Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 41: implicit


Zhan Aiping and Li Yuxia looked at each other. Seeing the shock in Director Li's eyes, Zhan Aiping also understood something, but it was too late to undo what had happened. It was useless to say anything now.

Anyway, she really agreed to date Captain Jiang, and everyone will know about it in the future. It doesn't matter whether they are shocked first or later.

Zhan Aiping didn't want to say more: "Director Li, I'm busy cooking here."

"Oh, oh." Li Yuxia was already very stunned. When she heard this, she knew it was an order to leave, and subconsciously said, "Then you go ahead and do your work. I'm leaving."

She staggered out of Zhan Aiping's yard, feeling dizzy and Li Yuxia came back to her senses.

That’s not right. Xiao Zhan said that the negotiation was successful. Then who was he introduced to

Li Yuxia looked back, and curiosity prompted her to go back and ask Zhan Aiping, but she couldn't bear to do that and lose face.


The deal actually went through. Everyone would know about it, but the key point is, the introduction really went through.

Oh my God, I must go back and tell my husband, Mr. Zhang.

Li Yuxia ran back home. Political Commissar Zhang was in the house. Seeing Li Yuxia coming back so soon, he asked her, "Is Xiaozhan not home? Why did you come back so soon?"

"Am I fast?" Li Yuxia's eyes widened: "Over there it's faster."

"Doctor Zhan said that she successfully introduced Captain Jiang to a woman."

Political Commissar Zhang's jaw dropped to the ground: "Successful? So quickly?"

"With whom?"

"I don't know either." Li Yuxia said, "Go ask Doctor Sun."

"Okay, I'll go ask Old Sun tomorrow."


Gu Sheng did not go home at night. The orderly came to Zhan Aiping and said that their regiment had a temporary special training and had already set off and would not go home at night. Zhan Aiping nodded, and her enthusiasm was dashed.

Okay, let me introduce you to someone, but it turns out that I can’t contact either of them.

Maybe they didn't expect that the introduction would be successful so quickly.

Zhan Aiping sighed and stroked her belly gently, feeling very regretful. It seemed that she would only be able to have dinner with the two little ones in the evening.

She cooked a dish casually. She had no appetite and didn't eat much. She also felt a little uncomfortable. She made a cup of hot milk powder and drank it slowly. It was too quiet to be alone at night. Zhan Aiping read a book for a while, wrote some materials, and went to bed early.

She and the baby in her belly both miss the food cooked by the father.


"What? It's done?" Military Doctor Sun was confused. Everyone in the regiment had gone out, and he was the only one who was on duty with a few patients. Who would have known that they would hear some news out of nowhere.

"It's settled? Captain Jiang, when?"

Political Commissar Zhang: "I'm still asking you. Aren't you a gossiper? You haven't even received any information about this?"

"Xiao Gu has a childhood sweetheart whom he has loved for many years. You don't know that Captain Jiang has someone he likes right now and has even asked someone to introduce him to someone. You don't know that either, Old Sun, Old Sun, I was a little wrong about you."

"Didn't you say you can see through other people's hearts? Why can't you see through them?"

“It’s useless.”

Doctor Sun had mixed feelings: "…"

Who knew that these two tough guys would secretly make peace with each other.

"Captain Jiang, did it really work?"

Political Commissar Zhang: "How can this be false? Little Gu's wife said it herself, and my wife heard it with her own ears."

"Old Sun, Old Sun, you are not as good as them."

"Captain Jiang really succeeded." Military Doctor Sun gritted his teeth and said, "You are so good at pretending to build a plank road while secretly attacking Chencang. You are so tight-lipped that you didn't say a word before leaving."

Political Commissar Zhang: "If your Captain Jiang also has someone he has loved for many years, Old Sun—"

"Go shave your head, you're so useless." He didn't even know what was happening right under his nose. He really didn't deserve the title of Military Doctor Sun.

