Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 42: newspaper


Among wild mushrooms, the most toxic and lethal species belong to the genus Amanita, which can cause great damage to the liver. In addition to these lethal ones, there are also some strange and hallucinogenic wild mushrooms.

Hallucinogens are rather strange and metaphysical. Sometimes in a pot of mushroom soup, some people get poisoned after eating it, some don't, some get poisoned immediately, and some get poisoned later.

Some people can still live and go to get off work normally after falling into hallucinations, and they may not even realize it, and are immersed in the hallucinations. Two people who are similarly poisoned may enter into similar hallucinations, and they can even chat with each other and cooperate with each other's hallucinations.

Here, calling someone crazy is also called: "Have you eaten the mushrooms?"

Doctor Zhao's condition was still mild, and he didn't scream or shout. Doctor Zhou and several others had him under control.

Zhan Aiping examined and treated him, and put him on IV drip. Doctor Zhou was very strong, and was afraid of hurting the pregnant Zhan Aiping, so she didn't let her do it directly. Doctor Zhou was speechless: "Is this the gastroenterologist who is good at treating fungus poisoning?"

Qin Yanfang: "I guess he ate too much fungus. Long-term illness makes a good doctor."

Zhan Aiping shook her head: "That's different."

It is also possible that he had seen so many people poisoned by wild mushrooms that he wanted to try it himself, or perhaps he was confident in his ability to identify wild mushrooms and thought there was no chance of him being poisoned, so he was careless.

But I have never seen a doctor who eats bacteria and works in a hospital.

Doctor Zhou: "Fortunately, he didn't treat us like mosquitoes."

There was a person who was poisoned before. He had hallucinations that there were mosquitoes everywhere and he kept slapping them.

Qin Yanfang shook her head: "Eat less unknown mushrooms."

When Dean Hao heard that the new doctor was poisoned by eating mushrooms, he was really "heartbroken".

"Is he really poisoned?"

"Dean, please come back to the hospital and take a look."

When Dr. Zhao Jingzhao woke up, he was sitting in the hospital's clinic with his face green, like a green mushroom.

—He was poisoned on the first day he reported to the hospital.

I never thought that something like this would happen in my life. I was careless.

Zhan Aiping asked Qin Yanfang to take care of the young man's broken heart: "Xiao Qin, do you want to go up and persuade him?"

Doctor Zhou also encouraged, "This is the most critical time to sneak into his heart. I think he is doing well."

"She doesn't look very smart." Qin Yanfang shook her head: "I will never marry a gastroenterologist who got poisoned by mushrooms on his first day at work."

So stupid.

Doctor Zhou joked, "Why don't you get married? Look how interesting this is. If he dares to bully you in the future, just tell him, did you eat mushrooms again today?"

Qin Yanfang shook her head: "... No."

After seeing him go crazy, Qin Yanfang said she could not accept such a partner.

Dean Hao came back and comforted the injured Dr. Zhao. After all, it was not easy for a young doctor to come to their hospital. Even if... he had a little problem, he was still a treasure.

Dean Hao advised: "Comrade Xiao Zhao, relax and work hard in the hospital in the future."

Zhao Jing looked at Dean Hao desperately: "Can I be transferred?"

If it weren't for the fact that it's hard to find a job these days, he wouldn't want to set foot in this hospital again.

Dean Hao ruthlessly told him: "No."

"They really didn't laugh at you, really. If you don't believe me, I'll call someone in. Doctor Zhan, Xiao Qin, both of you come in. Tell me, have you ever laughed before? You really care about the new colleague."

Doctor Zhao: “…”

It was indeed necessary to comfort the new colleague. When Zhan Aiping and several others came in, Doctor Zhao met so many people, especially Qin Yanfang, his face could not hold it tight and turned red in an instant.

"This is really the first time I've gotten poisoned from eating mushrooms."

Zhan Aiping: “We believe it.”

"Yes, yes, yes." Several people nodded.

Doctor Zhao: “…”

He didn't want to stay in this shabby hospital anymore. Doctor Zhao secretly made up his mind that he would try every means to transfer out. He must transfer out and he would never return to this hospital in his life.

