Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 67: rely on


Zhanbo went home with a cigarette in his mouth. Someone in the compound saw him and said with ill intention: "Old Zhan, I really envy you. Both of your daughters married well. My daughters are not as good as you."

Zhanbo had a stern face, neither happy nor unhappy, and said lightly: "I have two good sons-in-law."

"Don't be jealous of me. If you are, I will ask your daughter to divorce and find a powerful partner again."

The man chuckled and continued, "I'm not as lucky as you. The second son-in-law is ten years older than the eldest son-in-law."

Zhan Bo said: "It is normal for a husband to be older than his wife."

"Besides, Pingping and Jiajia are not biological sisters. I only have one biological daughter in my life."

After saying that, he no longer paid attention to the teasing looks from others, turned around and walked home, suppressed the discomfort in his heart, and put out the cigarette in his hand.

Zhan Aijia's marriage made Zhan Bo extremely angry and almost humiliated him. Zhan Bo didn't even want to acknowledge his stepdaughter anymore.

Now that the matter is done, there is nothing he can do.

Zhan Bo was angry every day and even took his anger out on his second wife, Zhu Jiaorong.

Fortunately, his biological daughter and son-in-law are coming back with his biological grandson and granddaughter, and the couple brings him great honor.

"It's better to have a biological daughter, which is less worrying."

Not only Zhan Bo felt uncomfortable, Zhu Jiaorong was also disgusted by the behavior of her own daughter Zhan Aija. She actually found a man who was ten years older than her, a full generation older. That man had three children, all boys, and she was going to be a stepmother.

It would be fine if she became a stepmother, but her daughter also has to become a stepmother.

Zhu Jiaorong scolded Zhan Aijia several times: "You are a stupid ass, do you think being a stepmother is so easy?"

Zhan Aijia always disapproved in front of her: "Haven't you been comfortable as a stepmother for so many years?"

Zhan Aijia has seen Zhu Jiaorong's comfortable life as a stepmother since she was a child. She does not reject being a stepmother. She even thinks that she is smarter than Zhu Jiaorong and she will definitely be more comfortable as a stepmother.

Lin Gang is the best man she can find, and she cannot miss him. She also wants to show off in front of Zhan Aiping. She will be able to control this man soon, coax her three step-sons, and make them respect her all their lives.

Zhu Jiaorong was so angry that she couldn't speak. "How do you know the pain in my heart? I became a stepmother so that you wouldn't have to be a stepmother in the future. Why did you follow your mother's old path?"

Zhan Aijia said: "Don't worry, I have watched you grow up as a stepmother since I was a child. Now I am better than you. I will definitely live a good life. Now I am the wife of the regiment commander, and in the future I will be the wife of the division commander and the commander."

"Mom, are you jealous that I married better than you?" Zhan Aija was very proud. She felt that she was very smart. Now that she had become the wife of the head of the group, she was extremely happy.

She finally defeated Zhan Aiping.

Zhu Jiaorong sneered twice: "I'm jealous of you? You will suffer in the future. I asked you to pour a cup of tea at home, but you refused. You go to coax other people's brats every day. Do you think you can win over other people's children? They are just three ungrateful wolves who can never be tamed."

"Pah—" Zhan Aijia spat out the melon seeds in her mouth. She said sarcastically, "Do you think the son I raised is your son?"

Zhu Jiaorong rolled her eyes in anger.

Zhan Aijia didn't care at all. She had now understood that although she was Zhu Jiaorong's biological daughter, she was not a boy after all. Zhu Jiaorong's whole mind was on her biological brother Zhan Mingkang, so she could not be relied on by her biological mother.

Her stepfather Zhan Bo is unreliable, not to mention her own brother Zhan Mingkang, that loser.

Zhan Aijia must find a good way out for herself.

So what if she was someone's stepmother? At least she became the head of the group's wife, and she could surpass Zhan Aiping, and she would have someone to rely on in the future.