Military Doctor Sun cares very much about the physical and mental health of every officer and soldier. For example, male officers and soldiers like to ask him for advice when they have any problems in marriage, family, or relationships between men and women.

Doctor Sun also boasted that he was the reincarnation of Yue Lao and could tell at a glance whether there was a red line between two people.

Political Commissar Zhang sighed: "Captain Jiang would rather look for Xiao Gu than you."

Because Political Commissar Zhang has a wife who is similar to Military Doctor Sun, he knows very well what words are most hurtful.

A knife stabbed him hard.

Doctor Sun was furious: "What does Gu Sheng know? Gu Sheng knows nothing. He has only been married for a few months. Believe it or not, sooner or later Jiang Tuan will ask me for advice on marriage and relationship matters."

"He really thought the old tree had blossomed."

"Wait until he gets married and begs me with tears."

Knowing yourself and your enemy will ensure victory in every battle. Military Doctor Sun's competitive spirit was aroused, and he first had to know who Captain Jiang's target was.


Early in the morning, Gu Sheng was crawling in the jungle, holding a telescope in his hand, quietly admiring the sunrise. The woods were noisy with the chirping of insects and birds, but listening to the sounds, he felt that the space between heaven and earth was vast, and the leaves in the forest were particularly crisp and moist, like emerald jade.

He checked the time and went to find Captain Jiang with the map.

Captain Jiang discussed the matter with him for a while, waited for a few more people to come, held a meeting, and then dispersed. Everything was over. Captain Jiang had been holding it in for two days and could no longer hold it in, so he called Gu Sheng over.

I want to hide in the corner and talk to him quietly about some personal matters: "Gu Sheng, come here."

Gu Sheng walked over. He guessed that Captain Jiang wanted to say something to him, so he prepared a speech in advance.

They have been out for three days.

"About your wife..." Captain Jiang hesitated. He was still arguing in the meeting just now, but now he was silent.

"Did you get any results after you returned?"

Gu Sheng laughed: "Captain, you are too impatient. How can it be so fast? I guess my wife hasn't told anyone yet."

"Why? A retired female soldier is so slow in doing things."

Gu Sheng: "My wife said that my sister wants to discuss the marriage with the man's family. At least wait until they finish the discussion. Otherwise, if my wife brings up your matter before they finish their business, they won't be able to take care of it."

Captain Jiang lowered his head and cursed.

—But he didn’t suffocate to death.

Gu Sheng patted his shoulder: "You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

Captain Jiang rolled his eyes and said, "You wouldn't be so anxious if it were you."

Gu Sheng expressed his understanding: "I am anxious."

Captain Jiang couldn't help but ask curiously, "What did you think about every day before you got the marriage certificate?"

Now that he was about to date, Captain Jiang, who was originally indifferent to matters between men and women, was particularly curious about how other people dated, fell in love, and got married.

Unfortunately, he was too bachelor in the past and created such an image for himself. In order to save his face, he could only talk to his only "accomplice", his "good brother Xiao Gu".

—Gu Sheng must be capable and reliable to marry such a beautiful female doctor.

"What else can I think about? I'm just dreaming about getting the marriage certificate as soon as possible."

Captain Jiang is very gossipy and curious now: "So what did you and your wife do on the day you got your marriage certificate?"

Gu Sheng glanced at him: "Do you really want to know?"

"Yes, yes." Head Jiang was particularly curious whether there was the kind of "romance" that those intellectuals talked about, such as listening to music, watching movies, taking a walk by the lake in the park, drinking two cups of coffee, watching the sea, watching a ballet...

Even though he is an old bachelor, he actually knows a lot.

Gu Sheng said expressionlessly: "I went to her house early in the morning before dawn that day—"

Captain Jiang blinked and said, "What's wrong with going to her house?"

Gu Sheng crossed his arms and continued, "I went to her house and helped her tidy up the house, clean the place, spread the sheets and fold the quilt, and before I left, I helped her wash her clothes."