But the mushrooms are really delicious.

Doctor Zhou said, "We will be colleagues from now on, little comrade, don't take it to heart, just think of it as a sickness. You should thank Doctor Xiao Zhan for going to the hospital once."

"Thank you, Doctor Zhan."

Doctor Zhao smiled stiffly.

Zhao Jing was stiff for two days, then he started working. He also moved into the family room of the hospital. He heard that he didn't have a partner yet. He lived in the room next to Zhan Aiping. Dean Hao persuaded him: "Young comrade, you are alone. It's just that the conditions are a little difficult now. When our ward building is built, we will allocate a building to you. It will be completed in no time."

"Our hospital is definitely the best hospital in the nearby towns. Although it is not as good as the county hospital, we..."

Director Hao tried hard to paint a rosy picture for Dr. Zhao because he was afraid that he would not be able to get over it and quit his job. Young people like to care about their reputation. If he did not get over it and ran to the village brigade to be a barefoot doctor, their hospital would lose a talented person.

Dean Hao made big promises to Dr. Zhao, while Qin Yanfang held Zhan Aiping and asked, "Guess when Dr. Zhao will be transferred?"

"I felt like he didn't want to be in the hospital."

Zhan Aiping shook her head: "He doesn't want to eat the dean's cake."

Qin Yanfang: "What kind of cake?"

Zhan Aiping said: "He painted a pie for Dr. Zhao that you wanted to eat."

Qin Yanfang: "What?"

Zhan Aiping said: "Live in a building."

Qin Yanfang: “…”

"This Doctor Zhao is younger than me." Qin Yanfang sighed: "When do you think our hospital will have a male doctor who is slightly older than me, and who doesn't need to be smart, but who is normal?"

Zhan Aiping: “…”

"The dean is planning to recruit a snake doctor from the village to work in the hospital. You might want to consider it. It may be more in line with your requirements."

There are many poisonous snakes in the mountains here, and there is no serum to treat snake venom. Generally, it is treated with Chinese herbal medicine. There are also many folk prescriptions for treating snake venom, and there are many snake doctors in the countryside.

As a result, many people who are poisoned by snake venom do not go to the hospital but seek treatment from snake doctors. However, the level of these snake doctors varies greatly, and many of them die or become disabled due to the treatment they receive.

"Snake doctor? Treat snake venom? No, no, no, no..." Qin Yanfang shook her head violently. "Being bitten by a snake is too scary. I'm scared of snakes. I'm scared to death. I run away when I see a snake. What about snake doctors? I don't want to see anything related to snakes. I'd rather eat mushrooms."

Zhan Aiping: "…Are snakes that scary?"

She is quite good at catching snakes and she always catches one accurately. Zhan Aiping has good eyesight and is very capable of spotting snakes.

"Scared, it's terrible."

"You grew up here, so you must have seen a lot of snakes since you were a child."

"I'm just afraid because I've seen it so many times!" Generally, locals will avoid places where snakes often appear. They should be especially careful during the peak period of snake activity. They should also carry a stick with them when going up the mountain and drive away snakes as they walk.

Thinking of the poisonous snake, Qin Yanfang suddenly felt that Dr. Zhao, who had been poisoned by eating wild mushrooms, was both silly and cute.

Dean Hao had been promising Zhao Jing a lot for two days, but Dr. Zhao refused to listen. Seeing how he behaved, Dean Hao thought that Dr. Zhao would really try to transfer him away, but there was nothing he could do. A forced melon will not be sweet.

But unexpectedly, after waiting for two or three days, Dr. Zhao was still in the hospital.

Dr. Zhao is not very good at cooking, so he particularly likes mushrooms, because wild mushrooms are rare in the world and can be cooked into delicious ingredients without any cooking skills.

After arriving at the hospital, he ate several meals because Qin Yanfang's sister Qin Lanfang was a good cook. Qin Lanfang stayed in the hospital for treatment. She was not well educated and her legs and feet were not very convenient, but she knew how to identify herbs and occasionally helped to prepare medicine in the Chinese medicine pharmacy.

