Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 31: Zhan Mingzhao


The educated youth farm where Zhan Aiping's brother worked was not far from the base, but it was still several hours' walk along the mountain road. The transportation was inconvenient at that time, and it was troublesome to go in and out.

There is no train service here, and if you want to take a train you have to go to Chuncheng. So if her brother wants to go home, he has to take a bus for more than ten hours to Chuncheng and then take a train back, which is very troublesome.

The mountain roads are rugged, making it even more troublesome for these people to visit their relatives. In the mountains, the forests are dense, with small and large villages interspersed here and there, where many ethnic minorities live. On the road, you can see many men and women wearing ethnic costumes.

Gu Sheng and Zhan Aiping took a ride to the farm, squatting in the back of the car with several other educated youths, and they were jolted and swayed along the bumpy mountain road.

The male educated youth couldn't help but look at Zhan Aiping because she was pretty, thinking that she was also a new educated youth who had gone to the countryside, and the man next to her was probably a retired soldier who also went to the frontier farm to support construction.

Maybe they haven't got married yet, they are just living together as husband and wife.

At this time, the young men and women in the countryside were full of youthful vigor and vitality, so how could they not have some thoughts of boys and girls? Many of them started dating on the farm and lived together, just like a couple, but they did not get a marriage certificate because they were worried that getting a marriage certificate would affect their future return to the city. In the village, people did not care about these things, and many villagers did not get a marriage certificate. In their opinion, if they had a wedding banquet, they would be a legitimate couple and there would be no gossip.

"Wife, come and sit over here." Gu Sheng asked Zhan Aiping to sit outside. There was a partition next to her so she could see the scenery outside the back of the car, but the wind was a little strong.

He turned around and half-protected her, blocking the gazes of several men and asserting his sovereignty.

"You, you, you just follow--" Gu Sheng did not finish his words. He now missed his wife very much when she wore the military uniform and looked so heroic. Now she was so fair and tender, which really made people miss her.

Zhan Aiping leaned on him and didn't say anything. She had something on her mind at the moment. She was thinking about her biological brother whom she was about to meet, and she was very excited. After all, she was still worried that her brother was not doing well. They hadn't seen each other for a long, long time, and she didn't know what her brother Zhan Mingzhao had become.

Her brother used to be fair and naive, a little timid, a good person, but also a little unsympathetic, stubborn and stubborn. He must have become darker and thinner after going to the countryside, and he must have suffered a lot.

"Gu Sheng, what happened to my brother?"

Gu Sheng was very patient: "It's already this late, you two siblings will know once you meet."

Gu Sheng thought that when you two siblings meet, you probably won’t recognize each other.

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Zhan Aiping fell asleep on Gu Sheng, thinking that the mountain road was long and there was no need to worry too much. She would naturally see people when she reached the destination.

She fell asleep like this, and when she woke up, she was told that they were almost there. Gu Sheng gave her a cake, and Zhan Aiping ate it without any appetite. She lay on the edge of the baffle and looked around. She saw people and rubber trees in the distance. On the other side were green mountains and farmlands, and there were people working in the fields. She thought that they were about to reach the populated area.

Finally they arrived. The couple got off the car carrying large and small bags of stuff for visiting relatives. Gu Sheng held all the things on himself, leaving Zhan Aiping empty-handed. The two stood on the gravel road in front of the farm gate and walked inside together.

Gu Sheng said that he knew the manager here, so he went to talk to him first. Zhan Aiping couldn't help but go find someone to inquire about the situation of her younger brother Zhan Mingzhao.

She happened to see a Dai girl in a tube skirt. She was beautiful, with white teeth when she smiled, and she was holding a bamboo basket on her waist. When the girl in the tube skirt saw Zhan Aiping, her eyes lit up and she took the initiative to ask, "Are you a new educated youth?"

Zhan Aiping thought she should be a warm and hospitable girl, so she said, "Comrade, do you know Zhan Mingzhao?"