Captain Jiang's face was wooden. He thought to himself why was it just like marrying a wife in the country, where he had to run to his father-in-law's house to chop wood, boil water, carry loads, and show his courtesy.

Captain Jiang said with disdain, "You are so useless. You are bringing shame to us men. The only purpose of marrying a wife is to do housework, give birth to children and take care of them."

"When I get married, of course she will do all the housework. How much effort does it take to wash clothes and cook? I'm so busy at work, can't I take a break when I get home?"

"You are just a coward in front of your wife. You train your wife the same way you train your soldiers. Do you need me to teach you?"

"You only have 20 yuan for pocket money. Isn't that embarrassing? I will definitely not hand over my salary to you in the future..."

"I won't lose face for us men."

Gu Sheng rubbed his ears, thinking that these words seemed to sound familiar.

Captain Jiang glared at him: "What do you mean? You don't believe it?"

Gu Sheng: “…I believe it.”

"But Captain Jiang, I have no choice. I love my wife so much. We have been together since childhood, and I just want to treat her well."

Captain Jiang nodded: "Oh."

He thought to himself that he would write it down and save it for later use.

When Gu Sheng saw his expression, the corner of his mouth twitched, thinking, what a retribution? They really are from the same regiment, with the same fighting style and tactics.

Are you treating him like Lao Wang

Gu Sheng said, "If you have any questions, go ask Doctor Sun. I've only been married for a few days and have no experience."

"Why are you asking about Doctor Sun? Is he my chief of staff, or are you my chief of staff?" Captain Jiang said with a sigh, "The new chief of staff has to discuss things with you."

Gu Sheng was promoted to deputy regiment commander and took over the position of former chief of staff, in charge of training.

"Chief of Staff Gu, please lend me your marriage report to copy later."

Gu Sheng: “…”

Perhaps we should recommend Captain Jiang to communicate with Lao Wang.

This is what happened to this old man who has never been in a relationship. He just asked someone to introduce him to a girl, and after only a few days, he is almost "married".

—You really overestimate his wife.

Gu Sheng patted Captain Jiang on the shoulder and said, "If it really works, I'll give you a collection of quotations."

I’m afraid that his efforts will be in vain.

Captain Jiang was stunned: "What quotations?"

"— Quotations from Chief of Staff Gu. Remember to recite them from time to time."

Captain Jiang scolded him: "Go to hell."

After returning to the camp office, Gu Sheng packed up his things and went back first. Apart from anything else, he was also very good at writing documents. Captain Jiang envied him very much and stayed in the office alone to read the telegram.

But he always felt that something was wrong today.

Deputy Political Commissar Zhang came over quietly.

"Captain Jiang, you are so tight-lipped that you didn't even tell us about the happy event. Congratulations."

Captain Jiang: "What's the good news?"

Deputy Political Commissar Zhang: "Aren't you dating someone?"

Captain Jiang jumped up like a cat whose tail was touched. "Who said I'm dating? Bullshit."

"Who told you that? It's a rumor, it must be a rumor!"

Captain Jiang was so angry that he thought it must be that big mouth Military Doctor Sun who spread rumors and deliberately discredited him.

If the introduction to a girl fails, he will be so embarrassed.

"Old Sun said so."

Team leader Jiang slammed the table and said, "I knew it was him. He lied with his eyes open and only knew how to spread rumors!"

Deputy Political Commissar Zhang: "But Military Doctor Sun said that it was Xiao Gu's wife who said that she would introduce you to someone and that it was successful."

Captain Jiang: “…”

"Where's Gu Sheng? Where's Gu Sheng? Where's Gu Sheng and the others?"

"Chief of Staff Gu is gone."

Captain Jiang was as anxious as a fly. He asked around and even wanted to break into the family compound to ask Gu Sheng and his wife what was going on.

—Why do everyone know that I’m in a relationship, but I’m the only one who doesn’t know


A short separation is better than a new marriage. As soon as Gu Sheng returned home, he immediately stuck to Zhan Aiping. He came back and closed the yard door and the front door, and then hugged her in his arms.

