Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 39: Original intention


Wang Youli's eyes were full of suspicion. He stood behind Gu Sheng, watching his every move.

—He had never seen Gu Sheng like this before.

Although he was still in military uniform and without a hat, he actually wore an apron. Was this... a big sacrifice? Gu Sheng's face was expressionless, and he seemed very calm. His hands moved slowly and unhurriedly.

Wang Youli studied him carefully.

Wang Youli had seen Gu Sheng scolding people with a cold face, seen him standing in the corner smoking, and seen him arguing with his superiors, but he had never seen... him wearing an apron, holding a spatula, with a defiant and stern face, washing his hands and making soup at home.

Regardless of whether it was Tian Ji's horse race or not, Lao Wang sighed: "Old Gu, Old Gu, do you still remember what you said in Shanghai?"

"Now it's more than just lending a hand, you get to cook all the meals for your family." Unlike some men, who marry a wife just to have her cook, wash clothes and take care of the children for them.

Wang Youli felt that he and Xiao Shen had a resonance in thoughts and souls that surpassed most couples, but he didn't expect that Gu Sheng was even more considerate.

Is he pretending to be so pretentious just today

What's the plan

Gu Sheng washed the spatula: "I am progressive in my thinking."

Shen Liqing said, "Listen, Lao Wang, Comrade Gu is a good comrade who loves his wife very much. Doctor Zhan is pregnant, so he will lend a hand if he can."

"Director Li asked you to learn more from him."

Wang Youli: "I learn from him? I just want to see what dishes he can cook?" With him watching here, there will be no chance for Gu Sheng to cheat.

"Before I got married, I had never cooked. Now my wife is pregnant, and I feel really bad for her. I want to cook for her myself."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Gu Sheng said: "Xiao Shen, your old Wang once said that no matter whether you can do it or not, you must have the attitude first."

Shen Liqing said: "That's it."

Gu Sheng said: "Old Wang, am I right?"

Wang Youli: "If you can cook a table of delicious food, I will cook a table of delicious food for you next time."

"Okay, remember what you said."

Wang Youli watched Gu Sheng cook while Zhan Aiping and Shen Liqing were drinking tea in the room. Zhan Aiping was pregnant, so she didn't drink the tea herself. She poured tea for Shen Liqing and drank milk powder herself.

Shen Liqing followed her into the study and saw that Zhan Aiping's bookshelf was full of medical books. She immediately exclaimed, "Doctor Zhan, you have so many books at home, so many medical books."

Zhan Aiping said: "If you want to see it, I can lend it to you."

Shen Liqing quickly shook her head: "I dare not read too many medical books. The more I read, the more I feel that I am sick all over."

She looked around casually and saw a notebook with Gu Sheng's handwriting instead of Zhan Aiping's. She asked curiously, "Medical study notes, how come they belong to your comrade Gu? He also studied medicine?"

Zhan Aiping: "He had anxiety about being a father, so he temporarily studied medicine and tried to take my pulse."

"This is so romantic." Shen Liqing's eyes gleamed with longing.

Zhan Aiping: “…?” What kind of romance is this

"You two have similar interests and have had the same military experience and the same medical study experience. Isn't that romantic? You read books together at night, and you are mentors and helpful friends. You talk about the past, the present, and the future together. You are truly a match made in heaven."

Zhan Aiping: "I heard that your family also talks about the stars and the moon every day, and that you have some cultural and ideological resonance."

Shen Liqing: "It's too pretentious. It's tiring."

She and Wang Youli started out as pen pals, and in their letters they always left their best words for each other. Now that they are truly together, although they don't spend much time together every day, Shen Liqing always feels that being with him is too tiring, and she still has to maintain her "good" image.

Just like when she first came to the camp, Shen Liqing insisted on cooking her own home-cooked meals in order to establish herself as a good cook, but she messed it up.

Although Shen Liqing is full of romantic feelings, she is actually not particular about life. She only cares about the food as long as it is edible as long as it is not too bad. She likes freedom and laziness.

Fortunately, Wang Youli was not at home all day and had not yet discovered her overly lazy nature.

Shen Liqing was also worried. How could a man and a woman talk about literature every day? After a while, it would become meaningless. The initial passion faded, and the so-called "cultural soul" resonance became as tiring as going to work. It made people rack their brains.

After living together and becoming more familiar with each other, we have finished talking about the past and books, and now we don’t know what to talk about anymore.