As soon as the girl in the tube skirt heard the name Zhan Mingzhao, her face immediately fell and she stared at Zhan Aiping with a very wary look.

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Because her expression changed so quickly, even Zhan Aiping, who was a thick-skinned person, could notice something was wrong. Why did her eyes change when she heard her brother's name

Zhan Aiping introduced herself: "I am Zhan Mingzhao's biological sister Zhan Aiping. I am here to visit my relatives."

"You, you are his biological sister?" The girl in the tube skirt changed her expression. Her guard was gone, and her face was unexpectedly enthusiastic. She walked forward with a bamboo basket in her pocket, took the initiative to hold Ai Ping's hand, and kept calling her sister: "Good sister, welcome to come, come and look around our place."

Zhan Aiping: “…” What’s going on

Could it be that this girl likes her brother and just regarded her as a love rival

She is dating her brother

The girl took her hand and walked inside. This man was so enthusiastic. They passed by an old-fashioned water wheel with a gurgling sound. There were two shirtless men beating glutinous rice cakes with wooden stakes nearby.

There was a very fresh smell in the air. A handful of bananas was stuffed into Zhan Aiping's arms, and someone put a wreath on her head.

"Sister, come and eat bananas!"

"Sister, this flower is beautiful."

"She is Zhan Mingzhao's biological sister..."

"Sister, come and try some leafy papa."

Zhan Aiping: “!” They are really hospitable. After going through this circle, she feels like she has many more sisters.

There were also little girls around seven or eight years old who would dance the peacock dance in front of her and chase after her, calling her "sister". She even got a peacock feather.

When the aunt in her thirties or forties heard that she was Zhan Mingzhao's biological sister, she also showed her a warm and hearty smile, "Come to my house today and have a drink..."

Zhan Aiping: “…” This enthusiasm is like a volcanic eruption.

"A Zhao's leg is injured, so he's resting in front."

"A lot of people came to visit him these days."

When Zhan Aiping heard that her brother was injured, she became worried, fearing that he was seriously injured. At this time, she had already led a group of people, big and small, behind her, and they all walked under the big tree together.

From a distance, you can see a lot of people gathered under the big tree. If you get closer, you can hear the melodious sound of a harmonica. The harmonica sounds very beautiful. The young girl is smiling, wearing a blue tube skirt, beautiful feathers, and fresh flowers.

Sitting in the center of the crowd was a young man in a blue short coat, with a wreath on his head. He held a harmonica in both hands and played melodious music. He had a handsome and delicate appearance, and his skin was dark and shiny. It was precisely because of this deep color that his facial features were highlighted, making him unforgettable at first sight.

The young man's eyes were bright, like the sparkling water in spring.

Zhan Aiping was stunned: "... ?!!!!"

This is my brother? ? This is my silly brother...

During the journey just now, Zhan Aiping had been doubting in her heart. She doubted:

—My own younger brother became someone’s son-in-law.

At this moment, seven or eight young girls were seen sitting around the young man. Some were obviously local girls, while others were young female educated youth. They all surrounded him, laughing and talking happily.

His legs didn't look like anything was wrong.

He is obviously still attracting a lot of girls, but it’s hard to tell who will get the prize. Was her brother so popular with girls in the past

Zhan Mingzhao was originally immersed in the music. He held his harmonica and enjoyed being supported by the crowd. But when he looked up, he caught a glimpse of a beautiful woman.

The woman was so beautiful, with fair skin and pretty face. She shone in the crowd and it was hard to ignore her.

A beautiful girl always makes people happy, but this girl looks a little familiar when you take a closer look.

The young man could not hold the harmonica steadily. When he saw Zhan Aiping, who was dressed gently and brightly, and her long hair, his mouth opened and his jaw was almost dislocated.

Zhan Mingzhao: “!!!!” This is his biological sister? ! ! He must be dazzled.

