Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 24: Pie in the sky


The mother of three children

This young and beautiful girl in front of me

Although the conductor's face was full of disbelief, the tall and handsome man next to him looked righteous and stood straight, and he didn't look like he was lying. Are they husband and wife

Their looks are quite compatible, but... they are already the parents of three children

"Control your breathing and use your strength according to my instructions. Just do whatever I tell you to do." Zhan Aiping checked the condition of the mother and found that it was not that bad. She took out the needle she carried with her and gave the woman a prick.

Zeng Guixiang felt a sharp pain, but the pain made her sober up a lot. Later she found that the pain during childbirth was much lessened.

She couldn't see Zhan Aiping's face clearly, but she heard the man's voice just now. At the last moment, the desire to survive overcame everything.

Zhan Aiping put her hands on her bulging belly, and groped to slowly adjust the baby's position. Zeng Guixiang cooperated very well. Although it was a bit thrilling, after some twists and turns, the baby was born safely.

Mother and daughter are safe.

When the old lady saw it was another granddaughter, she was deflated. Zeng Guixiang breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at her little daughter beside her and forced a smile on her lips. She had a close call with death and decided that she would never have another child, no matter what.

She raised three daughters.

And this old woman, she will remember it in the future.

"Thank you, comrade."

"You're welcome, have a good rest."

Several train attendants nearby were relieved. One of the men looked at Gu Sheng and asked curiously, "How old is your wife? She knows medicine. Is she a barefoot doctor?"

Gu Sheng said casually: "Twenty-four."

"You're not that old. When did you get married?"

"Eighteen, marry me."

The conductor blinked and said, "You two both got married early."

"Childhood sweethearts. We grew up together. Our parents arranged the marriage for us."

A female train attendant was dumbfounded. She blurted out: "That's not a feudal arranged marriage..."

Is that pretty and lovely young wife a child bride


The female conductor stared at Gu Sheng's face again. When she was panicking just now, she found that this man was handsome. Now that she looked at him carefully, her face turned red and her heart beat fast.

If she could have such an arranged marriage, she would be willing to do so.

The male conductor asked, "You've been married for five or six years, and you already have three children?"

"That's right." Zhan Aiping turned around and covered her belly. "I'm pregnant again. One baby every two years. Is this going to keep me alive?"

Gu Sheng: “?”

Male and female conductors: “!”

"No wonder, no wonder..." In fact, they still had some impression of the beautiful young couple in front of them. The girl was very spoiled and always ordered the boy around. It turned out that there was such a hidden story behind it.

No wonder they also brought milk powder, it turns out it was to provide nutritional supplements for pregnant women.

Zhan Aiping went to clean up and then sat back down in front of the berth. She touched her belly and thought that this journey was undoubtedly an exciting one with no dangers.

Gu Sheng sat next to her and saw that she was still covering her abdomen, and the corner of his mouth twitched immediately.

Zhan Aiping looked at him and said, "What are you looking at, baby's father, go make me a cup of milk powder to calm my nerves."

Gu Sheng: “…”

Gu Sheng went to make her a cup of milk powder. Zhan Aiping has always loved drinking all kinds of milk, especially things with milk flavor. She held the cup and drank it in small sips.

Seeing that Gu Sheng was still looking at her strangely, Zhan Aiping took his hand and placed it on her belly, and said casually: "Father of Sanwa, come and touch your unborn child. Although our child is still a little bean sprout, I believe that you and your son have a tacit understanding."

Gu Sheng gritted his teeth and whispered in her ear, "Which unmarried girl is like you?"

Although he was still a young virgin, he was given the title of "Three-Wait Father".

But the woman next to him, who seemed delicate and pretty on the surface, was actually extremely careless.

Can't she be a little shy

"Who said I'm unmarried?" Zhan Aiping looked at him with a smile: "Dad, take out your application to join the party and take a look. Didn't I marry you a long time ago?"

Gu Sheng's face was numb: "..."

What kind of kid is this? His father, if you have the guts, show him the whole kid.

"Dad, thank you for what you did just now." Zhan Aiping pecked his face lightly, then leaned on him, intending to continue catching up on her sleep.

What Gu Sheng said just now was very useful and saved her a lot of trouble.

After the shock, she wanted to rest for a while.

Zhan Aiping closed her eyes and rested, leaving Gu Sheng standing there alone. The place where she had pecked before was like a fire that burned all over his body.

What does she mean

Gu Sheng raised his hand and wiped his face, it was terribly hot.

But some people are so heartless that they really just close their eyes and fall asleep.

Gu Sheng: “…”

I could only sulk alone.


Because they successfully helped someone give birth, the train conductor gave them two box lunches, free of charge, as a thank you for their heroic act of helping others.

Zhan Aiping had no appetite at the moment, so she shared half of the dish with Gu Sheng. After Gu Sheng finished eating, he looked at her hesitantly.

Zhan Aiping asked: "Just say whatever you want to say. Do you want to say that I was too bold just now?"

Gu Sheng: “…”

"Didn't you say I was a quack? Why are you still cooperating with me?"

Gu Sheng shook his head: "Since you want to do it, then do it."

Gu Sheng's face darkened: "We are not good brothers."