It’s not as good as when we were pen pals. I looked forward to his letters every time.

Now Shen Liqing is a little reluctant to let Wang Youli go home.

Zhan Aiping said: "You can start showing your truest side in front of him."

"The truest side of me? I don't even know what my truest side is like..."

Zhan Aiping said: "Just live a relaxed life, do whatever you want, and don't force yourself to do things you don't want to do."

Shen Liqing sighed: "..."

"So I envy you, Comrade Xiao Zhan. You and your Xiao Gu grew up together. You know each other's truest side. You don't have to live your life in such a pretentious way like us."

"Doctor Zhan, I'm in so much pain. I don't want to talk about literature with him anymore. It's more tiring than going to work." Shen Liqing has now lost the joy of reading. Every time she reads, she has to think about what to talk to Wang Youli about when he comes back in the evening.

Tired of coping.

It's all repetitive.

She couldn't stand this kind of marriage life anymore.

Zhan Aiping said: "Then don't talk about literature, do something else."

"What are you doing?" Shen Liqing asked curiously, "Doctor Zhan, what are you and Comrade Gu talking about at home?"

"We..." Zhan Aiping paused. She couldn't explain it. Gu Sheng was just a big boy. As soon as he got home, he liked to stick to her, hug her, kiss her, and always put his hands on her. He couldn't be driven away. The two of them stuck together, talked, bickered, or did their own things, occasionally looking up at each other.


Shen Liqing: “… ?”


"How, how do you exercise?"

"Look at our husband, he is tall and strong. I used to be a female soldier, and I did very well in physical training. We arm wrestled, lifted weights, and I also practiced my leg skills on him." Zhan Aiping couldn't say that she and her husband were affectionate at home every day, so she used a more subtle way of saying it.

Weightlifting, Gu Sheng carried her around every day, which was roughly equivalent to weightlifting.

As for practicing leg skills, that's it... She is indeed very good at sticking to Gu Sheng.

Shen Liqing: "Now that you are pregnant, you can't practice."

"Yes, so I urged him to read medical books and learn cooking. He and I grew up together, and we both have a strong competitive spirit. He takes everything he does very seriously, and he wants to be better than me in cooking. He is a good competitor."

“We often bring out the competitive spirit in each other.”

Shen Liqing suddenly realized: "..."

To arouse the other party's competitive spirit.

Zhan Aiping said: "When he does well, you can praise him more. Praising people doesn't cost money anyway."

"Doctor Zhan, you are indeed a good doctor. You understand the relationship between men and women very well." Shen Liqing said, "I understand."

Zhan Aiping: "... What do you understand?"

"You are more suitable to be the director of women's affairs than Director Li." Shen Liqing laughed and said, "I will find something new for Old Wang to do when I go back."

Isn't it just a desire to win? Let him compete with Gu Sheng; isn't it just praising others? Praising him to the point of losing his mind.

Zhan Aiping: "...Take it easy."

The two were chatting in the house, and the smell of cooking outside came in waves. Shen Liqing rubbed her nose, wondering why the cooking outside smelled so good, how could it smell so good.

"Is your Captain Gu a good cook?"

Zhan Aiping said modestly: "It's OK."

By the time it was time for dinner, the table was already filled with dishes. Wang Youli was already sitting stupidly in his seat, planning to drink alone later. After a while, two more people came, Sun Wei and Zhou Jiajia. They were from Gu Sheng's camp, and they came to eat for free. Good things had happened in their camp recently, and they won prizes and medals.

Zhou Jiajia's name sounds like a girl's, but he is actually a big strong man. He is tall and strong, with a broad back and strong arms, at least 1.8 meters tall.

He spoke in a loud voice with a strong flavor: "Sister-in-law, your cooking skills are really good. I am so lucky today."

Wang Youli said, "You are indeed blessed, your battalion commander cooked this dish."

Zhou Jiajia and Sun Wei responded as if they had just heard some big joke: "I don't believe it."

"How is that possible?" How could their battalion commander possibly cook the food himself and set up a Hongmen Banquet

The battalion commander dared to cook, but they didn't dare to eat.

"It's almost like you burned it, Instructor Wang."

Gu Sheng said: "That's right."

After hearing what Gu Sheng said, Zhou Jiajia and the others felt relieved.

Zhan Aiping and Shen Liqing came out at this time, and Zhan Aiping said, "Try our dishes."

