Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 44: Small cotton jacket


My daughter-in-law prepared the Chinese medicine for me personally, and I had to drink it.

Gu Ze'an and his wife were sitting in the Chinese medicine pharmacy. There were two bowls of medicine in front of them. It was black and no one could tell what it was. It smelled unpleasant. Gu Ze'an pinched his nose and drank it.

Gu Ze'an urged Qin Ying to drink as well: "Old woman, it's your turn. Husband and wife should share happiness and hardships."

Qin Ying didn't want to drink it at first, because Chinese medicine takes a long time to take effect. She had taken many medicines before, but they were all useless. This time... Well, after all, it was the child's filial piety.

She also took the medicine and drank it, commenting, "It tastes good."

Apart from feeling a little nauseous, she didn't taste anything. The most unacceptable thing about Chinese medicine is the strange smell. You can't smell it when it first enters your mouth, but then the smell spreads and it's so nauseating that you want to vomit.

Gu Ze'an: "..."

He touched his nose and thought that it was mainly because of the bad smell.

Doctor Zhou Zhonghua saw the couple drinking medicine and laughing. He said to Zhan Aiping, "Your parents-in-law are really interesting."

Gu Ze'an said, "It's more interesting for you to be doctors. This Chinese medicine store has a strong smell. Don't you get tired of it every day?"

Zhou Zhonghua: "You get used to it after you smell it many times."

"The fragrance of this Chinese medicine is charming." Zhou Zhonghua took a deep breath. In front of outsiders, he wanted to behave like a reliable old Chinese medicine doctor.

Gu Ze'an said, "Pingping, bring some coffee to the old doctor next time. I also feel that the coffee tastes like Chinese medicine. I didn't want to buy it at first, but your mother-in-law said that you young people might like it."

"Come to think of it, you're a student of Chinese medicine, so why don't you like it?"

"Maybe you doctors just like the smell of medicine."

Zhan Aiping couldn't help but say, "Coffee is grown here."

It is not easy to bring coffee back to its place of origin all the way from the north. This time, Gu Ze'an and his wife brought a lot of things for their son and daughter-in-law. In addition to food such as milk candy, milk powder, canned fruit, canned beef, etc., there was also coffee, which is relatively difficult to buy.

Because local people don't like to drink coffee, most of the coffee produced here is for foreign guests or for export to exchange for foreign currency.

Gu Ze'an was stunned: "Yes, is that so?"

“I forgot.”

“No wonder the Chinese medicine here is also bitter.”

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "The fruits here are sweet. When your sense of taste recovers, you must try the fruits here."

Gu Ze'an and Qin Ying looked at each other and thought they were not so optimistic.

Zhan Aiping saw that they had drunk the medicine: "Then let's go to the acupuncture room, it's more atmospheric."

Although acupuncture can be performed anywhere, it is more formal to do it in a special acupuncture room. She always has to give the best treatment to her parents-in-law so that they will trust her medical skills.

"Dad, Mom, I can also give you a massage."

Gu Ze'an swallowed his saliva and said, "Forget it, forget it. That filial son already gave me a back massage yesterday."

Qin Ying: "I want to see a loving father and a filial daughter. Pingping, give him a few more injections."

Gu Ze'an: "Pingping, stab her! Your mother-in-law is in a worse condition!"

Qin Ying: "Your father-in-law is losing his hair, you can treat him."

Gu Ze'an: "Obviously all the hair that fell on the floor at home is yours..."

Zhan Aiping: "Don't make noise, take turns stabbing one by one..."

The couple lay there and took turns receiving acupuncture. It wasn't too painful when the needles pierced them, but those "needles" looked very cruel, and the experience was not very pleasant.

The needles used in traditional Chinese medicine are of different sizes and lengths, which are so dazzling that it makes people drool. Not to mention piercing the tongue, there are also needles for piercing the eyeballs and the head.

It's terrifying.

After the acupuncture, Gu Ze'an was full of doubts: "How many days will it take for the treatment to be effective? Will I be able to eat well tomorrow? Pingping, have you really completed your medical studies?"

"Don't doubt our Pingping, I do have some feelings..." Qin Ying rinsed her mouth.


Qin Ying said: "It would be nice if I could really taste it."

After the injection, Zhan Aiping took the medicine bag and returned to the camp with Gu Ze'an and his wife. Qin Ying couldn't help but say all the way in the car: "It seems that the medicine is taking effect. I have a bitter taste in my mouth now."

