Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 27: Ugly photo


Whether it is growing vegetables or raising flowers, it requires long-term planning. When you just move in, the main thing is to clean up the house. Some of the tables, chairs, benches and cabinets are new furniture that Gu Sheng asked someone to make, and some are old furniture that is temporarily borrowed from others.

The bed in the room was empty, so Gu Sheng spread a thick layer of bedding. He looked at the only bed in the room with great satisfaction.

Although he might not be able to sleep tonight.

Gu Sheng: “…”

He looked down at the open space beneath his feet, which was very flat. He thought pessimistically that he didn't know how many days he would have to sleep on the "ground".

But no matter what, there is only one bed in the house for now.

—The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard.

This bed was an old wooden bed, which he used temporarily. When he had a carpenter make a new carved bed, he would dismantle the old bed first.

Zhan Aiping wiped the wardrobe again with a towel, preparing to put the folded clothes of the two people into it. The wardrobe was divided into two sides, one side was for Gu Sheng's clothes, and the other side was for her clothes. Both of them had a lot of old military uniforms, and there was really not much difference when they were mixed together.

Why was the military coat that Gu Sheng wore in Shanghai so new? Because he had almost no chance to wear it in Yunnan Province.

She brought some thick winter clothes with her, figuring she wouldn't have much chance to wear them again, so she put them on the top shelf of her closet.

Zhan Aiping put her clothes away and turned around to see Gu Sheng, who was staring at the empty space on the floor beside the bed, "thinking hard". Zhan Aiping: "... Your house is not much bigger than mine."

He also complained that her house in Shanghai was too small.

Gu Sheng stared at the ground and thought: At least I won’t be hit by the medical books.

Only deputy battalion commanders and above can follow the army. Gu Sheng currently cannot get a good house. Zhan Aiping patted his shoulder and said, "Comrade Gu, come on and take me to live in a big house."

Gu Sheng high-fived her: "Don't worry."

Zhan Aiping winked and smiled, "If the hospital also allocates me a house, it will be bigger than yours in the future, so you can become my family member."

Gu Sheng sneered: "I look forward to staying in the family room of the hospital."

Zhan Aiping stopped talking to him. She took two steps forward. There was a small bedside table next to their bed. She placed her hair bands, combs, homemade hair oil, lotion, vanishing cream, etc. on the table. Other valuable things such as silver bracelets, passbooks and cards were locked in the drawer.

Gu Sheng picked up the bottles and jars out of curiosity, opened them and smelled them, they smelled quite good.

"When you were a female soldier, could you use these things?"

"No." Seeing how curious he was, Zhan Aiping took the initiative to invite him, "If you want to try it, you can also put it on your face." Protect this handsome face well and let her look at it more.

To be honest, Zhan Aiping really planned to make some sunscreen ointment and apply it on him. She also needed it. She also needed mosquito repellent, which was the most important thing. She also had to get some insect repellent sachets.

"I don't want it." Gu Sheng was very disgusted. After smearing himself until he felt fragrant and soft, did he still want to maintain his dignity as a man

Zhan Aiping didn't force it. She would make some unscented wipes for him later. She shook the pillowcase and said casually, "Take a bath before going to bed today, and then go to bed."

Go to bed

Gu Sheng looked dazed, as if his soul had left his body, but he was still standing there: "Okay."

Can he go to bed on the first day? This is faster than he thought. A little impatience can ruin a big plan. Comrade Gu originally planned to proceed step by step.

He really hadn't thought about doing it on the first day... He had to give her some time to adapt.

But the reality is—she didn't give him any time to adapt.

"Don't be perfunctory." Zhan Aiping knew that some male soldiers challenged themselves to take a shower in dozens of seconds, while others took one minute to wash their hair, take a shower, and do the entire process of washing clothes. She really didn't know how they did it.

“Not perfunctory.”

"Wash longer."

"Hmm." Gu Sheng touched his nose.

Zhan Aiping pushed his arm and said, "Then go ahead."

Gu Sheng went to the bathroom with a heavy head and light feet. Zhan Aiping didn't know how long he had been bathing, but it should have been quite long. After he finished, it was her turn. Zhan Aiping took a shower and changed into a cotton pajamas. Her pajamas were short-sleeved, revealing two white arms like lotus roots. The collar was round and the clear lines of her collarbone were visible at the neckline. Her ankles were slender and white under her pajamas, and her slightly curved toenails were like shells.

