Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 60: Poaching


She is like a confused top student.

When Zhan Aiping was young, everyone around her told her that she would become an excellent female soldier like her mother. She thought so too, and in order not to disappoint her mother, she had been working towards this goal.

However, she rebelled and made mistakes halfway through her studies. She became a female military doctor and met her teacher. In order to live up to her teacher's expectations, she worked hard to become an excellent surgeon and inherit her teacher's legacy.

Many times, she never thought about whether she liked doing this or not. She just pushed herself forward and made efforts without any slackness. If she relaxed for a moment, she would criticize herself with the harshest words. Countless scoldings from her mother would appear in her mind, and all the words that had been engraved in her heart would burst out...

She constantly pushed herself and became an excellent person, but sometimes she felt confused about these things.

For example, why should she become an outstanding person? Why should she keep running forward? She often envied those who stood under the bridge and quietly looked at the lake, just looking at the scenery without moving, without using their brains, without being tired or busy, and quietly enjoying the most leisurely moment.

What on earth is she so busy about

Is this really what she wants

No one is truly an iron man. The boredom and exhaustion accumulated countless times made her think of failure and escape. She was really tired, but she couldn't let her mother down, couldn't let her teacher down, but her heart was empty and tired.

All it took was the last straw to break the camel's back. She had been depressed for a while. Escape was not the solution to the problem. Depression, escape, and becoming a mediocre person also caused her inner pain and torture.

After being idle for a long time, I will want to find something to do. I will miss the days when I was busy like a top and miss those fulfilling times.

Later, she picked up the study of traditional Chinese medicine. She was just flipping through it casually at first, and did not ask herself to make any achievements or achieve any kind of success. There was no whip behind her, and no one expected her to become a good traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, let alone praise her for her talent in this area...

The various theories and principles of Chinese medicine were like a fog, which made her feel frustrated and unable to understand them at the beginning. However, she just kept on working on them. Every time she understood a principle and solved a problem, she would feel endless joy. Such happiness came from the heart. She regarded herself as an unknown and clumsy beginner, without the pride of being a spoiled child. She visited famous doctors everywhere, communicated with people, and learned by stumbling... Until one day, before she knew it, she found that she had become a great doctor inadvertently.

Everything just happened naturally.

Looking back on the whole process, she is still happy. She did not set a lofty goal for herself, nor did she push herself all the time, but she still reached a position that ordinary people could hardly reach.

"Pingping, you can be lazy sometimes. Don't push yourself too hard. Don't take everything on yourself. You are not an iron man. Look at you. You have two children, you have to be the vice president, you have to practice traditional Chinese medicine, and you even want to perform surgery... Do you have so many clones? You have never complained to me, my wife. I feel sorry for you."

Zhan Aiping smiled slightly. She looked at Gu Sheng in front of her, looking at that handsome face as before. She remembered how he looked from childhood to adulthood. She raised her hand and touched his handsome face. "If someone else said these words to me, I would still feel a little comforted, but you are Gu Sheng."

Gu Sheng: “?”

Zhan Aiping: "As expected, you are our mortal enemy. You just want to trick me into being lazy, and then you secretly work hard to surpass me, right?"

Gu Sheng: "... You discovered all this?"

"When you become a regiment commander or a division commander in the future, I will still be the vice president of a rural hospital. You will definitely laugh at me." Zhan Aiping thought to herself, you are so stubborn yourself, so why should you persuade others not to be stubborn.

Gu Sheng smiled helplessly and said, "I really don't laugh at you."

Zhan Aiping: "Anyway, relax. I will laugh at you. I told you before that I am very ambitious. I want to be the wife of a regiment commander, the wife of a division commander, and the wife of a general."

Gu Sheng: "... Just spur me on mercilessly. We are an iron couple."

Zhan Aiping couldn't help laughing: "Then let's just be a pair of spring couples, with a good balance between tension and relaxation. I know, you don't have to worry. Although I choose to stay in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, I will not give up anything else. I will seize any opportunity I have."

Whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, whether it is surgery or internal medicine, aren't they all called doctors

Learning never ends.

Zhan Aiping leaned in Gu Sheng's arms and complained, "Studying medicine is so tiring and hard. Look at those who are losing their hair, most of them are doctors. Those chief physicians are all bald."

His hair became thinner, grayer, and older, and he grew into a person who gained more trust from his patients.

