Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 38: Approaching Science


After she finished speaking, the aunt left shrugging her head. Zhan Aiping found it ridiculous and absurd, but this kind of thing really happened. Some people talked about her behind her back, calling her a "monster".

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Maybe there are quite a lot of people who believe it

People in the future may not know that people of this era were really "gullible", simple and inexperienced, and they especially believed in those mysterious things. In the 1970s, feudal superstitions were abolished and Taoist temples were destroyed. Although people did not dare to discuss them openly at that time, they still kept these things in private.

In the 1980s, qigong began to flourish again, especially the "qigong fever" in the 1980s. Many qigong masters appeared at that time, and many people claimed to be "qigong masters". Some qigong masters could read with their ears, some could diagnose and cure all kinds of diseases through remote diagnosis, and some qigong masters said they could "put out fires thousands of miles away". When a forest fire was put out, the qigong masters said they put out the fire themselves, but in fact it was put out by firefighters.

But when the master said that he could put out the fire with his Qi from a thousand miles away, many people actually believed it and believed it to the extreme. Such an outrageous thing really happened.

There are even Qigong masters who say they can “intercept atomic bombs”…

There are always people who believe these inexplicable remarks. Compared with this, Zhan Aiping thought that being said to be a monster who eats placenta was not too ridiculous.

There was something really odd about her.

But this is a scientific world, and we still have to follow science.

Zhan Aiping thought to herself, if I were really a magic monster, I would die of laughter...

People in the hospital also knew about these rumors about Zhan Aiping. When Qin Yanfang heard these words, her first reaction was to laugh heartlessly.

"Hahahaha, I'm laughing to death. Who made up this? Oh my god, they are so good at making up stories." Qin Yanfang laughed so hard that tears were about to come out. The new doctor Zhan was a monster. How come she didn't notice it during the time they had been together

Zhan Aiping: "They are just free."

There are too few entertainment activities in the countryside now. Even if there are TVs, mobile phones and computers in the future, the gossips of the countryside will not be weakened at all. Zhan Aiping has also heard that some rumors are outrageous. College students who return to the village to stay at home to prepare for exams can be spread by neighbors as "staying at home and having children out of wedlock"; if a woman divorces because of domestic violence, the villagers can also turn black and white and say that the woman cheated first and was beaten and divorced...

It takes only one mouth to spread a rumor, but it takes a lot of effort to refute it.

As long as rumors spread, no matter how you explain, ordinary people will remember "the most outrageous impression of you" because in fact they don't care about the truth of the matter at all, they just want to have something to talk about behind your back.

Doctor Zhou has this kind of experience: "Xiao Zhan, don't take it too seriously. It's obvious that this is fake. You've been explaining for a long time, but people are still deliberately laughing at you and teasing you."

Zhou Zhonghua advised her: explanations are useless, people’s true colors will be revealed over time.

"After a while, the rumors naturally died down. When I was at my most outrageous, I was even said to be a living immortal, better than Hua Tuo. Some people even said I was an old half-immortal."

Qin Yanfang: "Wait until you are called an old monster, and see if you are anxious or not."

"But Xiaozhan, this matter is indeed not easy to explain."

"I can't let her continue to spread it. I have to ask the people in the brigade to give an explanation." Zhan Aiping could guess who was spreading these rumors. Whose cheese did she disturb by coming here? She was also said to have the ability to freeze the body. Who could have spread it

Doctor Zhou sighed: "You are young, but you are really serious. I advise you to be more open-minded and not to hit a cold nail when the time comes."

"You are pregnant, so take good care of yourself."

After hearing what he said, Qin Yanfang also advised: "Yes, Doctor Zhan, your own health is more important."

"It's okay, don't worry. I won't act impulsively. I'll go back and make some plans." Zhan Aiping would never allow such rumors to continue spreading. How could she explain to others every day that she was not a monster and did not eat placenta, especially when she was about to have a child.

She couldn't let people call her child a monster or evil spirit in the future.

Rumors were spreading here, but when Zhan Aiping returned to the camp, no rumors about her had spread yet. She was feeding chickens in the yard and thinking about plans in her mind. Before the sun set, Gu Sheng ran back, his head covered in sweat and his clothes were wet.

The daytime temperature is over 30 degrees, which is a bit hot.

Gu Sheng called her and went back to the house to drink water in big gulps. He unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a large area of his chest. His muscles were swollen with blood. He looked particularly heroic and masculine even though he was sweating profusely.