Before she came in, Gu Sheng picked up a medical book under the lamp and flipped through it. Although he didn't read anything, the names of herbs were circulating in his mind.

When she met him, all the herbs in her head disappeared.

"You sleep inside." Zhan Aiping pointed to the side of the bed against the wall.

Under her gaze, Gu Sheng threw away the medical book and lay down. Zhan Aiping thought with some amusement: He was more nervous than her.

—We must outflank him today.

This damn desire to win is at work!

This may be a common problem among children in the compound, who have an obsessive pursuit of victory and honor.

Under her gaze, Gu Sheng lay on his side on the bed with his whole body stiff. His big body huddled there, looking inexplicably aggrieved, like a big dog being disciplined, not daring to cross the line.

The pet looks like its owner. He really looks like the German Shepherd he had before.

Zhan Aiping sat down beside the bed. She could already feel that he was so nervous that he was about to explode.

She lay down beside him.

Gu Sheng was wearing black pants and a black vest at the moment, showing off his chest and upper arm muscles to the fullest. When he was lying on his side, his full chest muscles were inexplicably eye-catching.

His body fat percentage is very low and his muscles are well-developed, but it is not the kind of exaggerated bodybuilding body that is deliberately built up. Military training focuses on endurance, and such muscle lines are just right.

And when he exercises, his muscles become swollen and beautiful due to blood flow.

Zhan Aiping couldn't help but raise her hand and pinch his arm muscles, which were still very elastic.

Gu Sheng took the initiative and grabbed her wrist, pulling her into his arms, as if they were on a train, letting her lean on his chest. It was a pity that she was wearing thick winter clothes before, and now everything was white, fragrant and soft.

A little impatience can ruin a big plan, but he is not that tolerant.

Gu Sheng held his breath and held her in his arms, trying his best to prevent her from noticing the changes in his body.

"Go to sleep, I'll turn off the lights." Gu Sheng was about to reach out to turn off the lights.

Zhan Aiping was wondering why she should turn off the lights. She flipped over like a swallow and pressed Gu Sheng under her, looking down at him like a queen. This gave her a strange sense of conquest.

Gu Sheng still wants to be a dead duck, but she doesn’t want to be one anymore.

Zhan Aiping held his wrists, leaned down, and whispered in his ear: "Gu Sheng, Pingping likes you."

Seeing Gu Sheng stunned, Zhan Aiping curled her lips, thinking that she would take the initiative today.

After saying that, she took the initiative to kiss him on the lips.


But the world suddenly turned upside down, the two men switched positions, and then there was a loud bang and clang, which marked the beginning of a melee.


The next day, the room was still the same room, but it was no longer the tidy and clean room. The bed collapsed, the bedside table fell over, the medical book was torn, and Zhan Aiping's bottle of lotion was broken, so that there was always a faint fragrance in the room that came and went.

Zhan Aiping was lying on several still strong "wooden boards" with a quilt draped over her waist. There were dried tear marks in the corners of her eyes, and the red marks on her wrists from being hoisted had not yet faded.

It was like she had just finished a long-distance training session and just wanted to sleep until she was dizzy. Zhan Aiping rubbed her head on the pillow in a daze, hugged the quilt tightly, turned over and continued to sleep.

Someone pulled her around and turned her around, then held her in his arms again.

It was sticky. Zhan Aiping pushed him away, but found that she couldn't push him away. She took the initiative to move forward and dived into his arms.

This body has been discharged from the army not long ago, and still retains its old habits. The habit of a soldier is to be able to sleep in any position.

I don’t know how long I slept. The people around me have left. I smell the aroma of food from outside. There is a sweet milky smell, as well as a light salty and crispy aroma, which is very tempting.

She woke up hungry.

Seeing that she woke up, Gu Sheng took some food and sat next to her. He fed her two bites of peach cake and gave her a sip of malted milk.

Zhan Aiping, who had eaten something, woke up completely. She looked around the room and saw the mess on the floor, and... She and Gu Sheng were sitting on the floor, right

Last night, neither of them was able to sleep on the "bed" and had to sleep on the "floor".

The battle was so fierce that only ruins remained after the smoke cleared.