Zhou Jiajia said: "Sister-in-law, the dishes you cook look delicious."

Sun Wei: "Our battalion commander really married a good wife."

No matter how many holes there are, flattery will never wear out.

Zhan Aiping: “… ?”

Shen Liqing: "Huh."

Wang Youli: "I said it was your battalion commander who burned it. I saw him do it with my own eyes."

Zhou Jiajia: "Don't tease us, how is it possible? Our battalion commander cooked it, is that a Hongmen Banquet?"

The food their battalion commander cooks is unbelievable, but they dare not eat it even though he cooks it.

Gu Sheng: “…?” Write it down in a small notebook.

Zhan Aiping laughed and joked, "Maybe it was really me who burned it?"

Wang Youli: “…”

Wang Youli looked at his wife, Shen Liqing.

Shen Liqing didn't say anything. She just stared at the table full of dishes with curiosity. They seemed to smell delicious. "Don't worry about who cooked them. Let's sit down and eat."

"That's right."

With delicious food in front of them, they were all gluttons, so they were not polite. Shen Liqing tasted a bite of the dish, her eyes lit up, and she joked, "Doctor Zhan's cooking skills are really good."

Zhou Jiajia said: "Good cooking skills."

Zhan Aiping: "Thank you for the compliment."

Shen Liqing said: "I was helping out on the side, and I had my share as well."

Wang Youli: “…?” I was clearly helping out and I was clearly a guest, but Gu Sheng ordered people around without any courtesy, asking them to wash and cut vegetables.

Sun Wei: "Both sisters-in-law have good cooking skills. The battalion commander and instructor Wang are so lucky."

Gu Sheng: “That’s it.”

Wang Youli: “…Yes.”

After finishing the meal, all the plates were cleaned up. Zhan Aiping was a little embarrassed to give him face. "Can you cook more next time?"

"How about two more dishes?"

When inviting others to dinner, if you don't leave any leftovers, it will make the host seem stingy.

Zhou Jiajia: "No, no, that's enough, sister-in-law, your cooking is so delicious."

Sun Wei: "The battalion commander is so lucky."

The two of them left after eating very contentedly.

Shen Liqing went back with Wang Youli. Shen Liqing was in high spirits at the moment. The more she thought about it, the more interesting it became, as if her peaceful life had a few more ripples.

"Look, Doctor Zhan and Captain Gu have such an interesting life."

Wang Youli: "I don't think so. They don't have the same resonance of ideas and collision of souls as we do."

Although the resonance and collision of these thoughts make people feel very tired...

"Then you have misunderstood Captain Gu. Comrade Gu is a very good person. He took the initiative to learn how to cook and he also took the initiative to learn medicine. I saw his medical notes in the study. He is very serious and is determined to get closer to Comrade Zhan." Shen Liqing praised Gu Sheng to the extreme. After she finished speaking, she said to Wang Youli: "Comrade Wang, I have always felt that you should do better than Comrade Gu. You should be better than him..."

Wang Youli: "Of course I am better than him. He is just a rough man. Their group is a group of bachelors. Look at those two, they are honest and straightforward."

Shen Liqing agreed: "That's right, you are more careful and considerate than him, and you pay more attention to the details."

"That's why I'm attracted to you."

Wang Youli had a smile on his face, and he felt very comfortable listening to these words.

"Comrade Wang, our lives should also become interesting and colorful." Shen Liqing nodded: "Starting tomorrow, I will also teach you how to cook. I think you are very talented. You are such a careful person, you will definitely cook better than a rough man like Gu Sheng."

She took the initiative to hold Wang Youli's hand: "I really want to try the food you cook."

"Captain Gu must have used all his skills today and brought out his best. You can't lose to him!"

"That's right. How could I lose to him?" Wang Youli said stubbornly, but when he saw Shen Liqing's expectant eyes, he felt happy in his heart, but also had a subtle stomachache.

This is actually not bad...

When the two of them get together to cook, at least they don't have to rack their brains to talk about literature every day. The more they talk, the less ink he has in his head.

"As a modern soldier, you should have such a competitive spirit." Shen Liqing gave him a gesture of encouragement, thinking that this should arouse his competitive spirit.

Wang Youli: “…”

"I'm just worried that the dishes I make at first won't taste good."

"It's okay, I believe in you, and I will grow with you."

Shen Liqing thought, no matter how bad it tastes, can it be worse than the pickles made by her mother? As long as it is not too bad, she can praise it.