I guess no evil spirit would dare to approach someone with such strong yang energy.

Of course, there might also be rumors that she married Gu Sheng just to absorb his essence, and that in addition to the placenta, she relied on his essence to maintain her beauty.

Zhan Aiping was embarrassed by her own thoughts: "..."

She thought to herself that she had a pretty wild imagination.

Zhan Aiping walked up to him and wiped the sweat off his face. Gu Sheng came over with a smile and kissed her on the cheek. Zhan Aiping also had an unconscious smile on her face, and her face was slightly flushed by the heat from his body.

She patted Gu Sheng's handsome face and asked, "Where have you been?"

"I just had an armed five-kilometer competition with someone."

Zhan Aiping asked curiously, "Win or lose."

“I won.”

"Great, great! Go take a shower quickly to avoid catching a cold, and change into dry clothes." Zhan Aiping helped him take off his shirt, and couldn't help but pinch his back muscles a few times. They were slippery and felt very comfortable.

Gu Sheng was a little tickled by her: "What are you doing?"

Zhan Aiping smiled: "I am absorbing the essence, do you understand?"

People have spread the rumor that your wife is a demon. It would be a shame if you don't absorb some of her essence.

Gu Sheng was stunned: "..."


Gu Sheng laughed, then reacted and stared at her with burning eyes. Zhan Aiping's face turned red unconsciously and she pushed him to take a shower.

Gu Sheng took a shower and changed his clothes, while Zhan Aiping sat on a small wooden stool to pick and wash vegetables. Now the two of them took over the housework, with Zhan Aiping preparing the ingredients in advance and Gu Sheng cooking.

After taking a shower, Gu Sheng changed into dry clothes, walked over, picked her up easily, let her sit on his lap, and took over the work from Zhan Aiping.

Zhan Aiping always felt that when he held her in his arms, it was as easy as holding a cabbage. It was very solid and made her feel light, but she was not used to the feeling of losing balance and control.

Being held in his arms, it felt like I had given my whole being to him.

Gu Sheng just liked to hold her like this, and he refused to change. Before he found out she was pregnant, he liked to hold her around the waist like this, and he would hold her in his arms all the time, even at night. After he knew he was going to be a father, he became even more clingy, and loved to hold her especially, and he would weigh her every day to see if she had become heavier.

Zhan Aiping moved her position on his legs, but felt a strange threat: "... What do you want to do?"

Gu Sheng smiled softly and whispered in her ear: "Let you absorb the essence."

Zhan Aiping: "… You are still joking. You don't know that your wife, I, have been rumored to be a goblin from the city."

Gu Sheng was surprised: "Specially for absorbing men's essence?"

Zhan Aiping said expressionlessly: "Yes, I eat placenta, and I also absorb men's essence to maintain my beauty."

"How about I dig out your old photos and show them to people? I guarantee they won't believe it."

"Don't give me such bad ideas." Zhan Aiping said coldly, "Comrade Gu, don't underestimate the imagination of the people. Maybe there will be another rumor about me, saying that I can cast spells, turn men into women, absorb essence, and eat placenta."

Gu Sheng: "...I underestimated your imagination."

"Who the hell spread this stuff?" Gu Sheng frowned, with a look of hostility in his eyes.

Anyone who heard such gossip about his wife would be furious.

"Don't be angry, I was just joking. I have a way to handle it. Don't underestimate me." Zhan Aiping leaned on him. She and Gu Sheng had a special tacit understanding, that is, trusting each other and not looking down on each other.

If it weren't for this, when she encountered such a thing at the train station on the day she first arrived, Gu Sheng did not treat her as a weak woman and comfort her, but gave her a thumbs up.

Gu Sheng clicked his tongue twice: "If you are so angry about the rumors that you want to cry, you can cry in my arms. I won't laugh at you."

"I'm not angry. There's no need to be angry with him for such a ridiculous rumor." Zhan Aiping gently stroked her lower abdomen with her right hand.

"Smart, that's it, find the person who started the rumor and send him to a place for reform. He deserves to be punished for spreading such rumors at this time." Gu Sheng kissed her on the face and then stood up. He was going to cook, and Zhan Aiping was still in his arms.

Her hands were around his neck.