When Zhan Aiping returns home, she will show off in front of the Zhan family.


Gu Sheng's vacation was successful. The couple bought sleeper tickets in advance, packed their luggage, and the family of four prepared to head north. They had to go back to Zhan Aiping's parents' home first.

Zhan Aiping gave the flowers, plants, vegetables and fruits at home to Jiang Meihui to help take care of, and reminded her: "Don't steal my flowers."

Jiang Meihui nodded helplessly.

Zhan Aiping was also helpless. She just mentioned it out of politeness. Even if Jiang Meihui picked it, she wouldn't know.

Jiang Meihui couldn't help but say, "Now you're worried about me picking them, you might as well worry about your little brother and sister messing with your flowers in the future. Today your brother will pick two flowers for you, and tomorrow your sister will help you tear off all the leaves..."

Zhan Aiping: "It's impossible for this to happen."

"If my children dare to mess with my flowers, they will be handed over to their father for discipline."

"Let their father discipline them? I'm afraid their father won't have the heart to do it..."

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "My Chief of Staff Gu has a very dirty heart."

Jiang Meihui: “…”

"Okay, Meihui, I'm ready to go. See you after the New Year. I hope you've lost weight when I come back."

Jiang Meihui sighed softly.

It’s so hard to lose weight. I can’t even have a good meal during the Chinese New Year.

Zhan Aiping and his wife brought a lot of luggage with them. It was winter, and they had to head north. The further north they went, the colder it got, so they had to carry heavy winter clothes with them. The children's grandparents sent a few flowery cotton jackets to Guo Bao Rou and his sister, and Zhan Aiping stuffed them into her luggage.

Zhan Aiping looked at the large and small bags and felt a headache: "With so many things, it's like moving house."

Gu Sheng smiled and said, "It's not easy to go back home."


They first arrived in Chuncheng by the army car, and then boarded a train at Chuncheng Railway Station. The two little guys had never been on a train before, and they screamed as they looked at the green trains.

"Have a seat." Gu Sheng went to get some hot water. Zhan Aiping took the Xiantian siblings to sit on the lower bunk. The two kids were one year and two months old, and they were full of energy. As long as they didn't sleep, they would never be able to stay still.

They both supported themselves on the seats with their hands, shook their legs madly, and insisted on kicking off their shoes before they could feel at ease.

After being kicked off, the two little brats were able to walk again.

Zhan Aiping quickly held down the two children and said, "I told you to wear shoes when walking."

Sweet and sour pork was making a fuss while shaking his head: "Yeah... Mom... I want it!"

"Yes, yes!" Little Tangyuan squeezed to the side, trying to escape from his mother's clutches. However, he failed and actually saw his father.

Gu Sheng put down the water, picked up the two pairs of small cloth shoes on the ground, and put them on the two siblings one by one.

The brother and sister were unhappy when they were forced to wear shoes, and they tried hard to get into their mother's arms.

Zhan Aiping said disdainfully: "Tell me, did our family give birth to two pigs?"

Gu Sheng said: "You gave birth to a piglet yourself, how would I know?"

"You two just keep your shoes on and don't take them off." Zhan Aiping was afraid that they would run around in the carriage in their socks, which would be very dirty.

These two little brats can walk now. They will run around if you are not paying attention. The motor nerves in their little arms and legs are well developed.

Zhan Aiping said: "Take them for a walk and use up their energy that has nowhere to go."

Gu Sheng accepted his fate and took the kids for a walk, holding one in each hand and walking in the carriage with both children.

The sweet and sour pork brother and sister love to walk, but they get tired easily, so they need to be held after walking for a while.

Gu Sheng took the kids for a walk and then brought them back. After not seeing their mother for about ten minutes, the brother and sister missed their mother and ran to Zhan Aiping cheering.

"Two waddling little ducks."