Because the hospital had started construction, the workers had lunch in the hospital at noon. Qin Lanfang helped cook a big pot of rice for the workers, and Dr. Zhao went to eat some of the workers' big pot meals.

After one day, there is the second day, after the second day, there is the third day...

He would also eat Qin Yanfang's pumpkin soup, and Dr. Zhao was puzzled: "Why is your sister such a good cook, but you only cook pumpkin every day?"

The person Dr. Zhao least wanted to see in the hospital was Qin Yanfang, because every time he saw her, he would think of the day when he first came to the hospital.

But her sister cooks delicious food.

Qin Yanfang: "Can't you just shut up when you have something to eat?"

Doctor Zhao said, "You can only cook pumpkin to make it more delicious."

Qin Yanfang: "My sister is already talking about marriage. When she gets married and leaves the hospital, you won't be able to eat the food she cooks."

"If you don't have any food, I'll give you a bowl of pumpkin soup."

"I don't want it." Doctor Zhao refused: "When your sister gets married, I will be transferred too."

There is no way he will stay in this hospital.

"I, I won't stay here!"

Qin Yanfang: "What's wrong with this place? I think our hospital is pretty good."

"I also think our hospital is pretty good." Zhan Aiping smiled: "I think you two are destined to be together, like two happy enemies."

Qin Yanfang and Doctor Zhao shook their heads and said in unison: "How is that possible?"

Qin Yanfang thought to herself, having seen the foolish look on this man's face when he was poisoned, how could she possibly marry such a fool

Doctor Zhao thought that every time he saw Qin Yanfang, he would have a psychological trauma. How could he have any fate with her? Even if he did, it was a bad fate.

Doctor Zhou pulled Zhan Aiping over and said, "You, don't match them up randomly. I can see from the way you are not good at it. There is absolutely no possibility for them to be together. You should find a new partner for Xiao Qin."

Zhan Aiping: “What?”

"Look at them, they don't know how to cook. What are they going to eat in the future? Pumpkin soup and mushrooms every day?"

Zhan Aiping: “…”

That's true. If we really were to be together, it wouldn't be easy to be their child.

Zhan Aiping said: "When there are more people in our hospital, there should be a cafeteria."

Dr. Zhou shook his head: "I will never eat in the cafeteria. Who likes to eat in the cafeteria every day?"

Zhan Aiping: “…”

She and Gu Sheng grew up eating cafeteria meals, but their children probably don't need to eat cafeteria meals often.

She can cook, and the child’s father can cook better and better dishes, and he can also innovate now.


"Doctor Zhan, you're in the newspaper!"

"Xiao Zhan, you're in the newspaper!"

The word Zhan Aiping least wanted to hear these two days was "newspaper", because reporter Chen's report was published in the newspaper with her photo on it, which would make her famous.

Zhan Aiping originally wanted to use her old military uniform photos, but reporter Chen refused: "Newspapers must seek truth from facts and report accurately. Those are old photos, and they are a thing of the past."

Reporter Chen thought, if a photo of Zhan Aiping in military uniform was attached, but the interview said that the villagers described her as a monster who ate placenta "to maintain her beauty", this would be completely inconsistent!

So the report used a photo of Zhan Aiping and reporter Chen.

In order to prepare this report, reporter Chen also visited villagers from several production teams and township residents. He wrote a very long interview report, which also deliberately promoted Zhan Aiping and gave her a lot of "space".

When Zhan Aiping saw that newspaper article, she was so confused that she almost lost her mind.

But whenever people who knew her saw her, they would mention the newspaper: "Doctor Zhan, you're in the newspaper!"

Most people in the town knew her. When they met her, they all said, "Doctor Zhan, I saw you in the newspaper."

Zheng Tong deliberately collected more than a dozen newspapers, saying that he would leave them for Xuemei to read in the future: "When the child grows up, I will come to thank Dr. Zhan in person."

