Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 70: Little bird depends on people


Before getting on the train, the second brother of the Gu family called in advance to say that he would be back the next day and also told them the train schedule. The Gu family still went to the train station to pick them up. Because it was early in the morning and Gu Ze'an had things to do, and one car couldn't seat too many people, the three women in the family and the driver simply went, while the third sister and Gu Sheng stayed at home to wait, and the two of them were responsible for taking care of the children.

Gu Ze'an was jealous of their careers of raising children, but he had to go to work.

The military green car stopped at the gate. Zhan Aiping got up early. Qin Ying didn't sleep well last night. Gu Xiangyi was very excited. She was going to meet her second sister-in-law. Oh my God, she would have two sisters-in-law so soon, making five... no, the future of having four sisters-in-law is just around the corner.

"Mom, stop thinking about it. I'll get in the car first." Gu Xiangyi opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat. "Sister-in-law, please persuade my mom. This is my brother's girlfriend coming to visit, not his enemy. There's no need to be so nervous."

Qin Ying scolded her: "How can you talk like that, little girl?"

Zhan Aiping and Qin Ying got into the car together. Qin Ying held Zhan Aiping's hand. The temperature of her palms was very low and she was very nervous. Just when she was about to go out, she had already gone to the toilet several times.

"The second brother brought his girlfriend back. I was so worried... Tell me, how should I talk to his girlfriend? Should I be gentle and kind? Don't scare her?..."

Qin Ying had only encountered the situation of "her son bringing his girlfriend home" once before, and that was with her eldest son. The outcome of that incident left her with a painful psychological trauma.

She didn't want to see the same thing happen to her boss again.

The fifth child is fine. She watched Zhan Aiping grow up. She knows her temper and family situation very well, so there is naturally nothing to worry about.

Qin Ying bit her lip and said, "The second brother is also a bad person. He only said that he would bring his partner back, but he didn't send back a photo or tell us what his partner looks like. This doesn't give us any psychological preparation."

Zhan Aiping said: "Maybe Second Brother wants to give you a surprise."

Qin Ying: "If you really want to give him a surprise, why not just bring him back? Otherwise, you can do what Lao Wu did and get married first and ask for permission later! As parents, can we still eat him?"

What kind of person her son wants to marry is his business. Qin Ying has let it go, but she is also afraid that she will not get along with her daughter-in-law and will have a quarrel.

Gu Xiangyi: "Mom, my second brother is confident about what he has planned. He is not like my younger brother who is afraid that Sister Pingping will run away."

Qin Ying: “…”

She closed her eyes and said, "If you stick your head out, you'll get a knife. If you keep your head down, you'll get a knife too. Xiao Zhang, there are few cars at the moment. Drive faster."

Gu Xiangyi: "Let's hurry up, the train is not that fast."

In Qin Ying's anxiety, they arrived at the train station. Qin Ying also met two policemen she knew. They were there to do business. When they saw Qin Ying, they took her in to pick up people.

This is the final stop, everyone gets off here.

Qin Ying was anxious, so she had to find something to say: "Little comrade, what happened in the car? How did you get here?"

Chief Sheriff Xiao Xu said, "Oh, Auntie, you don't know, there is a person suspected of trafficking women on this train. He behaves and speaks in a sneaky way, and his eyes are very fierce. He is not a good person at first glance. Such a person actually pretends to be an officer..."

Qin Ying said: "This human trafficker is a damn villain. He must be severely punished. He is such a good young man, but he has lost his way."

Although you need a letter of introduction to go anywhere at this time, the country is too large and the household registration is not strictly controlled. This... There are also many counterfeiters among the people who make fake stamps and fake letters of introduction. There are also enemy spies lurking around, so you have to be on guard, especially at the end of the year and New Year holidays, when there are many people and it is most likely to cause trouble.

Qin Ying said: "I want to see what the human trafficker looks like!"

Xiao Xu smiled and said, "Don't worry, when the train runs, he will be the first one to get off. We can't let him get away. We need to take him back first."

