Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 33: Gu Xiaomei


After hanging up the phone, Gu Ze'an kept muttering to himself. His wife Qin Ying asked him what was wrong, "Are Lao Wu and Ping Ping not doing well?"

Gu Ze'an: "Lao Wu is on the phone, he's laughing, he's still laughing, he's still laughing even though he knows his sister is here..."

"Isn't it good to smile? As long as Laowu and Pingping live well, we will feel at ease." Qin Ying also smiled. As long as nothing happens over there, it will be fine.

Gu Ze'an muttered: "We can't let this kid get too complacent. I'm worried about one thing now—"

Qin Ying: "? What's wrong?"

"I still suspect that they are faking their marriage just to fool us." Gu Ze'an thought about it again and again, thinking of many anomalies and the smugness of his youngest son Gu Sheng on the phone. A light bulb went off in his head, and he immediately figured out one thing.

Qin Ying was stunned: "... They are having a fake marriage?"

"Yes, this is the only explanation. They are just faking their marriage to fool us." Gu Ze'an clapped his hands. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case. "They should sleep in separate rooms. They are not a real couple. The previous phone calls were all acting for us. Sigh - what do you think has happened to our family?"

Qin Ying: “…”

Qin Ying was somewhat inclined to this answer. Lao Wu and Ping Ping got married suddenly and acted so weirdly. The only answer was that they were acting it out.

—They were just a fake couple. They not only deceived outsiders, but also deceived their family members.

"Lao Wu must have colluded with Ping Ping, otherwise he wouldn't be so proud. I noticed something was wrong with him the last time he called me, and this time he's proud again. No one knows a son better than his father. These two must have colluded successfully!"

"After his younger sister passes by, the two of them will definitely continue to act in front of Xiangyi. Maybe they will even act like a 'loving couple'. Who would believe this? I don't believe it. The more loving they are, the weirder it is. They must be acting this out on purpose—"

Gu Ze'an had a reason to think this. He glared at Qin Ying and said, "All of your sons have some artistic talent, and each one is better at acting than the other."

The eldest son in their family became a member of the municipal standing committee and was in the newspapers. His behavior was really good. The second and third sons, twin brothers, were not so good. The fourth and fifth sons were on the rise. The fourth son was a tenor and acted well in dramas. The fifth son had the best appearance in the family. Gu Ze'an originally thought that the fifth son might also do some art and join the art troupe. The fifth son's appearance and voice were better than the fourth son's, but he refused to do it. He got into a fight with Pingping from the next door, and he started fighting and causing trouble, and made himself more and more rough...

Qin Ying glared at him: "Can you blame me for this? It's just like you, the top beam is not straight and the bottom beam is crooked."

"Like me? At least I am sincere in love. I believe in one person for my whole life. The eldest brother is like me. As for the fifth brother, I don't know who he is like. He treats marriage and love so casually..."

Qin Ying: "Stop making indirect accusations. I admit that I married you just to have more meat to eat."

Gu Ze'an snorted coldly. He went out for a walk, but it turned out that he might as well not have gone out. As soon as he went out, he ran into Lao Qian who was walking his child. Lao Qian was about the same age as him. Gu Ze'an held a higher position than him and was superior to him in everything, but he couldn't suppress him at all. Lao Qian's grandchildren had already called them grandpa and grandma.

Old Qian has no ambition at all. They are both about to retire. Gu Ze'an will retire in three years. Old Qian is the same age as him. Qin Ying has already retired. Gu Ze'an is reluctant to take off his military uniform, while Old Qian, the stinky old man, wants to retire immediately. As soon as he saw him, he deliberately said, "Commander Gu, we are both sixty years old. It's time to take a break."

Gu Ze'an chuckled: "You are only sixty years old."

"You have five sons, but why don't any of them give you any grandchildren? I heard that your fifth son got married recently. You should have a grandchild next year, right?" Old Qiantou has no ambition for a career in politics now, so he doesn't care about other things and just teases his old friend.