Gu Ze'an: "It's not a good thing to taste bitterness."

Zhan Aiping smiled: "Mom, go back and try the dishes made by Gu Sheng."

"Okay, I have to eat more of the food cooked by my own son."

Gu Ze'an snorted: "The men in our Gu family never care about the desire for words."

Qin Ying: "Then why don't you like the food I cook?"

Gu Ze'an: "... Since there is a cafeteria, why don't you eat there? Can't you cook by yourself and save some effort?"

After listening to the couple quarreling, Gu Ze'an returned to the camp and called his old comrade-in-arms, Lao Zhang who lived next door.

Old Zhang was even more anxious than him: "Old Gu, did you go to see your grandson? How's it going? Are you really pregnant?"

"She's pregnant, she's pregnant, two."

Old Zhang said on the phone: "It's not easy for you. You are sixty years old, and you finally have a grandson."

"What do you mean sixty-year-old? I'm not even sixty yet."

Gu Ze'an sighed.

Old Zhang asked curiously on the phone: "You already have a daughter-in-law and grandchildren, why are you sighing?"

"Mr. Zhang, tell your son not to marry a doctor in the future."


Gu Ze'an: "It's hard to put it into words."

Their visit to relatives turned into a medical treatment, with medication and acupuncture.


In the evening, Gu Sheng came back and he was the one who cooked diligently. Gu Ze'an stood by, not knowing anything, and gave blind instructions, "I think you didn't cut it finely enough."

"Do you have to do this with this fish?"

“Why are there so many spices?”

Gu Ze'an was watching his son Gu Sheng cooking. He was giving instructions but actually wanted to learn some skills so that he could show off in front of Qin Ying when he retired.

"Old Five," Gu Ze'an said to Gu Sheng in a low voice, "Your mother's cooking is so bad, and your talent for cooking must have been inherited from your father."

Gu Sheng closed the pot lid and turned around: "Maybe I'm gifted. You gave birth to five sons, but only one like me."

"How is that possible?" Gu Ze'an patted his shoulder and said, "Nothing is created out of nothing in this world. I, your father, am more powerful than you."

The father and son were busy at the stove, while Zhan Aiping was chatting with Qin Ying. Qin Ying asked her many questions and was concerned about her and Gu Sheng's life here. Zhan Aiping told her everything.

Qin Ying was happy: "You and Lao Wu are destined to be together. Live a good life in the future."

Zhan Aiping smiled and nodded.

"Is the baby in your belly bothering you?"

"When I was pregnant with my fifth child, he was very naughty and kept making trouble all day long."

Zhan Aiping touched her belly and said, "These two are fine. Hey - they were well-behaved, but now they are making trouble again."

"It's better to be a little noisy, two little monkeys, just like you and Lao Wu when you were little." Qin Ying smiled: "In the future, you two will have some headaches."

Zhan Aiping: "Let Gu Shengzhi do it. He said that as the big bully, he can definitely suppress the two little bullies."

"That's right." Qin Ying leaned out and said, "We are showing the father's love and filial piety. Let the baby in my belly learn from it."

Zhan Aiping laughed when she heard this. She covered her head and said, "It's over, Mom. I have a headache. What if there are really two little monkeys who look like Gu Sheng and perform the 'kind father and filial son' show for me every day at home? What should I do?"

Qin Ying smiled: "I don't believe you can't do anything. Lao Wu is a troublemaker. You were even more difficult to deal with than Lao Wu when you were a child."

"As the big sister of the yard, is Zhan Dapingping afraid of a few kids?"

Zhan Aiping: “…”

"It would be best if one of them is like you and the other is like Lao Wu, so that you two can have a taste of the life your parents lived... There won't be so much noise, just like raising a flock of ducks at home."

"Pingping, when you were a kid, you talked like a machine gun, bang bang bang - you were so eloquent that no one could beat you. Your father-in-law said you were a little sparrow, chirping all day long."

"He just wanted a little daughter like you, so cute."

This is one of the pains of marrying someone you know. Both of your parents know everything you did when you were a child, and they even remember many things better than they do themselves.

"Do you remember when you played hide-and-seek with Lao Wu..."

"There was also that time when you were a little over one year old and just learning to walk. Lao Wu held you in his arms and you peed on him..."

Zhan Aiping frowned: "Is there such a thing?"