Zhan Aiping wanted to suppress him from above, but he fought back. This bastard came from behind and relied on his strength to hold her wrists above her head. Zhan Aiping could not allow him to be so arrogant. Her legs and waist were very flexible in her current body. Once she got the chance, she would teach him a lesson...

Zhan Aiping took a sip of malted milk and sighed, "Do I have to pay for this bed?"

Gu Sheng shook his head: "No, it's an old bed, the previous owner moved it away, it has no owner."

Zhan Aiping: "... Did you ask someone to make a new bed?"

“It will take some time.”

Zhan Aiping scratched his palm and said, "Make it stronger."

Gu Sheng felt itchy: "I will reinforce it myself."

"Why don't we change the bed to an iron bed and get a bunk bed," Zhan Aiping suggested.

Gu Sheng's face darkened and he firmly refused. He would never let his home become a dormitory.

"Just sleep on the wooden bed!"

Zhan Aiping: "...What about these few days?"

Gu Sheng stared at the wreckage and said, "I'll modify it."

"Just use some wooden boards to put together and put some extra bedding on top."

"Okay." Gu Sheng agreed immediately.

Zhan Aiping was silent for a moment: "We should both have some shame."

What's going on in this room must not be seen by others.

Gu Sheng agreed very much, "Don't let anyone enter our room."

"Lock it up."

Zhan Aiping buried her head in his arms. After having the most intimate relationship, they were imbued with each other's scent. With their skin touching each other, there was no barrier at all.

This guy has changed into a neat and straight military uniform. He looks respectable with the buttons neatly buttoned. As for her, Zhan Aiping didn't even dare to think about it. What a sin.

Fortunately, their house is in a corner and the sound insulation of the house is quite good. They witnessed the test themselves last night. Of course, the protagonists of the test were not the two of them, but the couple living next door.

While she and Gu Sheng were busy "fighting", the family next door was busy "quarreling". A man and a woman were arguing fiercely. Their voices could be faintly heard from the family next door, but they were not very clear when they reached their room.

Both she and Gu Sheng were very good at controlling the volume, and at most the noise was just a few clanging and ping-pong sounds.

—After hearing this, people could only suspect that they were fighting.

Zhan Aiping went to change her clothes. Gu Sheng helped her wash, but she still felt uncomfortable. After doing some simple exercises to stretch her body, she took a shower and changed into clean clothes.

On the surface, she looks like a decent person, with her hair combed neatly and looking gentle and graceful.

Gu Sheng quickly tidied up the room and pieced together a simple new bed by hammering and banging. Zhan Aiping listened to the sound and thought, three years new, three years old, and another three years of mending.

After covering the bed with the mattress, the surface of the repaired bed still looked "proper" except that it was a little shorter.

Zhan Aiping sat on it and tried it out, and felt it was quite stable.

Gu Sheng sat down next to her and put his head on her shoulder. He was just like a big furry dog. Whenever he had the chance, he would stick to her and couldn't be driven away.

Just like that military dog, he is serious when working and his eyes can kill, but when he is with his trainer, he is particularly good at acting coquettish and clingy, nodding his head this way and that.

This is a big black she raised.


"You said yesterday that you liked me. When did you start to like me?" Gu Sheng was anxious and really wanted to know the answer.

"Who is like you, stubborn even when dead?" After hearing his answer, Zhan Aiping thought back to the past, wondering when exactly she fell in love with him. It was a mess. They had known each other for too long to count, and in the bits and pieces of time that melted away, she didn't know when he became indelible.

Maybe before they realize it.

However, there were indeed some deep feelings.

"Let's talk about the time when I carried you on my back. You were so heavy." She really carried Gu Sheng for more than ten kilometers. She didn't know exactly how far it was. When she was carrying him on her back, it felt like the road would never end.

The sweat on his body merged with her sweat, and the surroundings were filled with the smell of soil and grass. The two of them seemed to be soaked in muddy water. When the wind blew in the forest, the two people who were tightly pressed together could feel each other's body temperature...

Human endurance is truly amazing.

Now looking at this big guy Gu Sheng, he can’t even carry him for a hundred meters, let alone ten kilometers.

Zhan Aiping looked him up and down: "What about you? When did you like me? Don't be so stubborn."

Gu Sheng smiled and buried his head in her neck: "The time you carried me on your back."

Zhan Aiping squinted her eyes: "You don't even think about how embarrassing it is for you to still think about this."