Being a lazy person by nature, she really doesn't have such high requirements.

"Lili, you are so kind." Wang Youli was touched.

Shen Liqing was smiling.

"Lili, I see they have a sewing machine at home, why don't we buy one too and you learn from them, we can both make progress together!"

"You are so clever and thoughtful, the clothes you make must be very beautiful." Wang Youli looked at him expectantly.

Shen Liqing agreed with tears in her eyes: "Okay then."

At least let’s not talk about literature.


Everyone else in the house had left, leaving only Zhan Aiping and her husband. They packed up everything and took a shower. Zhan Aiping massaged Gu Sheng's shoulders, asked him to lie on the bed, and personally massaged him to clear his meridians.

"Wife, your technique is really good, but the strength is not enough."

"Do you think massage requires brute force? It's not like the more painful it is, the better."

"Yes, yes, yes, it's because you feel comfortable with massage. It would be nice to marry a doctor."

Zhan Aiping put two homemade plasters on him. Every time Gu Sheng saw her plasters, he would laugh: "I thought a female military doctor should carry a stretcher and walk through the artillery fire."

“… It turns out that my wife is selling dog-skin plasters under the overpass.”

Gu Sheng smiled and sat up, holding her in his arms, coaxing her in a low voice: "Your plaster is indeed very comfortable."

"That's right." This is the formula that Zhan Aiping improved. She found it convenient to use. A company also tried to buy her formula, but she didn't sell it because there were already enough analgesic ointments on the market and she couldn't get a good price by selling it.

If I'm short of money in the future, I can co-create a brand with others and sell pain-relieving ointment, toothpaste, shampoo and the like, and maybe some skin care products.

"I'll go to the hospital with you tomorrow."


Gu Sheng was going on a business trip for a few days, so he thought of spending the day with Zhan Aiping and then taking a ride away at night, which wouldn't waste time.

"Congratulations." Gu Sheng is about to be promoted to deputy regiment commander.

"What about you, Doctor Zhan? I will be the head of the regiment or the commander of the division, but you are still a small doctor. When will you become the director or the dean?"

Zhan Aiping smiled and raised her eyebrows: "You wait."

"Now, everyone in this area knows me, Doctor Zhan. Are you as famous as me?"

"Indeed, I admire you, Dr. Zhan, who is the best at talking about science."

Although he said he would accompany her to the hospital, Gu Sheng disappeared before dawn the next morning. He went up the mountain to dig wild mushrooms. He was very familiar with the nearby mountains and forests, and it was said that he had memorized dozens of chicken mushroom nests. Zhan Aiping suspected that he did not want to accompany her, but just wanted to eat wild mushrooms.

He was also rushing to pick the unopened mushrooms. This was almost the time when wild mushrooms had just emerged and tasted delicious. People who loved eating would want to be the first to have a taste of the freshest ones.

In the future, wild mushrooms that have just been put on the market can be sold for thousands of yuan per kilogram, and ordinary mushrooms can cost hundreds of yuan per kilogram. This is also the reason why some people suffer from secondary poisoning from wild mushrooms. A plate of wild mushrooms costs at least hundreds of yuan. People are poisoned and sent to the hospital after eating them, but they are reluctant to throw them away when they come back, so they put them back in the pot to heat them up, and they eat them and go to the hospital again.

Of course, the wild mushrooms in the mountains are still not very valuable and cannot be sold at a high price. The dry mushrooms, chicken mushrooms and porcini are more popular in the market. As for Matsutake and black truffles, few people like to eat them. At present, Matsutake is still called stinky chicken mushrooms. When children in the mountains see it, they pick it up and step on it for fun.

Zhan Aiping took a taxi to the hospital by herself. After the morning shift, there were no more patients. Gu Sheng had already taken a shower and changed into clean clothes, which were made for him by Zhan Aiping herself. He appeared in the hospital's family quarters. He walked into her room with ease, as if he was already the man of the house.

"Doctor Zhan, is your family member here?" Qin Yanfang had met Gu Sheng once before, and it was still very strange to see Gu Sheng in the family room now.

Dr. Zhan’s girlfriend is so handsome, tall and good-looking.

"Yeah, he'll come over when he's free."

Gu Sheng moved the stove to the yard and started to make soup, mushroom and chicken soup. It was okay at first, but later, the aroma that overflowed was simply a deadly temptation.