Gu Sheng held his wife in his arms and looked down at her pretty features, delicate eyebrows, and beautiful eyes. Sometimes he really felt that she was like a pretty and clingy little fox.

Although he cannot match his direct force, he is very smart in using dirty tricks.

He smiled and whispered in her ear: "Are you still reluctant to let go? Do you still want to stay in my arms? Don't delay me from cooking."

Zhan Aiping: "Bah, some people are really shameless."

Who is reluctant to let go

Zhan Aiping let go.

Gu Sheng put her down on the ground with a smile, and said, "Little vixen, wait for me to come over."

Zhan Aiping kicked him and said, "You are wrong."

"Okay, okay." Gu Sheng laughed even harder, "Cat demon, it's a cat demon."

"Little cat demon, wait for your Taoist Gu to come and catch the demon. I will set up traps and a maze first."

Zhan Aiping: "...Comrade Gu, you must always remember that you are a party member."

Don't spread rumors and engage in feudal and superstitious role-playing at home.

Gu Sheng went to cook. Not long after, waves of food aroma wafted in the air. Zhan Aiping covered her nose and sneezed, thinking with some despair in her heart: Gu Sheng's cooking is getting better and better.

Some people really do have a little bit of talent.

Zhan Aiping used to be very confident in her sophisticated cooking skills, but now she is devastated. She was once ridiculed by an old friend, who said that her way of cooking by weighing and measuring was soulless, but Zhan Aiping did not take it seriously.

"Have you ever seen a chef use measuring cups and spoons to cook? Do they always cook according to proportions? Only a lousy cook like you needs to follow fixed proportions."

"Do you think you are cooking or preparing medicine? All kinds of herbs are in quantity."

Zhan Aiping said confidently at the time: "As long as it tastes good, that's all."

But it's just delicious, not better.

As long as you remember enough recipes in your mind, you will never fail in cooking.

Now Gu Sheng is completely different. He doesn't need to remember recipes at all. After being taught by Zhan Aiping several times, he has already figured out the routines of various seasonings. He can cook with ease and control the heat just right. His cooking skills are getting better and better.

Zhan Aiping was jealous and envious, and teased him: "You should join the kitchen team, and everyone will fight for you."

Gu Sheng was quite proud: "Can't I be a chef in a state-owned restaurant?"

Zhan Aiping: “… Really ambitious.”

"Of course you have to be ambitious." Gu Sheng laughed in a way that deserved a beating: "I have to thank someone for his selfless dedication and hard work, and for guiding me as a stepping stone, so that I could memorize the recipes and become a master chef."

"If I don't become a great chef, I'll be letting down Stepping Stone, don't you think?"

"Go away, you are destined to be a hard worker. Go cook."

Gu Sheng cooked three dishes and brought them to the couple to eat together under the lamp. The dishes Gu Sheng cooked were not complicated, one was fried tofu, one was fried bean sprouts, and there was a bowl of fish soup, but his dishes were able to whet people's appetite.

Gu Sheng served her a bowl of fish soup, and Zhan Aiping drank it happily. The fish soup was fragrant and delicious.

But she would not praise Gu Sheng for his good cooking skills.

She also wouldn't tell Gu Sheng that when she was in the hospital, Zhan Aiping kept missing the dishes he cooked and was addicted to them. How could this man cook so well? After developing his culinary talent, her taste became more and more picky, and she found ordinary dishes unpalatable.

Not to mention the food in the cafeteria, she couldn't even eat the food she cooked herself. She was being crushed alive.

Zhan Aiping gave up on herself and decided to try sprinkling salt on the dishes next time she cooked.

Seeing her drinking soup and eating vegetables obediently, Gu Sheng felt satisfied. It was worthwhile for him to use his good relationships to exchange experiences with several chefs who were good at cooking. Of course, when he was communicating with them, he did not say that he wanted to learn how to cook, but said: "My wife wants to know how to cook better..."

People really told him their experience in cooking. Three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang. With more people asking, Gu Sheng also summed up his experience, combining theory with practice, and with the "stepping stone" of recipes, his cooking skills are getting better and better.

He raised his sword-like eyebrows and said proudly, "It tastes good, right?"

Zhan Aiping didn't answer him and continued to eat in silence. Some people just can't be praised. If they are praised, they will become very proud.

Gu Sheng was not in a hurry to eat, he raised his hand and pinched her face: "Silly cat demon, you eat traps too, just like that greedy little mouse."