Zheng Tong felt extremely guilty about what his sister had done and would go to the hospital to help from time to time.

He has now separated from the family and moved out with his wife. The couple is raising a little daughter. The daughter is growing stronger and stronger, and he is very motivated in life.

Zhan Aiping: "… There's no need to keep so many newspapers, just one will do."

"That won't work." Zheng Tong said, "Doctor Zhan, your report is very well written. Everyone in our village likes it. The story in it is very interesting. The village teacher even uses it to teach children to read."

"When Meimei grows up, let her use this to learn to read."

"Also tell her that she is alive thanks to Dr. Zhan."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

—And use it to learn to read

Fortunately, this newspaper is only circulated in Yunnan Province.

She was not the only one who became famous along with the newspaper. The science stories she wrote were also talked about a lot. The military doctor of the camp health team knew that she could write stories, so he asked her to write some "snake prevention" stories that were easy to understand and had strong story-telling elements, and the stories also included the correct first aid methods for snake bites.

Military doctor Qian came to Zhan Aiping for help: "Soldiers come from all corners of the country, and every year they have to do anti-venomous snake propaganda. Can you help us write a few stories so that we can do the propaganda."

Zhan Aiping agreed, and after she finished writing, she showed it to Shen Liqing to help her moisten her pen. Shen Liqing's face turned pale when she heard about snakes: "I heard that three snakes were caught in the camp a few days ago. The largest one was this big. How do you think it got in..."

Zhan Aiping asked curiously, "Are you still going to watch the fun?"

"Yeah." Shen Liqing said, "I've also seen a python this big being caught. Two people pulled the python straight and it was this long."

She gestured as she spoke.

Zhan Aiping: "You've seen quite a lot."

"I went to join in the fun a few times." Shen Liqing is the kind of person who either stays at home or goes out to watch the fun.

Especially when there was a lot of fun catching snakes, she would always go there. Shen Liqing was afraid of snakes, but she was timid and loved to watch, so she was not surprised by anything she saw.

"I heard about the king cobra, and I went to see one!"

"I was so scared that my face turned green! My face turned green!" Shen Liqing became very excited when talking about the king cobra that can spray venom.

Zhan Aiping: "Then how dare you join in the fun."

"I'm curious, I'm really curious." Shen Liqing sighed, "There are a lot of snakes here, but luckily there are natural enemies of snakes. I heard that some families raise mongooses to catch snakes and eat them."

The mongoose, the natural enemy of venomous snakes, is naturally immune to venomous snakes.

"It's not just about catching snakes and preventing them. Mongooses are used to catch mice. People catch mice in sugarcane fields to prevent them from harming the crops."

Shen Liqing sighed: "It would be great if I could also raise a mongoose, train it well, and protect it from snakes."

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "What if you train it too well? It will recognize you as its master and offer snakes to you every day. It will also offer the dead snakes to your door."

Just like a cat, it offers cockroaches and mice to its owner.

Mongooses are just like cats. Even if they are full and can't eat snakes anymore, they will kill them for fun.

Shen Liqing's expression was extremely interesting: "Pingping, could you please not say such horrible things?"

"Just teasing you."

Shen Liqing shook her head: "I don't want to raise a mongoose, I want to raise a wolfdog."

Zhan Aiping: “?”

This wolfhound is...

"It's just a short-legged puppy, so cute, especially lovable, but it won't look so good when it grows up to be a big wolfdog, too fierce. It seems that our family compound has recently raised a big wolfdog. I heard that it was not selected as a military dog, so it is kept here."

"They were eliminated." Yunnan Province is breeding military dogs. The wolfdogs Shen Liqing mentioned are probably a hybrid of German Shepherds and local dogs, collectively known as wolfdogs.

There is a high demand for military dogs in this border area. Military dogs are trained from a young age, and the selection of military dogs is also very strict. Countless dogs have to be eliminated along the way, and even some that do not look "powerful" enough will be eliminated.

Zhan Aiping said: "I also want to raise a little wolfdog."