Gu Ze’an: “…” The hope of holding a grandson still lies with “Old Four”. Old Four is in the art troupe, and at least he is surrounded by a bunch of beautiful actresses.

The eldest brother doesn't get married. He treats the office as his home every day. He is either in a meeting or on the way to a meeting. It is obvious that he wants to devote his whole life to work.

Gu Ze'an no longer had any hope for the second and third twin brothers. The second brother was in the Northeast Military Region, and the third brother was in the navy. Apart from the wives of soldiers, there were few women on the second brother's side. As for the third brother, he was drifting on the sea all day, so it was good enough for him to see someone.

Gu Ze'an snorted and ignored Lao Qian, "I don't care about grandchildren."

—He still cares a lot.

He is almost sixty years old and he doesn't even have any grandchildren.

When Gu Ze'an returned home, he quickly called the fourth child and scolded him. In his heart, he was planning to find someone to introduce a date to the fourth child. The fourth child of the Gu family felt particularly aggrieved: "The fifth child is already married, and you want to have a grandchild, but you don't hurry up and urge the fifth child to get married. You are looking for something far away instead of something near."

"Busy preparing for the performance."

"Old man, do you think I'm suitable for starting a family? I perform outside every day and I'm not home all year round. I'm either visiting here or there to visit relatives. I still have to rehearse. I'm busy."

Gu Ze'an: "..."

"Why did I give birth to a bunch of disobedient sons? They are all busy and don't want to get married. Oh, if the eldest son..." Gu Ze'an didn't dare to say anything. The eldest son wanted to get married but didn't, and the rest of them are a bunch of useless kids who just don't want to get married.

Qin Ying also regretted mentioning this, "Don't worry, wait until Pingping has Laowu's child—"

Gu Ze'an's eyes almost popped out: "Old woman, what did you say?"

"I said Pingping had Laowu's child."

When Gu Ze'an heard this, he felt uncomfortable all over: "Pingping has Lao Wu's child? This... is this possible?"

"What if they fake a marriage?"

Qin Ying whispered, "When a man and a woman sleep in the same bed, something bad is bound to happen."

Gu Ze'an said nothing: "Do you want me to find their photos to sober you up?"

There were quite a few photos of Gu Sheng and Zhan Aiping in their home. Gu Ze'an randomly picked out one and saw two handsome young men who looked like a pair of "good brothers."

Qin Ying: “…”

Gu Ze'an pointed at one of the handsome boys and said, "Can you imagine what she would look like if she were pregnant?"

Qin Ying felt as if a basin of cold water was poured over her head.

Gu Ze'an snorted, expressing his disdain: "They dare to have a baby, but I don't dare to have one. What kind of devils were they when they were young? Their child will cause chaos."

Qin Ying: “…”

Qin Ying couldn't help but say, "It would be nice to have a daughter who looks like her aunt."

"Her little aunt is just a rabbit, she only knows how to bully others in her own nest."

Qin Ying: “…”

"Dad! What are you saying about me!" Gu Xiangyi appeared from behind. She had been busy packing things these two days and asking about the situation over there every day. She was already impatient.

"What did I say to you? I said that when you get to your fifth brother and his wife's place, you should listen to them carefully."

"Don't worry." Gu Xiangyi agreed immediately.

She was looking forward to meeting her fifth brother and his wife. She hadn't seen his wife for a long time. She especially admired his wife, Zhan Aiping, because she was a female military doctor!

Gu Xiangyi privately guessed that her fifth brother and his wife were probably faking their marriage, so she thought about going there herself and helping them to fool and cover it up.

My fifth brother and his wife are both people who care about their reputation. Even if they want to divorce, they will have to wait two or three years. Fortunately, they are still young and it won’t delay anything.

No way!

Gu Xiangyi: “…”

How did they get married so casually? !