Gu Xiangyi pulled Zhan Aiping and said, "See, as long as my mother's attention is diverted, she won't be nervous anymore."

Zhan Aiping said: "The kidnapper is so hateful."

Zhan Aiping also hates those who traffic in women and children the most.

Gu Xiangyi: "It's a good thing to catch him."

They stood in the cold wind and chatted to dispel the severe chill around them. Not long after, the signal light in the distance came on, and people in uniform came out. The bells rang, and then there was the sound of a train, clang, clang, clang, as if the ground beneath their feet was shaking, and the steam train drove all the way to them.

The train stopped and Qin Ying pinched her palm. Compared to the kidnapper, she cared more about the second brother and the person he brought back. Which carriage were they in

Qin Ying looked around anxiously, but saw the train door open and Policeman Xu walked to the front. Then, a tall figure got off the train. Two people beside him were watching him, and behind him followed a little girl with a splint on her arm.

Qin Ying said: "That's the kidnapper? How hateful! Such a tall man, with hands and feet, but he doesn't do anything serious!"

"He really doesn't look like a good person! And he even dared to pretend to be an officer!"

Gu Xiangyi said, "That's right, he bullies the weak and fears the strong. Look how petite and pitiful that girl is, and he even broke her hand."

Zhan Aiping: “… ?”

Comrade Xiao Zhan was a little silly. Why did she feel that the fierce big guy looked a lot like the second son of the Gu family, with his unshaven beard and weather-beaten look... like a gangster.

Zhan Aiping knew that she had a slight face blindness, and she was afraid that she had seen it wrong. After all, Qin Ying and Gu Xiangyi didn’t notice the similarity, not to mention that Gu Laoer came back with his girlfriend, so how could he break someone’s arm

Officer Xiao Xu spoke a few words to the vicious "gangster", and the gangster's eyes noticed Zhan Aiping and the other two in the cold wind. The gangster pointed in their direction, and Officer Xiao Xu walked over carefully with his men, followed by two men with guns.

"Aunt Qin, this man said it's your son."

Zhan Aiping: “!”

Gu Xiangyi: “?”

Qin Ying immediately shook her head and denied it: "Nonsense, how could he be my son? Nonsense, how could I not recognize my son?"

Second Brother Gu: “?!” Is this still my biological mother

Qiao Ling, who was standing with his hands hanging behind his back, said: "?"

She was panicked. Was she really deceived? Was this a scam from the beginning? Was her boyfriend a fake soldier? But she had clearly been to his camp... However, there were many fake soldiers these days. They could put on military uniforms and say they were soldiers.

Following the man to a strange place, Qiao Ling's face turned pale with fear. Although she still couldn't believe that the man she loved was a kidnapper, she couldn't help feeling timid when everyone around her told her so.

When I asked Gu Er about his family situation before, he just said that you will know when you get there and it might give you a little shock.

Qiao Ling was a very timid person, and now that he found out that he might have been scammed, he became extremely panicked.

She couldn't believe that Gu Er would lie to her.

Officer Xu said righteously: "What else do you have to quibble about? I can tell from the first glance that you are not a good person!"

"You have a bad face, yet you dare to do bad things. You must be an enemy spy."

Second Brother Gu is going to be pissed to death!

Zhan Aiping said: "Mom, take a closer look, he seems to be the second brother."

Qin Ying was puzzled: "Second brother? Impossible, my son brought his girlfriend back today."

Gu Laoer's face darkened: "Mom, you don't even recognize your own son, do you?"

Qin Ying was stunned: "You... why did you become like this?"

This guy has a scruffy beard and looks fierce. He doesn't look like a good guy. Her second son didn't look like this before. "You've become stronger and darker. You wrap yourself up so tightly..."

"I didn't realize it at first, but it really is my son." Qin Ying was extremely surprised.

Officer Xu and Qiao Ling were stunned. This...