"In fact, he kissed you when he was a child."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Qin Ying asked her to talk about some things in the past, which made Zhan Aiping feel unbelievable and suspected that Qin Ying was lying to her. Qin Ying was in high spirits and became more and more excited as she talked.

Zhan Aiping: "We fought every day when we were kids."

Qin Yingdao said, "When your father-in-law is about to beat up Wu, you are both punished and abused. When your father-in-law is about to beat up Wu, you cheer up."

Zhan Aiping's eyes widened: "I'm not that bad, right? Should I ask my father-in-law to hit me harder?"

Does she like to fan the flames so much

Qin Ying was stunned for a moment, "No, tell Lao Wu to run faster."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

"Then I must have been scolded by my mother."

"Yes." Qin Ying nodded.

Zhan Aiping had long forgotten many things, and if Qin Ying hadn't mentioned them, she wouldn't have believed them.

"Look at you two, childhood sweethearts, with so many memories. Your uncles and aunts in the compound never thought that you two could get married."

"Do you still remember that Uncle Wang? He retired a long time ago. When Lao Gu told me that you two were married, he said he would never believe it even if he was beaten to death..."

Qin Ying talked to Zhan Aiping for a long time, and her mouth was dry. She drank several sips of tea. The more she drank the Pu'er tea, the more excited she became. She felt the tea in her mouth was sweet.

Today, Bai Qian and his friend had dinner at the guesthouse. There were only four of them in the room. Gu Ze'an and Gu Sheng served the dishes. Gu Sheng put down the plate and said to Zhan Aiping and the others, "When I was cooking, my dad was always around me. He was like a fly that you couldn't drive away. He was annoying."

"You're annoying. Do you think I want to be with you?"

Gu Sheng took off his apron and said, "My dad is bothering me, so today's food may not be very tasty. Please bear with me, wife."

"You you you you—" Gu Ze'an was so angry that he wanted to kick him.

Gu Sheng threw the apron to Gu Ze'an and went back to serve the dishes. Gu Ze'an held the apron and imagined if he put it on himself, would it be very awkward

Gu Sheng cooked another table full of sumptuous dishes today. There were also two kinds of wild mushrooms on the table, mainly dry mushrooms and chicken mushrooms, and a few other miscellaneous mushrooms. He asked someone to pick them from the mountains in the morning, and they were still fresh.

Zhan Aiping rubbed her nose and said, "It smells good."

She swallowed her saliva and forced herself not to eat too many wild mushrooms. It was really too torturous. She had to guard these "delicacies from the mountains and the sea" but was not allowed to eat too much. When she had a refrigerator in the future, she would fill an entire freezer with wild mushrooms.

When Qin Ying saw the dish of fried chicken mushrooms, she couldn't help but picked up a piece with chopsticks. Her mouth was full of sweetness. The wonderful taste stimulated her lips and tongue, and her mouth kept secreting saliva, which greatly increased her appetite.

"I can taste the flavor, it's so delicious!" Qin Ying's eyes lit up. She, who always had a poor appetite, seemed to be possessed by a glutton at this moment. She had been eating without any taste for a long time, and now she tasted the freshness and couldn't stop.

"There's actually something so delicious." Qin Ying was getting more and more addicted to the food. "Pingping, you're really amazing. I can taste the flavor! The mushrooms here are really delicious, and Lao Wu's cooking skills are great."

Qin Ying said excitedly, but her hand holding the chopsticks was not free. How could she be in a hurry to speak at this moment? She was in a hurry to eat.

Zhan Aiping was facing a table full of food and was eating it quickly. She hadn't eaten Gu Sheng's cooking for two days and was missing it badly.

Needless to say, Gu Sheng was young and strong, and this was the time when he ate the most. Most of the dishes on the table would go into his stomach. The dishes he cooked himself tasted better the more he ate.

While he was eating, he did not forget to pick up some food for his wife, "Wife, try this, it's delicious."


The three of them ate very quickly, leaving Gu Ze'an alone with a dull look on his face: "Why do I still feel that it's a little bland?"

"Yes, yes, yes, is it really that delicious?" Seeing that the three of them were enjoying their meal, Gu Ze'an became anxious.

Why can't he taste it

"Pingping, what's wrong with your medicine? Why do I have no appetite today? I can't taste anything. I just watch you guys eat."

Zhan Aiping comforted him: "Dad, your situation is different from our mom's. You need to slowly recuperate before you can recover."

"Her condition is obviously worse, why do I have to take my time to treat her?!"