The train they took headed north, and the weather was getting colder and colder. Zhan Aiping and her husband put on brand new military coats, which were rarely worn and were taken out from the bottom of a box after being washed and dried. The sweet and sour pork brother and sister put on the flowery cotton-padded jackets given by their grandparents, and wore sweaters inside, children's floral coats outside, and cotton hats on their heads.

After the Xiantian brother and sister are dressed like this, they look like two little balloons. I guess they won’t feel any pain even if they fall while walking.

"Your son and daughter are so unsophisticated." Zhan Aiping couldn't help laughing and fell into Gu Sheng's arms.

There were two girls in flowery jackets, and Zhan Aiping secretly taught them how to put their hands in their pockets. They sat in a row, just like two little old men putting their hands in their pockets.

Gu Sheng: “…”

"Aren't my son and daughter your son and daughter?"

Zhan Aiping just smiled and said nothing.

"You will get what you deserve if you laugh at the child like that."

The two children have been weaned. When I travel with them, they are very energetic. Sometimes they call mom and dad to recognize small cards, and sometimes they hum and make a fuss to ask for singing. They don’t want dad to sing, they want mom to sing.

Gu Sheng touched his nose and couldn't help laughing: "Mom sings."

Zhan Aiping refused outright: "I won't sing."

Little Tangyuan shouted loudly: "I want mom to sing!"

The elder brother said, "Yes! Yes!"

"Why is our child as annoying as you?" Zhan Aiping glared at Gu Sheng: "Did you teach him all this? Did you teach the child to let his mother sing?"

The family headed north in a noisy manner. On the way, Zhan Aiping was forced to sing a song. The two children were particularly disrespectful. They actually covered their ears and said nasty things, which made Zhan Aiping very angry.

"From now on, mommy will sing lullabies to you every day to coax you to sleep."

“No… No…” The two children stuck together and shook their legs wildly. They didn’t want to listen to their mother singing. Their mother’s singing was so horrible.

The reaction of these two naughty kids aroused Zhan Aiping's rebellious psychology. She said to Gu Sheng, "When we get back, you teach me to sing. We must let our kids see their mother's ability."

Gu Sheng laughed: "Okay."

After getting off the train and taking another car, they arrived at the compound where Zhanbo's family lived. When Zhan Aiping took Gu Sheng inside, they met a few familiar faces. An old man looked at her blankly and adjusted his glasses: "Are you Da Pingping from the Zhan family?"

"Yes, Uncle Jiang, I'm Zhan Aiping, and this is my husband, Gu Sheng."

The old man nodded suddenly: "Oh, oh, you have become so beautiful, you have become a big girl, your two children are this big now..."

After exchanging a few brief greetings, they came to Zhan's house. There was no need to knock on the door, as Zhan Bo was already at home. When Zhan Bo saw Zhan Aiping, he was stunned for a few seconds.

It snowed last night, and the snow on the ground has not yet melted, leaving a vast expanse of white. Zhan Aiping, wearing a military coat, is like a green flower blooming in the snow. She has no hat, and her long black hair is tied behind her head. Her red lips, gorgeous facial features and beautiful face are shining in the snow, making people unable to take their eyes away.

Zhan Bo stared at her in a daze, and someone unconsciously came to his mind.

Zhan Aiping's mother, Ai Feihong.

Ai Feihong is very beautiful, and Zhan Aiping looks very much like her mother, also bright and beautiful, stubborn and proud.

Zhu Jiaorong is not as pretty as Ai Feihong.

He didn't like Ai Feihong's personality, but if he had to choose again, he would still marry Ai Feihong.

"I'm back. I'm glad you're back." Zhan Bo sighed faintly, "You look so much like your mother."

Zhan Aiping didn't pay much attention to what he said, and didn't say anything. She just looked at the Xiantian brother and sister beside her and said lightly: "Youyou and Yuanyuan, call me grandpa."

Guo Bao Rou was holding a tin toy of a Hongqi sedan, and Xiao Tang Yuan was pulling a cloth tiger. When they heard what their mother said, they called out obediently, "Grandpa."