If Xiao Xu didn't know Qin Ying, he would always feel like it was a serial scam.

"You, where's your partner?"

Gu Lao Er pointed at Qiao Ling and said, "I accidentally made a big mistake on the train. Mom, this is my girlfriend. I brought her back to meet people, but they insisted on treating me as a kidnapper."

Qin Ying: “…”

Xiao Xu scratched the back of his head: "Is this really a misunderstanding?"

Gu Xiangyi said, "Second brother, why did you shave your hair like this? You're not wearing a military uniform."

Gu Laoer has a lot of hair, his hair is shaved short and spiky, but he doesn’t shave his beard, which is almost fused together. In addition, he has a fierce temperament. At first glance, he looks like a bad guy, and at another glance, he still looks like a bad guy...

Gu Lao Er: "I'm going to bring my partner back, dress up and give you a surprise."

As a result, even his own mother couldn't recognize him.

After such a big misunderstanding, the matter was explained clearly, Officer Xu left, and only the Gu family was left. Qiao Ling was extremely embarrassed. She had a splint on her hand and felt very ashamed.

As a newly appointed mother-in-law, Qin Ying asked with concern: "Xiao Qiao, what's wrong with your hand?"

When she asked this, Qiao Ling became even more embarrassed. She blushed and stammered, "I fell accidentally..."

She is a girl who grew up in the south of the Yangtze River. This is the second time she has broken a bone in winter since she came to the Northeast.

Fortunately, this time she fell on her hand instead of her butt. It was her first time falling and she didn't know how to be careful, so she fell on her butt. Oh my god, it really hurt. It turns out that there is a tail behind the human butt.

My coccyx hurts so much.

I never thought I would break my butt in this life.

Fortunately, this time I slipped and only broke my hand.

"Fall? Then you better be careful next time." Qin Ying said with concern.

Qiao Ling nodded.

Second brother Gu smiled at the side, thinking he was "gentle". Zhan Aiping and Gu Xiangyi both felt uncomfortable. Gu Xiangyi blurted out: "Second brother, go back and pack up. You used to come back in military uniform. Mom and I only remember you in military uniform, but you changed your clothes-"

Why doesn't he look like a good person

It's creepy when he laughs.

"Obviously, you look so heroic in your military uniform, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, but you're not like this..."

Zhan Aiping said: "Second brother's dress is not suitable for him."

"What do you mean unsuitable? You women have no taste. What I do is called manly. How old am I now? At my age, I should be mature. Have you heard that being young and inexperienced does not mean being unreliable?" Second Brother Gu argued.

Zhan Aiping: "Second brother, if you don't want to be caught as a bad guy next time, you'd better change back."

Second Brother Gu said "Fuck!" He was shocked: "You are Zhan Aiping? The big Pingping of the Zhan family, it's you? It turns out to be you. I was wondering who is calling me second brother all the time. Who is your second brother? I didn't figure it out just now."

Zhan Aiping said: "Second brother, I remember you were very quiet and thin when you were a child."

Qin Ying said, "Yes, Lao Er used to be quite polite, but he became like this after he joined the army. Is the food in Northeast China so good?"

Qiao Ling couldn't help but say, "The food isn't that good either."

Zhan Aiping saw the tiny Qiao Ling standing next to Second Brother Gu, just like beauty and the beast. Second Brother Gu was over 1.8 meters tall, while Qiao Ling was probably only around 1.56 meters tall... The two of them had the cutest height difference.

Qiao Ling's eyebrows were naturally a bit aggrieved, making her look pitiful, just like a kidnapped young wife who had to swallow her anger in silence.

"Second sister-in-law, I am my second brother's younger sister."

Zhan Aiping said: "I am the younger brother's sister."

There is no other way. Since I married the youngest brother, I can only be the younger brother's sister. Fortunately, there is Gu Xiaomei to provide for me.

Qiao Ling, who was called "Second Sister-in-law", blushed. The "little sister" and "little brother's sister" in front of her were all taller than her, as was her future mother-in-law.