Qin Ying: "Pingping, don't worry about him, let's continue eating."

Qin Ying ate with a good appetite. She hadn't had such a moment for a long time. After her sense of taste disappeared for so many years, she now felt that having a good tongue was very important.

Without being able to eat these delicious foods, life would be less fun.

"Since ancient times, food has been the most important thing for people! We just have to eat!"

Qin Ying's sense of taste recovered quickly. Once she tasted something, she couldn't stop. Zhan Aiping also took her to taste the jackfruit and the big mangoes here. Qin Ying enjoyed eating them very much.

When Gu Xiangyi asked for leave and came over, she took the initiative to bring a chicken and some wild mushrooms. When Gu Ze'an saw his little daughter whom he hadn't seen for several months, he stared at the chicken in her hand.

—His delicate and helpless little daughter can now carry a chicken!

The chicken in Gu Xiangyi's hand was still alive. She held up its wings with a straw rope. The chicken struggled violently, its claws were sharp, and Gu Xiangyi pulled it back hard, its two small eyes staring forward.

Gu Ze'an stared at the chicken.

The chickens also glared at him.

Gu Ze'an was surprised and doubtful: "You, you still know how to be polite, go to your brother's house and bring a chicken."

"Dad, the local chicken here is delicious."

Gu Ze'an: "How can chicken not taste good?"

Gu Xiangyi said, "The chicken cooked by my brother is delicious. When I go to my brother's house for a meal, I always bring something with me. I'll bring a chicken to nourish my sister-in-law. The food in the hospital is not delicious, so I want to eat what my brother cooks."

Gu Ze'an raised his eyebrows: "Your brother's cooking is really delicious?"

"Of course it's delicious, Dad. Haven't you tried it yet? Doesn't my brother want to cook for you?"

"I've eaten it." Gu Ze'an waved his hand: "It's just ordinary cooking, not as good as the chefs in the restaurant."

Gu Xiangyi: “…”

"I, your dad, have eaten all kinds of delicious food. I am not interested in the dishes cooked by your brother."

Gu Xiangyi asked curiously: "Dad, do you like my mom's cooking?"

Gu Ze'an: "...That's not the case."

Gu Xiangyi didn't say much to him, and shouted directly: "Brother, come and kill the chicken!"

Gu Sheng handed her a kitchen knife and said, "Just let the chicken come to your house alone. Why are you here?"

"Kill it yourself."

Gu Xiangyi: "The ones I kill don't taste good, you do it."

Gu Sheng raised his eyebrows: "You dare to assign me?"

"To replenish our sister-in-law's body, of course you have to come in person, brother."

"Okay." After hearing this, Gu Sheng was persuaded. As long as it was related to his wife, he would be willing to talk to her.

Take the knife and kill the chicken.

Gu Ze'an watched the conversation between the brother and sister from the side. He was very dissatisfied. He taught his little daughter: "You are bossy at home, but you are so cowardly in front of your brother. You dare not say a word. Are you still the daughter of a general? Shame on you."

"How am I embarrassed?" Gu Xiangyi said cheerfully. She covered her mouth with one hand and whispered, "Dad, let me tell you, my little brother is easy to please now. My sister-in-law is his weak spot. I will let him do anything for my sister-in-law."

Gu Ze'an: "Whatever your mother asks me to do, I can do it."

"Yes, yes, yes." Gu Xiangyi agreed, "Who told the men in your Gu family to love their wives? They are henpecked and afraid of their wives, which is a hereditary trait. If the top beam is not straight, the bottom beam will be crooked."

"What do you mean by 'the top beam is crooked, the bottom beam is crooked'? I, your father, have set a good example. Look at what your brother said before. He even wanted to deal with Pingping..."

Gu Xiangyi went into the house to chat with her parents.

"If you cook this meal again, let them eat in the cafeteria tomorrow. I, your wife, will only cook for you."

"I won't allow them to act like masters in my house."

Zhan Aiping stood beside him, holding a plate of diced mango in her hand, feeding him a piece from time to time.

Zhan Aiping said, "Young man, don't be so angry."

Gu Sheng had a stern face and pointed at his own face. Zhan Aiping understood and took the initiative to kiss him.

Thinking of his hard work, Zhan Aiping kissed him very seriously with her lips pursed out in a big arc.

Who knew that when he turned around, he saw Gu Ze'an and his wife with their little daughter, and three pairs of eyes looking at them.