Zhan Aiping was originally eating peach pastry, but just after taking a bite, she was picked up by him by the waist.

"Don't mess around."

Gu Sheng smiled and weighed the person in his arms: "You've lost weight."

"No way." Zhan Aiping asked him to put her down, took his hand and placed it on her belly: "You're a little bit pregnant."

Gu Sheng was puzzled: "It seems to be no different from when you are full."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

She stepped on him.

Gu Sheng smiled and ate all the remaining peach cakes in her hand.

Both husband and wife are foodies. The peach cake was sent by Zhan Mingzhao. As an uncle-to-be, he sent a lot of things, mostly food, and also gave her a set of Dai girl's skirt.

Zhan Mingzhao was admitted to the art troupe.

Zhan Aiping was relieved when she learned that her brother was admitted to the art troupe, but Zhan Mingzhao was extremely depressed: "I didn't show any talent, they picked me just because of my face, saying that I was suitable for acting in dramas."

Zhan Mingzhao felt as if he had suffered a great insult.

"How blind!"

Zhan Aiping: "You have a good eye. You are the material for acting in a drama!"

Her brother is clearly full of drama.

Zhan Aiping ate another piece of peach cake and urged Gu Sheng to cook, "Go cook, the child and I want to eat the food cooked by the child's father."

She hadn’t eaten for several days and she really wanted to eat Gu Sheng’s cooking. The more she ate her own cooking, the less satisfied she became. Pregnant women always have unexplained tastes.

It must be that the baby in my belly likes the food cooked by his father.

Gu Sheng sighed: "As soon as I came back, I was asked to cook."

The couple was not affectionate or affectionate with each other.

"Go ahead, go ahead." Zhan Aiping took the initiative to kiss him twice on the face. Gu Sheng then pressed her and gave her a deep kiss until Zhan Aiping was breathing slightly. Then he let her go and rolled up his sleeves to cook.

Zhan Aiping was watching him by his side, and her heart was filled with warmth and sweetness as she watched his movements.

The couple seemed to have forgotten something.

Gu Sheng cooked a large table of dishes for her, including her favorite fish, stir-fried pork with carrots and corn kernels, and the appetizing sour bamboo shoots and chicken. Zhan Aiping liked sour bamboo shoots very much. She even wanted to dig some snails and cook snail noodles. The most important thing about snail noodles is the sour bamboo shoots.

After Zhan Aiping had eaten and drunk her fill, she remembered that she should tell Gu Sheng something. After all, three days had passed and she had long lost her original excitement. She said casually, "As for your Captain Jiang's matter, Xiao Qin's sister agreed, so let Captain Jiang try dating him first."

Gu Sheng was surprised: "So fast?"

"Of course, if I take action, there is no reason why I can't succeed." Zhan Aiping couldn't help but brag.

Bragging doesn't cost money.

"I'll get it done for you the next day."

Gu Sheng: "... How did you do it? Just ask directly?"

"Forget it, forget it. Don't guess anymore. I'll explain everything to you from beginning to end. Otherwise, you won't understand. This is just too coincidental. It can only mean that I have a little bit of luck."

After the couple finished their meal, Gu Sheng held her tenderly, and Zhan Aiping told him the whole story in detail.

Gu Sheng listened and said: "... Can it be like this?"

Zhan Aiping laughed: "I didn't expect it to be like this at the time."

Zhan Aiping glanced at him and said, "You two are indeed a pair of snakes and rats."

"Wrong." Gu Sheng smiled slightly: "They are birds of a feather."

"Let's wait and see."

"I'm not interested in watching it. I've already seen you perform it once." Zhan Aiping waved her hands, indicating that it was not interesting at all and she could just go to bed.

After thinking about it, Gu Sheng felt that it was meaningless and it would be better to just hug his wife and sleep.

He kissed Zhan Aiping's face and neck for a long time, until Zhan Aiping became annoyed and held his face. Gu Sheng smiled and hugged her from behind, and they slept close to each other.

