every day, and she had already relented a long time ago. Now she was thinking... just send her over.

With her brother and sister-in-law around, she couldn't stand being wronged, and she could also reconcile the relationship between her fifth brother and his wife.

Gu Ze'an gasped, "Your son's head was kicked by a donkey, and you were kicked in the head by a donkey, and you came up with a bad idea to let his little sister go over there. Don't you think it's not a mess enough?"

"I'm afraid your daughter won't be able to accept Pingping becoming her sister-in-law."

Qin Ying sighed: "Children are all debts."

Gu Ze'an hesitated: "Why don't we let her go over and give it a try? I just have a little... feeling... if she sees her fifth brother and his wife getting along, maybe, maybe she might come to her senses and not be so persistent. Why would my daughter like such a brat?"

Qin Ying: "You are the one whose brain was kicked by a donkey. Your idea is even worse than mine!"

"I'm just afraid... I'm afraid his little sister doesn't want to get married at all."

Gu Ze'an: "..."

Qin Ying: “…”

"Think about it again."

"She doesn't know yet that her fifth brother is married."

"Let her learn more from her sister Pingping, so that she won't be bullied by wild men in the future."

"That's true."


The problem with marrying someone you know is that there are too many acquaintances who know them.

Zhan Aiping inevitably received several "concerned" calls, including from her childhood friend Xie Wan, who is also an old neighbor in the compound and currently works as a primary school teacher.

She just couldn't believe that she would marry Gu Sheng, and she shouted on the phone: "Zhan Aiping, Zhan Dapingping, are you really marrying Gu Sheng? How could you possibly marry Gu Laowu?"

Zhan Aiping could only calmly say: "I will make do with him."

Apart from this sentence, it is hard to believe anything else.

"Cou, make do with life?"

Zhan Aiping: "Yes, he and I will just make do with each other in the future. Maybe we can live together forever."

Xie Wan was almost terrified: "Are you still planning to live with him forever?"

"Are you serious?"

Zhan Aiping smiled: "Seriously, I am going to follow the army to his side."

Xie Wan: "Are you crazy? You are in Shanghai! Everyone wants to stay in Shanghai, but you are running away."

Xie Wan: “…”

"It won't be boring to be with Gu Laowu."

Xie Wan: "Do you want to fight him?"

Zhan Aiping nodded: "Yes, fight with him."

Xie Wan was confused and said, "When I get married in a few years, you will probably be getting married for the second time."

"Old Zhao is starting a bet on when you two will get divorced."

Zhan Aiping: "Then you bet that we will never leave each other."

Xie Wan: "I bet that you will divorce within three years."

Zhan Aiping: "Goodbye, maybe you can meet the child of Gu Laowu and I in three years."

"Really, I think you are being sarcastic. It's getting more and more terrifying." Xie Wan's face was about to crack: "If you can give birth to Gu Laowu's child, then I can have a Nezha."

Zhan Aiping: "I wish you give birth to a little Nezha."

After hanging up the phone and saying goodbye to the people she once knew, she showed a different face to those who didn't know much about her past.

For example, a teacher in the school has been teaching here for a period of time and is loved by the students. In addition, she lives in the school dormitory, so everyone firmly believes that what you hear is not as good as what you see.

"Teacher Zhan married a good man."

"Her man is very caring. They grew up together and were very generous on their wedding day..."

"If this person is not a good person, how could Teacher Zhan follow the army to his side?"

Especially Ye Fangjing believed it without a doubt: "I also want a devoted childhood friend!"

This is probably what it means - life is like a play, and a play is like life.


Zhan Aiping packed her luggage. On the day of her departure, the sun was shining brightly. She had cleared out all the belongings in the house that needed to be given away or sold. Now the house was empty except for the original furniture.

Zhanbo called her yesterday. He was very pleased to know that she and Gu Sheng had obtained their marriage certificate. It seemed that Gu Ze'an and his wife had contacted him. Zhanbo asked her to be a good wife and help them when she got there.

Zhan Aiping continued to scold him, which almost made Zhan Bo lose hope again.

She didn't bring much, but of course, she didn't bring too little. She packed two boxes of medical books, clothes, some needles and medicines. As for the rest, she bought them over there slowly.

The two boxes of medical books were not easy to carry, so Zhan Aiping made a small cart herself and put the two boxes of books on it. The books were very heavy, but fortunately, she and Gu Sheng were both very strong.

Gu Sheng came to pick her up early in the morning and bought her a lot of food. He didn't have much luggage. When he saw her two boxes of books, he smiled and asked, "You brought so many books?"

"How can you be a doctor without medical books?" Although she might not need most of them, she had to put up a shelf of books in order to make people believe in her medical skills in the future.

She was not really idle at home during this period. She borrowed some ancient medical books, some of which she copied by hand, and others she wrote down from memory.

Having practiced medicine for many years, she has also compiled several medical books herself. Now it is not difficult for her to write down the cases she has handled from memory.

When the time comes, she will take her medical book and say that it was given to her by another senior, which will give her some explanation.

Gu Sheng flipped through a few books casually: "You don't want to be a teacher anymore. Have you decided to become a doctor in the hospital?"

Zhan Aiping nodded: "Well, being a doctor not only treats diseases, but also treats you."

Gu Sheng snorted and laughed: "Learn more from other doctors and don't be a quack."

Zhan Aiping shook her head: "Why don't others learn from me? I tell you, I'm very good at it."

"I don't believe it."

Gu Sheng asked her curiously, "Are you studying Chinese medicine or Western medicine? Medical books are so diverse."

The contents of medical books are really a headache to read. It makes people seem to understand them, but at the same time, they don’t. The descriptions in the books seem to be different from the real diseases in reality. After all, the diseases of patients will not follow the standard cases in the books.

Reading a lot of medical books does not mean that you really understand medicine. Practicing medicine is indeed a long-term experience-based learning.

"Can't we combine Chinese and Western cultures?"

Gu Sheng sighed: "That's it, it doesn't sound reliable at first glance."

"It's not up to you to decide whether it's reliable or not."

Zhan Aiping smiled and patted him on the side: "Don't worry, if you get sick in the future, I will treat you, give you an injection, and feed you medicine. Wulang, come, open your mouth and take the medicine!"

"You haven't seen me in a white coat, have you?"

Gu Sheng: “…”

Why is it so scary to marry a doctor

Who should take the medicine

(End of this chapter)