Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 65: Roses


Hearing Jiang Meihui say this, Zhan Aiping just smiled faintly and said nothing more, because she knew that Jiang Meihui must be very sad in her heart, but she has been hurt for a long time, so she doesn't say it out loud, and there is no need to expose it.

Who doesn't want to be liked and cared for by someone

Zhan Aiping grabbed her hand and comforted her silently.

After returning to the family compound, Zhan Aiping cut three beautiful red roses in her own yard. She didn't know what variety Uncle Zhang's red roses were. Perhaps it was a new variety that was hybridized and had not been named yet. But it was indeed bright red and beautiful, and had strong vitality. After a long journey and being buried in the ground again, it was still blooming vigorously. Today, several buds are about to open.

Its color is deep like fire.

After removing the thorns, Zhan Aiping gave the three roses in her hand to Jiang Meihui. Jiang Meihui held them in her hands, and two round dimples appeared on her cheeks. Jiang Meihui said sincerely: "Doctor Zhan, the flowers in your house are so beautiful and fragrant."

The beauty and fragrance of the flowers made Jiang Meihui happy. The fresh petals had a texture of red velvet. Zhan Aiping sprayed some water on them, and the crystal water droplets sparkled under the red sunset.

Jiang Meihui's mood suddenly brightened up.

"I like flowers. Even in this month, there are still green and fresh flowers everywhere. I am very happy."

Zhan Aiping waved her hand and said, "When my flowers are successfully grafted, I'll give you one."

The three rose plants she had snatched up were all excellent breeding mother plants. They were strong and healthy, and were expected to have strong ability to produce offspring.

Jiang Meihui glanced at the rose that was waiting to die without blooming at Zhan Aiping's house. Although she didn't hold out hope, she was still very happy: "Okay, I'll wait."

Zhan Aiping noticed Jiang Meihui's gaze. After Jiang Meihui left, Zhan Aiping stared at the rose that was doomed to die. She took out a pair of scissors and pruned it. If it continued to die and did not bloom, she would pull it out.

Survival of the fittest, if it doesn't bloom, don't show up in her yard.

Zhan Aiping turned around and looked at the other three large rose seedlings. She was in such a good mood that she could even eat an extra bowl of rice tonight.

She is a heartless woman. She likes whichever flower blooms best.

Gu Sheng took two full days to come back. As soon as he got home, he quickly took a shower and changed his clothes. His eyes were full of fatigue, and he was busy cooking for Zhan Aiping.

Zhan Aiping felt sorry for him when she saw him like this. "Why don't you stop doing it for now and sit down for a while to rest. I'll give you a massage."

Gu Sheng's peach blossom eyes overflowed with smiles. He turned his head to look at Zhan Aiping and hugged her. "Wait a moment, I can't let you go hungry, just for a moment."

Zhan Aiping hugged him from behind and said honestly, "I missed you."

"I'm treated so well after I got home? My wife, you've become so clingy and proactive."

These two days, Zhan Aiping suddenly realized that she had responded too little to Gu Sheng's feelings. She was always a very passive person in relationships, except for the one time she took the initiative that night. Since then, it was Gu Sheng who took the initiative most of the time. He always expressed his love and care for her.

Influenced by her mother since childhood, she obviously cares about him and obviously loves him very much, but she doesn't know how to express her feelings in a gentle way.

It was not until much later, when she heard about those things from other people's memories, that she realized how much her mother loved her.

Zhan Aiping rubbed his back and said, "Maybe people just like to be humble. I feel a little annoyed when you are around me every day, and I miss you so much after not seeing you for a while."

Gu Sheng smiled and said, "No wonder they say a short absence is better than a new marriage."

“That’s indeed the truth.”

Zhan Aiping nudged him and said, "Don't do stupid things for the sake of benefits. If you can avoid distinction, then don't make it."

Gu Sheng: "Your fifth brother is not that stupid. I wish I could stick to my wife every day."

"You can't drive me away even if you chase me away."

Gu Sheng simply cooked three or four dishes, and the couple sat around the table to eat. The "Xiantian" brother and sister next to them were about to have their own seats. They had a pot-fried pork dish and a small glutinous rice ball, so they were also called the Xiantian brother and sister.