Zhan Aiping felt a black screen in front of her eyes. She was about to faint. Didn't the whole family want to go into the house to chat just now? Why did they all run out

"Did you all see it?"

Gu Sheng: "Wife, I promise I didn't see you blushing."

Gu Ze'an: "I didn't see it."

Qin Ying and Gu Xiangyi: "We didn't see it either."

Zhan Aiping's face was completely red. She didn't want to see any of the Gu family members in front of her.

"Wife, cook with me and ignore them." Gu Sheng was very thick-skinned. He was in a good mood now, and flipping the pot or holding the spatula was no problem for him.

Zhan Aiping took a small stool, sat next to him, and supervised him while he cooked.

Gu Ze'an and the other two went back to the inner room to talk, and Qin Ying and his wife asked about Gu Xiangyi's situation in the military hospital.

Gu Xiangyi told the truth.

Gu Ze'an was surprised: "Aren't you here for Doctor Wu? You've been in the hospital for several months, and you still can't take him down."

“It’s useless!”

Qin Ying rolled her eyes: "...some people don't say that when they come out."

"I have nothing to do with that Doctor Wu now. I haven't spoken to him."

Gu Ze'an and Qin Ying nodded: "Really? You were so eager to come here when you came, why don't you like it now that you're here?"

"My brother is watching me, and he laughs at me." Gu Xiangyi said angrily, "I will definitely find someone who loves his wife more than my brother does."

"Yes, yes, yes." Gu Ze'an was very supportive of this: "Don't worry, our parents won't urge us to get married, our little sister can find a partner slowly, and it's okay to get married later."

Qin Ying sighed: "If I had known this, I should have sent you to your brother earlier."

Gu Ze'an said: "Then when do you plan to go back?"

"Go back? I won't go back. I'm working well in the military hospital now. Mom and Dad, let me tell you, I can give injections and find blood vessels. My eyes are very good. If you get sick in the future, I will give you the injections myself." Gu Xiangyi was very excited when he said this.

Gu Ze'an: "..."

Qin Ying: “…”

"Really? I give your daughter an injection and it's always accurate. The head nurse even praises me."

It’s better not to forget about this daughter.

Gu Sheng asked Gu Xiangyi to serve the dishes, and the family gathered around the table. Gu Xiangyi said, "Don't be fooled by the fact that we appear to be five people. In fact, there are seven of us."

Gu Sheng said: "You are the only one left."

"Brother, I'll spare you because it's delicious." Gu Xiangyi wanted to turn his grief and anger into appetite, and ate with the two couples around him.

Gu Ze'an tasted two bites of the food made by Gu Sheng. Surprisingly, he also thought it was delicious: "This pickled fish is really good. I finally put enough salt in it today."

Salt is the basis of all seasonings. Salt is the most important step in adding the finishing touch. The pain of not being able to taste salt is no better than losing your sense of taste.

If a person tries to cook without salt for two days, I guarantee he won't be able to stand it.

Once you taste the salt, all the dishes taste better.

Gu Xiangyi said: "My brother's cooking skills are impeccable. Sister Pingping taught him well."

Gu Ze'an nodded: "Very good, son, you performed very well. Continue cooking tomorrow."

Gu Sheng chuckled and said, "I'll go to the cafeteria to get you food tomorrow. The food in the guesthouse is pretty good. You're in luck."

Qin Ying refused: "That won't do, son. Mom wants to eat the food you cook!"

Gu Ze'an: "That's right, your dad also wants to eat the food you cook!"

"Me too, me too, your little sister wants to eat too."

Zhan Aiping: "Your wife and your two kids want to eat it."

Gu Sheng: "... Old man, when will you go back?"

Gu Ze'an said happily: "Of course I will eat until I have enough before going back. My son, you and your wife, a great chef and a great doctor, you two are really great."

Gu Xiangyi asked, "What miracle doctor?"

"Your father and I didn't have a good sense of taste before." Qin Ying said, "Thanks to your sister-in-law for curing my illness."

"I couldn't taste your mom before."

"Ah?" Gu Xiangyi was dumbfounded: "Mom, you can't taste it? If you can't taste it, why do you cook for me?"

"You really are my real mother!"

Gu Xiangyi almost broke down in tears, "I am simply the most miserable person in the family, Sister Pingping, I am so pitiful, my brother is not a human being, and my parents are not human beings either."

"It turns out that when I eat with my parents, they can't taste anything, and I'm the only one who thinks it's unpalatable!"