Both of them had very childish voices, still in the babbling stage. Their pronunciation was not clear and their intonation was odd, but one could tell they were saying the word "grandpa".

When Zhanbo heard this shout, tears welled up in his eyes: "My two grandchildren, it's cold outside, let's go inside quickly."

They went into the house together. Not long after, Zhu Jiaorong and her youngest son Zhan Mingkang came back. Zhan Mingkang was a chubby little boy, eleven years old, still short in stature, with a shaved head. Because he had just gone out, he had a runny nose and his cheeks were pink.

As soon as Zhan Mingkang entered the room, he said to Zhu Jiaorong, "Mom, I want some sugar water."

He is Zhu Jiaorong's only son, and Zhan Bo's "late-born son". As the youngest in the family, Zhu Jiaorong has spoiled him since he was young. All the delicious food and drinks in the family are given to him, and Zhan Mingkang is also used to enjoying the best treatment at home.

Zhan Mingkang could have whatever he wanted. When Zhan Aija and Zhan Mingzhao were at home, he was arrogant and overbearing. When chickens were killed, he would be given both the drumsticks and wings. He would also be allowed to choose new toys first. If he liked something belonging to his older brothers and sisters, he would take it directly. If they didn't give it to him, he would complain and say that they were bullying his younger brother.

Zhan Mingkang is not very familiar with the elder sister Zhan Aiping and does not take her seriously.

Zhan Bo said: "Your sister is back, just call her Sister Pingping."

"Mom, my sweet soup is ready." Zhan Mingkang pretended not to hear and ran to drink the sweet soup.

Anyway, he is the youngest in the family. No one can call him to do anything. Even his mother has to listen to him. He is her mother's life.

“This child…” Zhan Bo shook his head in anger. He had no way to deal with his spoiled little son. He wanted to beat the child, and Zhu Jiaorong cried and sobbed beside him, trying to persuade him.

He had no choice, Zhan Mingkang was raised like this.

Zhu Jiaorong and Ai Feihong are completely opposite types. Ai Feihong is very strict with her children, while Zhu Jiaorong... that's the kind mother who spoils her child.

Although he loved his youngest son, Zhan Bo knew clearly in his heart that this youngest son would definitely not be reliable in the future.

Zhan Bo said to Zhan Aiping, "As a sister, you should stop arguing with him."

Zhan Aiping didn't even raise her eyelids. She just went home to visit and didn't want to pay any attention to Zhu Jiaorong and her son.

When they arrived at a new place, the brother and sister Guobaorou and Xiaotangyuan were not shy and happily asked their mother for toys. Their uncle sent them a lot of toys from the capital, including building blocks, ethnic dolls, fun wooden carts, and tin toy cars.

This kind of tin toy car has been produced since the 1960s. It is very exquisitely made. It is a smaller version of the Hongqi car, and it is red. Guo Baorou likes this car very much and even holds it when he sleeps at night.

In addition to the red one, he also has a blue one. Guo Baorou holds a small car in each hand and pushes it on the ground for fun.

"Hu-hu-" an inexplicable sound came out of his mouth and he pushed the car forward. After the car ran forward a few steps, he immediately chased after it with a clacking sound.

He can play this boring game alone for most of the day.

Zhan Mingkang walked out and saw the two cars in Guo Baorou's hands. All boys love cars, and he is no exception. There are mostly red, gray and green toy cars like these on the market, but rarely blue ones. When Zhan Mingkang saw them, he wanted to play with them.

So he walked forward and reached out to snatch the blue sedan from Guo Bao Rou's hand.

He was very strong, but Sweet and Sweet Pork's hands were so weak that he couldn't hold on to the car, and had to watch it being snatched away.

Zhan Aiping was so angry that she laughed. She also walked over, grabbed Zhan Mingkang's arm, and used her other hand to take the car. Zhan Mingkang was very domineering. He held on tightly and immediately raised his leg to kick Zhan Aiping.