After dinner, Zhan Aiping asked Gu Sheng to sit on a chair and massaged his shoulders. She also massaged the area around his eyes. When Gu Sheng opened his eyes, Zhan Aiping placed a rose in front of him and said casually, "This is for you."

Gu Sheng blinked. The big red rose in front of him was as hot as fire. The red petals looked even more blazing under the dim light. The bright and beautiful woman holding the flower was wearing a dress. Her long hair fell on her shoulders. She had a pretty face and red lips, which were more eye-catching than the rose in her hand.

He held her and the flower in his arms and whispered in her ear:

"Although you are just offering flowers to Buddha, I am still very excited."

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "What do you mean by borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha? This is my flower, the flower I won, the flower I planted. The roses I planted are in bloom, and I'm giving one to you."

"Thank you. I am glad to hear it."

Gu Sheng was so excited to receive the roses that he worked extra hard at night. When he woke up the next day, he looked at the person sleeping beside him, smiled gently, and bent down to kiss her on the lips.

Gu Sheng was in a good mood. He happily watered his wife's roses and went out with the big red rose that was still as fresh as yesterday.

Take it to Captain Jiang to see.

He had never been so proactive in showing off before, but yesterday his wife gave her roses, which expressed her love even more.

Must share with good comrades.

Captain Jiang was standing at the door of the office in a military uniform. He was not wearing a hat. He had been taking care of the family's big plate of chicken during this period, and he was obviously much thinner than before, and his hair was also sparse.

Gu Sheng flashed past him, took out a bright red rose and waved it in front of him, his whole body exuding a showy aura.

When Jiang Tuan glanced at the red roses of fire, he stared at the refreshing Gu Sheng with dead eyes. His eyes were not tired, his eyes rose up, and he smiled unconsciously. He wrote "strong love" and "honey oil" on his face.

Captain Jiang sneered, "What do you want to do? Give it to me?"

Gu Sheng said proudly: "My wife gave it to me."


“Does it look good?”

Captain Jiang: “…”

Gu Sheng lowered his head and sniffed the beautiful red rose. "It smells so good. It's just like my wife. Beautiful, bright, pretty, generous, and with thorns..."

Captain Jiang was inexplicably jealous. He really wanted to kick Gu Sheng out. Isn't it just a flower? What's there to be proud of? Captain Jiang squinted his eyes and deliberately said, "Just this one?"

Gu Sheng was stunned: "What?"

Captain Jiang said sarcastically, "Your wife only gave you one flower, but she gave my sister three."

Gu Sheng: “!? What!”

Captain Jiang crossed his arms and said, "My sister came to me yesterday and showed off the roses your wife gave her. Now it's your turn. What's wrong? Only one? How can you not compare to my sister's?"

Captain Jiang felt extremely sad. He had never received flowers from anyone else. Even Jiang Xiaomei was showing off the flowers sent by Dr. Zhan in front of him, but he didn't have any.

More importantly, the three flowers in Jiang Xiaomei's hand are obviously not as beautiful as the one in Gu Sheng's hand.

Doctor Zhan seemed quite stingy, as she only saved the biggest and most beautiful flower for her husband.

Humph, what’s the use of it being beautiful or big? There’s still only one.

Gu Shengjun's face turned cold: "Why did your sister accept my wife's roses?"

Gu Sheng was so angry at this moment. Why should his wife give roses to others first, and even gave three roses at that

Captain Jiang asked mischievously, "Why did your wife insist on giving my sister roses?"

"Take care of your own wife."

Gu Sheng smiled slightly: "The one in my hand must be the biggest and most beautiful."

"My wife always likes to save the best for me."

"She gave me more than just roses yesterday." Gu Sheng kissed the red rose in his hand and said tenderly, "You don't understand the meaning of giving red roses between lovers."

Captain Jiang's face cracked. He was almost mad. At home, Dapanji tortured his ears. When he went out, Gu Sheng tortured his ears. He heard things he didn't want to hear. "You are so hypocritical. You are such a decent soldier. Why are you so hypocritical?"

Gu Sheng curled his lips and smiled: "I'm leaving with my red rose."