Gu Sheng: "Being a soldier is so tiring and hard. When I entered the military academy, I regretted every day why I entered this school. Why didn't I join the drama troupe?"

Zhan Aiping nodded: "Yes, why don't you go to the drama troupe?"

Gu Sheng: "Isn't it that you didn't go? You said you wanted to be an excellent female soldier, so I must be better than you."

Zhan Aiping: "! You really told the truth. I won't give you the chance to succeed."

"When encountering setbacks on the road ahead, everyone will regret it, and even want to give up. But Zhan Da Pingping, you are my motivation to move forward. I will surpass you, and next time we meet, I will crush you, laugh at you, and show off in front of you. As for me, I will reach your former goal, and when I stand at the end of the goal, I will make you look up to me with envy."

Zhan Aiping: "Now I have changed to another track. I don't envy you. You envy me. I will become an excellent and respected doctor. Look around the nearby towns. Do more people know me or you?"

"I will receive so many more banners of thanks in the future that I won't be able to hang them all over my house."

Gu Sheng crossed his arms and said, "Then let's wait and see."

Zhan Aiping said: "I want to strive for progress! I want to be better than you!"

Gu Sheng smiled and said, "I'll wait."

Zhan Aiping smiled and hit him with her elbow: "It feels so good to say harsh words to you."

Gu Sheng sighed, "After I finish speaking harsh words to you, I'm going to take care of the kids."

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "Go ahead. I'll leave the two babies in your care."

Gu Sheng went to take care of the two children. Zhan Aiping left the office and went to the Chinese medicine clinic to receive patients. When it was almost noon, something happened in the hospital.

The noise came from the kitchen behind the canteen.

"First aid, first aid, first aid!"

"So much blood?"

"How did you do that?"

"Oh my god, catching a kitchen knife with bare hands?"

Qin Lanfang has not returned home since giving birth. In the hospital kitchen, another assistant chef, Lao Li, is cooking a big pot of food. When he was cutting vegetables today, the kitchen knife fell from the chopping board and almost hit his foot, so he subconsciously "caught the knife with his bare hands" and caught it right on the blade, and blood gushed out in an instant.

His instep was protected, but this hand...

The entire palm was almost split in half, with the bone visible. The hospital corridor was covered in blood and people were howling in pain.

People outside were talking about it: "How did you get your hand cut by a kitchen knife?"

"I was just scared. There was so much blood."

"If the kitchen knife falls, it will hit your foot, right?"

"That's good now. My foot is fine, but my hand is."

Zhan Aiping went over to deal with the wound, performing emergency cleaning and suturing. Liu Sheliang and two others helped her. She was busy for several hours and didn't even have time to eat lunch.

When the treatment was over, Master Li was still wailing: "Will my hand recover? Can I still move it?"

Zhan Aiping said: "The suturing was successful, don't worry."

"I… I was so stupid, I might as well have let it fall on my foot, I didn't think at the time-"

Master Li is not a professional chef. He is from a nearby village. He just comes to help cook two meals and stir-fry some home-cooked dishes. He used to work with Qin Lanfang as an assistant, and the two of them maintained the canteen kitchen together.

Now that the hospital has more staff and an inpatient department, many patients' families also come to buy meals. This small kitchen has become a big kitchen, and Master Li made a mistake in a hurry.

Zhan Aiping comforted him with a few words, and turned around to see Gu Sheng carrying the food.

Zhan Aiping and Gu Sheng returned to the office. The blood on her sleeves had dried and turned black. She went to disinfect and changed into a white coat. Gu Sheng pushed the stroller. The food was still hot. Zhan Aiping asked, "Is it from the cafeteria? Who cooked the food in the cafeteria today?"

Gu Sheng raised his hand: "Me."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

She smiled and said, "A soldier who doesn't want to be a cook is not a good general. Have you ever heard that the strongest fighting force is the kitchen team?"

Gu Sheng: "Your dean asked me to help in the cafeteria in the evening."

Zhan Aiping took two bites of rice and agreed: "Go ahead, the big pot rice you cooked is delicious."

When we went to the cafeteria in the evening, we found it was crowded. A large group of people came with bowls to join in the fun. Gu Sheng held a big spoon and distributed food to everyone one by one. Zhan Aiping also lined up with a bowl.

People around were chatting: "Is there a new cook in our hospital?"

"That's the vice-president's husband."


Qin Yanfang and Zhao Jing and his wife did not cook at home. They came with their rice bowls and food coupons. Zhan Aiping said, "You are too lazy."