Zhan Aiping started to work officially in the health center. The house assigned to her in the health center had changed a lot and she cleaned it up. Gu Sheng asked someone to send her a batch of old furniture. Zhan Aiping got some bamboo strips and made daily necessities such as bamboo beds, bamboo stools, and bamboo baskets.

She also built an earthenware oven behind the house and baked some bread. Qin Yanfang and Dr. Zhou said that her cooking skills were good, but Chinese people don't like bread. Zhan Aiping doesn't like bread either. Steamed buns and noodles are their favorites. People in Yunnan prefer rice noodles and rice vermicelli.

The work in the township hospital is indeed not busy. There are about fifteen days of day shifts a month, three days of outpatient shifts, and five or six days of night shifts. Doctors can take turns with each other, and the day shift and night shift can be worked on the same day. When at work, as long as there are no patients, you can stroll around the health center, plant flowers, grow grass, and water the vegetable garden. It is quite free.

Zhan Aiping took the time to reinforce the house, made a rocking recliner by herself, and built an umbrella canopy at the door. She would lie on the rocking recliner to take a nap at noon. Dr. Zhou was jealous and asked her to help make one.

Doctor Zhou said to his wife Meng Xiaoyun: "I can't tell how good Doctor Zhan is at medicine, but his carpentry skills are really amazing."

Meng Xiaoyun: "Isn't this just like curing bones? I saw the orthopedic surgery in your book, isn't it just being a carpenter? Doctor Zhan is from a big city, he must have learned this orthopedic carpentry..."

Doctor Zhou: “…”

Meng Xiaoyun: "Why don't you know how to do carpentry?"

Doctor Zhou almost choked up: "What do you know, woman?"

Most of the patients received by the health center on a daily basis are just ordinary patients, without too many difficult and complicated diseases. Zhou Zhonghua observed Zhan Aiping's medication and treatment, and determined that she was reliable, so he gradually relaxed.

When it was his turn to go to the hospital, Zhou Zhonghua asked Zhan Aiping to go with him to the village. He rubbed his thumb and index finger and said to her, "I'll take you to make some extra money to generate revenue for the hospital."

Zhan Aiping was a little curious about how to make some extra money, but she wanted someone she knew to take her to the village and get acquainted with the village cadres and the brigade committee. Dr. Zhou obviously had this connection.

Mountain people are more or less xenophobic, or perhaps hospitable, but you can't just say you're a new doctor and want to treat people. Who would believe you when they see you're so young? If the patient doesn't cooperate with the treatment, no matter how good the medical skills are, it's useless.

When it comes to doctors, the older you are, the more trustworthy you become.

"Okay, Dr. Zhou, I'll stay with you."

Zhan Aiping and Zhou Zhonghua went to the village together. Zhou Zhonghua was indeed a familiar face in the surrounding area. Many people greeted him along the way, and some even asked Zhan Aiping, "Hey, who is this?"

"This is our new doctor, Zhan Aiping."

One advantage of being a familiar face like Zhou Zhonghua is that you can get a ride anywhere, including on other people's tractors and ox carts, all by swiping your face to get on the ride.

"Doctor Zhou, let's go to the village. I'll give you a ride."

Zhan Aiping was indeed envious: "When can I have such treatment?"

Zhou Zhonghua was very proud: "If you want to become as famous as me, you have to work your way up slowly. It will probably take three to five years."

This young man still wants to learn from him, just wait and see as he gets older.

This doctor, who cures illnesses and saves lives, does have a high social status and is respected by others.

"Everyone in this area has heard of my name, Doctor Zhou."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

They took a ox cart to the village, and Zhan Aiping finally understood what Doctor Zhou meant by "extra money". She thought they were going to treat people, but the villagers ended up taking them to a "pig shed". The houses people lived in at that time were not very good, let alone a pig shed.

They are here to deliver sows and provide care for them before and after delivery.

—Dr. Zhou really has a wide range of practice.

Sun Daqiang, who is in charge of raising pigs in the brigade, said to Zhan Aiping: "Doctor Zhou is very skilled in medicine. He can also give injections and acupuncture to pigs. He is better than those veterinarians. Veterinarians don't know acupuncture."