He thought to himself that you were even more pretentious when you "showed off your clothes" in front of me.

"My wife is the most beautiful red rose in my heart."

Captain Jiang raised his leg to kick him, but missed. Gu Sheng was even faster. Captain Jiang pouted at his retreating figure and said, "It's just red roses. If anyone doesn't have any at home, I'll plant some too!"


When Gu Sheng returned home at night, he unbuttoned the top two buttons of his military uniform, cornered Zhan Aiping, and stared down at her with a sullen face. Zhan Aiping was puzzled, "Weren't you fine yesterday? You seem angry?"

Gu Sheng said unhappily, "You only gave me one red rose, but you gave three to others?"

Zhan Aiping: “…”

"How do you know I also gave you the Three Graces?"

Gu Sheng snorted coldly and said nothing, thinking to himself, damn, it’s really given away.

Zhan Aiping said with a smile: "Did you go to show off to Captain Jiang? Did he tell you that I also gave it to Meihui?"

Gu Sheng: “…”

Zhan Aiping took the initiative to go forward and hug his waist, rubbing against his chest, "Don't be angry, there's nothing to be angry about. I gave Meihui flowers for a reason. I wanted to comfort her. I introduced her to a guy that day, but the guy didn't agree and even disliked her a little bit..."

"Anyway, you are a magnanimous person, so don't worry about this kind of thing."

"Really, don't be jealous. The one I gave you is the biggest and most beautiful one. I've been eyeing it for a long time. I won't give it to anyone else. I'll keep it only for you."

Gu Sheng was not really angry at first, he was just taking the opportunity to vent his anger. After listening to Zhan Aiping's explanation, he was very satisfied.

Zhan Aiping said first: "I was wrong, I was wrong, okay? This time I was wrong, I shouldn't have given her roses first."

"Really wrong?"

Zhan Aiping nodded: "Really."

Gu Sheng smiled and pinched his wife's face, "Don't give our roses to others anymore."

"Don't you want to have a rose garden? I'll plant one for you."

His daughter-in-law is busy planting flowers for three days and fishing for two days, so he has to take care of her.

"Really?" Zhan Aiping was happy.

Gu Sheng smiled indulgently: "Really."

Gu Sheng was inspired and was keen on planting roses at home. Zhan Aiping felt relieved when she saw this. She realized that she had no talent for growing flowers in either her past life or this life, and that it would take Gu Sheng's help to take care of it before she could have her own little garden.

—She only likes to destroy flowers with brutal force.

Cutting the flowers she grew at home and putting them in a vase made her feel very happy, even though Lao Gu always disliked her: "The flowers are blooming on the branches, why do you want to cut them?"

She can cut the flowers if she wants, they are her flowers after all.

Although he disliked her cutting flowers, he never stopped her from destroying them.

After Gu Sheng had been taking care of it for two or three days, she didn't know if it was Zhan Aiping's psychological effect, but she felt that the three rose plants in her yard were blooming particularly well. The three of them had already taken root in the yard, living a stable life, and blooming with all their might.

The rose that strives to bloom is the good rose.

In the early morning, when Zhan Aiping saw the bright red color outside the house, she was delighted. She picked up a pair of scissors, cut eleven flowers, made a rose bouquet, and took her two little kids to work in the hospital.

Homegrown roses are the best.

Sweet and sour pork and little glutinous rice balls were so excited looking at the bouquet of roses in their mother's hand that they pressed against the side of the cart, wishing they could reach out to grab it, and uttering words like "yes, yes, yes, yes".

The crisp and loud "yes" of the sweet and sour pork is deafening.

Zhan Aiping was speechless: "Normally, you guys don't even call mom and dad when I ask you to, but you learn very quickly to ask for it. If you want it, I won't give it to you, not to you, not to your brother, not to your sister. This is mom's, it's what your dad planted for mom."

The brother and sister were rubbing their heads in dissatisfaction in the stroller.

Zhan Aiping held it in her hand and refused to give it to them. She wanted to take it to the office to arrange flowers. She would not let the brother and sister ruin her ritual morning.

“Yes, yes, yes!”

"If you don't give it to me, Mom won't give it to me, humph!"