"Hiss-" The harmonica in his hand fell and hit the instep of his foot. Zhan Mingzhao gasped in pain and forced himself to hold back his tears and pain. He must not lose face in front of the girls.

"Sister, sister, Sister Pingping, are you really here to visit me?" Zhan Mingzhao was almost dumbfounded. He was shocked, confused, and doubted whether the world in front of him was real. "Sister, why did you become like this?"

Where is his sister who is as handsome and capable as a man

Zhan Aiping's mouth twitched: "... I wanted to ask you this."

How did her shy, timid, innocent and cowardly little brother turn into a dark, thin and handsome little monkey, a monkey that charms everyone. Girls from six or seven years old to old ladies in their sixties and seventies all like him.

Just as they finished talking, a warm-hearted auntie spoke up beside them: "Hey, I heard that your sister is here to visit, don't stay outside, come in and have some tea."

"Yeah, yeah, come in."

"A Zhao, your sister is so beautiful."

"You two are quite similar..."

The girls around them all started talking at once, like a busy market, and surrounded the brother and sister and brought them into the house. They poured them hot tea and served them all kinds of cakes and pastries, including jelly, baked rice cakes, and glutinous rice cakes...

It was a two-story bamboo building, which creaked when people stepped on the corridor. They went up to the second floor, which was not high and no one lived on the first floor. There was a bamboo shed on the top floor with colorful bamboo tables, chairs and benches. A fresh bamboo breeze blew in from outside.

Zhan Aiping and her younger brother Zhan Mingzhao sat together. She took a sip of tea and looked at the enthusiastic girls behind them. She felt like she had stepped into a country of women, and her brother was the Tang Monk's flesh that everyone was fighting for.

The young girl in a tube skirt brought a basket of fresh fruits to the table and enthusiastically asked Zhan Aiping to taste them.

Zhan Aiping: "I finally understand..."

Zhan Mingzhao was puzzled: "Sister, what do you understand?"

Zhan Aiping was silent: "..." At this moment, she suddenly understood the cause of her brother's death in his previous life. She had never understood why her cowardly brother would participate in a fight and was accidentally beaten to death...

After coming here to work in the countryside, his younger brother Zhan Mingzhao became a charming Tang Monk. A bunch of beautiful girls pampered him. When he was injured in the foot, countless people came to visit him. He also made the group of girls happy, and none of them were jealous of each other. He was simply a master of balancing and a friend of women.

When she entered the room just now, Zhan Aiping saw the envious eyes of several men. They were not jealous of her, but of her brother. Her brother Zhan Mingzhao was really too eye-catching.

Women like him, but men want to beat him up, just because her younger brother Zhan Mingzhao is too jealous and hated by men. All the beautiful girls surround him, but he does not arouse the jealousy of men.

Perhaps it was because of this that someone took advantage of the opportunity to beat him up with a club in the dark, which was an unexpected result.

The murderer in her previous life was named Zhang Qi. It was confirmed that he had no grudge against her brother, and the two had never had any conflicts or quarrels, so the incident was judged to be an accident.

Zhan Aiping asked Gu Sheng to find someone for help, saying that Zhang Qi's relatives had asked her to find a way to transfer Zhang Qi away from the farm and send him to another area as an educated youth. Zhan Aiping thought that this way, the accident might be avoided. If she also warned her brother not to get involved in fights, the accident should be completely avoided.

It seems that this is not going to work. If her brother continues to be like this, there is no guarantee that someone will not find an opportunity to attack him in the dark.

My younger brother must leave here, otherwise he will have to stay in someone else's house as a son-in-law. That's still considered good, but I'm afraid something might go wrong if several families fight over him.

Zhan Aiping warned him in a low voice: "No messing around with men and women!"

Zhan Mingzhao frowned: "I didn't mess around with men and women. Who said I did? I am good friends with them. We are pure friends. Lili, don't you think I am right? We are good friends regardless of gender."