Zhan Aiping didn't bother to be polite with him. She put him on the ground, stepped on his hand, and picked up the toy car. "Who the hell are you to take away children's things?"

Zhan Mingkang felt pain and yelled, "Mom! Mom! My sister is going to kill me!"

Zhu Jiaorong ran out and saw this with a bad look on her face, "Zhan Aiping, how could you do this? You beat your brother as soon as you get home. He...he is different from Jiajia. He is your biological brother."

Zhan Bo, who was originally chatting with Gu Sheng alone, also came out at this time. He frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhan Aiping asked, "You are such a grown-up, and you still snatch children's toys?"

Zhu Jiaorong said: "He has been spoiled since he was a child. You are his elder sister, so don't bother with him."

Zhan Aiping laughed coldly and said bluntly: "How old is he? Is he mentally retarded?"

"I don't have such a useless brother." Zhan Aiping looked at Zhan Mingkang with contempt and disgust.

"Mom..." With tears in his eyes, Guo Bao Rou ran towards Zhan Aiping. Zhan Aiping picked him up and found that his palm was cut and bleeding. All the blood in her body rushed to her head. She turned around and slapped Zhan Mingkang twice.

"Don't let me see you again!"

Zhan Mingkang was stunned by her blow, "You dare to hit me?"

"I'll hit you if I want to, you piece of trash." Zhan Aiping said to Zhan Bo, "Is this the good son you raised? It's the father's fault if the son is not well educated. What kind of a jerk did you raise?"

Zhan Bo's face looked very ugly: "Zhan Aiping, how can you talk to me like this."

Zhan Aiping said coldly: "If you don't welcome me, I will leave now. A Zhao and I will never come back. Let's just say we have severed our relationship. I don't want to have such a rotten person as my brother."

Zhan Aiping held the child and turned to leave, but Zhan Bo quickly stopped her: "No, no, no, why are you making such a fuss right after returning home? Zhu Jiaorong, send your son back to his room and stop embarrassing himself outside."

"If you continue to do this, let's get a divorce. I really can't stand having a son or daughter like you anymore."

Zhan Bo was so angry that he even said the word "divorce". This period of time had given him too much of a shock. First, Zhan Aijia married an old man. Seeing Zhan Aiping today reminded him of Ai Feihong. In addition, his youngest son was not ambitious and had been raised into a useless person by his own mother. He also bullied his grandson in front of his good son-in-law "Gu Sheng". Zhan Bo didn't even want this wife and children anymore.

These two children brought shame to his reputation.

Zhu Jiaorong was startled. She pushed Zhan Mingkang into the room. Zhan Mingkang was embarrassed and said, "I won't leave."

"Go away!" Zhu Jiaorong glared at him fiercely. Even though this was her beloved son, she still spoke harshly because she had been feeling uneasy these days. Zhan Bo was dissatisfied with her because Zhan Aija got married, and now he even mentioned the word "divorce". Zhu Jiaorong was terrified.

She used to think that Zhanbo would never divorce her since she had a little son, so she doted on her little son wholeheartedly. Now he wants to divorce her

There was a buzzing sound at the back of Zhu Jiaorong's head, and she no longer cared about loving her child because she knew that the man was more reliable than her son.

"Go back and reflect on yourself."

Zhan Mingkang was dumbfounded when he was driven back to his room. This was the first time he encountered that when there was a dispute at home, his father and mother did not stand on his side, just because he had two more juniors.

Now, the one-year-old brother and sister are the ones who are doted on.

Zhan Mingkang ate alone in his room at night. Zhu Jiaorong brought the food to his door, knocked on the door, but did not rush to bring it in.

Zhan Mingkang heard the knock on the door and pretended not to hear it.

"Zhu Jiaorong, come and eat quickly."

"Oh, okay."

No matter how many shortcomings Zhan Bo had, he was still her husband and her support for the rest of her life. Zhu Jiaorong did not dare to disobey him, so she put down the food and left.