“Yes, yes, yes!”

Zhan Aiping: "If you need medicine, mom can give it to you. Mom is a doctor, and we don't have much at home, but we have medicine."


When Jiang Meihui came, she was stunned. Is this still her biological mother? Both children wanted it, but she refused to give it to them and even argued with them.

Most of the mothers she had met before indulged their children. They thought, it was just a few flowers. If the children wanted them, there was no harm in letting them play with them.

Jiang Meihui couldn't help but said, "Doctor Zhan, you're teasing the child so early in the morning."

Little Tangyuan shook his feet: "Yes, yes, yes!"

Zhan Aiping said: "If you don't give it to me, where did you learn this word? Why are you still asking for it?"

Their child knows how to speak, understands what others mean, and even knows how to ask his mother for things!

Jiang Meihui couldn't help laughing: "Look, Doctor Zhan, you pushed the child so hard that he can even talk."

Zhan Aiping: “… No, mom won’t give it to me.”


Zhan Aiping picked up the bouquet of roses in her hand and waved it in front of the children. The two little kids struggled to stand up and tried to reach out to grab the flowers in their mother's hand.

Jiang Meihui sighed at the side: "Doctor Zhan, you are teaching well. If you push him a little harder, he will not only be able to talk, but also be able to stand and run."

Zhan Aiping frowned: "Why do you want to snatch mom's flowers? These are mom's."


Zhan Aiping asked Jiang Meihui to hold the bouquet of roses. She ran back and cut a few "withered flowers" that had bloomed on the branches. She removed the thorns and used them to coax the two children.

Although the withered flowers were a bit ugly, they still had beautiful red petals, and the two little brats who didn't know the value of flowers were comforted.

The two of them held the flower petals, happily stopped making noises, and raised their hands to pull at the red petals.

Zhan Aiping said to Jiang Meihui: "Children are so easy to coax."

She has two stupid kids.

Jiang Meihui said: "What a cruel mother. My sister-in-law is not as cruel as you. Whenever Dapanji starts making trouble, she gets extremely anxious."

"Doctor Zhan, you have experience."

Zhan Aiping: "That's right, we can't just indulge the child whenever he makes a fuss."

"You don't think I'm stingy, do you? I'm reluctant to give flowers to my child. Be good, silly boy, you can't eat them." Zhan Aiping reached out and patted her sons' little paws to prevent them from chewing the petals.

Jiang Meihui: "I wouldn't be willing to give it up if it were me. This flower is so beautiful."

"Yes, give it to me." Zhan Aiping reached out to take the roses from Jiang Meihui's hand. She grabbed the bouquet, but found that Jiang Meihui was reluctant to let go.

Jiang Meihui held the flowers and she couldn't control her hands. Jiang Xiaomei had never experienced this before. It turned out that the feeling of holding a bouquet of flowers was so wonderful. She also wanted to go to work holding a bouquet of flowers.

No wonder Dr. Zhan was reluctant to let the child be abused.

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Oh shit, could it be another person who wants to steal the flowers

Neither her son nor her daughter could snatch the bouquet from her hands, let alone Jiang Xiaomei.

Zhan Aiping pinched the bouquet of roses, took it hard, and held it in her arms. She was in a very good mood holding the bright red roses, while Jiang Meihui watched the bouquet of roses leave her.

After having a bouquet of roses, thinking back to the three roses you once had, they no longer seem good enough.

Jiang Meihui couldn't help but said, "Doctor Zhan, please give me some flowers too."

Zhan Aiping refused mercilessly: "No, not now. My Chief of Staff Gu is very stingy. He has forbidden me to give roses to others. But I can give you the rose seedlings I grow in the future. Then you can grow roses yourself."

If she takes the initiative to give roses to others again, someone will give her a good beating at night.

I still remember the last time very clearly.

"Really? You're so stingy. Both of you are stingy." Jiang Meihui, who couldn't get the rose, snorted a few times, "How long does it take for a rose seedling to grow this big?"

Zhan Aiping said: "It will probably be just a few months."

If it's slow, it will take one or two years.

Jiang Meihui said disappointedly: "Ah? It will take several more months."

