Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 56: Big fat fish


Old classmates reunion

After all, although they graduated only a few years ago, for Zhan Aiping, it was indeed a reunion of "old classmates". No matter what Zhu Dongxia's intention was to invite her, Zhan Aiping readily agreed: "Okay, we haven't seen each other for a long time, let's meet up when we have a chance."

Zhu Dongxia was stunned: "..."

Zhan Aiping still dares to meet her old classmates? Isn't she afraid of losing face? She is just the vice president of a poor township hospital now.

“I don’t know how everyone has become after a few years of graduation. We who study in military academies are assigned to different places after graduation…” Students in the same class have a bigger and bigger gap between each person. Some of them are doing very well in school, but may not be so successful after graduation; some of them are unknown in school, but have good luck after graduation.

For example, some people carefully choose to go to a unit in a "big city", but end up in a remote place; while some people go to the desert or plateau, but as soon as they report, their unit is immediately transferred and replaced, and stationed in a better place.

Life circumstances are unpredictable, and in the military, there are constant changes and transfers.

"Zhan Aiping, you stayed in Shanghai before, and no one expected you to be here... and become the vice president of a township hospital." Zhu Dongxia paused, and she continued with a smile: "You are the only one among our class who can become the vice president. If everyone knows about this, they will definitely envy you."

They just graduated a few years ago? Zhan Aiping's vice president is like a joke.

Zhu Dongxia's words sounded a bit sarcastic, and Zhan Aiping raised her eyebrows in amusement: "I married the youngest son of the chief's family, isn't this even more enviable? Who of you married better than me?"

Not to mention her man is so handsome.

Zhu Dongxia: “…”

Zhu Dongxia forced a smile and she was speechless because Zhan Aiping was indeed telling the truth.

"After all, the conditions here are not as good as in Shanghai. I'm sorry to have wronged you."

Zhu Dongxia felt extremely jealous. She knew that the conditions here were far inferior to those in Shanghai, but Gu Sheng's looks, his abilities, his family background, and his future... If Zhu Dongxia were to choose, she would also choose to marry Gu Sheng.

She gritted her teeth secretly, but on the surface she praised the various advantages of Shanghai, hoping to arouse Zhan Aiping's imbalance and hope that she would regret it in her heart: "We studied there, Shanghai is so beautiful, I dream of going back to my alma mater to take a look. I envied you so much when you stayed in Shanghai. Among our batch of graduates, how many could stay? Such a good opportunity..."

"The living conditions there are good, there are a lot of imported goods, and there is always surplus pork, and you don't even need a meat coupon to buy it. It would be great to live there. I also want to see the small Western-style buildings. To be honest, Zhan Aiping, have you ever regretted coming here?"

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "I have never regretted it. It's also my fault that I was blinded by lust. My man and I have been childhood sweethearts and have a deep relationship. I can only follow where my husband leads me... But his family is really well off. I haven't suffered any material grievances since I came here. His parents and his four older brothers have taken good care of him."

"Yes? Really?"

Zhan Aiping casually said, "Now the milk powder in my house will not be finished until next year. When I was in confinement, his eldest brother sent a lot of things. When the baby was one month old, he sent a lot more. I can't finish it all."

"And those White Rabbit candies, I gave them away."

Zhu Dongxia suppressed her jealousy and said, "You have recovered well after giving birth."

"My husband treats me very well. I didn't marry the wrong person. When I was in confinement, he stayed with me every day and took care of me."

Zhu Dongxia: “…Oh.”

Zhu Dongxia suddenly regretted inviting her to attend a reunion of old classmates. Some outstanding people can live an enviable life no matter where they are.

In fact, Zhu Dongxia was quite envious of her for being a vice president, provided that she married a good man who lived close to home and was the president of the hospital. No matter whether it was a big hospital or a small hospital, once she became the president, she would be the number one person in the hospital, a "leader", ordering people around every day and living a comfortable life.

For someone like Zhu Dongxia, who doesn't do well in academic performance and doesn't have much ambition, Zhan Aiping's life is simply heaven.

But considering Zhan Aiping's original achievements, her current life is not good enough.

Zhan Aiping said: "Please contact them and let me know when you have set a date."

Zhu Dongxia nodded: "Okay."