At that time, Gu Xiangyi felt it was strange and thought that her tongue was delicate. Although it tasted terrible, her parents ate it, so why couldn’t she eat it

She also often accompanies her parents for dinner.

Gu Xiangyi howled, "Mom, your sense of taste has improved. Try the food you cooked. Is it suitable for human consumption?"

"I am so miserable, why am I so miserable!"

Gu Ze'an said, "You are not very smart. Look at your brother and your sister-in-law. They had a meal with their parents and found out that your mother and I have a bad sense of taste."

"What about you? You don't care about your parents at all. You ate so many meals and you didn't notice anything."

Gu Xiangyi: “I—”

"My mother's cooking is so bad, but I often eat with her. Am I not a considerate little daughter? Am I not caring enough? I am more wronged than Dou E!"

"Yes, yes, yes." Qin Ying coaxed her: "My dear daughter, you are just a little naive. Mom told you not to eat, but you still ate with relish."

Gu Xiangyi's eyes were filled with tears: "I know you don't want to waste food, it's so unpalatable, why don't I help you share some of it and let you eat such unpalatable food alone?"

"Who knew you couldn't taste anything, mom? Why not let me cook?"

"I am so miserable!"

Gu Xiangyi's experience is sympathetic. Gu Ze'an and his wife comforted her. Gu Sheng, her brother, also promised to cook a table of delicious dishes for her. Zhan Aiping, her sister-in-law, decided to make double skin milk for her.

At night, Gu Xiangyi went to the guesthouse with her parents to sleep. Gu Sheng cleaned the house. He took a shower first, and then accompanied Zhan Aiping to take a shower. Zhan Aiping had a big belly and it was not convenient for her to move. He was afraid that she would bump into something, so he always stayed by her side.

After washing, he wrapped the person in a blanket and carried him directly into the room.

"Is it heavy? It's a lot heavier than before."

"It's not heavy. I can carry both of you."

Zhan Aiping was lying on her side on the bed, touching her belly. Thinking of Gu Xiaomei's expression just now, she couldn't help but laugh: "It's better to have a daughter, like her aunt."

"Mom's sweet little cotton-padded jacket."

"My dad said she was a bully in her own backyard, and you still say she was a sweetheart? I think she was a black-hearted little cotton-padded jacket."

Gu Sheng's eyes were gentle. He touched her belly and said with a smile, "It would be better to have two daughters who look like you. Give me two of Daddy's warm military coats, just in time for replacement."

Zhan Aiping: "… A cozy military coat? A military coat can be cozy? Why do I look like a military coat?"

"Here, you still want two military coats. You're so hot that you'll die!"

"I'm not afraid of the heat. I'm not afraid of having two more military coats."

Zhan Aiping choked: "I'm afraid of the heat."

Gu Sheng smiled and leaned over to kiss her: "When the time comes, I will carry three military coats with me."

Zhan Aiping slapped his handsome face away and said, "I hope you're not just saying harsh words."

"Definitely not."


Gu Ze'an and his wife were having a great time here. With the careful care of their daughter-in-law, his sense of taste was recovering better and better. He ate to his heart's content with Qin Ying. During the day when their son and daughter-in-law were not at home, the couple strolled around and ate and drank for free. It was the peak season for fruits, and the fruits on the mountain were worthless. There were wild fruits everywhere. They followed the mountain people into the mountains and ate and drank all kinds of food.

The two of them went up the mountain early in the morning to pick wild mushrooms. They also liked this stuff and it tasted good no matter how it was cooked. Of course, they would never cook it themselves. They would eat the dishes cooked by their youngest son Gu Sheng in the evening.

Unfortunately, the happy days didn’t last long. Gu Ze’an’s vacation was not that long, so he had to go back.

Qin Ying was a little hesitant. She discussed with Zhan Aiping: "Your belly is so big now. Do you want your mother to accompany you? You won't be able to take care of two children in the future."

"If you stay here, won't our dad be left alone?" Zhan Aiping shook her head: "The military dependents are taken care of here, there are nurseries, and I can even take them with me to work."

"It would be too hard to take your child with you to work. If only someone could help you take care of the child..."

"You can't come either. It was hard enough raising six children before, and now you have to take care of grandchildren. You've already taken care of two here, and how many more will you have to take care of in the future? You'll be exhausted."

Qin Ying shook her head: "His eldest brother, his eldest brother doesn't have much in mind, the second and third... forget about them, the fourth..."