Zhan Aiping said: "You still have to water and fertilize them, and prune and top them."

Jiang Meihui: “…”

"Doctor Zhan, do you still have the time to take care of these thorny flowers every day?"

Zhan Aiping said: "Let my man take care of it."

Jiang Meihui sighed and said, "I also want to find a man who can plant flowers for me."

Zhan Aiping said: "We will find it."

Jiang Meihui sniffed and said, "I'm so sad. I wasn't that sad when I received the three roses you sent me before."

"I know those men dislike me, Dr. Zhan, you won't dislike me, will you?" Jiang Meihui looked at her pitifully.

Zhan Aiping looked at her silently: "..."

Are all the people in their family compound good actors

Zhan Aiping asked, "If I give you some flowers, will you feel less sad?"

Jiang Meihui nodded.

Jiang Meihui: “…”

“Yes, yes, yes!”

Listening to the two adults chatting, the two little kids who were just learning to speak kept shouting "yes".

Zhan Aiping was helpless: "Who taught you that? Want, want, want? What do you want? Just call daddy and mommy obediently."

Little Tangyuan said firmly: "Yes, yes, yes!"

Jiang Meihui didn't get any flowers, and she gloated a little: "Doctor Zhan, it seems that your child is not very obedient."

“It’s not good to eat alone.”

"If you share the flowers with us, it will be a happy ending."

Zhan Aiping: "Do you know why I became a doctor at Yanxin Hospital? Because my heart is as hard as stone."

Jiang Meihui: “…”

Heart as hard as a rock

"Is it because my heart is as hard as stone that I come to work as a cook at Yanxin Hospital?"

Jiang Meihui nodded: "I remember it, I will tell my brother this next time."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Captain Jiang wouldn't blame her for teaching her sister the wrong thing, right

However, Zhan Aiping found it very interesting to chat with Jiang Meihui.

When they arrived at the hospital, Zhan Aiping took a discarded infusion bottle, filled it with water, and inserted a few fresh roses into the bottle. It was a pity that she couldn't put too many roses in.

Zhan Aiping touched her chin, looked at the infusion bottle, and remembered the milk bottle she had bought before.

She still wanted to use her own child's bottle.

Using a canning jar to arrange flowers is too rough. She likes smaller glass bottles, preferably with a smaller mouth, but not too small, otherwise she can't hold many flowers.

The bottle cannot be too high, otherwise it will not be beautiful.

The baby's bottle is the most suitable.

Zhan Aiping put the roses in place. She poured water on her hands and poured it on the fresh and beautiful red roses. The sunlight from outside the window shone in, and the water droplets on the petals reflected crystal clear and dazzling light.

The bright red petals always have a velvety seductive beauty, like the sweet taste of love, as red as fire.

Zhan Aiping lowered her head and took a deep breath of the rose scent, thinking: Love.

She opened her mouth and bit off a petal.

Fresh rose petals tasted sweet, slightly astringent, and faintly bitter. Zhan Aiping bit another petal and the more she ate, the more delicious it became.

Zhan Aiping looked at the rose that she had eaten most of, and she thought: "..."

Gu Sheng told her not to give the roses to others, but he didn't tell her not to chew on them.

She couldn't show her behavior in front of her children, or they would say that her mother "only allowed the governor to set fires, but not the people to light lamps."

—It looks like it was chewed by a dog.

Zhan Aiping silently changed the flower to another rose, inserted it in, and made a beautiful shape.

It's a pity that I don't have a mobile phone or a camera, so I can't take a picture of her office at this moment. If she really has a rose garden at home in the future, she will bring a bouquet of flowers to work every now and then.

Zhan Aiping chewed the remaining petals together.

A cow chewing a peony is no different from her eating a rose.

Because of the flowers, Zhan Aiping was in a good mood at work today, and the mood lasted until noon. In the afternoon, another surgeon, Chen Lihe, came to see her.

Chen Lihe is the one with a bigger head. Compared with Liu Sheliang, Chen Lihe's basic skills are not as solid as his. He doesn't study hard and practice diligently on weekdays, and just does his job as he pleases.