Qin Yanfang said: "We must try the dishes cooked by the vice president's wife."

Zhao Jing said: "It smells so good!"

Zhan Aiping was standing in line, and when it was her turn, she handed the bowl over, and a "chef" scooped two large spoonfuls for her without any shaking hands. Zhan Aiping was very happy and smiled at the chef.

Gu Sheng finished distributing the food and sat next to her. "Eat more. You look so thin."

Zhan Aiping: "I look thin when I'm dressed, but I look muscular when I'm undressed."

Gu Sheng: "... Shut up, speak softly, only I can hear this."

"Okay." Zhan Aiping ate her meal obediently, and went back to "home" with him and the child. They did not return to the camp, but stayed in the hospital, in the bungalow assigned to Zhan Aiping.

Gu Sheng had dried the quilts during the day, and now he went to make the beds and put the two chubby little kids on them. Zhan Aiping sat for a while, wrote some case materials, and then also lay down on the bed without moving.

Gu Sheng was busy cleaning the house for her.

Gu Sheng: "You really have quite a few places where you can hide your filth."

Zhan Aiping said: "There is no need to clean the unused areas so diligently."

"That's true." Gu Sheng picked up the feather duster and said, "I'll help you clean it up so you don't have to suffer next time."

Zhan Aiping said without any guilt: "This is also your home, how come you are helping me clean it?"

"Yes, I was wrong."

Gu Sheng helped her clean up the house quickly. Zhan Aiping picked up the children, adjusted their positions, and fed them for a while. Her two silly kids were quite well-behaved. They seldom cried and knew how to entertain themselves.

"Gu Sheng, I've noticed that you seem to have a bad relationship with the hospital. Every time you come to the hospital, you're drafted."

He had been conscripted into the military hospital before, and this time he was conscripted again to serve as a cook.

Zhan Aiping gently stroked the back of the child's head: "Xiao Qin told me today that if you don't want to be a soldier, you can definitely have a bright future as a cook."

"To be honest, I would rather marry a cook than a soldier, so that you can cook three meals a day and take care of the kids at home every day."

Gu Sheng threw away the rag and said, "What are you dreaming about? I am a good soldier of the new era with ideals and goals. I cook for you at home every day. Am I waiting for you to laugh at me?"

Zhan Aiping: "When you become the top chef of a state-owned restaurant, my children and I will be proud of you."

"You can be proud of me now. Take out the medals of honor in my house and count them slowly."

Zhan Aiping: "Don't think you're the only one who has it, I have it too!"

"I still have my mom's. I grew up playing with my mom's medals."

Gu Sheng smiled and said, "You are really amazing. Not only do you have your own, but you also have your mother's, and your husband's."

Zhan Aiping: "It's a pity that mine is the least. I don't like to see this. Let's compete for silk banners in the future."

Gu Sheng: "We have a lot of silk banners in our group."

Zhan Aiping: "It's a personal one. The day before yesterday, a township cadre I cured said he wanted to give me a banner."

Gu Sheng: "You are just being formalistic."

The couple talked for a while, and Gu Sheng cleaned the house and removed the cobwebs in the corners. He took a shower and lay comfortably beside Zhan Aiping, watching her and the two children.

Zhan Aiping said to him, "The kids bit me today, you should teach these two idiots a lesson."

Gu Sheng said gently and lovingly: "Don't call me stupid boy, what if I really become stupid?"

Zhan Aiping: "Okay, help me teach them a lesson."

Gu Sheng reasoned with the children: "You two idiots, don't bite your mother in the future. When you grow up and dare to bully your mother, Dad will make you write a letter of apology."

Sweet and sour pork and Xiao Tangyuan were sitting there carefree. After listening to their father, they tried to crawl forward on the bed with their hands. They wanted to crawl to their mother.

Zhan Aiping: “…”

"You really have a good way of educating people, Comrade Gu."

Gu Sheng smiled: "Thank you so much."

Zhan Aiping smiled and patted him, "What apology letter should I write? In the future, you should teach your children how to write a apology letter. Just write "Respected Mom and Dad". I write this apology letter with an extremely heavy heart..."

Gu Sheng raised his eyebrows: "It seems that you have a lot of experience in writing self-criticisms."

Zhan Aiping: "You have a lot of experience in writing self-criticisms. I always listen to others read self-criticisms, I never write one."