Zhan Aiping likes to soak rice in fish soup: "I can't help it, since you are becoming more and more advanced in Taoism."

Gu Sheng smiled and took his bowl and chopsticks to eat. "If you like fish, I will cook more fish for you in the future."

"I'll help you remove the fishbone."

Zhan Aiping really wanted to cry for help.

—The stinky man in front of me grabbed my stomach accurately.

If you have the guts, just cook carrots and potatoes for her every day. Why do you have to use real force

Today, Zhan Aiping didn't have a very good appetite in the hospital at noon and didn't eat much. But because he had pampered her appetite, she was looking forward to him coming home to cook delicious meals for her.

Even though she refused to admit that Gu Sheng was a good cook, she just couldn't control her mouth. Moreover, when she opened her mouth, she was feeding three people. Her stomach and that of her children were firmly controlled by the man in front of them. She and her two children didn't want to eat anything else and looked forward to Gu Sheng coming home to feed them every day.

"Gu Sheng, your father, your mother, your younger sister, and your brothers, don't know that you cook so deliciously." Zhan Aiping also knew that the food in the Gu family was terrible, but she didn't expect that there would be a variant like Gu Sheng.

Gu Sheng blinked in surprise: "Do you admit that my cooking is delicious?"

Zhan Aiping: "... you only know how to pick on words."

Bad men are particularly good at grasping key words.

“Even if the food is delicious, I only cook for you, not for them. They only deserve to eat in the cafeteria.” Gu Sheng said that he would never let outsiders taste his cooking easily, and he would only use it to feed his own wife.

Why should he cook for that group of people!

Zhan Aiping: “…” What a cruel man.

"Comrade Zhan, this is exclusively for you."

Although this was a rather corny remark, Zhan Aiping really felt flattered. She was very happy and reached out to tug at Gu Sheng's sleeve, just like a spoiled little kitten, scratching her pooper scooper with her claws: "Please help me remove the fishbone, I still want to eat."

She is willing to act coquettishly and cutely for a bite of food, because food has been the most important thing for people since ancient times.

Gu Sheng was very happy. After he was full, he fed her, making Zhan Aiping's belly swollen. After washing the dishes, he held Zhan Aiping and weighed her.

Zhan Aiping nestled in his arms and didn't want to move. It was easy for people to feel sleepy after eating, and she was pregnant, so she was a little sleepy.

Gu Sheng held her in his arms and whispered to her, "Take care of her a little longer..."

Zhan Aiping gently stroked her belly: "What do you want to do?"

"It's out of the market, and it's in good shape. The book says—"

Zhan Aiping raised her hand to cover his mouth. Some people really should be tortured in the crackdown on pornography and illegal publications.

"Is this what you read medical books to learn?"

Gu Sheng said sincerely: "That's all I can do."

Zhan Aiping continued to cover his mouth.

"Okay, if you don't let me talk, I can just do it. Hard work makes a country prosperous, while empty talk ruins it."

Zhan Aiping: "... If you don't care about your comrades and believe the rumors, you are actually holding a monster that sucks human essence."

"Let you suck it."


Because of the rumor, Zhan Aiping took the initiative to find several brigade cadres. The branch secretary was very friendly and apologized to her sincerely: "... When something like this happens, once the truth is found out, we must make the rumormongers apologize to Dr. Zhan in public and reflect deeply on themselves, and educate the masses through this incident..."

The militia captain and the security director are already investigating the source of the rumors behind the scenes. When something like this happens, the masses must be educated properly.

"Doctor Zhan, don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter strictly."

Zhan Aiping was not very satisfied with the official attitude of branch secretary Xu Yong, because she could hear Xu Yong's perfunctory tone. He did not take this matter as a big deal at all. He just wanted to get rid of Zhan Aiping as soon as possible to prevent her from bothering him again.

After Zhan Aiping was sent away, she was "criticized" a few words at the meeting, and the matter turned from a big thing into a small thing, and from a small thing into nothing.

Even though the villagers were still talking behind his back, he said he had already dealt with it.

There's nothing we can do. It's their fault for not listening.

Explanation, explanation is useless.

"Secretary Xu, I hope to hold a village meeting so that I can personally talk to the members about science."

Secretary Xu was stunned: "Talk about science, you talk about science? Our anti-superstition team has talked about science many times..."

You say your thing and people believe what they say.