Zhan Aiping had no complaints about him. Although Chen Lihe was not very motivated, he had never made any mistakes. He was dedicated to his duties, did not seek advancement, nor did he fall behind others. He also had no ambitions and was probably prepared to die of old age in the township health center.

His head is unusually big, the back of his head is very round, and his eyebrows are very light. He looks kind and doesn't talk much to people on weekdays.

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "Doctor Chen, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Chen Lihe was very hesitant. He frowned, but because his eyebrows were too sparse, his frown was not particularly obvious.

Seeing him like this, Zhan Aiping guessed that it might not be about work, but about life, maybe there was a dispute over the division of the house

Their health center has had several disputes over housing issues. Some people want to change houses, some are dissatisfied with the houses... you name it.

Zhan Aiping continued to ask: "Is it about life?"

If a young male doctor like Chen Lihe is planning to go on a blind date and get married, the current houses are indeed not big enough. Zhan Aiping still remembers that Chen Lihe and Liu Sheliang lived in a crowded room. If they wanted to get married, they would definitely have to move out.

Chen Lihe nodded, and then he shook his head. Chen Lihe was a big guy, but his voice was weak, as if he was out of breath. "Vice President, I... I am..."

Zhan Aiping teased, "You don't want me to introduce you to someone, do you?"

In fact, matchmaking is a job that most women in their thirties or forties should do. She is too young and is not qualified to be a matchmaker. At least someone like Director Li Yuxia would be suitable.

Chen Lihe froze. He was originally staring at the table, but this time he subconsciously looked up at Zhan Aiping: "!"

When Zhan Aiping saw his reaction, she was also stunned. Could it be that he really wanted her to be the matchmaker

Zhan Aiping asked: "Who do you like?"

Chen Lihe's face was rarely shy, and he whispered softly, "Just... just come to work with you every day."

"Come to work with me? Those are my sweet and sour pork and rice dumplings." Zhan Aiping seemed calm and joking on the surface, but she was actually extremely shocked.

Is Meihui going to have good luck in love recently

Chen Lihe said: "The one who cooks delicious dishes. I saw her holding a rose that day. It was so beautiful."

Zhan Aiping blinked and smiled, "Really? Are you in love with each other?"

Chen Lihe nodded: "Vice President, you are more familiar with her, why don't you go and talk to her for me?"

Zhan Aiping said: "Okay, I'll go and talk to you about it."

Unexpectedly, Chen Lihe actually took a fancy to Jiang Meihui, but unfortunately Jiang Meihui did not like her.

Zhan Aiping also had no idea what Jiang Meihui meant to Chen Lihe.

It won’t turn into a triangle or four-corner cycle of “she loves him, he loves her, she doesn’t love him, he doesn’t love her…”

This small health center is also full of hidden talents.

Zhan Aiping was extremely curious, and it was not until she got off work and went home with Jiang Meihui that she found an opportunity to ask about this matter.

Zhan Aiping said to Jiang Meihui: "I said someone has taken a fancy to you, what do you think?"

Jiang Meihui was shocked. Her cat-like round eyes widened and the dimples on her face became more prominent. "Someone is interested in me? This person has good taste!"

She praised very loudly.

"Isn't he a sickly person?"

"No, what are you thinking?" Zhan Aiping smiled, "I just helped to convey his words. He said he likes you."

"Who is that person?"

Zhan Aiping said, "She's also a surgeon. Who else could it be? It seems like you have a good affinity with surgery. Doctor Chen said that you looked really pretty when you were holding the roses."

Jiang Meihui's whole body trembled. She said in a daze, "Really? He can't be blind."

Zhan Aiping said: "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. If you like someone, you will naturally find her pleasing to the eye and beautiful."

“There aren’t that many good-looking people in this world.”

Jiang Meihui still couldn't believe it: "Doctor Zhan, are you exaggerating? Did he really say that? Or are you bragging about the beauty of your roses instead of mine?"

Zhan Aiping: "My roses are beautiful, but that's what Dr. Chen said, you look beautiful holding roses."

"Doctor Zhan, please stop talking." Jiang Meihui faltered. "You're making me feel embarrassed."

Zhan Aiping smiled and clicked her tongue several times, "Tell me what you think. If you don't like it, I will reject it later."