Although she wanted to laugh at Zhan Aiping's joke, Zhu Dongxia also wanted to get together with her classmates. Even if they couldn't laugh at her joke, they still had to get together if there was a chance.

"Then I'll go back first."

Zhan Aiping left the military hospital and returned to her own yard. Gu Sheng returned home first and took the two children back home. He was coaxing the children when he saw Zhan Aiping coming back. He smiled and asked, "Is my little sister happy? My sister-in-law made clothes for her."

"She is very happy and even said that her brother may not be her biological brother, but her sister-in-law is definitely her biological sister-in-law."

Gu Sheng smiled and said, "Silly girl."

"Wife, you're back. Come and see the child. Look at the saliva all over my sleeve. I can't face anyone."

Zhan Aiping: "...You also dislike your son?"

Gu Sheng crossed his arms and said, "Don't you feel disgusted? Don't think I didn't see it."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Zhan Aiping went over and picked up her son. The little pot-filled pork was very happy. Her daughter also came over with a sound of "hmm, hmm..." Zhan Aiping put her son down and picked up her daughter again. "Mom doesn't have the ability of your dad. I can't hold two at a time. Come, let's play together, brother and sister."

After Gu Sheng threw the child to her, he wiped the saliva off his clothes, sat aside with his legs spread wide, and looked at the previous photos carefully, "Wife, you look beautiful in the photos."

"I have to keep it well."

Zhan Aiping asked: "How many photos of me have you hidden?"

Gu Sheng: "Isn't this better looking than before?"

Zhan Aiping snorted: "You really disliked my ugly photos before. All men are lustful."

Gu Sheng was very satisfied with the photos: "I show your ugly photos to others, and I look at the beautiful ones myself."

Zhan Aiping: "Then I'm going to take some ugly photos of you, too. I want to show your ugly photos to others."

Gu Sheng said seriously: "That won't do, my wife. If you show my ugly photos to others, they will say you are blind and why you married an ugly man."

Zhan Aiping was speechless: "Then aren't you afraid that people will say you are blind?"

"I am blind, so what? I am a lovesick person."

Zhan Aiping took off her son's bib and threw it at him. She changed the child into a clean one and said, "Stop it. If you keep talking nonsense, I'll throw the diaper away next time."

Gu Sheng approached with a flattering smile: "Don't be angry, my wife. I have kept all your old photos in the bottom of the box. I won't show them to anyone, whether they are good-looking or not. Is that okay? I want to enjoy them all by myself."

"That's more like it." Zhan Aiping smiled and patted his face.

Gu Sheng gritted his teeth: "You wiped my son's saliva on my face."

Zhan Aiping: "Let you two father and son be close to each other."

"I'll let you get close to me too." Gu Sheng held down Zhan Aiping and picked up the spittoon to wipe her face. Zhan Aiping was so angry that she climbed onto Gu Sheng's back and rode on his shoulders.

Gu Sheng hugged her legs: "Now our family is close."

Zhan Aiping said: "I am very angry now. I want to ride on your head and I won't get off."

"You can ride it. Come down when you calm down. I am the lowest class person in the family..."

Zhan Aiping rode on his shoulders, and the two children sat on the bamboo bed and looked at their parents stupidly because their mother suddenly became so tall.

"Today I went to the military hospital and met Zhu Dongxia. She invited me to get together with some old classmates."

Gu Sheng said: "Old classmate, your classmates in the military academy? Are there any I know?"

"I don't know, someone should know you."

Gu Sheng asked: "Male or female?"

"Both men and women. The old Ma she was talking about was a man who once carried me before."

Gu Sheng was jealous, his tone rose: "A man? How did he ever lift you up?"

"You rode on top of him like this too?"

Zhan Aiping: "Carry me on the stretcher. You know we have a competition and we also have a stretcher run."

Two military doctors carrying a wounded soldier on a stretcher are also part of the school's special sports competition.

In order to win first place in the competition, male students usually carry stretchers, while the relatively lighter female students lie on the stretchers to act as the injured.

But this is not an easy task. Some people will do anything to get first place, and the person on the stretcher is at risk of being "bumped" off.

Gu Sheng raised his eyebrows: "... Have you been injured many times?"

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "Of course, I'm also very good at drawing 'scars'. Do you want me to try it on you?"

When they took the military medical competition exam, each of them had to act as a wounded soldier and play the role of whatever role they were drawn to play.