"You little girl is his apprentice? Come and learn from him."

"We have quite a few pigs in our brigade, thanks to Dr. Zhou's guidance."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

In this era, the most valuable asset of every household is pigs. The country encourages pig farming, and the brigade and commune attach importance to pig farming. Pig farming is also a rare channel for farmers to increase their income. A year's harvest and children's new clothes depend on the pigs raised at home.

Raising other things will be labeled as capitalism, but raising pigs as a sideline business to increase family income is explicitly supported by the state. It is encouraged that one person has one pig, one acre has one pig, and the more the better.

In addition to collective dividends, farmers also rely on pig farming as a sideline to increase their income.

Although farmers were forbidden to slaughter and sell pork privately, there were food stations everywhere that bought live pigs. The food stations bought live pigs and exchanged them for money, fertilizer coupons, and cloth coupons. Every person with a city hukou was given a certain amount of cloth coupons, and for villagers without a city hukou, this was a rare source of cloth coupons.

Raising pigs is not easy. I am afraid that the pigs will die of disease and die before they can be slaughtered.

Sun Daqiang pointed at a sow and said, "This pig just gave birth and she doesn't have enough milk. I'm afraid the other piglets can't survive. The team leader said to ask the hospital to take two away to see if they can be raised. Be careful, this pig is very fierce."

Their team raises several kinds of pigs, one of which is a local small black pig, which is the result of crossbreeding wild boars and domestic pigs. It has a fierce and domineering personality. These little wild boars in the mountains will bite people when they see them. Even if they are kept in captivity, they still have a very stubborn temper and some even bite through the fences and run away.

However, this kind of black pork has very good texture, delicious taste, fat but not greasy.

The sow that gave birth was a small black pig with a stubborn temper. She had bitten the fence and escaped twice before. When she gave birth, she was very fierce and protected her piglets, not letting anyone get close to her. But she didn't have enough milk, so the piglets she gave birth to were equally domineering. The two more powerful piglets were fat, but the others were so thin that they were almost starving to death.

Serving sows during childbirth is a terrifying job. One is afraid that the sow will accidentally crush the piglets to death, or that the piglets cannot be raised to life.

Doctor Zhou said to Zhan Aiping: "This pig is a good pig, the meat is delicious, and the sows in our hospital still have some milk."

He gave Zhan Aiping a look: What a good breed of pig, it would be a real bargain if I could raise it.

"Xiao Zhan, you are quite capable."

Zhan Aiping: "Thank you Dr. Zhou for your trust."

It turned out that she was brought here to "pick up the pigs".

Sun Daqiang's team was not so generous, so he gave them the two skinniest piglets: "Just those two, bring them out later."

"Be careful sow."

Zhan Aiping said, "If the milk is not enough, you can stimulate lactation in the sow."

Doctor Zhou said, "There's not enough food for people, so how can there be food to stimulate lactation in pigs?"

"Here we use the roots of a kind of white stinking peony to boil water to promote lactation. Why don't we mix it in the pig feed and give it to the sows and try it." Zhan Aiping seemed to have heard of this method before.

Sun Daqiang: "...Is this possible?"

Doctor Zhou: "Why not give it a try? Doctor Zhan is a woman, she is more familiar with gynecology."

Zhan Aiping: “… ?”

Gynecology? !!!

Zhan Aiping also advertised: "Yes, I know gynecology. Women in the village who need to give birth or have other minor problems can come to me."

Sun Daqiang: “…”

So a few people got together to try to induce lactation in the sows, and they actually succeeded. The sows' milk production increased, and Zhan Aiping had more contact with the villagers.

"The milk is coming out!"

"Be gentle."

Although pigs were raised very carefully at that time, the breeding methods were indeed rough. Zhan Aiping had also read some scientific pig-raising methods and exchanged and learned with the village cadres.