"No." Jiang Meihui was refreshed and no longer shy. "I had never met him before, so I didn't know he had such good taste."

"He looks cute with his big head, just like my brother. I originally thought I should find someone with a small head, but it seems that's still my fate."

When Zhan Aiping heard her reaction, she knew what was going on and she covered her mouth and laughed.

But Jiang Xiaomei has changed too quickly.

"Then...if you're willing, why don't you go and try it with him?"

Jiang Meihui nodded, her face blushing and her heart beating fast, thinking that someone actually liked her, and that person even praised her for the way she looked holding the rose. Her whole body became light, as if she was walking on clouds.

"I've been attracted to people with this kind of looks before, but they all looked down on people like me. I didn't expect him to have such good taste. Doctor Zhan, you have to be sure, you really didn't lie to me?"

Zhan Aiping said: "I really didn't lie to you."

Jiang Meihui chuckled a few times and said, "Doctor Zhan, can you lend me a few of your roses?"

Zhan Aiping: "No, I've already said that my husband doesn't allow me to give roses to others."

"You can go to the village and ask for them. Roses are not rare. I've seen roses planted in front of and behind houses in some villages."

Jiang Meihui was very nervous: "But the roses in other people's houses are not as beautiful as yours."

Zhan Aiping said: "They are all the same."

Jiang Meihui: "Doctor Zhan, please, just give me a rose."

Zhan Aiping refused stubbornly: "No."

She just took advantage of Uncle Zhang, but now a bunch of people are trying to take advantage of her.

Those who fleece others will be fleeced too

"Doctor Zhan, please give me a rose." Jiang Meihui said pitifully, "What if I can't find a date this time?"

Zhan Aiping: "The flowers are not the point, the point is you as a person."

"How come the roses aren't the point? He said that the roses from your house look good when I use them. If they weren't your roses, he would think they wouldn't look good."

Zhan Aiping had a headache: "No, no."

"Doctor Zhan..."

The two little kids looked up at them and the first thing they said was “Yes, yes, yes!”

Jiang Meihui: "Doctor Zhan, don't be so heartless. What's good about having a heart like stone? I think you have a heart of tofu, don't you think?"

"If you give me roses, I will give you tofu every day."

Zhan Aiping had a headache: "I have to go back and ask our old Gu for his opinion."

Jiang Meihui said: "You gave me one secretly, and your Chief of Staff Gu doesn't know."

"If I give you one, your brother will definitely know. If your brother knows, how can our Lao Gu not know?"

Jiang Meihui: "I won't let my brother know, and you won't let Chief of Staff Gu know. This is a secret between us women, just don't let the men know."

Zhan Aiping said: "I am not such an unprincipled person, I have promised him, otherwise, Meihui, I can help you find someone else to borrow a flower."

"I promise, I promise that Doctor Chen will definitely say that you look good holding flowers."

"If he dares to say you're ugly, I'll cut him with a knife."

Jiang Meihui couldn't help laughing: "Really?"

"Really." Zhan Aiping nodded repeatedly: "Don't worry."

What’s wrong with people dating these days

Zhan Aiping said to Jiang Meihui: "You have to be sure of your feelings first. Don't lose your mind and be led by others just because they praise you for being pretty."

"Doctor Zhan, don't worry, I'm not that stupid."

"I do like his looks. His head is bigger than my brother's. When I first saw him, I was a little moved, but I thought he definitely wouldn't like someone like me, so I didn't think too much."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

"You decide for yourself."

Zhan Aiping returned home, and as soon as Gu Sheng came back, she said to him, "You shouldn't go out and show off blindly, or you'll get punished."

Gu Sheng sighed and said, "I came back and checked, and there are eleven less flowers in our house. Who did you give them to? Didn't you just promise me that?"

"You don't keep your word." Gu Sheng pinched her face punishingly.

Zhan Aiping was shocked: "You are really amazing, you even know that I picked eleven flowers, you are too capable."

Gu Sheng said: "Not only do I know there are eleven of them, I also know where they are growing."

Zhan Aiping hugged him and rested her head on his chest. She felt very aggrieved after this day. "I know that you, Chief of Staff Gu, are very capable. You have a good observation and a strong memory."