"You are a young girl, you don't understand." Secretary Xu felt that Zhan Aiping was too serious and would not give up. She insisted on this rumor which was obviously nonsense for so long.

Zhan Aiping said: "Secretary Xu, you may not know this, but before I came here to be a doctor, I was a teacher in a medical school. Don't worry, my teaching level will never disappoint you."

"I will come to explain science to the members and hold a science conference."

"Secretary, you just need to organize a village meeting. I will do the rest."

Secretary Xu thought for a moment and said, "Okay, you tell me yourself."

"You are a young girl, so I have to remind you that this is a rural area, not the city you lived in before. The situation here is very complicated, and the members are not well educated. No matter how much you talk, they... won't listen."

Not only did he not understand, he was also unwilling to understand. He did learn all the skills to deal with it perfunctorily. He nodded superficially, but then forgot everything as if nothing had happened.

There is still a long way to go to educate the people about literacy.

"That's settled, Secretary. Don't worry, I'm good at explaining science." Zhan Aiping patted her chest, thinking that she was a "science-savvy" Party member who had watched many episodes of "Approaching Science."

Why is "Approaching Science" filmed in such a weird and ridiculous way? It's because if you are serious about popularizing science, you won't get ratings. It has to be so weird and ridiculous that people will like to watch it.

The reason behind the strange man vomiting blood is "bleeding gums"; the reason behind the zombie boy is "pretending"; the sound of the ancient tree is "someone fell into the pit"; the cause of the terrifying water monster in the lake is "the fish's mouth was knocked crooked by the boat"; the reason why the wall is electrified is even more ridiculous, because the old man's electric pen is broken...

The truth behind all the weird and scary things is so "heartwarming" that it helps everyone get rid of superstitions.

Seeing Zhan Aiping so confident, Secretary Xu could only shake his head helplessly. After Zhan Aiping left, he said to Zhou Xiaofang, the women's director of the brigade: "This little girl from the city is stubborn, just like those female educated youth, she is very serious."

Zhou Xiaofang: "Yeah, what's wrong with saying a few words behind her back? Calling her a goblin is also praising her beauty."

If she wasn't so pretty, no one would have said that she ate placenta.

"Young people can't stand a few idle words, but she wants to talk about science with the members. Tsk tsk, wait and see her hit a nail on the head."

"Let's just wait and see a joke."

Secretary Xu said, "Xiao Zhou, you are the director of the Women's Department. She is a military wife after all. If she gets angry and cries, you must comfort her and tell her not to take it to heart."

"Those who spread rumors will be dealt with accordingly."

"It was Zheng Tong's sister who had a quarrel with the two midwives." This matter was too easy to find out. The truth could not be hidden. After Zhan Aiping came, she was young, beautiful, clean, and from a big city. She was a college student and a doctor. She was very responsible when delivering babies. She carried out complete disinfection and was very respectful to the mothers. She was not as rough as other country women and her words were very gentle. All the babies she delivered praised her. She was also good at cutting the umbilical cords of the babies. In the brigade, anyone who was nice to mothers was willing to ask her to deliver their babies. This really made people earn less money.

Even if you deliver a baby, you only get two or three yuan and a few eggs, occasionally brown sugar, and be treated to a meal by the host family. Even if it accumulates over time, it is a large sum.

Some midwives earned less extra money, but they did not hate Zhan Aiping in their hearts. Even if they delivered three or four babies a month, they would still earn ten yuan, which was not a small amount. Many people only earned a dozen or twenty yuan.

"It's good that there is this rumor." Secretary Xu thought. He also had to give others some chance to survive. Zhan Aiping might be hurt by this rumor, but everyone said this behind her back. Some people believed it, while others didn't. Those who wanted to find Zhan Aiping would still find her.

Alas, on the contrary, the better the family conditions and the more they love their wives, the more they are willing to find a young female doctor like Zhan Aiping who looks clean and polite. They are also generous and will give brown sugar eggs and even kill chickens to express their gratitude.

Isn't this a cause for jealousy


The secretary called on the members of the production team to hold a "Science Propaganda Conference". According to Zhan Aiping's request, the conference was divided into several sessions. After all, the members of the production teams that were far away could not get together.

Members who live close to each other can open the business together.

Secretary Xu speculated that this so-called "science conference" would probably only be held once before being stopped. At that time, he would let the militia captain clean up this mess, and everyone would just talk about science casually, and that would be the end of it.