"Good, excellent Pingping."

Zhan Aiping lay down and handed the two children to him, "Hurry up and put them to sleep. Daddy will sing a lullaby for them."

Gu Sheng asked: "Why doesn't mom sing?"

Zhan Aiping: "Mom's singing is out of tune, so she can't lead her children astray."

Gu Sheng had no choice but to lower his head and sing to coax the two children to sleep. However, the two children did not fall asleep. Zhan Aiping fell asleep first listening to his bass voice, while Sweet and Sour Pork and Little Tangyuan became more energetic as they listened.

They also waved their arms and legs and made "ba ba ba um hum ba ba" sounds, imitating their father's accent and voice, and wanted to sing along.

Although they were out of tune and went all over the place, they felt good about themselves.

But my mother had already closed her eyes and fell into a sound sleep.

Gu Sheng: "...Are you two going to sleep or not?"

This was not the ending he wanted.

The two kids were happily singing “Ba, Um, Hum”, just like Zhan Aiping when she was a child, who loved to sing even though her singing was bad.

Gu Sheng frowned: "One of the two children must look like me, right?"

It's impossible that they are all as out of tune as his mother.

When Zhan Aiping woke up the next day, she felt refreshed and said to Gu Sheng happily, "Daddy, please sing me a lullaby next time. I slept soundly."

Gu Sheng refused: "I won't sing anymore."

"I'll make you sing even if you don't sing."

Gu Sheng went to make breakfast, and Zhan Aiping fed the two children for more than ten minutes. Now that the two children are old enough, she only feeds them once in the morning and once in the evening, once when they wake up in the morning and once before going to bed at night. She also feeds them rice porridge, vegetable puree, meat puree, egg custard, and lets them eat some teething biscuits.

"Call mom when you are full."

"Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba--" Sweet and Sour Pork made this explosive sound that made him happy with his mouth. After his father came back, he learned many Ba Ba sounds and now his mouth is full of Ba Ba Ba.

Zhan Aiping said to Gu Sheng: "Your son is really annoying and noisy."

Gu Sheng smiled and said, "If he calls me mom, he will stop quarreling, right?"

"Did you secretly ask the child to call you dad again yesterday?"

Gu Sheng: "The one who is close to the water gets the moon first. I have to teach more. It's rare that I can spend a whole day with the children."

Zhan Aiping said, "I'll let you catch a few more moons. Comrade Gu's task today is to look after the children. Remember to make the teething biscuits for the children. They were eaten yesterday."

"Okay." Gu Sheng sighed: "I'm here to be a cook in your hospital."

Qin Lanfang is still resting and recuperating at home. Master Li is injured. If they want to continue cooking in the hospital, they have to find a cook, otherwise they will have to let the hospital staff take over.

Zhan Aiping thought of Jiang Meihui and wondered if she was willing to come to the hospital to help. Zhan Aiping told Dean Hao about it, and Dean Hao was very supportive: "The food is delicious, right? I hope it's a delicious one. Ever since Xiao Qin's sister gave birth, the food in the cafeteria has not been very good. Food is the most important thing for people. If the food is not delicious, it will not be enjoyable to eat."

"Your husband is a good cook. You are blessed."

Zhan Aiping said: "I'll go ask Jiang Xiaomei if she's willing."

Dean Hao said: "The task of recruiting talents for our hospital is now given to you."

Zhan Aiping and Gu Sheng went home early with their children after work. Gu Sheng said to Zhan Aiping, "An old comrade is coming over for dinner tonight. Let's treat him well."

Zhan Aiping asked him: "What old comrade? Do I know him?"

"You know me? You've met me before." Gu Sheng said, "We participated in a competition together."

"Really? What's your name?"

"Liang Haiqing."

Zhan Aiping shook her head, "I don't know him well, I don't have much impression of him."

"Maybe you can remember it after we met. It hasn't been that many years."

Zhan Aiping: “… I hope so.”

The two returned home. Gu Sheng, the responsible cook, prepared to cook at home. Zhan Aiping went to the Jiang family and found Jiang Meihui. Jiang Meihui had made some hairy tofu, which had grown fluffy mycelium. When Jiang Meihui saw her, she said she wanted to give her some. "Doctor Zhan, wait a minute. I'll prepare it for you."

"Thank you, Meihui, your cooking skills are really good." Zhan Aiping doesn't like tofu very much, but she still thanks Jiang Meihui for her kindness. She prefers stinky tofu and tofu pudding, and her favorite is spiced dried tofu.