"When you carried me on your back, I was thinking, if I marry a wife in this life, if I don't marry you, then I won't marry anyone else."

Zhan Aiping: "You are too feudal. You just carried me on your back once, and if it was someone else, would you want to marry someone else?"

Gu Sheng smiled: "That's not possible. When I joined the army, I only brought your photo with me."

Zhan Aiping: "!!!! So you admit that you have had feelings for me for a long time."

"No." Gu Sheng hugged her: "Actually, I don't know either. Anyway, it can only be you. I don't know exactly when it was. When I realized it..."

"I've always wanted to see you."

"I managed to get a chance to go to Shanghai this time... because... because the girl I like is there, and I want to see her."

Zhan Aiping grabbed his hand and asked, "Is this also the reason why your hand was broken?"

Gu Sheng looked at her without saying anything.

Zhan Aiping's nose felt sore, and she was very angry. She really wanted to beat him up, but when she raised her hand, tears rolled down her cheeks. Gu Sheng was anxious: "Don't cry, my hand is fine, and... this trip is really worth it. I tricked you here."

Zhan Aiping's tears were falling so hard that she couldn't control herself. She sobbed and cried. She thought that the man in front of her was too stubborn. He was stubborn when he was young and he is still stubborn now.

Old Man Gu also told her that those were things that happened when he was young, so why talk about him.

"I just want to see you and know that you are living well, that's enough." There are many educated youth from Shanghai here. They all try their best to go back and talk about how good it is there. He is very happy to hear that because the girl he likes is there.

"You are silly and angry. They all want to go back, but you came with me. I gave you so many chances to regret it." Gu Sheng also felt very torn. He was greedy for her, but he thought it would be better for her to stay. The girl he liked was an excellent girl. She had a decent job in a big city. Shanghai was the place with the most abundant supply of grain and meat among all cities. It was also one of the few places that sold imported goods. In many cases, you could buy meat without a ticket... If conditions allowed, who would want to live on carrots and potatoes every day.

As a man, you should not let the woman you like suffer with you.

But he was greedy in the end.

"Don't you ever hide anything from me again."

"I won't hide it."

"From now on, everything at home will be handled by me."

"I'll do whatever you say."

Zhan Aiping calmed down, and the two of them decorated their new home together. Gu Sheng took out the photos taken on the wedding day, and had many of them developed. Zhan Aiping laughed, "We agreed not to take photos, but in the end we took so many. Just be a dog, Comrade Gu Sheng."

Gu Sheng hugged her from behind and said, "As long as our revolution can succeed, I will be a dog."

"Hang them in the room, and hang two on the wall outside. Gu Sheng, why do you have so many photos, and they are all mine."

Gu Sheng smiled and said, "Didn't I tell you that when I was in the army for so many years, besides the family photos of my family, the only photos I brought were yours."

Zhan Aiping looked at the photos with a blank face: "..."

How could she have so many ugly photos

Where did Gu Sheng find this out from

"It's quite funny to say that the men in the army are also very curious. Some of them would bring pictures of girls they like and look at them in bed late at night. During a large search, many people were found, but mine was not found."

"I obviously brought a picture of a girl I like, too."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

She thought to herself, I suspect you are scolding me, but I have no evidence.

"When the male soldiers get together, they can't help but talk about the women they like. They also show each other their photos. Some of them are caught secretly looking at photos and can't help but be teased."

"I looked at them secretly... No, I looked at your photos openly, and they really didn't react at all!"

Zhan Aiping glared at him: "Are you still very proud of yourself?"

"To be honest, I really want to be asked." Otherwise, he would not have shown the photo in front of Wang Youli. This was the first time in his life.

Zhan Aiping laughed and said, "When you old comrades get together in the future, you can tell them that they were all blind back then."

It's dark under the lamp.

"Speak, I will."

"You dare to say I'll beat you to death, Gu Sheng, you... No, my family is going to buy a camera in the future, and I want to take a lot of beautiful photos. Look at what you have, what the hell are these."

Gu Sheng patted her shoulder and comforted her: "Girls change a lot when they grow up. Girls change a lot when they grow up."

Zhan Aiping kicked him and said, "Go tell your daughter."

Gu Sheng hugged her: "First we have to have a daughter."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

She thought that since Gu Sheng could think of her while looking at these photos, it was true love. "There are obviously some good-looking ones."