Yingying and Yanyan beside her smiled gently: "Yes, we are good friends with Zhao."

“We are bosom friends.”

"A Zhao never has casual relationships with men and women..."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Aquaman will fall sooner or later!

Even if he did not do it on purpose, he had already created a fish pond in the sea. If he raised more fish in the pond, they would eventually become sharks.

"Sister, didn't you say you would bring your brother-in-law to see me? Why are you here alone? Where's my brother-in-law? I don't even know what kind of brother-in-law you found for me..."

Zhan Aiping put down the teacup: "Your brother-in-law is here too. You must remember what you said before. Don't be scared when you see your brother-in-law."

Zhan Mingzhao picked up the teacup and took a sip of water: "Why should I be scared? My brother-in-law can't be Brother Gu Wu."

Speak of the devil, here he appears. As soon as Zhan Mingzhao finished speaking, Gu Sheng popped up. He was very tall and stood out from the crowd. Although he was handsome, his appearance and aura were too aggressive. Ordinary girls would inevitably be frightened when they saw him, and subconsciously they would be more on guard than liking him. But when they took a closer look, they realized how handsome this guy was!

Zhan Aiping glanced calmly and said, "Come, look, your brother-in-law is here."

Zhan Mingzhao was choked by his own saliva: "Cough cough cough—"

Seeing him like this, Zhan Aiping said coldly: "That's right, Gu Sheng, he is your brother-in-law now, absolutely true."

Zhan Mingzhao just thought it was ridiculous: "I don't believe it unless you show me your marriage certificate!"

It's impossible that his own sister deliberately asked Brother Gu Wu to stage a drama just to get him to join the army. His sister must be crazy to do such a stupid thing.

Zhan Aiping waved her hand and said, "Fifth brother, show your brother-in-law our marriage certificate. Oh, and our wedding photos."

This time, Zhan Aiping had made sufficient preparations. She knew that her brother didn't believe that they were getting married, so they brought their marriage certificate and photos from the wedding day.

Zhan Mingzhao stared at the marriage certificate, stunned.

Jue is still his biological sister Jue!

His sister must be crazy, Zhan Mingzhao glared at her: "You married Gu Laowu just to let me join the army?! You are destroying your own Great Wall, are you crazy?"

Before Zhan Aiping could say anything, Gu Sheng exploded: "You are flattering yourself, you little bastard. Your sister married me because she liked me."

Ridiculous, so ridiculous!

Zhan Mingzhao: "I don't believe it! Unless my sister tells me in person."

Zhan Aiping said calmly: "I like you, Fifth Brother Gu. I have liked you for a long time."

Zhan Mingzhao: “…”

Zhan Mingzhao felt that either he was crazy or his sister was crazy. How could his sister marry Gu Laowu!

Just when a few people were in a stalemate, they were pulled to a long table banquet. The people here were indeed hospitable. Zhan Mingzhao was popular here. When they heard that his family had come from afar to visit relatives, they naturally gave a warm welcome to friends coming from afar.

So every household mobilized, each family contributed a dish, and they put out stools and tables, put them together to form a long table, and held a banquet to entertain the guests from afar.

Zhan Mingzhao felt very uneasy, his eyes twitching as he watched Gu Laowu pouring wine and serving food to his own sister, and occasionally lowering his head to ask about her well-being, making his sister happy.

His sister actually handed Gu Sheng a handkerchief. Oh my God, his sister actually carried a handkerchief with her!

Zhan Mingzhao: “…”

If they just want to act, with their abilities, they should go to a cultural troupe to perform in a drama.

Zhan Aiping and Gu Sheng had the most intimate physical relationship, and the intimacy that naturally exuded from their time together made Zhan Mingzhao feel uncomfortable.

It was hard for him not to believe it. Gu Sheng showed his possessiveness towards his own sister, which made Zhan Mingzhao realize sadly that his sister was already his woman.