"Meihui, can you make some spiced dried tofu next time?"

Jiang Meihui responded: "Okay, I'll try it next time. Oops, I made too much tofu, I have to give it all away."

"Meihui, let me tell you something." Zhan Aiping took the Mao tofu she handed over and continued, "We are short of a cook in the canteen of the health center. Do you want to work there?"

"Canteen? I'm familiar with the job of a cook, but I've never worked it in an office." Jiang Meihui took out a bag of beans and chewed them. She always had a lot of food around her.

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "Do you want to do it? You can try it for a while."

Jiang Meihui: "I really want to try it."

Zhan Aiping nodded: "That's great, let's try it tomorrow and let everyone have a taste of your cooking skills."

"Okay." Jiang Meihui agreed, and then she asked Zhan Aiping in a low voice: "Does your hospital have any young male doctors, unmarried ones? No old barefoot doctors."

Zhan Aiping said, "You came at a good time. There are several young male doctors here. I wonder if they have a partner, but none of them are married."

Jiang Meihui said: "Then I have to go and take a look. If there is someone I like, Vice President, please be my matchmaker."

Zhan Aiping said: "Go and see if there is anyone you like first."

"Okay, I want to find a doctor as my partner now." Jiang Meihui was very happy.

Zhan Aiping smiled. She returned home. Gu Sheng asked her, "How is it going? Did you agree?"

Zhan Aiping: "Yes, your job as a chef is gone."

Gu Sheng: "I still have to cook for you at home. When people come later, please help to greet them."


Liang Haiqing is a tall and thin man. He is also assigned to the army in Yunnan Province. He came here on a business trip and heard that Gu Sheng and Zhan Aiping were married and even had a child, so he came to take a look.

Liang Haiqing sighed: "How much did you two quarrel at the beginning? You can still get married?"

At first, the two men were almost fighting in front of him.

"You two even wrote a letter of apology together. I still remember it."

Gu Sheng: “…”

Zhan Aiping: “…”

The two of them not only have a friendship of fighting together, but also a friendship of writing apologies together.

Liang Haiqing's arrival reminded Zhan Aiping of some of his past memories. He also brought a group photo with the three of them. Zhan Aiping asked curiously, "You still have this photo? I forgot about it."

"Yes, it was only Lao Chen and I who had it. You two were stubborn at the time and didn't want it."

Gu Sheng put down the spatula and quickly squeezed over to take a look. He asked in confusion, "It's a good photo. Why didn't I want it in the first place?"

Zhan Aiping said: "Who knows why you don't want it."

Liang Haiqing said: "Because you two were arguing at the time, so neither of you wanted it."

Zhan Aiping and Gu Sheng: "..."

"Yes, later on Lao Chen and I kept them. Now that you two are married, I think I should return these two photos to you two. This is fate after all."

"Are you two still arguing now?"

Liang Haiqing's eyes were on Gu Sheng and Zhan Aiping. When he saw the apron on Gu Sheng, he fell silent. His eyes turned to Zhan Aiping. She was not wearing a military uniform now. Her skin was whiter, she had long black hair, and a pretty face. She was more beautiful than that movie star.

When he saw this, he became even more silent.

Gu Sheng said: "She is my leader now, how dare I quarrel with her?"

Liang Haiqing said: "Gu Sheng, you are quite a thief. You got a great bargain by marrying such a beautiful wife who is also a cultured person."

"If I knew that quarreling could bring such benefits, I would also catch a female soldier to quarrel with, and I would be willing to write as many apologies as possible."

Gu Sheng: "I have been raised here since I was little, you can't catch me."

Liang Haiqing sighed: "When your doctor Zhan was angry with you, I should have gone to comfort her. Who knows, the outcome might have been different."

He also wanted to be assigned by this organization.

Gu Sheng: "Do you want me to kick you out?"

"Don't think about my wife."

"Tsk." Liang Haiqing clicked his tongue several times in a row: "You are so angry, you must have quarreled with her on purpose back then, you are still a thief, you will do anything to get a wife."

Gu Sheng said: "Of course, this is the meat I have been dreaming about since I was a child."

Zhan Aiping said, "Lao Liang, don't listen to what he says, but - why is your voice like this?"

Liang Haiqing's voice is very hoarse, even more awkward than a duck's voice.