Zhan Aiping also didn't want Qin Ying to help her take care of the children. Gu Ze'an hadn't retired yet, and they would be separated as they were so far apart. She felt bad about it.

If there are difficulties in the family compound here, young soldiers will come to help look after the children. There is also a nursery, and Zhan Aiping can also take the child to the hospital and make a cradle. If there are no patients, she will look after the child herself. If a patient comes, Xiao Qin says he can help her look after the child for a while.

She works in a township hospital, working one day and taking a day off, so it's not too busy.

Gu Ze'an and his wife left, leaving a thousand yuan for Zhan Aiping before leaving.

Zhan Aiping took the one thousand yuan and thought that she had received a lot of good things since she became pregnant. Her younger brother Zhan Mingzhao had been sending her food and milk powder; her father Zhan Bo also gave her three hundred yuan and oil and cloth coupons; and Gu Xiaomei also got some meat every now and then to improve her diet, saying that it was to nourish her body.

There is no shortage of food and daily necessities. The only discomfort is that my body is getting bigger and bigger, making it inconvenient to move.


The hospital's wards have been built to the second floor, and the operating room next to it is also under construction. A yard has been built near the operating room. It is a small U-shaped yard with two walls on the upper and lower sides. On the left is the operating room building, and on the right is the laundry room, which is used specifically for laundry and disinfection.

There is a huge jujube tree in the middle of the yard. It has been planted for a long time. Dean Hao was reluctant to cut it down and decided to leave it there.

There is a new obstetric nurse in the hospital, or you can say a "midwife". The province and the county have trained many midwives. This midwife is not very old. She is a girl who just graduated from a medical school a few years ago. Her name is Chen Lanlan. She is not married and moved into the hospital's family quarters.

Chen Lanlan has a big heart and speaks in a very interesting way. "I was so scared. I delivered a baby before and I thought it was two babies. Oh, two came out. I thought it was gone. Who knew, I pulled out another one. It was triplets!"

She can talk about anything while eating: "I assisted people in surgery before, and when I saw the intestines, I got hungry..."

The other people didn't like talking to her during meals.

Zhan Aiping's belly was six months old, but she still came to the hospital to work. She saw patients in the Chinese medicine pharmacy and no longer delivered babies or went out for medical consultations.

Dean Hao discussed with her about the hospital expansion. Zhan Aiping said, "When the hospital is expanded in the future, the Chinese medicine pharmacy will be kept separately. It can also be divided into surgery, internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics and epidemic prevention departments..."

"Epidemic Prevention Department?" Children's epidemic prevention and deworming are still mixed in the Western pharmacy.

"Children should be encouraged to take anthelmintic medicine." The problem of parasites is quite serious nowadays, and children are easily infected by parasites.

"Let's start with surgery, internal medicine, and obstetrics and gynecology."

Dean Hao held a doctors' meeting and discussed some issues. After the meeting, several doctors gathered together to chat. Dean Hao said, "Our hospital has been very profitable in the past few months."

With a large number of patients, the company made a lot of money and was able to receive performance-based compensation every three months.

Qin Yanfang said: "Thanks to Dr. Zhan and the newspaper, our hospital's reputation has been expanded and many people come to our hospital for treatment."

"Those educated youth came all the way here to get medicine, just to see our doctor Zhan who teaches science."

Doctor Zhou: "Why didn't you come to see me?"

Dean Hao nodded and said, "The hospital is doing well and everyone is happy. Although it is a bit busy, your allowances have been increased."

Director Hao never thought that there would be a day when their hospital would have to increase subsidies. Now the hospital's income is enough to maintain the salaries of hospital staff. The basic salary is funded by the fiscal budget, and part of the extra income will be used as hospital funds, and part can be paid as subsidies to medical staff.

Zhao Jing told the truth: "I didn't transfer just for this little bit of profit."

No one would complain about having too much money. But if you go to a deserted township hospital with only a few patients all day long, you won't get a sense of career achievement, and you won't even make much money.

Even though it’s only a few dollars more, a few dollars is still money!

Dr. Zhao doesn't want to be transferred now because he has been corrupted by money.

Dean Hao said, "Then you should continue to work hard for this little bit of profit, and don't even think about being transferred."

Chen Lanlan asked, "Why does Dr. Zhao always want to be transferred?"

Qin Yanfang chuckled.

Doctor Zhao slammed the table: "You are not allowed to say anything!"