"Yeah, I can't bear to show it to others if it's so beautiful."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

"I want to hide you."

Zhan Aiping: "Comrade Gu, your idea is not right."

"I know, I was wrong. I know you girls love beauty. From now on, our house will only have Pingping's best-looking photos."

Zhan Aiping laughed: "That's more like it."

After they selected and hung up the photos, they went out together to buy pots, pans, coal stoves, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, vegetable seeds, and chickens and ducks for the kitchen. They bought a lot of things, and Gu Sheng carried them all, as he didn't want her to get tired.

On the way, they met Li Yuxia. When the women's director saw them, she felt something was very wrong.

Yesterday this man said that they didn’t cook at home, but today he bought more things than anyone else.

She joked, "Oh, you bought three kinds of vinegar."

Aged vinegar, balsamic vinegar, white vinegar.

"Didn't you say that we don't cook at home?" Li Yuxia looked at Gu Sheng.

Zhan Aiping took the initiative to help out: "Director Li, this is called poor students have too many stationery."

"Gu Sheng said that the bean paste made by Sister Zhou's family is delicious. We plan to go and exchange some. We both like spicy food, and the peppers in your province are delicious. I heard that Sister He's hometown is..." Gu Sheng's other abilities are not to be mentioned, but his ability to remember and mark products is excellent. It's just like playing a game. He wrote down all the good things that are produced in abundance on the map.

They came from Shanghai and brought a lot of things from there, such as cakes, chocolates, fruit candies, etc., which they gave to people when they visited neighbors or exchanged with others for other things.

After this round, I have become familiar with everything that should be familiar.

Li Yuxia: “…”

She thought to herself, you two are quite capable.

It looks like he doesn't know how to live, but he also seems to be able to live well.

"I also bought a lot of vegetable seeds. Do you plan to plant vegetables? Do you have shallots? Go to my house and pick a couple of shallots. Take them home and plant them directly. If you need them, just cut a few. They will be delicious when you cook noodles or cook vegetables."

"Okay, thank you in advance, Director Li."

Li Yuxia smiled. She thought this newlywed couple was very interesting. She looked at Zhan Aiping and teased, "Didn't you say that you would take care of all the housework? Is he the one who is so hands-off?"

Although Gu Sheng was still a tall and handsome male officer, he was equipped with all kinds of necessities, including a basket of chirping chickens. He really had a sense of "life" all over his body.

Before Zhan Aiping could say anything, Gu Sheng spoke up first: "How can I be a hands-off boss? I rush to do all the housework. Who can blame me for loving my wife?"

"My wife is from a big city, she's very delicate."

Li Yuxia: “…” Sour, too sour.

The main thing is that Gu Sheng has such a "rebellious" face, and he keeps saying that he "loves his wife", why doesn't she believe it? She wonders how long can you love your wife

Plus... your wife's reputation as a good fighter is almost spreading everywhere.

The border area was not peaceful in the past few years, but it is not so peaceful now. There have been cases of kidnapping and murder of military dependents. So after what happened the day before yesterday, things became tense again, and another round of inspections and alerts began.

The story of this "cute little military wife" knocking down three strong men was also exaggerated. Li Yuxia was still a little skeptical after hearing it, but when she met Zhan Aiping today, she felt that there might be some "exaggeration" involved.

Li Yuxia believed that her husband could fight four men at once, but as for this fair and tender young military wife, she would be lucky if she could fight one.

"You two should live a good life from now on!"

It’s best not to ask her to go there to mediate the conflict. She doesn’t even want to go there. The couple next door to them is already troublesome enough, and these two couples shouldn’t get together and cause a big fight.

They were sabotaging each other yesterday, but today they are defending each other. Anyway, there is something weird about them both.

After saying goodbye to Li Yuxia, Zhan Aiping and Gu Sheng returned home. There was someone living next door at the moment. It was a male officer named Xie, wearing a military uniform with straight features. When he saw them, he felt a little embarrassed: "I had an argument with my boyfriend last night, and I disturbed you."

"It's okay, it's not that noisy." Zhan Aiping and Gu Sheng looked at each other and thought, no need to quarrel, because when the neighbors were quarreling, they were fighting at the same time and didn't hear anything.

"We'll go back first. Come to our house when you have time."