Her reputation spread, and someone even asked her to treat buffaloes. Two female buffaloes had mastitis. Zhan Aiping should have refused, but she was greedy for the buffalo milk.

She said that Dr. Zhou was multi-talented, and in fact she was the same. She had read a lot of veterinary-related books before, and many Chinese medicinal materials could also be used on livestock. In order to expand her knowledge, Zhan Aiping had read a lot of them before.

Zhan Aiping went to the village to treat a female buffalo. When she arrived at the cowshed, she found that the buffalo had a fever and its whole body was not normal. Its eyes were red and its milk secretion was abnormal. Zhan Aiping performed a full-body examination on the buffalo and determined that it was mastitis. According to the actual situation, she prescribed honeysuckle, dandelion, licorice and other medicines for the buffalo to take orally. She also instructed people to massage the female buffalo and give injections to the sick buffalo. With these two-pronged approach, the female buffalo gradually returned to normal after two or three days.

Knowing that Zhan Aiping liked to drink buffalo milk, the commune sent her buffalo milk several times.

"Thank you, Doctor Zhan."

"Thank you, Dr. Zhan..."

The two little black pigs were also raised in the hospital's pig shed and lived in good health. The villagers gave her some bacon and wild ferns dug from the mountains.

Through communicating with the villagers during this period, Zhan Aiping learned a lot of local dialects. There are many local dialects here. Local people can understand Mandarin, after all, the commune broadcasts every day, but outsiders may not be able to understand what the locals say.

—Although her method was not quite right, she temporarily integrated into the grassroots masses.

Zhan Aiping also went to deliver babies for several women and got some brown sugar eggs. Of course, when people gave birth, they mainly looked for old midwives to deliver the babies. She was too young and no one was willing to trust her.

There were also women in the town who came to her for gynecological treatment. At that time, there were few female doctors and many male doctors, and women were embarrassed to go to male doctors for gynecological treatment. Now there was a young woman named Zhan Aiping who was willing to come to her for treatment. Gradually, her reputation as a gynecological doctor spread.

The buffalo milk sent by the villagers was fresh and rich. Zhan Aiping cooked a big pot of milk tea and made double skin milk. She kneaded the remaining dough and made milk-flavored steamed buns. When the buns were steamed, the milky aroma kept coming out.

Qin Yanfang was so greedy that she drooled and shouted, "I can't stand it anymore. Doctor Zhan, you live next door to me. I can't stand it anymore. Are you a doctor or a cook?"

Zhan Aiping gave her a cup of milk tea. Qin Yanfang didn't like drinking buffalo milk before, as she thought it had a strong fishy smell. But after it was made into milk tea, the rich milk aroma was mixed with the sweet tea aroma, and the taste was amazing.

Although Zhan Aiping ate alone in the hospital, she was a big eater and could cook one or two dishes. Qin Yanfang came to eat for free once or twice, and she felt embarrassed, so she started cooking for herself.

Meng Xiaoyun joked, "Dr. Zhan's arrival has motivated this lazy guy."

Qin Yanfang said: "I watched others cook and couldn't help but follow suit."

The amount of buffalo milk sent by the villagers was not much, but in order to show their generosity, they gave a bucket of buffalo milk. Milk is delicious if you drink one or two cups, but if you drink more, you will feel sick of it and cannot drink it anymore.

Zhan Aiping brought back half a bucket of buffalo milk and gave some milk tea to the people in the family compound. She also heated up the milk-flavored steamed buns at home and waited for Gu Sheng to come back to eat together.

As soon as Gu Sheng got home, he immediately smelled the tempting milk fragrance. He ran back home in three or two steps and rubbed his nose: "Wife, you really took me to eat delicious food and drink spicy drinks."

There was no way. The fragrance at home was too strong. Even if he wanted to tell others that his wife couldn't cook, he couldn't hide it. Now everyone in the family compound knew that his family's cooking was delicious.