For fear of crushing her, Gu Sheng paid attention to his posture. In fact, his sleeping posture was very good and he could sleep without moving at all all night.

Although the temperature here is around 30 degrees during the day, it is cool at night. The two of them leaning against each other don't feel hot and feel very comfortable.

Zhan Aiping closed her eyes, she lay on the pillow, raised her hand to lift her hair, and said in a muffled voice: "... It should be okay."

She had just been kissed for most of the day and her body was hot.

Gu Sheng perked up all of a sudden, "Really?"

"Try it gently."

After trying it, I feel it’s pretty good.

Until the next day, Gu Sheng still felt the pleasure was great. When he woke up, the person next to him was still fast asleep. He supported her with his strong arms, and kissed her on the forehead with his Adam's apple rolling.

Gu Sheng was in a very good mood, but Captain Jiang had two big dark circles under his eyes, and his eyes were red, swollen and blue. As soon as he saw Gu Sheng, he arrested him.

Captain Jiang gritted his teeth and said, "Do you have anything you should tell me?"

Gu Sheng: "...Hey, what?"

"Everyone knows that I'm dating someone, how come I'm the only one who doesn't know?"

"Pfft—" Gu Sheng was trying not to laugh. Captain Jiang was furious: "What are you laughing at? Tell me now."

He grabbed Gu Sheng's shoulders and shook him violently. Gu Sheng held his hand accurately. Captain Jiang sadly discovered that he was old and not as strong as him.

Gu Sheng straightened the wrinkles on his clothes and said, "Her sister said she agreed to date you."

"Really? Really?" Captain Jiang opened his mouth so wide that he could swallow an egg raw.

So soon, this is a piece of cake, he will have a partner, he is no longer a bachelor! He can also have a wife and children, but Qin Lanfang can't have children, so if she can't have children, she can't have children. It's better to have a partner to live with than being alone.

Captain Jiang's face was full of red. The more he looked at Gu Sheng, the more he liked him: "Good brother, you are really a good brother."

Captain Jiang rushed up and hugged him. They were both of considerable stature, both about 1.80 meters tall. Gu Sheng thought that their captain had been single for so long, and his long-cherished wish would come true one day, so he smiled and hugged him back.

Who knew that Captain Jiang was so excited that he hugged Gu Sheng and even wanted to pick Gu Sheng up. Gu Sheng noticed his intention and thought, who are you humiliating? He picked up Captain Jiang, threw him aside, and ran away.

Captain Jiang was stunned after being picked up, and hurriedly chased after him. When he was young, he was also a long-distance runner and won awards in martial arts competitions, otherwise he would not have been promoted, and now he is still strong and vigorous: "Gu Sheng, stop right there!"

One of them ran, the other chased. Doctor Sun, who had come to watch the fun, stood behind them in a daze.

Doctor Sun: “…What’s going on?”

He quickly chased after him.

Gu Sheng ran to the open space: "I just want to hug my wife, don't come near me."

An excited man is not to be messed with.

Captain Jiang was a little embarrassed: "Gu Sheng, I just want to talk to you about how to date someone."

Gu Sheng thought to himself, I have never been in a relationship, I will just get married directly.

Captain Jiang was happy, shy, and a little bit boastful: "My girlfriend is very timid. I don't even dare to speak loudly in front of her."

Gu Sheng: "How hypocritical."

Captain Jiang was furious: "Isn't your wife hypocritical?"

Gu Sheng: "I said you are hypocritical."

Captain Jiang: "You—"

Doctor Sun, who caught up with him, was out of breath. He didn't hear clearly, so he asked quickly, "Who is being pretentious?"

Gu Sheng: “…”

Captain Jiang: "... You are being hypocritical."

Doctor Sun: “?”


Captain Jiang and Qin Lanfang met. Outsiders don't know what the two talked about in detail, but judging from the results, everyone should be happy.