Liang Haiqing coughed and cleared his throat: "It's like this after I trained a few recruits. I have recurring pharyngitis. Just drink more tea. I drink tea all the time now."

Liang Haiqing loves drinking tea. Even when he visited Gu Sheng's house this time, he brought a set of purple pottery teapots and cups as a gift. "After I came here, I fell in love with drinking tea. This teapot is for you two. Come and make a pot of Pu'er tea."

Zhan Aiping took the teapot and said, "Lao Liang, why don't you leave tomorrow? I'll go to the hospital and get you some medicine to cure your throat."

Liang Haiqing waved his hand: "It's useless, don't waste your time, just drink more water."

Zhan Aiping: "I'll prescribe some Chinese medicine for you."

Liang Haiqing looked at Gu Sheng and smiled: "How come your wife knows Chinese medicine?"

Gu Sheng said: "He is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, absolutely genuine."

"Really?" Liang Haiqing looked at Zhan Aiping: "I remember you said before that you don't believe in Chinese medicine."

"They say those are some bullshit names, and they're just lies."

Zhan Aiping blinked her eyes: "Did I say that? You must have remembered it wrongly."

She scratched her head and pretended not to understand: "Maybe it was because I just started learning at that time, I really couldn't understand it, so I felt confused."

Liang Haiqing laughed: "That's right, I don't understand that either."

Gu Sheng said: "My wife reads all kinds of medical books now. She is a real Chinese medicine doctor and has a medical license. If you don't believe me, go and see. Her study is full of her medical books."

"Really? I've never seen a doctor's study." Liang Haiqing went to their study to take a look and saw rows of medical books, which made him feel overwhelmed. "This, this, gives me a headache. I get a headache just looking at it."

"Your doctor Zhan is so beautiful and smart. If you ask me to read these books, I will never finish them even if you kill me."

Liang Haiqing had dinner at their home and stayed overnight. The next day, Zhan Aiping asked him to take a few packets of medicine with him and told him, "Follow the doctor's orders."

Liang Haiqing smiled and said, "Gu Sheng, look at your wife. If you are sick in the future, she will treat you. You can't do without medicine."

Gu Sheng said: "That's not the case. I don't even have cigarettes to smoke right now."

Liang Haiqing said with a smile: "It's better not to have a wife to take care of me."

Gu Sheng: "I just like my wife to take care of me."

"You can be proud if you are proud, but don't say it out loud and make others jealous."

Zhan Aiping went to work at the hospital, and Jiang Meihui followed her to work to cook. She was familiar with making big pot meals, and Jiang Meihui cooked a meal that won praise from everyone in the hospital.

"It smells good. Very good."

Doctor Zhou said, "It's fine in the future. We won't cook at home anymore. We can just eat in the cafeteria."

His wife Meng Xiaoyun was not happy: "Why, do you still dislike what I did?"

Doctor Zhou said: "This is not to let you relax."

The health center has a new cook who can cook delicious dishes. Everyone is relaxed. Jiang Meihui is also very happy. She thinks the environment of the hospital is very good. Jiang Meihui said to Zhan Aiping: "I like the climate here. I'll find a local to marry. The mountains are green and the water is blue. I saw a lot of mountains along the way."

Zhan Aiping: "Don't think that everything will go as planned."

Zhan Aiping guessed that Jiang Meihui might be attracted to the big-headed guy in the surgery department, as he was the only one who suited her aesthetic taste. However, Jiang Meihui came to the hospital to stir pots and pick up spoons, so she was not in a hurry to find a partner.

She is also a foodie. After getting familiar with the place for a while, and with Captain Jiang coming back to take care of his wife personally, Jiang Meihui has more free time. She makes an appointment with Qin Yanfang and her husband to go up the mountain to pick mushrooms and dig bamboo shoots.

"Eating is much more important than men." Jiang Meihui is very aware. Although she wants to find a partner, she is not in a hurry to find one. After all, she has been single for so many years.

Qin Yanfang supported: "That's right, eating is more important than men."

Zhao Jing said: "Are you, who has been eating pumpkin soup for several years, qualified to speak?"

Qin Yanfang sighed and said, "Luckily we found a good cook. From now on, our children will eat in the hospital cafeteria."

Zhao Jing smiled and said, "Luckily I didn't get transferred last year."

Qin Yanfang said, "Meihui, you have to be careful when eating mushrooms. Don't eat them carelessly. You are not from here, so you should ask Zhao Jing to take a look before you eat them. Don't eat them carelessly, especially those that look good. Stay away from them."