She was really afraid that Zhan Bo would divorce her. At such a critical moment, how could she have the mind to think about her children? If they divorced, she and Zhan Mingkang would have to live a hard life.

Zhu Jiaorong swallowed and turned to go to the living room to eat.

Zhan Mingkang was lying on the bed with a bunch of things smashed on the floor. He was still waiting for Zhu Jiaorong to come in and beg him, coax him, and help him clean up the room, but after waiting for more than ten minutes, the knocking on the door outside disappeared, and only the sound of a lively reunion in the hall could be heard.

Zhan Mingkang didn't like to eat properly when he was a child. When he was six or seven years old, his mother would chase after him with a bowl of rice to feed him. In those days when others were not able to eat enough, he enjoyed the best things in the home, and he took it all for granted.

He looked down upon others with contempt. Others had no food to eat, but he was chased and fed. He was born different.

Even now, Zhan Mingkang only likes to eat the dishes he likes. Zhu Jiaorong cooks for him every day and cooks the dishes he likes. He has to pick and choose all the meals in the house before others are qualified to eat his "leftovers".

Zhan Mingkang's stomach was growling with hunger. He finally couldn't help but open the door and saw a plate of food outside the door. He realized that it was not what he liked. They killed a chicken today, but they didn't even give him the chicken leg.

Zhan Mingkang was very angry. He kicked over the dishes on the ground, and the bowls and chopsticks fell all over the floor. He cursed loudly: "Not even a dog would eat this."

He cursed twice in a row, and the sound was like thunder.

After saying that, he closed the door firmly.

The noise outside was quiet for a while, and then started to get noisy again. Zhu Jiaorong did not come over to ask about his situation.

Zhan Mingkang's stomach was growling with hunger. He remembered the chicken he had just knocked over to the ground and continued to stay under the quilt.

Zhu Jiaorong heard her son's movement and wanted to go over to see, but seeing that Zhanbo looked unhappy, she just smiled awkwardly and didn't dare to stand up.

Zhan Bo said calmly: "It's shameful to waste food. If he doesn't want to eat, don't eat today."

Zhan Aiping was holding the little sweet and sour pork. She had already disinfected the wound on his hand. Because he had cried before, the little guy became particularly spoiled and wanted to stick to his mother.

Little Tangyuan was holding a spoon next to her. She sat on her father's lap and said proudly, "Mom, food..."

"Dad's, Dad's..."

Little Tangyuan tugged at her father's sleeve. She had only taken two bites of rice and then stopped eating properly. She wanted to eat the food her father cooked. Although she was still young, she already knew clearly that the food her father Gu Sheng cooked was delicious.

"Dad's meal."

Zhan Aiping understood what she meant: "Let Dad cook for you when we get back."

Zhanbo was surprised, "Xiao Gu cooks at home?"

Zhan Aiping said calmly: "Does it mean I should cook it?"

Zhanbo: “…”

Zhanbo had never cooked before, and Ai Feihong was busy, so how could she cook? Therefore, they always ate in the cafeteria.

It was not until he married Zhu Jiaorong that he was able to eat hot meals at home.

Now Zhan Aiping actually said that it was Gu Sheng who cooked the meals at home on weekdays.

Zhu Jiaorong had no appetite. She took a few bites of the food and remembered that when Zhan Aiping was in confinement after childbirth, Gu Sheng stayed by her side. And during her two confinement periods... Zhan Bo didn't treat her well. He even refused to cook a soup for her, saying that she was picky.


After dinner, Gu Sheng and his wife took their two children back to Zhan Aiping's old room, where there were still many of Zhan Aiping's old things, including her childhood clothes and her old textbooks. Gu Sheng took his two children and lay happily on his wife's small bed, flipping through her old middle school textbooks.

He smiled as he flipped through the pages, "Wife, you are quite good at drawing little people."

Zhan Aiping said, "I am better at taking notes. Don't you see that this book is full of notes?"