Qin Lanfang lived in the hospital and slept in the same room with Qin Yanfang. Zhan Aiping helped her take care of her body every day and also performed a minor operation on her.

Doctor Zhou asked, "Can you really cure it?"

"I can't get back to my original state, and I may still have to limp, but... I think I'll look pretty in a long dress."

Doctor Zhou: “…beautiful?”

Is this the point

"If you can really cure her, I will admire you."

Even if Qin Lanfang could recover, the calf muscles in one of her legs were weak, which did not look good from an external point of view. Even if she could recover, there would still be a difference between the two legs.

Zhan Aiping found that Qin Lanfang looked good in a skirt, so she asked her to try a long skirt. Qin Lanfang was shy and said, "No, no, no, there's no point in wearing a skirt."

She always wore black and blue pants at home and never thought of wearing a skirt.

In the past, Qin Lanfang never thought about dressing up.

"Put it on and try it on!" Qin Yanfang found a white dress of her own and asked her sister Qin Lanfang to put it on. Zhan Aiping also applied some edible lip balm that she had mixed herself to add some color to her lips.

After dressing up like this, Qin Lanfang seemed like a different person. She no longer looked like a country girl, but more like a city girl. She sat there like a lilac flower, quiet and with a lingering fragrance.

When Captain Jiang saw her like this, he didn't know what to do.

The two of them sat on a bench in the hospital. Captain Jiang's hands were shaking. He felt very hot and wanted to take off his hat, but he held back. His brain was full of paste: "Do you think we are..."

Qin Lanfang was very shy, and her voice was also trembling: "What?"

Captain Jiang: "It's... a bit like father and daughter."

His partner has become younger, but he seems a little older, especially his hair.

When I was twenty, it felt like I was forty.

However, an experienced old comrade once told him that although he looked like he was forty at the age of twenty, he still looked like he was forty at the age of thirty, and he still looked like he was forty at the age of forty, and he still looked like he was forty at the age of fifty, and he still looked like he was forty at the age of sixty... His best days are still ahead of him.

Qin Lanfang: “?”

"No, no, no, I mean you look good like this."

Qin Lanfang's face turned red immediately.

Qin Yanfang, Zhan Aiping and others were originally eavesdropping and watching from the side, but after hearing a few words, they no longer had the desire to listen any further.

Zhan Aiping returned to the room and found Gu Sheng lying on her lazy bamboo chair with his hands crossed and resting behind his head.

Zhan Aiping sighed: "Look at Captain Jiang, how reserved he is when it comes to dating."

Both of them are so reserved, it really feels like they are dating in the 1960s and 1970s.

Not like both of them.

Gu Sheng stood up and smiled: "Then let's be more reserved."

"How is it subtle?"

Gu Sheng looked down at her and put his hands on her shoulders, as if he was back to that morning when she was wearing a military uniform, standing in the dim morning light, with a cold wind blowing all around. He couldn't help but kiss her on the lips.

This kiss was different from the first one, and Zhan Aiping responded to him.

When the two separated, Gu Sheng thought that it was better not to be subtle.

"Be more reserved, my wife, and blush."

Zhan Aiping wiped her face and said, "Unless someone else sees us, we are already an old married couple, why would we be blushing?"

Gu Sheng: "Don't let the kids see you next time."

Zhan Aiping patted his face and said, "Don't be so crow-mouthed."

Captain Jiang was very satisfied with the date. Before leaving, he said to Gu Sheng and his wife, "Your wife is really a competent matchmaker."

"He's much more reliable than that guy Lao Sun."

"When I get married, I will give you the most generous matchmaker gift."

Zhan Aiping was praised and received after-sales service to treat his hair. Captain Jiang didn't believe it at first, but he didn't expect that black hairs really appeared on his head half a month later, and there was no more white hair. In addition, he was in high spirits because of the good news, and he looked ten years younger.

He used to want to wear a hat all the time, but now that he can show his hair, he wants to find ways to show it off.