His sister was cheated away by someone, and he helped count the money. Zhan Mingzhao remembered how many good things he had said about Gu Sheng in front of Zhan Aiping, and he wanted to slap himself a few times.

Blind you, let the wolf into the house...

He gnashed his teeth and looked at Gu Sheng: "So you have been plotting against my sister for a long time."

Gu Sheng admitted it and blinked his eyes: "Boy, all is fair in war."

Zhan Mingzhao: “…” Crazy!

If he could beat Gu Sheng, he would have rolled up his sleeves and punched him.

Zhan Aiping is his biological sister, the closest person to him in this world. His mother passed away early and his father remarried. In his mind, the person he admires, respects, loves the most is his biological sister.

Knowing that she was going to get married, Zhan Mingzhao felt sad for a long time.

Now Zhan Aiping is married to Gu Sheng and still treats Gu Sheng nicely in front of him. Zhan Mingzhao is jealous, extremely jealous, so jealous that his mouth and stomach are filled with sourness.

After finishing the meal, Zhan Mingzhao hugged Zhan Aiping tightly and refused to let go. He glared at Gu Sheng arrogantly: Even if my sister marries you, she is still my sister!

"If you dare to treat my sister badly, I will definitely encourage her to divorce!"

Gu Sheng patted his shoulder: "Don't worry, I will definitely treat your sister well."

Zhan Mingzhao: “…”

If another man said this, Zhan Mingzhao would be suspicious, but when Gu Sheng said this, he still believed it in his heart, at least his sister did not marry another strange man.

His parents-in-law are easy to get along with and they all like his sister.

Zhan Mingzhao reluctantly accepted this cruel fact: "Don't fight with each other anymore, don't be impulsive."

Gu Sheng: “…”

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Zhan Mingzhao frowned and continued to remind him: "Don't quarrel if you can. It will have a bad influence on the child when you have one in the future."

He really worries about his sister and brother-in-law.

Gu Sheng's old face turned red and he couldn't help touching his nose. When he had a quarrel with Zhan Aiping before, Gu Xiaodi actually came to mediate.

And the kids and stuff...

Zhan Aiping coughed and touched her brother's head: "Now your fifth brother Gu is your brother-in-law. As you wish, you can join the army."

Zhan Mingzhao stared at her, what did "as you wish" mean? He refused: "I won't go. I don't want to stay with those stinky men."

"I just asked someone and found out that there is an art troupe that will be recruiting next month. I've signed you up. Just do your best to get in. I think you'd be willing to join the troupe, right? I think it'd be great for you to dance ballet."

Zhan Mingzhao's eyes widened: "Ballet?"

Gu Sheng suppressed his laughter: "Your sister is right."

Zhan Aiping: "Look, your brother-in-law is also very supportive, so go and apply to join the art troupe."

Zhan Mingzhao: "I won't go, even if you kill me, I won't go. I want to stay here as an educated youth."

Zhan Aiping raised her hand: "Gu Laowu, help me educate him!"

"Go teach him some boxing skills."

Gu Sheng took Zhan Mingzhao away, and Zhan Aiping asked him to teach Zhan Mingzhao some self-defense skills. No matter when, he must learn to protect his key parts. She and Gu Sheng have been fighting since childhood. The better a person is at fighting, the better he is at protecting himself.

Zhan Aiping knew that he couldn't stay here any longer. If he stayed here any longer, those girls would become "big sharks" and something bad would happen. He thought it was a pure relationship between a man and a woman, but what if he was caught and got into bed...

Zhan Aiping rubbed her eyebrows and felt a headache.

At least the art troupe has strict management and won't cause any trouble. Her brother should be careful not to be noticed by any hot-tempered female soldier in the future.

Zhan Aiping and Gu Sheng stayed for a day, and took a ride back the next day. They came with a lot of bags, and they left with the same amount of bags, or even more...