"Yes, yes, my wife is amazing. So amazing."

Little Tangyuan was holding her ethnic doll. She was very sleepy and called out softly, "Mom..."

Zhan Aiping held her and her brother Guo Bao Rou together and let them sleep in the innermost part. "Comrade Gu, coax them to sleep."

Gu Sheng rested his hands on his head: "Sing to comfort them."

"If I coax them, they won't be able to sleep." Zhan Aiping kissed her daughter and son's faces one by one, "Be good, go to sleep."

Little Tangyuan closed her eyes. She was really sleepy and fell asleep in a short while. The sweet and sour pork turned left and right. She wanted to sleep hugging her mother's arm, just like a koala. After she fell asleep, Zhan Aiping "picked" the little koala off her arm.

After tucking the quilt for them, Zhan Aiping lay down on the bed with peace of mind. A pair of warm arms embraced her. Gu Sheng whispered, "I really want you here."

Gu Sheng was very excited when he entered his wife's room and lay on the bed that once belonged to her.

Zhan Aiping smiled and pushed him away, "Don't mess around."

"Then hold me for a while."

Gu Sheng held her in his arms, and Zhan Aiping was wrapped in his warm body temperature and soon fell asleep.


The next day, Zhan Aiping got up late. It started snowing outside again. No one wanted to get up early in such a cold weather. Gu Sheng got up, borrowed the kitchen, and cooked porridge for her and the child.

Zhan Aiping took the two children to have breakfast. The two children wanted to go out and play in the snow. She and Gu Sheng took them to watch the snowflakes for more than ten minutes and then took them back.

"No need to watch. Mom will take you to play with building blocks." The two little guys were still young, and Zhan Aiping was afraid that the children would catch a cold, so she didn't let them play in the snow for too long.

Around ten o'clock, Zhan Aija and her husband Lin Gang arrived. Her husband was about ten years older than her, but he didn't look old. He just had some fine lines at the corners of his eyes, but his face was dark, and you could only see them if you looked closely.

Lin Gang has regular facial features and is above average in appearance. With Zhan Aija standing next to him, the couple looks quite good together. If it weren't for the fact that he has three sons, Zhan Bo would have thought that Lin Gang was a good son-in-law.

But he is so old, and he still has three sons. What is even more difficult to talk about is that his three children were born to two ex-wives. The eldest is his first wife, the second and third are his second wife, and Zhan Aijia is his third wife...

After not seeing each other for more than a year, Zhan Aijia, who had just gotten married, saw Zhan Aiping, she smiled and called her sweetly, "Sister Pingping."

Zhan Aijia was wearing a newly bought fashionable coat, which Lin Gang bought for her. She was very happy. She had dressed up deliberately today and wanted to show off in front of Zhan Aiping.

Of course, she didn't intend to be hostile to Zhan Aiping again.

She guessed that the reason why Lin Gang wanted to marry her was probably because Gu Sheng was her brother-in-law. Zhan Aijia originally wanted to marry Lin Gang because of his position as the head of the group and to overshadow Zhan Aiping. But now that she and Lin Gang have been married for some time, Zhan Aijia also plans to live a good life.

If it is possible to avoid making enemies with my sister and brother-in-law's family, then don't make enemies with them. Lin Gang doesn't know what the relationship between the sisters is like.

In the past, in the Zhan family, Zhan Aijia stood on her mother's side, staring at Zhan Aiping and hating her to the core. Now she has become Lin Gang's wife. Lin Gang is old and has no parents-in-law, so she is directly the "mistress of the house" in another family.

This feeling was so wonderful. She no longer had to beg for food in the Zhan family like before, and she no longer had to live in fear because she was a stepdaughter, trying to find ways to please her stepfather Zhan Bo.

Now that she has her own man and her own home, Zhan Aija no longer has much attachment to the Zhan family.