Captain Jiang was anxious, so he and Qin Lanfang decided to arrange the marriage.

Qin Yanfang had completely fallen out with the Zhang family. When the Zhang family saw Captain Jiang, their faces turned pale and blue. Zhang Yuan tried to win back Qin Yanfang several times, but Qin Yanfang drove him out with a broom.

"There are many three-legged men in this world. He is not a big deal."

Doctor Zhou suggested: "Let Xiao Zhan Hongniang introduce you to an officer. There are many unmarried comrades on her husband's side."

"No, no, no, no." Qin Yanfang shook her head. She didn't want to marry a soldier. Soldiers were good, but she had experienced separation from Zhang Yuan. She hoped to find someone she could be with day and night. Soldiers were too busy.

"I really want to find a doctor, a reliable doctor like Dr. Zhan." Qin Yanfang works as an accountant in a hospital. She thinks it would be a good idea to marry a doctor. When someone in the family gets sick in the future, it will always be much more convenient to have a doctor.

Doctor Zhou frowned: "Why not a doctor like me?"

Qin Yanfang: “…”

"Director Hao, why is the hospital expanding? When will a new young doctor come? A male doctor, please introduce him to me as a partner."

The approval for the expansion of their hospital has been obtained, and nearby workers and militiamen are helping to build the building. Director Hao and Zhan Aiping have discussed and decided to build the inpatient building and operating room first. The inpatient building has three floors and the operating room has two floors.

Dean Hao suggested: "Let's discuss this. The newly built inpatient building has three floors. The bottom two floors are used as offices and wards. I want to use the third floor as housing for doctors first. However, it will have the same specifications as the wards, a small room with two beds and a bathroom. It can't accommodate a family of three or four people, but it can be convenient for new doctors to live in and use as dormitories. Do you think this is feasible?"

"If we do this, we won't build any more bungalows, but will build special family buildings later, with two or three bedrooms."

Zhan Aiping had no objection, and neither did anyone else in the hospital, so Dean Hao made the final decision, "You can apply to live in this new building, but you have to draw lots."

Qin Yanfang: "Let's talk about it after it's built." Now it's just a broken foundation.

Dean Hao: "Why are you in such a hurry? I know you are in a hurry to move to a new building."

"Our hospital is going to have a new doctor, a gastroenterologist, a male doctor who has studied at the county hospital for a year. He is said to have a lot of experience in treating fungus poisoning..."

Following Zhan Aiping, their Yanxin Health Center added another young doctor. Gastroenterologists are very important, although they do not have a gastroenterology department here, and all of them serve as general practitioners.

Doctor Zhou said, "Gastroenterologist, that's great. From now on, let him handle all the people who get poisoned while picking mushrooms or drinking pesticides in the mountains."

Gastric lavage is also a strenuous job these days.

Zhan Aiping smiled: "The hospital added a gastroenterology department just for him."

A good hospital should have surgical, internal medicine, ENT, dental, orthopedic, and pediatric outpatient clinics.

Qin Yanfang said: "Doctor Zhou is most afraid of meeting people who drink pesticides."

Nowadays, there are many people who commit suicide by drinking pesticides or eating rat poison because of conflicts and disputes in the fields. Generally, the two types of pesticides used are dichlorvos and malathion. Malathion is less toxic and easier to save. Most of them drink malathion and suffer less.

Pesticide poisoning is not just about intentional suicide by drinking pesticides, but also about accidental poisoning when spreading pesticides. Both township doctors and village barefoot doctors know a little about these emergency treatments.

Doctor Zhou waved his hands and said, "I once went to a village and happened to see someone pretending to commit suicide by using pesticides. Several people pressed him down and poured manure water on him... I couldn't stand it."

When the country people see someone drinking pesticides, the first thing they do is induce vomiting. Several people hold the person down and dig manure from the toilet to force him to vomit.

Even though he claimed that he did not drink the pesticide, his family members did not dare to refuse to feed him, for fear that he would actually drink it.