Gu Sheng clicked his tongue twice: "No wonder his acting is so good, it's the result of practice. It wouldn't be bad if he switched to a drama troupe."

Zhan Aiping rubbed his face: "I think you are the same."

"Then you can go and meet up with your old classmates and old comrades."

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "Go brag about marrying a good man."

Gu Sheng smiled and pulled her hand: "This is not bragging, wife, you are wrong, you are telling the truth."

"You tell the truth, it makes people envious."

Zhan Aiping: "They might even want to laugh at me."

Gu Sheng smiled and said, "If you are laughed at and wronged by others, come back and let your fifth brother comfort you."

Zhan Aiping laughed and said, "I will be mad at anyone who laughs at me."

Who doesn't know how to be sarcastic

“I have ambition.”


"Zhan Aiping? Zhan Aiping is here too? Then I want to go and see her." Liu Shi on the phone heard the news about Zhan Aiping and couldn't wait to agree.

"Zhu Dongxia, it's been a while since we classmates got together."

Liu Shi wanted to get together with Zhu Dongxia before, but there was no news from Zhu Dongxia. Now she took the initiative to come to her.

Liu Shi had good conditions. Her family conditions were average, but she was lucky. Liu Shi was assigned to work as a military doctor in the Chuncheng Cadre Sanatorium. This was a good job that everyone envied. The work was easy and not tiring. More importantly, working in the cadre sanatorium, she had the opportunity to meet many big leaders and chiefs, and she never knew when she would hit upon her great fortune.

She hit upon good luck. The man she was dating was also the child of a cadre family. Liu Shi was very satisfied with him and was about to get married. Her man's family knew that she had studied in Shanghai, and recently they got her some imported "Dacron". Liu Shi had made several skirts for him, but she had hardly worn them out. Now that old classmates were meeting, they had to get together.

Liu Shi had been busy dating over the past year and had not heard much other news. Only after hearing what Zhu Dongxia said did she learn that Zhan Aiping was married and had left Shanghai and moved to Yunnan Province.

Liu Shi felt very sad about Zhan Aiping's fate. She had not had much contact with Zhan Aiping before. In her impression, she had always been an excellent student and was always with Teacher Sun. She was highly regarded by the teacher. She stayed in the hospital in Shanghai, and she was afraid that she would become Teacher Sun's last disciple.

But a lot of things happened later, and Liu Shi was not quite clear about what happened exactly. Xue Ningjia also left Shanghai and went to the Northwest. Originally, they were really envied by everyone.

Of course, Liu Shi was not envious. She felt that she was most comfortable being assigned to the regional cadre sanatorium.

Liu Shi was surprised and said, "What? Zhan Aiping got married, and she gave birth to twins. She got married so soon, before me..."

She had only been busy looking for a date for a year, but she didn't expect that her former classmates had already married and had children. Of course, there were others who got married earlier, but... that was Zhan Aiping!

Liu Shi felt that Zhan Aiping was more handsome than all the boys in her class. When she first entered the school, Zhan Aiping stood next to her during the training. Liu Shi looked at her cold and hard profile and thought that although the boy next door was of average height and was promoted to the women's team as a supplement, he had a very handsome face.

Liu Shi was the second to last in the row, and Zhan Aiping was the last. She turned to the right at that time, always looking at Zhan Aiping's face, feeling a little moved. "He" also handed her water to drink. Although his face was cold and cruel, his movements were very gentle. Liu Shi thought that this was the fate given to her by God. They would be a pair of military doctors in the future, saving lives together...

Unexpectedly, within a few days, Liu Shi found out that she was a girl, and his heart immediately broke into pieces.

After that, Liu Shi felt very embarrassed and avoided contact with Zhan Aiping, so in school, they were just ordinary classmates and did not have much interaction.

Now I found out that the person I had a crush on was pregnant and had a child.

Liu Shi hung up the phone, still with an indescribable look on his face.

—She could not imagine what Zhan Aiping would look like when she was pregnant.

Liu Shi told her current boyfriend Zhao Zhiyong that she was going to attend a reunion with her old classmates. "My old classmate from the military academy, Zhu Dongxia, asked me to go. I want to go and get together with him."

When talking about this, Liu Shi's face still looked a little strange.

Zhao Zhiyong asked in confusion: "We are getting together as old classmates. Why are you reacting so strangely? How many people are there?"