Shen Liqing's eyes lit up: "When you give birth, let's go see the little wolfhound together. There is a military dog training base next to it. I heard from the medic that in the morning you can see a young man in military uniform running with a little wolfhound..."

Zhan Aiping asked curiously, "Are you really going to see the little wolfdog, or do you want to see the 'little wolfdog'?"

"What what little wolfdog?"

Zhan Aiping gave her a look: "It's just a young wolfhound."

The two of them looked at each other and laughed. Shen Liqing suddenly felt that it was very vivid. "Doctor Zhan, your dog is a little wolfdog."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

"The one I have at home is at best a little parrot, chirping all the time." It's noisy and nagging, and it gives people a headache.

Zhan Aiping laughed: "Tsk tsk, does your comrade Lao Wang know about this?"

"Just don't let him know." Shen Liqing laughed.

Zhan Aiping finished writing the anti-snake propaganda story and showed it to Doctor Qian, who thought it was well written. Doctor Qian said, "I am not as good as their local snake doctor in dealing with this venomous snake. This snake venom is really difficult to treat."

"A few years ago, a young soldier was bitten on the foot. The injury was not treated properly, so his leg could not be saved and had to be amputated later." Military doctor Qian still feels very regretful when talking about this incident.

When a person is bitten by a poisonous snake, it is very painful. It is lucky that he can survive in the end. It is a pity that he lost a leg at such a young age.

While they were talking, someone was bitten by a snake and was sent over. Zhan Aiping treated him with traditional Chinese medicine, and the condition improved rapidly, which surprised Doctor Qian.

"You also know Chinese medicine!"

"A little."

Doctor Qian smiled and said, "It's good to know a little bit of everything. I also know a few snake medicine prescriptions. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Treating snake bites is also a subject of study."

"Only those who specialize in snake bites and venom can prescribe the right medicine. I heard that there are some snake medicine families that have passed down their experience from generation to generation. It's not easy."

Zhan Aiping nodded and said, "Once the anti-snake venom serum is developed, it will be much easier to treat snake venom."

Doctor Qian said, "I seem to have heard of it before, but wasn't it suspended later?"

Serum research began in the 1950s, but the efficacy was not very good, so it was stopped.

Zhan Aiping said: "Shanghai is still conducting research on anti-snake venom serum."

Zhan Aiping remembered this incident. It just so happened that anti-snake venom serum began to be put into clinical use this year and will gradually be promoted in the future. Their township hospital can take the initiative to contact and cooperate in the application and promotion of anti-snake venom serum.

Treating snake venom with traditional Chinese medicine is very risky. In other words, traditional Chinese medicine requires a relatively high level of quality from doctors. Improper operation may lead to the patient's death. Especially in the treatment of snake bites, applying herbal medicine on the wound in an inappropriate manner can easily lead to wound infection. This is also a matter of probability. The mortality rate of treating snake bites with Chinese herbal medicine is high.

Zhan Aiping chatted with military doctor Qian for a while, and then military doctor Sun heard that Zhan Aiping was here and rushed over. He ran to Zhan Aiping to inquire about the news.

"You introduced a person to Captain Jiang. What kind of person did he introduce?" Captain Jiang has been very proud of himself recently. He keeps his mouth shut and only tells Gu Sheng. Doctor Sun is really curious.

Captain Jiang and Gu Sheng are both better at hiding things than the other.

Zhan Aiping said: "I didn't introduce him to her. It was Captain Jiang who chose her. They have known each other for more than ten years."

Zhan Aiping didn't take any credit for herself. They had known each other for so many years and they must have had feelings for each other for a long time.

Both of them are reserved people.

Doctor Sun was dumbfounded: "Ten, more than ten years."

"Yes, when Captain Jiang met her, she was still a little soldier."

Doctor Sun: “…”

Doctor Sun was very angry: "Okay, you are really stubborn!"

Zhan Aiping said: "Just like our old Gu."

Doctor Sun: “…”

It seems that both of them have someone they have loved for more than ten years.

"When he gets married, I will make sure to get him really drunk. You won't be able to tell on weekdays."