"That's a good partner." Zhan Aiping smiled slightly.

Gu Sheng accepted this explanation, but he still looked at her hesitantly.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhan Aiping was puzzled: "You are not a person who thinks ahead and behind, what do you want to say?"

"Let's not have children anymore."

Zhan Aiping: “…” It seems that this guy was holding it in for a long time and only uttered this sentence.

"What? You don't want me to have a baby for you?"

This was just like poking a hornet's nest. Gu Sheng felt as if he was being chased and stung by hornets, and his entire body was hot and itchy.

How could she talk to him so casually about having children

Does she know about the things between men and women

Logically speaking, she studied medicine, so she should not be ignorant.

Gu Sheng: "Can't you be shy for a moment?"

"You said you were coquettish, so could you learn to be more coy?"

Zhan Aiping was choked by him: "... Who is the older girl between us?"

Gu Sheng: “…”

"Are you really willing to give birth to a child for me?"

Zhan Aiping leaned on him: "Why not? Didn't we agree to make do with our lives? Have a partner, have a child, build a simple family, and live an ordinary life."

"Yes." Hearing her mention of home, Gu Sheng felt as if a feather had tickled his softest spot in his heart. He nodded in agreement, "It's good to make do with our lives."

Zhan Aiping: “…” What a bullshit.

Let's see how long you can keep being stubborn.


Only when he actually set foot on the land of Yunnan Province did Gu Sheng have a real feeling that this trip to Shanghai was like a dream.

Now that I’m awake from the dream, the people around me are still here.

Zhan Aiping had taken off her thick coat and changed into a white shirt and light blue overalls. A long black braid fell on her chest. Her braid was different from the tight pigtails of others. Her black hair was fluffy, with a sense of inexplicable laziness and leisure. A few strands of hair were beside her cheeks, making her look particularly gentle and beautiful.

Unlike her heroic look in military uniform, she is bright and beautiful, just like the clear blue sky here where there is no winter all year round.

Now she is his wife, and she is willing to give him...children.

The two got off the train, and Gu Sheng said that there was a car to pick them up, but the person had not arrived yet, so the two waited in the station. Although they had got off the train, it was still far to their residence, so it would be convenient to have a car to pick them up, after all, they were carrying so many books.

Zhan Aiping was guarding the two boxes of books while Gu Sheng went to buy her some hot buns. Although he was still the tough talker, this guy had become particularly servile in his actions. He was afraid that she would be hungry, thirsty, cold or hot, so he did whatever she asked him to do. He was silly and very excited, like a big, furry puppy, but he didn't even notice it.

—Draw him a picture and he will eat it.

Zhan Aiping felt like an unscrupulous boss.

No wonder we talk about dreams and paint big pictures. We have to dangle a carrot in front of the donkey and paint more pie in the sky for him. Even the donkey in the production team dare not take a break like this. The experience card can be renewed whenever you want.

Zhan Aiping was thinking about her "unscrupulous boss" plan and did not notice several pairs of eyes secretly watching her.

The man dressed in gray pulled down his straw hat and said, "This pretty girl should be his girlfriend."

"Get her."

Several of them had sneaked into the country while carrying out a secret mission. They were caught by Gu Sheng during a field training and lost most of their men. Now they ran into him at the train station, and it was like they were enemies on a narrow road.

It’s also because this little beauty is so pretty. Men can’t help but stare at pretty people, and as a result, they noticed the man next to her.

When the enemies met, they were extremely jealous of each other. They made a revenge plan on the spot. This little beauty looked beautiful and fragile, and she was obviously a spoiled little girl. She could be crushed to death with just a flick of the finger.

There were four men, two were taking action, one was keeping watch, and one was paying attention to Gu Sheng's movements.

There was a surge of people around her. Although there were people coming and going all around, it would still be very obvious if someone intended to approach her. Zhan Aiping took a step back, and the man in the hat swung the knife at her.

This is really like stabbing someone in the foot!

Zhan Aiping dodged, grabbed his arm, and used the force to fly up. Her body was soft as if she had no bones. She wrapped her legs around him and spun her body. She twisted his neck like a pair of scissors, knocked him to the ground, and kicked him in the crotch.

Her movements were smooth and flowing. She glanced at the crowd. Two people had different expressions, one was hesitant and one was stunned. Zhan Aiping rushed forward at lightning speed. The man closest to her had not yet reacted, and he was knocked to the ground by her without knowing whether to attack.

The other two wanted to run, but found it was too late. One of them was caught by Gu Sheng. The security personnel in the station came out and surrounded everyone. They all went into the security room.

Zhan Aiping looked at the man next to her and said with a smile, "How is it? The skills of a retired female soldier are pretty good, right?"

The man gave her a thumbs up, and when he turned around, his face became extremely cold.

There was a young man in front of them. He looked at Zhan Aiping and stammered:

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law... Hello, sister-in-law."

Young soldier Qian Xiaoan looked at Zhan Aiping, the newlywed wife of Captain Gu, and heard from the regiment commander that... she was said to have been married to make do with their life.

How can you be so beautiful when you are just making do with your life

Still so good at fighting...

Those kicks on my crotch just now were pretty hard.

If this couple quarrels and fights in the future, the roof will be blown off.

(End of this chapter)