Because her brother is a popular man and a friend of women, many people send her gifts, and they force them on her. They just throw the gifts next to her and run away. The gifts include all kinds of mountain products and dried goods, such as dried mushrooms, mycelium, and a lot of fruits, vegetables and teas.

"This tea is good tea. Did my brother put it in there or someone else did?" Zhan Aiping grabbed a handful of tea and smelled it. It was top-quality Pu'er tea.

Gu Sheng said at the side: "I don't know, things are too messy."

Zhan Aiping smiled: "Do you think we are here to get something for free? We actually brought back so many things."

Gu Sheng: "... You like tea? I can get some from my comrades-"

"No, no, no, that's not it." Zhan Aiping sniffed it. This tea was indeed good. She would get some Dianhong tea later. It would also be good for making milk tea. There were many buffaloes here and a lot of buffalo milk. Compared with milk produced by ordinary cows, buffalo milk has a stronger milk flavor and rich aroma, and is also slightly fishy.

Neither she nor Gu Sheng had the patience to taste tea. When they drank tea, it was almost like a cow chewing a peony. No matter how good the tea was, it would taste bland.

Zhan Aiping likes the taste of milk very much. She prefers milk tea to tea. She plans to get some buffalo milk, which is good for drinking after boiling, and it is also good for making milk tea. If you have to say it, using this milk and tea to make milk tea is also a waste of resources.

When I think of food, my thoughts can't help but expand. I planted green onions and green vegetables in the yard, and I could also plant some edible roses, or they could be called Chinese roses. Abroad, roses, and roses are all called roses, while in China they are divided into roses, Chinese roses, and roses. In fact, they belong to the same family and can be grafted with each other, just like oranges and grapefruits, which can be grafted with each other, allowing oranges, grapefruits, and oranges to grow on one tree at the same time.

The roses sold in flower shops are actually Chinese roses. Many edible roses are actually edible roses. It is difficult to tell the difference between Chinese roses and roses, but they are both flowers.

Zhan Aiping likes to grow roses, not only because roses are beautiful and come in many colors and varieties, but more importantly, roses bloom every month and can bloom all year round.

She is a person with little patience. She even used to be a bit of a plant killer. She also planted the popular succulents, but she felt unsatisfied growing succulents. She felt the same no matter how many times she planted them.

But it is different with roses. If you plant a small rose seedling, it will soon produce flower buds. By topping and pressing the branches, it will soon become a medium to large seedling. It grows fast and blooms diligently. Roses are like leeks, blooming one crop after another. As long as you do a good job of pruning after flowering, it will not take long for it to grow new branches and bloom again.

It is really sad that such a beautiful rose grows as fast as chives.

Of course, it is precisely because of this that the flower shop can remain permanent.

Because it blooms very diligently, it is easy to get a sense of accomplishment as a flower grower when planting roses.

However, there are many troubles in growing roses. Roses are delicate and have many ailments. Some people grow roses and turn themselves into experts in raising red spider mites.

Red spider mites are a common pest and disease of flowers. Many flower growers joke: "We are not good at anything else we grow, but we are professionals in growing red spider mites."

Seeing that she was stunned, Gu Sheng asked her, "What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about growing flowers." Zhan Aiping replied, and as she thought about it, her soul flew away into growing flowers.

"Then plant some. I've seen other families plant flowers in their yards."

"Then I have to pick out a few good mother plants first, and then prune them and bring them back for cuttings." When the time comes, she will let Gu Sheng help her with the cuttings. Some people have a bit of metaphysics. If they plant a branch, it will survive, and their descendants will be endless.

The house that Gu Sheng was assigned to was not big, and the yard outside was not big either. He had to plan carefully what to plant in the yard and not act rashly.

Anyway, there are no four seasons here, so there is no need to rush.

Coming to this flower-growing area, you would be doing yourself a disservice if you don’t plant some flowers.