Zhan Aiping chatted with military doctor Sun for a while. When she returned to the hospital, Gu Sheng personally sent her back. Now her belly was showing, and it was getting bigger and bigger like a balloon day by day. It was becoming more and more obvious. She was pregnant with twins, which were slightly larger than an ordinary single baby. However, Zhan Aiping also deliberately controlled her weight.

After returning to the family compound, Gu Sheng accompanied her for a walk. Zhan Aiping was increasingly feeling the burden of her heavy belly and was looking forward to giving birth as soon as possible. It was inconvenient to do anything with such a heavy belly.

Gu Sheng takes care of her and always walks with her whenever he has time. Zhan Aiping also finds ways to move more and tries not to miss out on any exercise she can.

It was already evening. In the summer, the sky darkens slowly. At this time, the sky outside was still bright. There were layers of golden clouds on the horizon, which were very beautiful and far away. If you looked carefully, you could see that the clouds were moving.

The two of them walked around and were about to go home when they heard a dog barking on the road. Zhan Aiping and Gu Sheng turned around and saw a young man in his twenties holding a black back dog and waving at them.

"Chief of Staff Gu."

The dog in his hand was very excited to see Gu Sheng. Its eyes lit up and its tail wagged. It suppressed its excitement and didn't run over.

Zhan Aiping: “…”

When she saw this scene, she suddenly understood. This was an old acquaintance. The guy next to her must have been hooking up with that big wolfdog behind her back.

He must have gone to tease the dog.

And more than once.

It was a pity that she told Shen Liqing that she wanted to raise a wolfdog, but the person next to her went to flirt with the dog first.

Gu Sheng has liked dogs since he was a child. He is very fond of dogs. He once raised a German Shepherd and let the dog bite her.

When Gu Sheng saw this "familiar dog", he turned his face and refused to recognize the dog, "Zeng Lei, don't bring it over, my wife is afraid of dogs."

"Okay, okay." They were also paying attention over there. Although the dog was kept in the family compound, it was still handled with care to prevent it from scaring people. After all, the dog looked big and fierce.

"Who said I'm afraid of dogs?" Zhan Aiping took the initiative to walk over, "Can I touch it? What's its name?"

Zeng Lei said: "Sister-in-law, call Lai Fu."

Zhan Aiping: "Lai, Lai Fu?" This name doesn't sound powerful at all.

"Because it's Wangwangwang, so I call him Lai Fuhao."

Lai Fu is a large black back that looks very powerful. It has two ears that stand up, a good appearance and temperament, a shiny body, and bright eyes. The closer you get to it, the more you can feel that this large dog is huge and very powerful.

Seeing Zhan Aiping coming towards him while pregnant, Zeng Lei was more nervous than the dog, but the dog he was holding didn't care about Zhan Aiping. It looked at Gu Sheng with its pair of clear dog eyes. When old dogs see each other, their eyes are filled with tears. It wants Gu Sheng to stroke its fur.

Gu Sheng squatted down and touched its head. Lai Fu put his front paws on his arms, tilted his head, and rubbed it against his shoulder.

When this ferocious large dog rubs its head against people, it really looks like a macho man acting coquettishly.

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Her man is more attractive to young wolves than she is.

Zhan Aiping also shook hands with Lai Fu, and the couple said goodbye to each other and the dog and left.

She is pregnant, so she still needs to be careful.

After returning home, Gu Sheng first took a shower and changed his clothes. The weather was hot at the moment, and it was very comfortable to take two or three showers a day. He wore thin clothes that were easy to dry. Zhan Aiping also took a shower and changed into home clothes.

At home, she prefers to wear long dresses. When she went to see Military Doctor Qian before, she wore clothes and pants. Now that her belly has grown bigger, it is more comfortable for her to wear a loose long dress.

Zhan Aiping had tried on the tube skirt her brother gave her before, but she only wore it at home because the colors were too bright and it would be too eye-catching if she wore it outside.

Gu Sheng walked over to her and hugged her: "Are you really not afraid of dogs?"