As they talked, Zhan Aiping and Gu Sheng entered the yard. Both of them were quite excited. One was preparing to show off his cooking skills in the future, and the other was thinking that he would eat whatever his wife cooked. If his wife couldn't learn to cook, then he would learn it. At worst, the two of them would just eat steamed buns with sauce.

Anyway, he bought so many oils, salt, sauces, vinegars and all kinds of seasonings and spices today. Even if his wife Pingping is a fool, can't she just put the bean paste and chopped pepper sauce into the stew

They are both full of expectations for their future life.

Xie Shu, who stayed where he was, looked at the couple's backs as they left in a leisurely manner and couldn't help scratching the back of his head. He and his wife had such a big fight yesterday, but the two of them didn't react at all, and didn't they have the slightest curiosity

In the past, when I heard them arguing, I would at least ask them out of curiosity, or maybe give them some advice, but this new couple just pretended not to hear anything


"After some time, we will renovate the kitchen and move it outside. We will build a small wooden house outside to serve as a kitchen, and keep the stove inside so that we can cook something..." Zhan Aiping rolled up her sleeves and looked at the pile of bottles and jars on the table. She felt very satisfied and accomplished.

She had originally wanted to stock up on all the seasonings when she arrived in Shanghai, but as she was leaving soon, she had to resist the urge to buy any. Now she finally has everything.

Although she did not bring seasonings and ingredients from Shanghai, she brought a few porcelain cups and spoons. These porcelain cups and spoons looked like ordinary cups and spoons on the surface, but they were actually very useful.

They can act as measuring cups and measuring spoons, so that one cup is 100 milliliters, half a cup of rice is 50 grams, and one spoonful of soy sauce is about 5 milliliters.

Zhan Aiping is particular about the proportions when cooking. She likes to soak the rice before cooking it, first soaking it for about half an hour, and then cooking the rice with 50 grams of rice and 60 to 70 milliliters of water. She prefers this proportion.

Pour a drop of sesame oil into the rice before cooking, and the rice will be soft, sticky and sweet.

An old doctor she knew told her that she would lose the nutrients in the rice by soaking and cooking it in this way. Zhan Aiping didn't care much. As long as it tasted good, it was fine. She would soak the rice when she had time, and cook it directly if she didn't. Anyway, the "pigs" she raised at home were not picky eaters, well.

She has some free time today and plans to cook a good firewood meal.

Gu Sheng saw her busying around like a hardworking little bee. The busier she was, the more depressed he felt, because his mother Qin Ying was also so busy when she cooked, preparing a lot of things and making it look fancy.

As a result, the food that was cooked tasted particularly bad.

It's not as good as the big pot dishes cooked by the bald chef in the cafeteria.

Either it's mushy or burnt, the vegetables are either overcooked or bitter, other people's dishes are sweet, but hers are astringent.

Not to mention his mother Qin Ying, there is also his younger sister Gu Xiangyi. When Zhan Aiping was a child, she loved to make fire. Gu Xiangyi also liked to cook and have picnics with others. She also volunteered to cook at home, and the food she cooked was particularly unpalatable...

Anyway, these three women are a drama.

All the dishes taste terrible.

—Zhan Aiping is so old now, at least the poison won’t kill him.

But I didn't expect that while she was cooking, the food smelled quite fragrant. While Zhan Aiping was cooking in the house, Gu Sheng was entrusted with the important task of weeding and turning the soil in the yard. He also had to build a chicken coop and duck house outside to house the chicks and ducklings.

Zhan Aiping had already cleaned up the yard yesterday. The chickens and ducklings they bought were chirping in the wooden boxes. Zhan Aiping said she wanted to plant two fruit trees in the yard. They planned to exchange two fruit tree seedlings from someone else, or go to the mountain to dig up some wild fruit trees and plant them.

"Gu Sheng, come in and have dinner." Zhan Aiping invited him in.

Gu Sheng immediately dropped what he was holding and turned back to the house. Zhan Aiping told him to wash his hands. He smiled and kissed her on the face. She glared at him, but he didn't care. After all, she was his wife, so he could kiss her however he wanted.

The two of them had dinner together. The dishes were good, but the portions were large. There was a pot of braised potatoes and a dish of cured pork and bean curd, both of which were simple home-cooked dishes. The braised potatoes had a beautiful sauce color, and the soft and glutinous potatoes were dotted with green chopped green onions, which made people's appetites grow.