After returning to the family compound, Gu Sheng and Zhan Aiping took a shower and went to bed early. The next day, they gave some mountain products to their neighbors as they could not finish them themselves.

The two of them had morning tea in the morning. Gu Sheng drank tea like water: "Now you are not worried about your brother, right?"

Zhan Aiping held the teacup and said, "I still have to get him into the art troupe."

Otherwise, she really couldn't rest assured. Her brother was like in the Kingdom of Women or in the Spider Cave. It would be fine if he was really kidnapped to be a son-in-law, but she was afraid that he would go astray and hurt the girls' hearts.

Gu Sheng said with a smile: "Do you really want him to join the army?"

Zhan Aiping: "Let him try. You two have the talent to join the art troupe."

Gu Sheng: "Same here, Comrade Xiao Zhan, you too, the drama troupe is missing an actor like you."

Zhan Aiping kicked him and said, "Go to the circus."

Gu Sheng's vacation is over and he has to go back to the team for training. Zhan Aiping packed up and prepared to report to the township hospital in advance. Her organizational relationship has been transferred and she was told to adapt to the environment in advance.

"Director Hao welcomes you to work at the health center!"

"But Dean Hao is not in the hospital recently. He is studying in the cadre school. You can go to the hospital first. With your education level, it is really unfair for you to go to a township hospital..."

Li Yuxia came to do her ideological work again: "Xiao Zhan, if you have any problems, you can take the initiative to tell me, and the organization will help you solve the problem."

"Director Li, don't worry, I don't have any ideological problems." Zhan Aiping was ready to go to work at the township hospital happily.

Zhan Aiping waved at Li Yuxia, hoping that Director Li would stop focusing on her.

"Director Li, our neighbors quarrel every day. Why don't you go and mediate?" Zhan Aiping's neighbor, Mr. Xie, is a real quarrelsome couple. They quarrel often.

Li Yuxia waved her hand: "Your neighbors use lids that match their pots. There's no need to mediate. They can't be separated."

"They are disturbing you. I will go talk to them and ask them to keep their voices down next time they quarrel."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

She said goodbye to Director Li and got on the family compound's regular bus that left the camp. There were several family members on the bus, and she greeted a few familiar ones. After all, they were not familiar with each other and they were not very familiar with each other. Zhan Aiping sat there with peace of mind. This bus went back and forth to the city every day, and family members could come and take a ride.

It takes Zhan Aiping about 25 minutes to half an hour to take a bus, get off, and then walk for about ten minutes to reach the township health center where she wants to go.

Rock core health center.

Rather than a hospital, it is more like a shabby pharmacy, or even worse than a small shabby clinic. It is located in a small town. The town is very small, with almost only one street. Villagers from nearby villages go to the town for market on fixed days. The shops are agricultural supplies, fertilizer and seed stores, grocery stores, non-staple food stores, schools, state-owned restaurants, snack stands, grain stations and hospitals.

Standing at the entrance of the clinic, you can see the distant mountains. There are few pedestrians on the street, and occasionally a bicycle driver passes by. Looking back, you can also see some traces of farmland and people driving buffaloes walking on the ridges of the fields.

The health center has a two-story building, a row of brick and tile bungalows, a vegetable plot, a few wooden sheds with a few pigs, and a public toilet, which together make up the entirety of a hospital.

There is a red cross on the small building.

There are a total of ten people in the health center. Of course, I don't mean there are ten doctors, but I mean that the hospital is made up of ten people. There are not only doctors, there are only five doctors, and the others are responsible for sweeping the floor, collecting money and managing accounts, as well as registering, getting medicine, and disinfecting and washing white coats and bed sheets.

Township hospitals don't have any departments. They just have a Chinese medicine pharmacy, a Western medicine pharmacy, two or three Chinese medicine doctors, and two or three Western medicine doctors. They treat patients with both Chinese and Western medicine. As for operating rooms? Of course there are none. Surgery is required, so it is naturally not something that a small township hospital can handle.