Liu Shi said: "About four or five."

"Are they all good acquaintances?"

Liu Shi said casually: "Not bad."

Zhao Zhiyong asked suspiciously, "Is the girl you liked in military school here too?"

When they were dating before, Liu Shi said that she had fallen in love with someone in the military academy, which made Zhao Zhiyong very jealous.

Liu Shi remained silent: "..."

"Really?" Zhao Zhiyong opened his eyes wide: "Then don't go. What's the point of this kind of party? We are both getting married. Do you want to rekindle your old relationship with him?"

Liu Shi waved her hand: "Don't talk nonsense, she is married and has children."

Zhao Zhiyong: "Is he married?"

Liu Shi nodded: "She gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl."

Zhao Zhiyong said in embarrassment: "Then go and meet him."

Liu Shi prepared to wear her most beautiful dress to meet Zhan Aiping. After all, it was her "first girlish heart" back then. She was moved by that handsome face for the first time, so she had to dress up nicely.

Two days before she went to the party, Zhao Zhiyong saw her packing a few beautiful skirts. His eyebrows were so furrowed that they could kill a fly. "How about I go with you?"

Liu Shi refused: "Why are you going? You don't have any vacation time."

"You are dressed up beautifully. Which man are you going to seduce? The one you like? Liu Shi, what on earth do you want to do? You still have the nerve to wear the 'clothes' I gave you to meet that man?"

Liu Shi was speechless: "I didn't say she was a man?"

"Not a man? Didn't you say you liked him before?"

Liu Shi: "Just when school started, I mistook her for a man."

Zhao Zhiyong: “…”

"So I said she gave birth, and oh my god, she gave birth to twins herself, I have to go see this!"

The corner of Zhao Zhiyong's mouth twitched: "I want to follow you to take a look."

He was really curious about what this "female classmate" looked like.

Liu Shi set off and the party was held at Zhu Dongxia's home. Zhu Dongxia married her partner and was allocated a small house with two bedrooms and a living room. It was an apartment building and not very big, but Zhu Dongxia still felt very superior. Living in an apartment building was something that everyone envied these days.

She cleaned the house, picked some fresh flowers, decorated the house, and waited for her classmates to come. There were only five people in this reunion, two men and three women. The two male classmates, Lao Ma mentioned by Zhu Dongxia, Ma Mingan and Qian Zhou, came with the medical team for exchanges. The other three women were Zhu Dongxia, Zhan Aiping and Liu Shi.

When Zhu Dongxia saw her, she was surprised and envious: "Your clothes are really nice, what kind of fabric is this?"

"Dacron, haven't you seen it before?"

"Oh." Zhu Dongxia nodded. She didn't like to contact Liu Shi before, because Liu Shi was assigned to a cadre sanatorium with good working conditions and environment, and she could also meet many old leaders, which made her extremely envious.

Now that Zhan Aiping is here, maybe the two of them will start fighting.

Liu Shi used to be a mediocre person in the class and was always mediocre. But she was really lucky, looked good, and was assigned a good job. Now that she is doing well, she has to show off in front of the once "excellent" Zhan Aiping.

Those who are doing well are all like this, their tone becomes more arrogant, just like the old Ma she had met before.

Not long after Liu Shi arrived, Zhan Aiping also arrived. She brought some candies and biscuits and handed them to Zhu Dongxia, "Zhu Dongxia, your house is very well tidy."

"Is this Liu Shi?"

Liu Shi's jaw dropped to the ground. She was extremely shocked: "You, you, you, you... You are Zhan Aiping?"

Liu Shi looked at the beautiful lady in front of her, she wanted to poke out her own eyes, she doubted her own eyes, doubted her own past...

Zhan Aiping was wearing a light yellow Dacron dress with a waist-hugging design, which made her look slender. Her face was bright and generous, with her long hair tied behind her head. She walked in a graceful and charming manner, making people unforgettable at first sight.

The face is still the same, but—

How did she fall in love with this face in the first place

Zhan Aiping smiled: "You don't recognize me? I'm retired now, and I've changed a lot."

"It's more than just a big change." Liu Shi was in a daze. She felt like she was possessed, and it was unbelievable.

Her first love.

The object of her love back then.

She actually turned from a handsome boy into a beautiful lady.

Which man is so lucky to marry such an outstanding and beautiful beauty.