The same goes for the bacon and bean curd on the side. The bean curd is light yellow, the bacon is pink and white, and the peppers are green... Let’s not talk about how it tastes, but the collision of colors is pleasing to the eye.

Gu Sheng said: "That's a lot of progress. At least it's not burnt or blurred."

"You've lived alone for a long time, now you can cook?"

"If you don't know how to praise others, then don't praise them. Just try it." Zhan Aiping thought that her cooking skills were definitely not bad. This was a skill she had honed after watching countless years of food-making videos.

She even found a few Sichuan chefs to learn the skills, so she could open a Sichuan restaurant.

Zhan Aiping treated people and they gave her some recipes for seasoning combinations. She would not buy these recipes and would just use them when cooking at home.

"Let me try it." Gu Sheng tasted the braised potatoes first and found that his wife's potatoes were indeed delicious. The sauce was rich and the potatoes were just the right softness and flavor.

After taking another bite of rice, I found that the rice cooked by his wife was also delicious.

"It's true that one should look at a man with new eyes after three days of absence." Gu Sheng ate the food with big mouthfuls.

Zhan Aiping said proudly: "That's right."

Gu Sheng was suspicious: "I'm afraid you've used all your best skills today..."

Zhan Aiping kicked him: "Do you want to fight?"

Gu Sheng smiled: "If we fight tonight, I will accompany you to the end."

"You are so beautiful." Zhan Aiping glared at him: "You are not ashamed of making such a noise."

"Don't worry, we have experience. If the bed collapses once, it won't happen again."

Zhan Aiping: “…” I always feel like I’m setting a flag.

Although it's a bit inappropriate, it's good for the neighbors to quarrel. Although the noise they make is not loud, it would be more pleasant if there were other noises to cover it up.

"We should both have some shame."

Gu Sheng thought that he didn't want to save face anymore, but since his wife wanted to save face, there was nothing he could do: "If people heard the noise we made, they would think we were fighting and rummaging through boxes."

"Comrade Zhan, let's have a fight tonight."

"Alright." It's the best time of youth, and it's hard not to indulge a little. "I'm a woman, you have to let me go. I want to be on top, and you have to lie down for eight minutes without moving."

Anyway, it's very happy to put him under.

Gu Sheng was choked: "... Can we just rely on our own abilities?"

"No, we agreed that I have the final say at home."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside: "Xiao Gu, Xiao Zhan, are you two home?"

It was Li Yuxia's voice. The gate to their courtyard was not closed, and she walked in directly. Director Li was a warm-hearted person, and she came to give them a lot of vegetable seedlings. "You are slow in sowing seeds, so I will give you some vegetable seedlings directly. You can eat them soon. Here are onions and peppers..."

"Thank you, Director Li. We were having dinner at home just now. Director Li, please come and try my cooking." People brought her a lot of things, and Zhan Aiping went to make her a bowl of dish.

She cooked quite a lot today, and there is some in the pot.

Li Yuxia didn't want to accept it at first, but Zhan Aiping forced it on her. Li Yuxia found that it smelled quite nice, so she delivered the gift and left their yard.

After Director Li left, Zhan Aiping looked at Gu Sheng standing beside her.

Gu Sheng expressed his understanding: "You don't have to say it, I know, let's have some shame in the future."

Zhan Aiping raised her finger, put her arm around his shoulders, and high-fived him.

—Although they talk tough, in fact everyone is quite thick-skinned.


Li Yuxia was amazed after she returned. She had thought that Gu Sheng and his wife would have some emotional conflicts at the beginning, but it turned out that they adapted well and started to live a colorful life the next day.

After her husband, Political Commissar Zhang, came back, Li Yuxia told him, "I thought Xiao Gu and his wife would have some troubles, but it turns out they are living happily together. I tried the dishes Xiao Zhan cooked and they were pretty good..."

"The two people next door are quarreling, so they just need to stop quarreling with each other."

"Don't be happy too soon. There will probably be a quarrel." Political Commissar Zhang felt that his wife was a worrywart. She did nothing else all day long but mediate conflicts for others.

When others have conflicts, she gets a headache and becomes anxious; when others don’t have conflicts, she feels like she has nothing to do.

"What's the matter? I think they are a good couple."

"The military hospital said they don't want Zhan Aiping."

(End of this chapter)