There are not many people going to the township hospital for treatment every day. Sometimes it is idle for most of the day and there are no regular wards, but night shifts are required and people take turns to work the night shift. Of course, the night shift is not troublesome. Working the night shift does not mean that you cannot sleep, but you sleep in the hospital. When a patient comes, you just open the door and get the medicine.

Generally, there are very few emergency patients at night. Of course, this is not necessarily the case. Medical conditions are poor now. Many people walk out of the mountains on the road and it is almost night when they reach the township hospital. Some even walk at night, which is not easy.

It is very simple to treat patients on duty on weekdays, it is almost the same old routine. Western medicine is relatively simple, just a few old things like Analgin, plus mercurochrome and gentian violet for treating external injuries. The Chinese medicine cabinet is bigger, a whole row of bright red Chinese medicine cabinets, and the air is filled with the strong aroma of Chinese medicine.

There were paper packages, weights, baskets, dustpans, and medicinal wine next to the cabinet. There was a map of Chinese medicine meridians and acupuncture points on the wall. There was a wooden massage chair and a massage bed covered with white bedspread that had turned yellow due to washing. The doctor's white coat had also turned yellow in many places.

There are infusion needles and syringes in the western pharmacy. There are two reddish-brown leather medicine boxes for medical consultations at the door. There is a white circle in the center of the front of the leather medicine boxes with a red cross drawn on it.

The medical conditions in rural areas at that time were really poor.

When Zhan Aiping entered the health center, they found out that she was not here to see a doctor but was a new doctor. A young female accountant warmly received her, but the other doctors were not interested in her and had no interest in paying attention to her. At that time, many doctors were barefoot doctors, and in township hospitals, a doctor who graduated from a technical secondary school was already a great achievement.

As for Zhan Aiping running all the way from Shanghai, it was simply a fantasy.

Several doctors felt that people like Zhan Aiping would only come to the township hospital for a few days and would disappear soon. Their small temple could not accommodate such a big Buddha.

Another reason why they ignored Zhan Aiping was that they were afraid that she would cause trouble. These young people, once they had some skills, became ambitious and thought of themselves as miracle doctors, making a fuss about curing illnesses and saving lives every day.

However, after spending a long time in a township hospital, you will know that there are no serious illnesses that need to be treated. Most of them are common minor illnesses, and they only prescribe a few fixed medicines. Chinese medicine also uses the same old tricks. If there is a serious illness, either wait for death at home or go to a large hospital. They don't need to play too much of a role.

In a sense - this is a paradise for salted fish.

Of course, the "idleness" here is also a comparison. Compared with farming in the fields, it is really idle. Compared with being a teacher, this job is just a little dirty, not too tiring. If there are few patients on the days, then I will be happy and do nothing for most of the day.

If you encounter several patients in a row late at night, you would be really unlucky.

Accountant Qin Yanfang was curious and excited to see Zhan Aiping, a young and beautiful new doctor. She took the initiative to introduce the hospital to her: "There are only a Chinese medicine pharmacy and a Western medicine pharmacy. It's very simple. There are not many patients at night... There are chickens and ducks in the vegetable garden, and there are pigs. They are all raised by our hospital. The pigs are getting fat. If you catch a good time, you can kill the pigs and eat some meat..."

"We eat lunch together in the hospital. I live in the hospital, yes, in that bungalow. I haven't found a partner yet... Are you married?"

"Well, I'm a military dependent and came here with the army."

"Really? Your man must be very handsome, otherwise how could he have such a beautiful wife like you..."

"Doctor Zhan, there's an empty bed in my room. Why don't you stay with me? If you don't go back at noon, you can take a nap there."

Zhan Aiping chatted with Qin Yanfang for a few more words and learned a lot about the health center. When she learned about the salary and benefits, she suddenly regretted one thing:

—Someone gave too much pocket money.

(End of this chapter)