After finishing their farm work that day, all the members of the commune and the educated youth gathered under the loudspeaker in the village square. Those who had stools sat on them, and those who didn't just grabbed some straw and branches and used them as pads under their buttocks to sit on.

Not only the branch secretary, deputy secretary, militia captain and members, but also the security director, production team leader, political team leader and so on came, they stood aside and waited to see how the young female doctor from the city would explain science to the villagers.

At this time, Zhan Aiping came out. She was not wearing anything else today but her old military uniform. Her hair was tied up and tucked under her hat. She had a pretty face like a flower, and she looked like a female arts soldier who came to the countryside to give condolences.

The villagers gave her face and welcomed her with applause. After all, if a person was pretty, it didn't matter whether she was a monster or an evil spirit. As long as she was pretty, it would be nice to listen to her talk.

This point requires us to talk about the characteristics of Chinese people. Although they are superstitious, they don't seem to believe in them that much. They don't seem to have such absolute reverence or fear for gods and ghosts.

After all, in the mythological stories of the past, such as the story of the Seven Fairies, the old cow instigated the cowherd to steal the fairies' clothes; in the Legend of the White Snake, the white snake was imprisoned in Leifeng Pagoda for repaying her gratitude; as for those in A Chinese Ghost Story, the female ghost seemed to be quite infatuated.

They dare to steal fairies’ clothes and marry snakes. Female ghosts are quite infatuated. They harm bad people but not good people. They don’t do anything that would make them guilty and are not afraid of ghosts knocking on their doors.

A woman who had given birth by Zhan Aiping said that Dr. Zhan did not eat placenta at all.

Yes, this also shows that her family is kind and has never done anything bad.

What if this Dr. Zhan is also a lovesick enchantress who has come to the mortal world

"Hello everyone, my name is Zhan Aiping, and I am a new doctor at Yanxin Health Center. Today I will give you a scientific lecture to help you learn some scientific knowledge."

The villagers listened to her clichés with expressionless faces. In the past few years, they had held many meetings so often that they were tired of hearing them. They didn't want to listen to any lectures at all and would rather watch an open-air movie.

Secretary Xu and Women's Director Zhou Xiaofang exchanged a glance and said, "What she said was boring. It was just her one-man show."

The militia captain at the side shook his head, thinking that they, the militiamen, had already been taught “science” by Dr. Zhan beforehand.

It's unforgettable.

"She looks young and easy to bully. There must be some rogues causing trouble."

Even the second-rate guys like to tease the young and pretty ones.

Sure enough, a second-rate guy immediately spoke up in the crowd with a frivolous smile: "Doctor Zhan, what science are you going to talk about? Why don't you come over here and whisper it in my ear?"

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "Comrade, if you want to listen to me talk about science, then stand up."

"Okay, okay, I'll stand up." The second-rate guy Zhou Jing stood up tremblingly with a playful smile.

Zhan Aiping walked towards him, but without getting close to him, she suddenly waved her right hand in front of Zhou Jing. A flame suddenly jumped out from her palm and burned in front of Zhou Jing, scaring Zhou Jing and the people around him.

They have never seen this.

"Fire! Fire!"

Zhan Aiping waved her hand again, and another fire burst out.

Then she shook her sleeves and a surgical knife fell out. "My fellow science lover, I hope you can cooperate with me and demonstrate the head cutting and suturing technique in public."

"I cut off his head in public and sewed it back together."

"Guaranteed survival. Absolutely guaranteed."

Zhou Jing was dumbfounded, and so were the surrounding villagers. This, this, this... is this still science

Zhan Aiping said calmly: "Our purpose today is to explain science to everyone."

The militia captain had long been fed up with the second-rate people, and said from below: "Zhou Jing, go up and help Doctor Zhan demonstrate the science and technology."

Zhou Jing: “?!!!!”

The villagers were also shocked: “!!!!” Is this really science

The villagers came to their senses and immediately joined in the fun: "Zhou Jing, go and cooperate with Doctor Zhan. We need to listen to science!"

No matter what happened, it wasn't their heads that were cut off.

"Yeah, I want to listen to science too!"

“I want to listen to science, too!”

At this time, everyone was concentrating on waiting for the demonstration of "science and technology". Everyone's appetite was whetted, and even Secretary Xu couldn't wait to know what would happen next.