Seeing Liu Shi's whole body as if struck by lightning, Zhan Aiping blinked, "Is it so unbelievable?"

In school, her relationship with Liu Shi was average and they hardly communicated with each other.

Zhu Dongxia was pouring water on the side. Seeing that both of them were wearing Dacron skirts, she bit her lip, feeling uncomfortable but also expectant. She was expecting them to compete with each other and bite each other.

Isn’t it just a Dacron skirt

She went to get one too.

Liu Shi stared at Zhan Aiping's face and couldn't help asking, "Can I touch your face?"

Zhan Aiping refused: "No."

No one can touch her face except her husband and children.

Liu Shi: "Zhan Aiping, you are so beautiful!"

This time Liu Shi couldn't restrain himself: "I really like you."

She had waited for many years to say these belated words. She really fell in love with the cool and noble young boy at first sight, although it only lasted a few days. Later, she always avoided contact with Zhan Aiping. Now, both of them are going to get married and have children. She can finally say what she didn't say back then.

Looking at Zhan Aiping, who is now dressed as a woman, Liu Shi finds that he still likes this beautiful and bright face very much. Who can not like such a pleasing beauty

Zhan Aiping is even more beautiful than she was back then. Her vision is indeed correct!

Zhan Aiping: “… ?”

She didn't quite understand Liu Shi's excitement.

Liu Shi smiled and said to her, "Zhan Aiping, do you remember? When we were training at the beginning of the semester, I stood next to you. You looked so good at standing at attention. No matter what, you never complained of being tired. Under the scorching sun, I watched the sweat dripping down your face... And you even brought me some water?"

Zhan Aiping vaguely recalled some things from the past: "…did these things happen?"

That was a long time ago, and Zhan Aiping couldn't remember it clearly.

Liu Shi said: "Yes! I thought you were so arrogant at that time!"

Zhan Aiping: “I can’t remember clearly.”

Liu Shi said: "It's okay, I told you, I accidentally stepped on your foot, and you didn't scold me, you just looked at me like that, it was just the first few days, I was really too tired to bear it..."

Liu Shi remembers what happened at that time very clearly. It was her first time in the military academy and she couldn't adapt to the training. She thought at the time that it would be great if she could faint and fall into the arms of "him" beside her.

Zhan Aiping and Liu Shi were sitting there chatting animatedly. Zhan Aiping was just listening to Liu Shi, but she was also very happy to listen. She recalled her military school life with Liu Shi.

Zhu Dongxia was confused as she listened to the two of them chatting animatedly. She remembered that Liu Shi and Zhan Aiping didn't have such a good relationship in the beginning

Did they stand together during military training

The two chatted enthusiastically, as if they were really good classmates. Zhu Dongxia sneered in his heart.

They must be just pretend.

After chatting for a while, Ma Mingan and Qian Zhou came over. They were different from when they were students. Ma Mingan had gained some weight, while Qian Zhou was tall and thin and wore small glasses. They were also very surprised to see Zhan Aiping and Liu Shi.

"Zhan Aiping and Liu Shi?"

"The girls in our class are so pretty. No wonder they say female soldiers are treasures."

In order to support herself, Zhu Dongxia did not cook the food at home for the party. Instead, she booked a table at a state-owned restaurant and had it delivered. She laid out the dishes, and everyone sat down to eat and chat. Ma Mingan and Qian Zhou also had a drink.

Ma Mingan used to be a good guy in school. He had good relationships with people and did well after graduation. He came here with the medical team and was highly regarded by his superiors. Now he is very proud of himself and his tone has become more arrogant.

In terms of career, he felt that he was the one who was doing the best. Qian Zhou was his younger brother when he was around him. As for the three female classmates, Zhu Dongxia was average, Liu Shi was assigned a good job, but her future was another matter. As for Zhan Aiping, she had the best grades and the best job that year, but she ended up being the vice president of a township hospital. Ma Mingan couldn't help but sigh, and he developed an inevitable sense of superiority in front of these women.

What can a woman accomplish

"Zhan Aiping, you were Teacher Sun's favorite student. Why are you here?" Ma Mingan asked mischievously.

When Qian Zhou heard what he said, he thought it was too embarrassing. He gave Ma Mingan a look and asked him to say less.

Zhan Aiping said: "My husband is here. He came with the army."