"Yeah." Zhan Aiping nodded. Gu Sheng's head rested on her shoulder. She raised her hand and stroked his head. Gu Sheng had just washed his hair casually when taking a shower, so his hair felt a little wet.

This is just like petting a dog, a big dog in human form.

"When the baby is born, let's get a dog."

Gu Sheng was stunned: "Really?"

Gu Sheng likes to keep a dog very much, but he doesn't have the conditions to keep one, so he can only tease other people's dogs.

He asked excitedly: "What kind of dog do you want to raise?"

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "Get a little wolfdog."

Gu Sheng: “…” Why does it sound so weird

"Go to the Human Military Dog Team and steal one."

Gu Sheng gave her a look and said, "Go get one later."

Zhan Aiping: "The military dog might not even want to come to our house."

"That's right." Gu Sheng: "Dogs eat better than humans."

Military dogs don't get paid, they only get dog food. How can that be bad? The Engel coefficient is at its highest.

Zhan Aiping: "Let's keep a big human-shaped dog like you at home for now."

Gu Sheng said lazily: "Then you still have two puppies in your arms."

Zhan Aiping: "Then you should also hurry up and make dog food."

Gu Sheng: "... My big dog is so miserable. I have to feed myself."

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "You still have to sneak away by yourself, hiss—"

Zhan Aiping covered her stomach. She felt several obvious movements again. Gu Sheng looked at her with concern. Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "Your puppy is kicking me."

It didn't look like punching or kicking, but rather two little goldfish blowing bubbles.

“Does it feel uncomfortable?”


Zhan Aiping urged him: "Go cook. They must be hungry. Children get excited when they hear their dad is cooking. They want to eat the food that their dad cooks."

Gu Sheng: "... You really mean they want to eat the food I cook? Not you want to eat the food I cook?"

“My child and I both want to eat it.”

The next day, Gu Xiangyi was on vacation and ran to their house to eat on time. Gu Sheng tried to drive her out with a kitchen knife. Gu Xiangyi hid behind Zhan Aiping and complained: "Sister-in-law Pingping, please control him. He is so fierce. Is he still my brother?"

"My sister came to my brother's house for a meal but he didn't even give her a meal. How stingy."

"He's going to chase me away!"

Gu Xiangyi felt that she was really wronged. She was not welcomed even when she came to her brother's house for a meal. Why was it so difficult to eat a bite of food cooked by her brother

This was the third time that Gu Xiangyi came to her brother and sister-in-law's house for a free meal. She had never thought of coming here to eat before because when she came, she knew that her sister-in-law was pregnant and she wanted to avoid trouble for her. Even though she knew that Zhan Aiping's cooking was delicious, she would not come here to eat.

Gu Xiangyi thought that her sister-in-law was pregnant and it would be inconvenient for her to cook. The couple would probably have to eat in the cafeteria, but eating in the cafeteria would not provide them with sufficient nutrition. One time, she made chicken soup and brought it to her sister-in-law for nourishment, but she found her brother, Gu Sheng, cooking at home.

Gu Xiangyi didn't dare to eat the dishes made by Gu Sheng at first, but it turned out that it was okay not to eat them. Once she ate them, she was amazed by how delicious they were.

"My brother's cooking is so delicious!!"

"Why is my brother's cooking so delicious? Why is my brother's cooking so delicious?"

Gu Xiangyi couldn't believe it. She questioned her life. They were born from the same mother, so why was her brother's cooking so delicious

Since that time, Gu Xiangyi started her journey of eating for free. Unfortunately, she was busy with work and could not visit her brother and sister-in-law's house often. She could only come for a meal or two occasionally.

After just one or two pitiful meals, he was kicked out of the house by his own brother with a knife.

Gu Sheng said mercilessly: "Don't come to my house for free meals. You're causing trouble for others."

"I'm here to take care of my sister-in-law and have a meal."

"Oh, I'm here to take care of my sister-in-law. I'll be here at dinner time."

Gu Xiangyi said, "Who said I came just in time for dinner? I came early to order some food, didn't I? I'm not eating for free. I brought meat and vegetables with me, go cook it."