Jiang Meihui said: "Okay, don't worry, I cherish my life."

Jiang Meihui ran to Zhan Aiping and said, "It's better to be a relative of your doctor. You see, if I got poisoned by eating mushrooms, Doctor Zhao would treat me directly."

"I won't be afraid of getting a stomachache anymore."

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "It's better not to get an upset stomach."

Jiang Meihui came to work happily. She was thinking of making tofu to eat in the hospital. There were many people in the hospital, and making the tofu in one go would be just enough for them to eat.

Three days after Liang Haiqing passed away, he called Gu Sheng to thank Zhan Aiping: "The Chinese medicine your doctor Zhan prescribed is very useful. I drank three doses and my throat is healed. It's amazing."

"I'll send you some specialties next time."

Gu Sheng returned home and told Zhan Aiping about this matter, "Wife, he also asked you to give him a prescription and give it to others to treat it."

Zhan Aiping said: "This prescription can't be given randomly, and the medicine can't be taken randomly. That's a dosage specially made for Lao Liang, and it may not have the same effect on others."

Traditional Chinese medicine has always been about treating different people differently, based on syndrome differentiation. The same dose of medicine will produce different effects in people with different body constitutions.

Gu Sheng said: "Don't all those miracle doctors have prescriptions that can cure all diseases? Why don't you have one?"

Zhan Aiping said with a smile: "So that's the fake 'miracle doctor'."

"Only liars can boast so much."

Zhan Aiping brewed a pot of Pu'er tea in the purple clay teapot given by Liang Haiqing. Their family had a lot of tea leaves, but Zhan Aiping and Gu Sheng didn't like drinking tea very much. Her brother had also given her a lot of first spring tea from the ancient trees in the old village, but she was reluctant to drink it and decided to wait until she could store it for ten or eight years and preserve it as an antique tea.

Speaking of tea, Zhan Aiping thought of a new tea export branch that was established here this year. The production of Seven-Seed Tea Cakes will be resumed soon. This place is not far from the tea factory. Although the couple don't like drinking tea very much, they can consider buying a few Seven-Seed Tea Cakes every year to take home. It would be nice to use it to visit relatives and friends or to keep it as a collection.

There is a year printed on the tea cakes, and keeping them year after year brings a bit of stamp collecting joy.

When the child grows up, you can still say to him, "My child, this is the tea produced in the year you were born."

At that time, the price of good tea was not expensive. For example, the later 88qing tea had a factory price of only four yuan per cake in the 1980s, but could be sold for more than 100,000 yuan later.

"Gu Sheng, come and have some tea!" Zhan Aiping called Gu Sheng over for some tea. She only drank a small cup. She didn't like the taste of tea, nor did she hate it. She just liked the feeling of being pretentious while making tea.

Most of the time she was too lazy to make tea and would only drink milk.

Gu Shengniu chewed the peony in one gulp and gave it to her to drink, quenching her thirst.

Zhan Aiping: “…”

It was really a spoiler to see them drinking tea together.

This place produces tea and coffee, but they just don't like to drink either.

Jiang Meihui started working in the cafeteria of the health center. Captain Jiang came to find Gu Sheng. He was on vacation recently and was at home taking care of his wife, so the only one who could come to look for him was Captain Jiang. Captain Jiang called Gu Sheng to the corner of the yard.

Gu Sheng: "Captain, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Captain Jiang whispered, "Your wife is very good at poaching people."

"I have to admit that she is good at poaching people. She always succeeds. Captain Luo's previous wife was sent to the hospital by her. My wife and my sister were all poached by her. Now they are all loyal to your wife."

"My sister used to praise me every day, but now she keeps saying all Dr. Zhan is good or bad. What do you think is going on?"

Gu Sheng smiled and said, "My wife was born with a hoe in her arms, and she's good at poaching people."

Captain Jiang: “…”

Gu Sheng said with a smile: "You are not jealous of my wife, are you?"

"Just take care of your wife and don't flirt with other people's wives and sisters."

Gu Sheng was speechless: "Take care of your wife and younger sister, don't mess with my wife."

"Just kidding, I'm thanking your wife from the bottom of my heart."

Captain Jiang looked at him and smiled: "Come on, come on, I have a good job for you to do."

When Gu Sheng saw his look, he felt that something bad was going to happen.

(End of this chapter)