"Not only will I take you to eat and drink delicious food, I'm almost a celebrity now." The town is small, Zhan Aiping is beautiful, and she is a new doctor and a military family member. People in the town and nearby villages know her.

"Now there won't be any more incidents like what happened at the train station. If anyone dares to follow me, don't worry, a bunch of villagers will pick up weapons and beat him up. I'm very popular now."

Gu Sheng gave her a thumbs up: "Great, great, my wife is amazing now."

Other military dependents in the barracks do not necessarily communicate with the surrounding villagers. Most of them live in the barracks, which are their own world.

"Do you want some honey water? I'll make you a cup." Zhan Aiping went up the mountain alone once or twice, and finally she found some pure wild honey. However, there was not much, just a small jar, and it was very fragrant.

This is real pure natural wild honey. Once you open the jar, you will instantly smell the floral fragrance, which is extremely strong. Zhan Aiping didn't like drinking honey water at first, but she liked it very much when she soaked this honey in water. The fragrance is strong and lingers for a long time.

"I won't drink it. I'll leave it for you." Gu Sheng had tasted the wild honey and knew that it was good, but there wasn't much. He wanted to leave it all for his wife.

"I'll give you a sip of mine. Come on, drink some."

"Okay." Gu Sheng smiled and took a sip of the honey water.

There really wasn't much honey, and Zhan Aiping didn't plan to go deep into the mountains in the near future. Although she hadn't had enough time yet, she had a peculiar feeling and guessed that she might be pregnant.

Because she was still unsure, she didn't tell Gu Sheng.

"My little sister called me and told me that she's in Chuncheng. She should be able to come over tomorrow. Wife, are you not going to work tomorrow?"

"Well, I'm not at work. I'll pick her up then."

Gu Sheng said: "No, just wait in the camp."


When Gu Xiaomei came over, the couple tidied up the house a little. The new bed they had asked someone to make was already ready, but Zhan Aiping said they wanted to let the smell get rid of it first, so they still used the old bed.

The next day, Gu Sheng got up early. When the bugle sounded, everyone in front of him left. Zhan Aiping listened to the bugle, yawned, stayed in bed for a while, changed her clothes, and cooked noodles for breakfast.

She beat an egg into the noodles and sprinkled a handful of fresh chopped green onions on top. The soup was bright and the beautiful poached egg covered the chewy noodles. She had been to the village to deliver babies twice before, so her family had no shortage of eggs. When people had babies, they liked to give them eggs.

After eating the noodles, Zhan Aiping went out to water the vegetable garden and feed the chickens and ducks at home. The chickens and ducks at home have grown a lot, and they chirp and quack, and are very energetic.

A lot of things were planted in the vegetable garden at the door, which was lush and green, with peas, peppers, and pumpkins... There were also flowers planted in the corner, and a flower stand was built. Zhan Aiping also planted some sunflowers.

After lunch and a half-hour nap, Zhan Aiping looked down at her watch, estimated the time, and went to the camp gate to wait for Gu Xiangyi to arrive, chatting with him.

Not long after, the car arrived and a young girl got off the car dragging a large red-brown suitcase. She was not very old, and had the same fashionable shoulder-length hair. She was pure and lovely, and when a few strands of hair stuck to her face, she looked a bit playful.

She walked in while looking around. Zhan Aiping walked up to her and called her, "Little sister."

Gu Xiangyi glanced at Zhan Aiping's face and thought, what a pretty military wife, tall too, who is so lucky to marry such a pretty daughter-in-law? She said politely:

"Sister, I'm waiting for someone."

Zhan Aiping: "... The person you are waiting for is me."

Gu Xiangyi was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized: "My sister-in-law asked you to pick me up."

Zhan Aiping looked at her with pity: "I am your sister-in-law, little sister."

How come this silly girl has become face-blind

"You are my sister-in-law? How can you be my sister-in-law?" Gu Xiangyi was stunned. In her impression, the sister-in-law was tall and handsome, with sharp and capable features... Hmm? Whiter, take off the military uniform, and have a slender figure... Put on a skirt...