Gu Sheng went to cook. Gu Xiangyi sat next to Zhan Aiping and looked at her belly curiously. Her two little nephews were still inside. "It's bigger than before. Sister-in-law, are you tired?"

"What do you think?" Carrying a big belly is like adding a natural weight. How can it be comfortable

Gu Xiangyi said: "Then you must enslave my brother well and cannot let him go."

She touched Zhan Aiping's belly, her face becoming more and more excited, "In a few months, my two little nephews will be born. Will they be nephews or nieces?"

“Can I hear the baby moving?”

"Let me hear it!"

Gu Sheng said: "I am the biological father of the child, don't take my job."

Gu Sheng cooked the dishes, and the three of them sat together to eat. Gu Xiangyi ate with her bowl and chopsticks in her arms, shedding tears of sadness. Her brother and sister-in-law cooked delicious meals, but the food in the military hospital was too bad.

The food in the cafeteria for doctors and nurses is the same as that for patients, which makes them lose their appetite.

"A few days ago, there was a person who got poisoned by eating mushrooms. Do you know what he was doing in the hospital? His family was cooking mushroom soup in the hospital. It was really... he was willing to eat it to his death."

The medical staff and patients on the two floors were not feeling very comfortable.

Later, it was the head nurse who persuaded him to stop cooking in the hospital.

Gu Xiangyi is a foreigner, so she doesn't dare to eat wild mushrooms. She has been taught since childhood that mushrooms are poisonous and should not be eaten randomly. She doesn't know how to identify them, so she is afraid of getting sick after eating them.

Zhan Aiping said: "The new gastroenterologist in our hospital got poisoned by eating mushrooms on his first day at the hospital."

"Really?" Gu Xiangyi laughed: "I don't dare to eat it."

"Your brother likes to eat it."

"That's perfect." Gu Xiangyi said, "If my brother gets poisoned and goes crazy, you can hold him down and give him an injection to wash his stomach and give him an IV."

Gu Sheng sneered a few times: "Gu Xiangyi, I can't be poisoned."

"But I can poison you."

"Sister-in-law, listen to this." Gu Xiangyi immediately complained: "My brother wants to harm me."

Zhan Aiping shook her head helplessly: "Eat quietly."

After finishing the meal, Gu Sheng sent Gu Xiangyi to a corner: "You have already eaten, so be self-conscious. Stay in your corner and don't disturb me and your sister-in-law."

Gu Sheng took his wife to the study room for a warm and sweet time, and left a radio for Gu Xiangyi, letting her pass the time.

Gu Xiangyi sighed and wondered why she didn't have a childhood sweetheart.

After returning to the military hospital, Gu Xiangyi called home. When Gu Ze'an answered the phone, he praised her: "It's still the daughter who cares about the family. She calls every now and then, unlike those brats who keep calling on time."

Gu Xiangyi said, "You have so many children. The brothers take turns calling home."

"how are things?"

"That's great. My sister-in-law is on the newspaper."

Gu Ze'an was puzzled: "It was in the newspaper. Which newspaper was it in?"

"According to the provincial newspaper here, my sister-in-law is an excellent doctor."

"That's right." Gu Ze'an didn't take it seriously. It was just in the newspaper. What's the point of being in the newspaper? His eldest son was also in the newspaper, so it must be the same clichés.

Gu Ze'an reads the newspaper every morning, but he's tired of it after so many years.

"Wait a few days and your mother and I will come to see you and your brother and sister-in-law."

Gu Xiangyi was so scared: "Dad, you, you, you are on vacation? Why are you on vacation at this time? I've only been away for a few months, and you want to come to see me."

She was like a dog running on the lawn. When she heard these words, she felt the reins of fate grab her in an instant.

"Who is here to see you? They are here to see your brother and sister-in-law. You are really good at flattering yourself."

Gu Ze'an and his wife decided to come and visit their relatives, one to see their youngest son and his wife, and the other to see their daughter. They heard that she was doing well in the hospital and had nothing to do with Dr. Wu.

(End of this chapter)