Several people in the hospital were drooling with greed and said they wanted to come to his house for a meal. Dr. Zhou was particularly generous and contributed "rapeseed oil" to stir-fry wild mushrooms, "add more oil, it will be more fragrant."

Fried chicken mushroom is especially sweet.

The mixed mushroom soup is the most fragrant and tempting.

Qin Yanfang was almost drooling: "Mushroom pot, mushroom pot, mushroom pot..."

Zhan Aiping was also disturbed by the smell. She slipped over to Gu Sheng and kicked him: "You really know how to eat, Gu Laowu."

Ran to the hospital to poison.

"It's good to eat in the hospital. It gives you that... sense of security you mentioned." Gu Sheng smiled very proudly.

Zhan Aiping was speechless: “…” So did you go to the hospital on purpose to eat

"You've been poisoned. Do you want me to wash your stomach myself?"

"Yes, then don't eat it. Just watch me eat." Gu Sheng was quite careful when picking mushrooms, even the common edible ones. He had a strong ability to memorize maps and distinguish wild mushrooms, and he only picked the best ones.

Zhan Aiping: "…I really want to bite you to death."

Run to her and poison her.

—She wants to eat too.

But she was pregnant, so she was better off being safe than sorry. It was best not to eat this kind of wild mushrooms if possible.

"You bite, you bite, I eat mushrooms, you eat me."


Gu Sheng poisoned the hospital, disturbing countless people, not only the doctors in the hospital, but also several patients who wanted to stay in the hospital.

"What does your hospital smell like? It smells so good..."

“It smells so good.”

"Is it the hospital cafeteria?"

Doctor Zhou coaxed the patient out: "It's nothing, just a male family member of our hospital cooking."

"The male family member cooks?"

"Yes, yes, the family members cook the food, but they don't give it to you."

After finally coaxing the patient away, two more came in, two young men in their twenties or thirties. One of them had white hair on both sides of his hair, but his face looked young, so his age could not be recognized.

Doctor Zhou asked, "Are you here to treat your hair? Xiao Zhan in our hospital is very knowledgeable about this. You are not that old, so why are your hair so white?"

The young man with white hair on both sides blushed. Chen Jiajing said angrily: "I'm not here to treat my hair. I'm a reporter for the provincial newspaper. My name is Chen Jiajing. I came here to interview your doctor Zhan, the one who is very good at talking about science."

"Interview Dr. Zhan!" Reporters from the provincial newspaper came to interview him! Dr. Zhou was shocked. Dr. Zhan just talked about science, why did the newspaper come to interview him

Another person said, "I'm from the county radio station."

"Is Doctor Zhan here?"

"Yes, she and her family are here." The couple was causing trouble in the family courtyard of their hospital.

Chen Jia actually rubbed his nose: "What's that smell? It smells so good."

Xie Hui, who came from the radio station, couldn't help swallowing his saliva, "This is a hospital, not a state-owned restaurant, right?"

"Is there a restaurant next to your hospital?"

Doctor Zhou said, "Well, you may not know this, but our doctor Zhan's husband is a cook."


"He is cooking in the backyard of our hospital right now. It's just right that you are here for an interview. Stay for a meal and taste the cooking skills of the male family member."

Xie Huiren was stunned: "She is a cook, but, but why did I hear that Doctor Zhan is a military dependent and she came here with the army."

"Is that Doctor Zhan Aiping?"

Doctor Zhou: “…” It seems like they are all well prepared.

Chen Jiajing said naturally: "Maybe her boyfriend worked in the kitchen before he was promoted?"

Doctor Zhou: "As expected of a reporter from a provincial newspaper, you really know how to joke."

Gu Sheng cooked a table full of mushroom feast. Of course, in order to take care of Zhan Aiping, he grilled a fish for her and made other dishes. However, those plates of wild mushrooms were really a "fatal" temptation, especially the mixed mushroom soup and the chicken mushroom and native chicken soup, which were so delicious that they would make people cry for help.

"You, you are Doctor Zhan, you are so young." Chen Jiajing was very surprised when he saw Zhan Aiping. He introduced himself, "I am a reporter from the provincial newspaper. This time I came here specifically to interview Doctor Zhan. Your scientific deeds have been praised by the higher-ups and have received a great response among the masses, bringing about a wave of scientific enthusiasm..."

Xie Hui also rushed to meet Zhan Aiping: "Doctor Zhan, I'm from the county radio station. Our radio station hopes to collect a few of your science stories, compile them into manuscripts, and broadcast them in every village and community through radio..."