This is her sister-in-law!!!

"Let's go, go back first, don't be dazed on the road." Zhan Aiping took the red-brown leather suitcase from her hand and led people to her home. Gu Xiangyi walked beside her in a daze.

She was completely unable to react. The beautiful woman next to her was actually her sister-in-law.

Zhan Aiping has had good facial features since she was a child. She has double eyelids, beautiful eyes, and long, curly eyelashes. Gu Xiangyi used to envy her eyes very much, but in her impression, Zhan Aiping always had neat short hair. Gu Xiangyi had never seen her with long hair.

It's the same face, but it's different.

When Zhan Aiping had short hair, the loose hair on her forehead would cover her forehead. Now her hair is long and combed back, revealing her fluffy black hair, fair skin, and her entire plump and rosy face.

Gu Xiangyi's face turned red, her sister-in-law was so beautiful!

Is her fifth brother and fifth sister-in-law really married or fake? If they are really married, her brother is lucky to marry such a beautiful sister-in-law.

They grew up together!

Zhan Aiping brought her home and made some Pu'er tea for her. Gu Xiangyi sipped the tea and then was stunned. She saw the wedding photo of her younger brother and sister-in-law on the wall. In the photo, the two of them were standing close to each other.

Gu Xiangyi: “…”

She felt like she was dreaming. This was completely different from what she had imagined her brother and sister-in-law's home to be like.

It was supposed to be a battlefield filled with smoke, why does it look so warm

"Sister-in-law, why do you want to marry my brother?"

Zhan Aiping said casually: "I like him."

Gu Xiangyi had a strange expression on her face: "Do you think that as the youngest sister of the Gu family, I am easy to deceive?"

"You two obviously didn't get along since childhood. How many times have you two fought?"

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "Why don't you ask my next-door neighbor?"

Gu Xiangyi was puzzled: "What do you want to ask?"

"Beating is love, scolding is care. Your brother and I have been fighting since we were young. Do you know how close we are?"

Gu Xiangyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Sister Pingping, stop teasing me."

"You and my brother have always loved teasing me since we were little. I'm not that stupid now!"

Zhan Aiping: "…I told you the truth and you still don't believe it."

"I'll wait for my brother to come back, and then I'll see how you two act together."

Zhan Aiping: "Okay, okay, okay, wait for your brother to come back, I will cook for you in the evening."

Gu Xiangyi: "No, Sister Pingping, please take me to the cafeteria. Sister, you are my real sister, please don't cook. Please really don't cook. I want to try the cafeteria in your camp."

"Do you know how miserable I was when I left home? My mother cooked for me for three days to show her care and love for me."

"If you keep cooking for me I'm going to cry for help!!"

After three days of eating Aunt Qin’s cooking, it was indeed miserable, but—“Your brother said he wanted to eat the food I cooked.”

"My brother is a warrior, but I am not. No, my brother dares to eat the food you cook. I respect him as a man."

"He is the man of our Gu family, a real man!"

His brother was hospitalized after eating his sister-in-law's food! He still dared to eat it! He was going to die.

Zhan Aiping rolled up her sleeves and said, "You want to have a fight with your sister Pingping, right?"

Gu Xiangyi: "... Wait until my brother comes back, Sister Pingping, don't act rashly again."

At this time, Gu Sheng really showed up. He came back early today and heard the voices of the aunt and sister-in-law outside. He walked into the house and asked directly, "What are you two arguing about? I haven't even come back yet, and you two are arguing?"

"Gu Xiangyi, don't you want to form an alliance with your sister-in-law?"

Gu Sheng warned her: "Don't quarrel with your sister-in-law. It was not easy for your brother to marry a wife. Is it easy for me?"

Gu Xiangyi: "Stop acting, brother. You two haven't even agreed on your lines. Look, is this what you should say? You can't even fool me, and you still want to fool our dad."

How could her troublesome fifth brother say something like "I finally got a wife".