"Brother Gangzi, this is my sister, Zhan Aiping." Zhan Aijia introduced her to Lin Gang with a smile, but when she saw Lin Gang's expression, the smile on her face froze for a moment.

Lin Gang was looking straight at Zhan Aiping. Lin Gang didn't expect that Zhan Aijia's sister was so beautiful. She was standing on the snow in a military coat, which was really a unique sight.

Zhan Aiping said: "You guys are here? Congratulations, Zhan Aijia, happy wedding."

Zhan Aijia forced a smile and cursed in her heart: "You slutty vixen, you seductive slut."


Zhan Aijia held Lin Gang's hand affectionately. She gritted her teeth secretly and pretended to be casual: "My sister was born lucky. She married a good man and gave birth to twins. I used to envy her."

Lin Gang looked at her in confusion: "Really?"

Zhan Aijia said: "Yes, but my sister has a bad temper and does nothing at home. Most men can't stand her. Only my brother-in-law can stand her because they are childhood sweethearts."

When Zhan Aiping heard her say this, she just raised her eyebrows. Based on the information she had just captured, she found that Zhan Aijia really cared about Lin Gang.

Zhan Aijia slandered her so much, but Zhan Aiping did not refute her. She did not want to rush to proclaim herself as a virtuous woman.

Lin Gang frowned and said, "Don't talk nonsense about your sister."

He didn't expect that his "brother-in-law" would be the kind of person who would swallow his anger in silence.

Zhan Aijia smiled softly and said, "I'm not talking nonsense. Others envy my sister. You should learn more from your brother-in-law."

"What's there to envy?" Lin Gang whispered, "This woman is not meant to be pampered."

When Zhan Aiping heard this, she raised her eyebrows and thought that Lin Gang really had an unpleasant aura.

When Zhan Aija heard this, she just smiled and said nothing.

They went into the house and sat down together. Zhu Jiaorong called Zhan Aijia over to talk to her. She whispered, "Go and persuade your brother. He won't listen to me now."

Zhu Jiaorong told Zhan Aijia what happened yesterday. She complained, "She hasn't been back for two years. What do you think Zhan Aiping is doing here? I'll just pretend I don't have this daughter. She shouldn't come back to cause trouble."

"Go and persuade your brother. He is your own brother."

After hearing this, Zhan Aijia just smiled faintly, but was not in a hurry to do what her mother said.

After learning about what happened yesterday, Zhan Aijia was secretly happy. Although Zhan Mingkang was her biological brother, as a sister, she also resented her mother's partiality. She used to ignore such things, thinking that her brother was a man, his mother's treasure, and Zhu Jiaorong's support in this family. Zhan Aijia was very patient with Zhan Mingkang, thinking that all those good things were what Zhan Mingkang deserved.

But now she has another family. She is no longer the stepdaughter who lives under someone else's roof. She doesn't need to accept the unfair treatment in the past. She is now the wife of the head of the regiment. Why should she try to please her stepfather and a younger brother who has been spoiled by her mother

Zhan Aijia straightened her beautiful new coat and said in a relaxed tone, "Mom, Brother Gangzi is coming over today, so I don't have time to comfort my brother. I think you don't need to persuade him anymore. Let him calm down in the room alone."

Zhu Jiaorong was stunned, "You..."

Her own daughter didn't seem to care that much about her brother.

Zhu Jiaorong discovered that her daughter had changed after getting married, and she no longer had any feelings for the Zhan family. She probably wouldn't mind changing her name back to her original name now.

Zhu Jiaorong couldn't help but persuade her: "Jia Jia, you should be nicer to your brother. He will be your real support in the future."

Zhan Aijia smiled and said, "How can a sister rely on her brother? Mom, your brother is your support. I will have my own biological son in the future. Even if I don't have a biological son, I still have three step-sons."

"I am already a married daughter."

Zhu Jiaorong's face was cold; she felt that she had been betrayed by her daughter.

"Mom, I'm going out to talk to my sister and brother-in-law."

(End of this chapter)