Zhan Aiping: "Because he came to the hospital in the wrong way."

Chen Lanlan: “…”

After the meeting, Dean Hao continued to make plans one by one. When it came to Zhan Aiping, he said to her earnestly, "Doctor Zhan, you have to hold on a little longer. When you give birth to the baby, our inpatient building and operating room will be completed. That's when you can play a role. You must not give up."

"You have the highest academic qualifications among all the people in our hospital. If you can run the operating room, the position of vice president will definitely be yours. As for me, I won't be able to do this for many years, so the position of president will still be yours in the future."

"Our hospital is now profitable. If we keep it up, we will have more funds for expansion in the future. We will have more beds and more patients. We want to be the best township hospital in the county."

If you want to be a leader, you must be able to draw blueprints. Zhan Aiping thought, why not dream bigger and build the best hospital in the county.

Qin Lanfang was recuperating in the hospital. After so many days, her condition improved and she was able to throw away her crutches. Zhan Aiping accompanied her in her rehabilitation, and the two of them walked in the yard together. She was a pregnant woman, so she needed to walk more often to facilitate delivery. Qin Lanfang limped and could only walk a few steps at first, but later she could walk by herself for ten minutes or even half an hour.

It's just that she walks slowly and her gait is uneven, but she is already satisfied that she is free from the crutches.

After Qin Lanfang was able to walk on her own, she began to like wearing skirts. She and Captain Jiang had decided to get married. The marriage report had already been submitted to Captain Jiang and had passed the political review. The two were about to become husband and wife.

But the closer it got to the wedding day, the more worried Qin Lanfang became.

Captain Jiang was a good man, but Qin Lanfang felt that she was not worthy of him as she was old and lame. She was very timid and usually did not dare to meet Captain Jiang's comrades.

But if they get married in the future, they will still have to follow the army and move into the barracks to live. People are curious about what kind of wife Captain Jiang chose, but if they see her, they will definitely be disappointed.

Captain Jiang asked Zhan Aiping to take Qin Lanfang to meet several sisters-in-law in the family compound. Zhan Aiping agreed and took Qin Lanfang around the camp on days when she was not on duty.

Zhan Aiping asked someone to pick up Qin Lanfang. When Qin Lanfang stood at the gate of the camp, her legs were shaking, especially when she saw the people standing guard and patrolling at the gate. She looked so timid and frightened, just like a guilty thief.

Although she no longer needs a cane, she is still worried that others will notice the way she walks. When she limps around town, people always turn around to look at her.

The feeling of being stared at was very embarrassing. Qin Lanfang would rather be an ordinary weed on the roadside and not attract anyone's attention.

The more you worry about attracting attention, the stiffer your body becomes.

Zhan Aiping comforted her: "Sister Qin, don't be nervous."

"Doctor Zhan, how about... I'm not going." Qin Lanfang's face was not very good. Firstly, she was afraid to see people, and secondly, she was afraid to embarrass Captain Jiang.

"Now that you're here, go meet some people. I'll take you to see the director of women's affairs first." Zhan Aiping didn't know how to comfort people, but she knew that everyone has their specialties. The director of women's affairs, Li Yuxia, her duty is to help women in need.

"Director of Women's Affairs? Oh."

Zhan Aiping brought Qin Lanfang to Li Yuxia and introduced them to each other. Li Yuxia was indeed a little shocked when she saw Qin Lanfang. "This is the girl from Captain Jiang's family. They have been dating for a few months. Are they going to get married? They are hiding it very well and don't let anyone know."

"Congratulations, good things are coming."

"If you have any problems or difficulties in life in the future, you can ask me, Director Li, for help."

Seeing Li Yuxia's warm and kind attitude, Qin Lanfang nodded and believed it.

"Sister Qin, let me take you to meet the other people. You've heard of Shen Liqing before. She's at home every day."

Shen Liqing is almost being rated as an excellent and humble military wife because she always gives priority to "good jobs" to others and is still doing nothing at home every day.

Qin Lanfang: "I know, it's the one that goes 'Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the southern mountains'..."

Zhan Aiping said: "Yes, yes, that's the one with 'the grass is lush and the bean sprouts are sparse'."

Li Yuxia watched the two of them walking away and thought that things were about to get lively. There was a problem, a big problem.

Captain Jiang rejected many excellent blind date candidates and finally married this one

The guy from Captain Luo’s family seems to have met Captain Jiang before

(End of this chapter)