Zhan Aiping was also surprised to see them. Nowadays, media people come together. "Hello, hello."

Doctor Zhou: "Why don't you guys chat first and then we can go eat."

Under the temptation of delicious food, the matter of becoming famous in the newspapers becomes insignificant.

Zhan Aiping: "This is not good. Let's eat together. Reporter Chen and Comrade Xie, come together."

Several people came to the backyard together and saw a large table of wild mushrooms. Chen Jia's face turned pale. "This, this is picking mushrooms and eating them casually. It will cause poisoning and even death."

Xie Hui didn't care: "Eat it, I see they eat it every year. Reporter Chen, you are from another place, right?"

Chen Jiajing: "I'm really a little hesitant to eat it."

But it smells so good.

Doctor Zhou stared at his hair and sighed, "You are a young man who worries too much. You are afraid of this and that. Look at your hair, it has turned so white."

"All the hair on top of my head has fallen out."

Chen Jiajing: “…”

Zhan Aiping came to his rescue: "Reporter Chen, if you don't want to eat mushrooms, then eat other dishes. I won't eat them either. If my partner is poisoned, I will give him an injection to wash his stomach and give him an IV drip. Then I will show you my medical skills."

Gu Sheng: “…?”

Several people nearby burst into laughter.

Chen Jia actually blinked his eyes: "Then I'll eat it."

Zhan Aiping: “?!”

"Since the doctor is here, I'll try this mushroom too." After all, it's rare and so fragrant.

Xie Hui: "Eat before life."

Gu Sheng smiled and said to Zhan Aiping: "Wife, look, let me tell you, eating wild mushrooms in the hospital makes me feel safe."

Zhan Aiping: “…” Bullshit.

Gu Sheng said: "Don't worry, they are not poisonous."

In fact, poisoning from wild mushrooms is a low-probability event, and generally, you won’t be poisoned by common mushrooms.

After finishing a table full of mushroom feast, reporter Chen was so addicted to the food that he wanted to interview Gu Sheng about his experience of picking wild mushrooms in the mountains and how to identify and distinguish mushrooms. He wanted to continue eating as he hadn't had enough.

Doctor Zhou said with a sigh, "Some young people are so obsessed and never satisfied."

Meng Xiaoyun: "Are you content? Aren't you going to ask someone to go up the mountain tomorrow morning..."

Doctor Zhou: “…”

Xie Hui discussed business with Zhan Aiping, who agreed to provide manuscripts to the radio station. Xie Hui was very grateful to her: "Dr. Zhan, thank you so much. I hope you can write more good manuscripts. We need such scientific stories to educate the masses..."

Chen Jiajing stopped pestering Gu Sheng and started to interview Zhan Aiping seriously, asking her: "What was your original intention in thinking of these scientific stories?"

Zhan Aiping: "Original intention? That starts from when I was said to be a monster from the city."

"Ah?" Chen Jia's eyes widened.

"They said I helped women give birth in order to eat placenta. I am an evil spirit who wants to eat placenta to beautify my skin and stay young forever."

"Ah!" Chen Jia was stunned.

Zhan Aiping: “… So I think everyone lacks some correct understanding of science.”

After finishing the interview, Chen Jiajing was still not satisfied. Compared with those reports such as "expanding production", "forging ahead courageously" and "progress of educated youth", Zhan Aiping's interview report was really wonderful.

"Comrade Zhan, your science stories are so interesting. Can I attach two of them to the bottom of the report?"

Zhan Aiping: “…Okay.”

Chen Jiajing hesitated and asked, "Doctor Zhan, can you really cure hair?"

Zhan Aiping was confident: "Of course, you can rest assured about this."

After seeing off the reporter from the newspaper and Comrade Xie from the radio station, Zhan Aiping wrote several stories about "science" during the days when Gu Sheng was away on business. Although Zhan Aiping's writing style was average and her style was straightforward, she was knowledgeable and could come up with all kinds of stories and experiences with ease.

Zhan Aiping originally only wanted to write three or four articles for the radio station, but then she remembered the lack of physical and chemical knowledge among ordinary people, so she wanted to write more popular science stories.

In addition, when she was studying Chinese medicine, she had seen and heard many outrageous stories about people using Chinese medicine remedies but delaying treatment, and she tried her best to write them down.