Gu Xiangyi also warned his brother and sister-in-law: "Don't let your wishful thinking stop!"

"You two might as well beg me. If you beg me, I will help you cover it up."

Gu Sheng's mouth twitched: "Who asked you to cover it up? Stop flattering yourself."

Gu Xiangyi said: "Then let me ask you, why did you marry my sister-in-law."

"I like her. I have liked her since I was a kid, okay? I have been thinking about your sister-in-law for a long time."

Gu Xiangyi's face darkened: "Liar, you two liars, when the time comes, you don't even consider me as your own, you lied to me because you don't trust me!"

"Listen, is there any truth in your mouth?"

"You even lied to me!"

Gu Sheng: “…”

Zhan Aiping: “…”

The couple looked at each other, and Gu Xiangyi was furious: "Are you guys planning to collude with me? Confess honestly, and I won't tell anyone."

Zhan Aiping pushed Gu Sheng's arm and said, "Go take a shower. I'll go cook."

Gu Sheng nodded: "My sister has been naive since she was young, don't pay attention to her."

Gu Xiangyi: “…”

It’s better not to stay in this crappy house of my brother and sister-in-law!

Gu Xiangyi: "... Before I came, my mother told me to come and mediate."

Gu Sheng went to the room to get clothes: "Then you can go back. Since your sister-in-law married me, we have never had a quarrel."

Gu Xiangyi: "Why? I don't believe it."

Gu Sheng didn't bother to care whether she believed it or not, and went to take a shower and change his clothes. He changed into newly made clothes, a white shirt, and army green trousers. After taking a shower, he looked very heroic. Even Gu Xiangyi felt her eyes brighten when she saw him.

Her brother has a bad temper, but his appearance is really bad.

"Brother, where did you get this clothes? They look pretty good. Why don't you wear a military uniform?"

Gu Sheng showed off: "Your sister-in-law made it herself."

Gu Xiangyi: "... Do you think I will believe it?"

Gu Sheng: "Why are you so stupid? Are you really my sister?"

"Stop arguing, Gu Sheng, come and help me pick the vegetables and cut the meat." Gu Xiaomei came over today. Zhan Aiping bought a chicken and brought back some fresh pork. She planned to stew chicken soup, braise pork, roast spare ribs, make pickled fish, stir-fry bracken and bean sprouts, and make a cured meat rice.

Gu Sheng: "I'd better change into some old clothes."

I don’t want the new clothes made by my wife to be splashed with oil.

Zhan Aiping looked at his outfit with a smile and thought he was so showy.

"Wait a minute, let me take another look." She pulled him, thinking that the clothes she made were really beautiful.

Gu Sheng lowered his head and looked at her gently. They were used to being affectionate at home, so he subconsciously wanted to kiss her. Then he noticed the light bulb not far away. Zhan Aiping's body stiffened and she pushed him away.

Gu Sheng went to change his clothes, and then came to help her prepare the chicken. The couple cooperated in cooking and they had a great understanding.

Gu Xiangyi watched from the side. Sometimes she thought that the Fifth Brother and his wife were a truly loving newlywed couple. But sometimes she thought that they were really good at acting.

Gu Xiangyi: "Brother, sister-in-law, I don't dare to eat the dishes you two cooked."

"Am I going to encounter the Hongmen Banquet?"

Gu Sheng was too lazy to pay attention to her: "If you don't want to eat, pack your things and report to the military hospital."

Gu Xiangyi: "How about I cook with you guys?"

She is just like his mother Qin Ying, and she is also very addicted to cooking.

Gu Xiaomei thought that since everyone would die anyway, it would be better for everyone to die together. She also wanted to cook!

She dreams of cooking for the person she loves!

Zhan Aiping: "No, don't come, Gu Sheng, hold your sister down and enter the first level of alert."

Gu Xiangyi: "Sister-in-law, are you really my sister-in-law?"

Gu Sheng: “…”

Did they have a quarrel first

(End of this chapter)