That scene is hard to describe.

But this is indeed an effective first aid method.

Dr. Zhou sighed and said, "It's not easy for us general practitioners. We have to know a little bit about everything."

Zhan Aiping: "Dr. Zhou worked as a barefoot doctor for many years and has a lot of experience."

Doctor Zhou: "You have been a student for many years, so you have seen a lot."

"Doctor Zhan, I'm really curious, is your old military doctor in the orthopedics department really that good?" Doctor Zhou felt that Zhan Aiping had indeed made great achievements in orthopedics. Later he thought about it and realized that Zhan Aiping grew up in a family of two military personnel and studied at a military medical university. She must know a lot of military doctors. In the army, more injuries are common, and bones are more likely to be involved.

So he had no doubt that Zhan Aiping had this ability.

"Great, great, I'm great too."

Zhan Aiping said, "I don't know what this new male colleague is like? Doesn't Xiao Qin want to find a doctor as his partner? If he's young, we can get together."

Qin Yanfang waved her hand: "That's not that easy. What if he has a partner? I like those who are good-looking, smart, and older than me."

Dean Hao said: "This new doctor looks pretty good, you can give him a try."

Doctor Zhou said, "Mrs. Zhan Hongniang, please help Xiao Qin find someone."

Zhan Aiping said: "Let the dean select two suitable male doctors to join the hospital."

Director Hao: "As we expand our hospital, we will definitely need to add more staff in the future. We need to build a good reputation for our hospital and become the best township health center in the vicinity."


The male doctor in the gastroenterology department mentioned by Dean Hao reported to the hospital a few days later. He is a very young and handsome male doctor, about 1.75 meters tall. He has the typical "male educated youth" look.

Zhan Aiping thought for a long time, and this description popped up in her mind. Zhan Aiping felt that the new male doctor Zhao Jing was the kind of male educated youth in later TV dramas, who looked very gentle and handsome.

When Qin Yanfang saw him, her eyes lit up, but she didn't know whether he had a girlfriend or not.

Zhan Aiping gave her a look and said, "Go and introduce our health center to the new doctor."

Just like when she came.

Kick out the scumbag and actively start your second life.

"I'll go see the patient."

"Okay." Qin Yanfang was not in a hurry to find a partner, but the new male doctor Zhao Jing looked quite suitable for her.

She greeted him: "Doctor Zhao, welcome. Let me introduce our health center to you..."

When Qin Yanfang walked to Zhao Jing, she felt a little worried. She felt that Zhao Jing's face did not look very good, perhaps he was not satisfied with the conditions of their hospital.

Yes, he just studied in the county hospital.

Qin Yanfang took the initiative to say: "Our hospital's new wards and operating rooms are under construction. You may be able to live in a new dormitory or a small single room."

She turned her head to look at Zhao Jing beside her and saw that he had a bright and serious look. Maybe he already had a partner

Zhao Jing frowned and stared at the sign on the hospital wall: "Why is your hospital's sign green?"


Qin Yanfang was stunned for a moment. The sign on the outer wall was clearly red. Their hospital was going to be expanded, and they had even painted a new layer of red paint.

Could it be that Dr. Zhao is color blind

"This is the new Doctor Zhao. Wow, he's so handsome." Doctor Zhou Zhonghua, who was originally enjoying the cool air instead of working, came over quickly to say a few words like a cat smelling fishy smell.

Doctor Zhou asked curiously, "Why are you two just standing there? What's wrong with this hospital?"

Qin Yanfang found it unbelievable. She pointed at the wall outside the hospital and said, "Doctor Zhao said it's green."

Doctor Zhou was puzzled: "Green, what green?"

Are you color blind

Doctor Zhao said, "This is too ugly! Wipe it clean."

Zhan Aiping also came over at this time and said directly: "What are you looking at? Hurry up and grab him, his wild mushrooms are poisoned."

Doctor Zhou: “?”

Qin Yanfang: “!”

(End of this chapter)