Qian Zhou said: "I didn't expect you to be the first to take off your military uniform."

Zhan Aiping said: "The world is unpredictable."

Ma Mingan continued to ask her: "Are you still in touch with Teacher Sun?"

When he asked this, everyone's expressions changed. They had more or less heard about some of the things that Zhan Aiping had done before. Zhan Aiping and Teacher Sun had a falling out. Zhu Dongxia had even talked to them about it. Zhan Aiping could have been admitted to the military hospital here, but Teacher Sun found Dean Xu and blocked her outside, telling her to go to the township hospital.

Zhu Dongxia looked up at Zhan Aiping's face, but found that she was very calm and even smiled: "I have contacted her. I called the teacher a few days ago and sent some things."

"The skirt I'm wearing is made of 'Dacron' that my master's wife sent me from Shanghai. This kind of material is not available here."

Liu Shi's eyes lit up: "Yes, the 'Dacron' I'm wearing was also bought by someone in Shanghai. My partner asked someone to buy it for me. We are getting married."

After hearing Liu Shi talking about her boyfriend, Qian Zhou followed her lead and said, "Congratulations, Liu Shi. Your boyfriend is pretty good. He has a good family background and is a nice person."

When talking about this, Zhu Dongxia didn't want to talk much, she just focused on eating.

Liu Shi smiled and said, "Our Pingping is the one who got married well. They were childhood sweethearts and she became the chief of staff of the regiment at a young age. In a few more years, our classmate Zhan will be the wife of the regiment commander."

Zhan Aiping said: "It's the same with you. Hello, your political commissar."

Ma Mingan's face was not looking good. He interrupted and said, "It's better to be a woman. You can marry a good man."

Zhu Dongxia put down his bowl and chopsticks and said, "Gu Xiangyi in our hospital is the younger sister of Zhan Aiping's husband."

“Really?” Ma Ming’an was shocked. He had been in contact with Gu Xiangyi for the past two days and felt that this girl was quite innocent. Later, he vaguely learned about her family background. If he could date someone like her…

Unexpectedly, her biological brother turned out to be Zhan Aiping's husband.

After Zhu Dongxia said this, everyone else had different expressions on their faces. Zhan Aiping understood a lot of things when she saw this, but she was not worried. Gu Xiangyi was a little naive, but she would not be fooled by Ma Mingan. This was thanks to her brother's brainwashing and teaching.

Ma Mingan did not dare to bring up the topic of Zhan Aiping. Zhan Aiping and Liu Shi were chatting enthusiastically. At the end, Liu Shi invited her, "If you go to Chuncheng, you must come to my house and visit."

"Okay." Zhan Aiping agreed. She and Liu Shi had a very good chat today, so she also invited him, "You can also come to my house and sit down."

Liu Shi sighed and said, "It's a pity that I don't have time this time, otherwise I would also like to go to your house to see your twins."

"I haven't met your husband yet."

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "I'll let you meet him when I have a chance."

Before leaving, the two also thanked Zhu Dongxia: "Thank you for your hard work. It's all thanks to you for organizing this class reunion."

They had a very pleasant chat.

Zhu Dongxia: “…”

Anyway, she never wants to have any class reunion again.


Zhan Aiping returned home, and Gu Sheng asked her, "How was the reunion with old classmates?"

Zhan Aiping smiled slightly and said happily: "Not bad."

Gu Sheng frowned: "You had a good chat with your old horse who carried you?"

"What? No, that old Ma is after your sister." Zhan Aiping sighed, "I remember he was a pretty good guy back then."

Zhan Aiping told Gu Sheng what happened at the party.

Gu Sheng came forward and hooked his arm around her shoulders: "People change all the time, good brother, if you are sad, I will lend you my shoulder to lean on."

Zhan Aiping: "Good brother, let's not sleep in the same bed tonight."

"That won't work." Gu Sheng refused to sleep in separate beds.

Zhan Aiping said with a smile: "How can good brothers sleep in the same bed? This is not a bunk bed."

Gu Sheng smiled and hugged her: "My good brother has already become my wife."


After hearing about the reunion from Qian Zhou, Chen Mengxia, who was far away in the Northeast, called Zhan Aiping. They were good classmates who shared upper and lower bunks back then, with Zhan Aiping sleeping on the upper bunk and Chen Mengxia sleeping on the lower bunk.