"I just cut eleven flowers this morning and I want to put them in the office."

Gu Sheng picked her up by the waist and said, "I'm sorry for not telling you earlier."

Zhan Aiping sighed, "You don't know how rough my day was. I had just tied the flowers into a bouquet when your son and daughter screamed 'want, want, want' and tried to snatch the flowers from my hand. I had a hard time calming them down. Meihui took my bouquet and was reluctant to give it back to me."

“This is not the end yet!”

Gu Sheng raised his eyebrows: "Then what?"

"During this day, do you know how many people asked me for flowers? One, two, three, four, five... I can't tell clearly. This one said to me, 'Doctor Zhan, can I have one?' That one also said to me, 'Doctor Zhan, can I have one?'"

Gu Sheng held her with one hand and touched her head with the other: "So you gave it away?"

"I didn't send it. I told them that my husband is stingy and my heart is as hard as a rock." Zhan Aiping hugged his neck and climbed up, climbed onto Gu Sheng's back, sat on his shoulder, and touched his head.

"I want to try sitting on one of your shoulders."

Gu Sheng said: "We can join the circus sooner or later."

"Don't talk nonsense." Zhan Aiping pinched his ear: "If you say it again, I will remember it. If our health center holds a New Year celebration in the future, I will drag you to perform acrobatics."

Gu Sheng: “…”

"If you, Zhan Dapingping, can be so shameless, why can't I be so shameless?"

Zhan Aiping was helpless: "How shameless."

"By the way, who did our child learn to say 'ask, ask, ask' all the time? He hasn't learned anything else but 'ask, ask, ask'."

Gu Sheng touched his nose, lowered his eyes and laughed: "It's because they have a mother who is a doctor, so she keeps saying 'medicine, medicine, medicine' all the time."

Zhan Aiping: "You deliberately misinterpreted my meaning."

Gu Sheng: "You're still not happy that your child can express himself? If he calls you mom again, he must know that you are his mom."

Zhan Aiping said: "At the age of three, you can tell the whole story. As soon as they could talk, they kept saying 'want, want, want'. They always felt like two little debt collectors."

"You are the one who shouldn't talk nonsense." Gu Sheng said, "I think he's pretty good. He's better than the big elbow next door. That big elbow just learned to talk and calls people dad all the time. He even called me dad a few times."

Zhan Aiping said: "He also called my dad."

"Yes." Gu Sheng was very satisfied: "I don't want my son and daughter to call someone else dad."

Zhan Aiping shook her head and smiled: "Our father is really domineering."

"It's better for us to have two little debt collectors than for others to go around looking for their fathers."

Zhan Aiping said: "I think it's good to have a father. Having another father means having another person to lean on."

Gu Sheng: "... I am the only father of the child!"

"You're jealous too?"

Okay, the child can call someone dad.

Zhan Aiping thought that she didn't want her two silly kids to call someone else "mom", so she had to be careful when teaching them to speak.

Don't shout "Mom and Dad" everywhere.

Now that the two children can stand on their own, Zhan Aiping plans to teach them to walk and talk. The brother and sister love to talk a lot, like two chatterboxes all day long. They chat with each other, and others can't understand what they are saying, but they chat very enthusiastically and can chat for most of the day.

The two little guys are almost one year old.

Although Jiang Meihui did not borrow roses from Zhan Aiping, her relationship with Chen Lihe developed rapidly. They hit it off immediately and started flirting with each other in the hospital, which Zhan Aiping could not stand.

When I went to the cafeteria to get lunch at noon, I saw Jiang Meihui serving Chen Lihe a big spoonful of food. She was very careful about her image now. When she came out early in the morning, she was like a hardworking little bee and asked her: "Doctor Zhan, do I look good like this? Do I look good? Do you think he will like it?"

It looks good. Besides that it looks good, what else can Zhan Aiping say

After they started dating, Chen Lihe became much more motivated. He had a rosy complexion every day and was very close to Jiang Meihui. After being encouraged, he worked very hard in the health center.

Seeing this change, Zhan Aiping thought that love really does motivate people to strive for progress.

But after they got together, Liu Sheliang felt a little uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)