Zhou Jing covered his neck: "I don't, I don't believe in science, I don't..."

He curled up on the ground and pretended to be dead. What a coward.

"Since everyone is unwilling to cooperate with such cruel science, then I will tell you something gentle." Zhan Aiping took out a handkerchief, conjured a flower out of thin air, and gave it to the little girl sitting next to her mother.

Then she used the flowers to transform into a living bird, causing everyone to exclaim in amazement.

Zhan Aiping smiled again: "Let me tell you a few stories about 'approaching science'."

That is, it seems to be a science story that is mysterious, thrilling, and scary on the surface, but the truth behind it is a very "heartwarming" science story.

Zhan Aiping, who used to be a teacher, has a good ability in preaching and educating (fooling) people. The villagers were stunned and fascinated by what he said.

They have never heard of these stories. They have only watched movies and listened to model operas. They have never known that there are such interesting "Into Science Stories" and "Science Performances".

"Well, it must be fake again."

"The cemetery will-o'-the-wisp is actually chemistry..."

"The fire in Doctor Zhan's palm just now was because he hid the fire paper..."

"Why are there so many physics and chemistry? What is chemistry?"

Even Secretary Xu was fascinated by what he heard. This story about entering science was really interesting.

"Okay, today's science presentation ends here."

"Doctor Zhan, can you tell me a few more?" Their daily poor lives lacked interesting science stories.

"It's already late. Let's go back. There will be a science conference in two days."

Afterwards, Zhan Aiping held several more "Into Science Promotion Conferences", which were almost always sold out. Some people even walked for hours on mountain roads to listen to the "science stories" and watch the "science and technology displays".

The rumors about Zhan Aiping are self-defeating and need no explanation. The most effective and quickest way to overturn rumors is to let the masses remember something more explosive and interesting.

—She is now a doctor who is particularly good at telling science stories.

As for the initiators of the rumor, Zheng Tong's sister, Zheng Yinmei, the woman who caused trouble when the premature baby Zheng Xuemei was admitted to the hospital, and the two midwives, Meng Youfeng and Sun Laimiao, were all arrested and reformed through labor education.

That is to say, to do the hard, dirty and tiring work in the team.

The villagers pointed at Zheng Yinmei and said, "How stupid! What kind of immobilization technique is this? They are using traditional Chinese medicine techniques. How stupid!"

"that is."

“They don’t understand science.”


Zhan Aiping's enthusiasm for science also spread to the camp's family compound. Several sisters-in-law came to watch her science performances and listen to her science stories, which they enjoyed very much.

When both families had some free time, Wang Youli and Shen Liqing said they wanted to come to Gu's house for dinner. Wang Youli even brought a bottle of good wine.

When they had dinner at his home before, Gu Sheng invited the two of them to have a meal together, and Wang Youli came to settle the bill.

Wang Youli said to Shen Liqing: "Try his cooking skills."

Wang Youli was very proud of himself during this period. He had just gotten married and was having cultural and spiritual exchanges with his new wife, so he wanted to show off everywhere.

Shen Liqing is a little lazy, but the meals she cooks from time to time are still delicious.

Wang Youli thought that his wife's cooking must be better than that of his doctor Zhan.

"Old Gu, I must come to your house for dinner."

Gu Sheng waved his hand: "Come on, come on, just don't regret it when you come."

"How could I regret it?"

Wang Youli and his wife came in a hurry with gifts. After entering and sitting for a while, they saw Gu Sheng fully armed, as if he was ready to overturn the pot and pick up the spatula.

He seemed to be planning to cook the meal himself.

Wang Youli was stunned: "Lao Gu, what are you going to do?"

As an old comrade-in-arms for many years, he knew that Gu Sheng couldn't cook at all.

What does he want to do

"I'll cook for you and your wife. You're in for a treat."

Wang Youli: "... I don't want this kind of good fortune."

Although he knew that Dr. Zhan was pregnant and Gu Sheng would definitely help, Wang Youli never expected that Gu Sheng would take charge of everything.

This guy Gu Sheng has no martial ethics. Is he using Tian Ji's horse racing tactics

Wang Youli asked: "Can you really cook?"

"Isn't it easy to learn how to cook? My wife can just give me some pointers."

"You can also ask your wife for some advice when you go back."

Wang Youli: “…”

He suspected it was a Hongmen Banquet.

(End of this chapter)