After graduation, they went their separate ways and haven't kept in touch much since.

"Pingping, you've gone to Yunnan Province."

"I heard you've become very beautiful, I haven't even seen you yet, when will you come to visit Northeast China?"

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "When are you coming to play? It's not cold here in winter, it's very comfortable."

Chen Mengxia: "... Don't tell me and make me jealous."

"I've been frozen like a bear in the winter. Next time we meet, come and have a drinking contest with me. I'm very capable now!"

It's so cold, you must drink a few sips to warm your body when you have the chance.

Zhan Aiping: "… I don't drink, I'm not as capable as you."

Chen Mengxia: "Yes, you are already a mother of two children. Don't be too fertile. When I see you, you may be a mother of four children. I will still be single."

Zhan Aiping: "Impossible, four children, you are the one to raise them."

"No, send me a letter and see what a beautiful lady you have become."

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "Okay, you can also send me a letter and let me see how much you can drink."

Gu Sheng, who was standing by, listened to their conversation on the phone and took the two children home without complaint. Zhan Aiping was still smiling beside him. When they got back to their yard, Gu Sheng said, "I'll invite some old classmates to come over for a get-together someday."

"Let's get together?" Zhan Aiping raised her eyebrows. "Do you want to laugh at your classmates for being blind? Can't you see that you are blind even under the lamp?"

"That's right." Gu Sheng crossed his arms, "They have all seen photos of my wife."

Zhan Aiping's face darkened: "If you mention the photo again, I will beat you up."

Gu Sheng smiled and pinched her face.


By June and July, it was time to eat mushrooms. Zhao Jing and Qin Yanfang got their marriage certificate, and they specially held a mushroom banquet in the hospital to entertain everyone.

Dr. Zhou was particularly worried: "What if our entire hospital gets poisoned?"

"If you get caught, it's over."

Doctor Zhao said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

They were all edible common mushrooms, and Dr. Zhao was not crazy enough to disrupt his own wedding.

Zhan Aiping smiled and congratulated: "Congratulations."

Qin Yanfang: "Thanks to you, the matchmaker."

"Pot-fried pork and small glutinous rice balls have grown so big."

Although she didn't want to accept it, Zhan Aiping still got a small red envelope from the matchmaker. Her two children were carried to the newlyweds' bed and rolled around. "Be careful, don't let them drool."

The two children are already more than half a year old. They are very "chubby" after eating. Now they are still very attached to their mother. They rolled on the bed and huddled towards their mother.

Zhan Aiping carried them both into the stroller.

Dean Hao came up and stood in the corridor on the third floor and looked around: "That's great. You two can get married. It's convenient. You don't have to move."

Zhao Jing and Qin Yanfang were neighbors when they drew lots, and both of them had single rooms. Now that they are married, their two houses are connected to each other, so they don't have to move and can just use them as their new home.

Qin Yanfang said, "We can only live here for a few years. When we have children, it will be crowded. Director, when will our hospital build a new residential building? You see, a group of new people will be coming soon, and we will definitely lack housing in the future. When can we move into a two-bedroom, one-living room, or three-bedroom, one-living room apartment..."

Dean Hao said: "Just wait, I think our good days are still ahead."

Since the beginning of this year, the international situation has undergone tremendous changes, and the domestic situation is the same. With the normalization of diplomatic relations with several countries, the country has established diplomatic relations with many countries one after another. Most recently, it has to restore its legitimate seat in the World Health Organization.

Their domestic medical and health care industry will surely flourish.

After attending Qin Yanfang's wedding banquet, Zhan Aiping took her two children and went back with Qin Lanfang. The men went out for training, so Zhan Aiping moved into Captain Jiang's house and lived with Qin Lanfang and Shen Liqing. The three of them lived together.

Shen Liqing and Qin Lanfang are approaching their due date, and they don't know when they will give birth, so someone has to look after them. In addition to the three of them living together, there is also a nurse, Xiao Zhao.

Shen Liqing was particularly worried: "If you want to have a baby, hurry up and have it. Isn't it easy to have premature birth when pregnant with twins? Why haven't I given birth yet?"

Qin Lanfang touched her belly and said, "Your belly is really not easy."

Shen Liqing: "I have two big fat fish at home."

"These two fish are very active."

(End of this chapter)