When Gu Sheng came back, she had already written more than ten or twenty articles. After reading them, Gu Sheng couldn't stop laughing: "Your science stories are so funny."

The previous part is so unbelievable that every time the truth is revealed at the end, it leaves people speechless, as if - is this? Is this? It turned out to be like this.

Gu Sheng sighed, and with a smile he flipped through the draft that Zhan Aiping had written before - the framework of "Surgical Operation Skills", and shook the manuscript of Zhan Aiping's "Science Story" and said, "Doctor Zhan, Doctor Zhan, are you a doctor or a writer? After so many days, how come your framework is still just a framework..."

Zhan Aiping's face flushed, and she snatched the paper from his hand: "Write slowly, don't you? There must be priorities. They are in a hurry to get the manuscript, so I will write more."

Gu Sheng said: "If you write a few more articles, you can publish a book together."

Zhan Aiping: "… not really."

"Today a newspaper comes to you for an interview, tomorrow a radio station asks you for a manuscript, and the day after tomorrow a publishing house comes to you for publication."

"It would be great if a publishing house really finds me, and then they can ask them to publish my medical book as well." Zhan Aiping had published books before, but her books on traditional Chinese medicine were too niche, and only read by a familiar circle and a few people in the school.

Who doesn’t have some ambition when writing a book

As the saying goes, it is better to become famous early.

"I'm a doctor, not a writer."

"Okay, okay, Doctor Zhan." Gu Sheng smiled and pinched her face. "Your report will be out next month, right? Then, send the newspaper back to my parents to have a look."

"Don't - you must not." It was really terrible. Zhan Aiping thought of the content of the report and felt so embarrassed. It would be fine if it was circulated in Yunnan Province, but if someone who knew her before saw it, oh my God, help me.

"If I had known I would not have told the truth to the reporter." Being described as a female witch, eating placenta and so on, if her former comrades and old friends saw her, it would be too horrible.

—She was once a strong-willed female military doctor named Zhan Aiping.

Why is this kind of thing being interviewed

Gu Sheng smiled: "The report must be true. You, your thoughts are not correct."

Zhan Aiping: "… So the person being interviewed is not you, but the mushroom picker Gu Sheng."

"I'm waiting for the day when your case of wild mushroom poisoning is reported in the newspaper."

"Impossible, you can only see the combat hero Gu Sheng."

Zhan Aiping: “Huh.”

Gu Sheng picked up her science stories and read them over and over again. The more he read, the happier he became. Gu Sheng simply picked up a paintbrush and added a few illustrations. "When you publish a book in the future, paste your partner's paintings in it."

Zhan Aiping: "… you drew it, hahahaha, you are going to make me laugh to death."

Gu Sheng also has some talent in painting.

Zhan Aiping did not take these scientific stories seriously, because she felt that her writing skills were not very good. She could write some formal medical books, but she could not write stories of high quality. To be a writer, one must have good writing skills.


Gu Sheng was in a very good mood, but Captain Jiang was in a particularly bad mood.

Captain Jiang stared at Gu Sheng, and he was getting more and more dissatisfied with him. This guy had been very successful this year, and was promoted to deputy regiment commander and married a beautiful doctor. He heard from people in their camp that his sister-in-law cooked delicious dishes...

Why do all the good things happen to him

"Gu Sheng, come here."

Gu Sheng turned around and walked to Captain Jiang in two or three steps. "What's wrong? Captain Jiang."

Captain Jiang pulled him to a corner. Gu Sheng suspected that he might want to ask his wife to treat his hair, so he was so cautious. Who knew that the first thing Captain Jiang said was: "Ask your wife to introduce me to someone."

Gu Sheng's mouth twitched: "What?"

"Hush, hush, hush. Also, you have to tell people that it was your wife who insisted on introducing me to a guy, and I reluctantly agreed to meet him."

Gu Sheng: "... Is my wife the kind of person who desperately wants to introduce people to potential partners?"

Captain Jiang said: "I don't care about you, you have to help me solve the problem, Gu Sheng, you just left me alone to get married."

He had offended all the people who had introduced him to a date before, and he was just trying to be nice. Now he wants to find a partner again, but he has to save face again.

After Gu Sheng got married, it dealt him the heaviest blow. Even Wang Youli, the pen pal, was able to marry a educated wife who could talk about the stars and the moon.

"Who was the one who said that he wanted to be single with me?"

"You are the only one who is feeling proud right now, aren't you?"

(End of this chapter)