"Second sister-in-law, where do you work?"

Qiao Ling was very nervous: "I'm at Xinhua Bookstore."

"Xinhua Bookstore?" Zhan Aiping was surprised. She thought it was a good job. There was nothing wrong with being a librarian. Shen Liqing probably liked working at Xinhua Bookstore.

Gu Xiangyi was shocked: "You work at Xinhua Bookstore."

Qiao Ling nodded.

Gu Xiangyi said, "That's good, Mom. You see, both of your daughters-in-law are very educated. Your second daughter-in-law works in a bookstore, and your youngest daughter-in-law, my sister-in-law Pingping, can write books."

Qin Ying was stunned: "What?"

Gu Xiangyi: "My sister-in-law is writing a book! It will be published next year. Maybe you can see it in Xinhua Bookstore. It's my sister-in-law's book."

Qin Ying blinked: "Are you guys kidding?"

Qin Ying had heard her daughter-in-law was writing some science stories before, but she never thought that these...could be published as books

Zhan Aiping said modestly: "I brought the sample book with me. It's not very well written. Please don't laugh at me."

"Really? My daughter-in-law has become a great writer?"

Brother Gu was puzzled: "?"

"How amazing." Qiao Ling's eyes sparkled with stars. Although she worked at the Xinhua Bookstore, she was not capable of writing books. She always admired educated people.

Zhan Aiping said: "I am actually a doctor. Do you want me to take a look at your hand? It's obvious that you slipped and fell..."

Qiao Ling said shyly: "Yeah."

When Zhan Aiping looked at her hand, Qiao Ling felt warm in her heart. She thought it would be great if the person she found could be as gentle as she was.

“Is your work at Xinhua Bookstore hard?”

Qiao Ling said: "It's not that hard, just a little busy when there are a lot of people."

Now the books in Xinhua Bookstore are all placed on the counter, and they will help customers take out the book they want.

Zhan Aiping talked to Qiao Ling as they got in the car, and the group headed for Gu's house. This time the women all sat in the back car, and Gu Laoer sat in the passenger seat with his hands under his head. He turned around and caught a glimpse of Qiao Ling in the back seat, and his heart softened.

He thought that he must show off in front of his brothers when he returned this time, so he found a gentle and adorable wife. The more ferocious he dressed, the more adorable his wife looked.

Unlike Lao Wu, Zhan Aiping is pretty, a beautiful flower on the surface, but actually she is a ferocious shark.

He married a wife, but he didn't keep a shark at home. He kept his little bird wife.

His brothers all envy him. Their second elder brother is good at finding a partner, so the third elder brother, who is still single, should learn from him.

Gu's second and third brothers are twin brothers.

When they were young, the third brother was stronger than his older brother, but now the second brother Gu has surpassed him.

Gu Er felt extremely happy.


They returned to Gu's house and opened the door. Gu Ze'an hadn't come back yet. The Gu Sheng brothers were playing with the sweet and sour pork brother and sister. The two little guys were very energetic and played with building blocks. When they heard the noise outside and saw their mother appear, they immediately became two warm-hearted children, "Mom!"

They want to be in their mother's arms.

Zhan Aiping went to see the child, while Gu Sheng and Gu Laosan curiously went to see the person their second brother brought back.

At this moment, Qiao Ling swallowed her saliva. She was trapped in an inexplicable encirclement. Although she had heard that Gu Er had four brothers, she did not expect that when several brothers stood together, they would give people such a strong sense of oppression.

Gu Xiangyi looked at the scene in front of him and fell into deep thought.

—Like a lamb into a wolf’s den.

After Qiao Ling briefly greeted them, she slipped to Zhan Aiping's side like a ghost. In this family, it was Zhan Aiping who gave her an inexplicable sense of security.

Gu Sheng glanced at Qiao Ling, and suddenly saw a little bit of Liu Shi's shadow in her. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, thinking that my wife is really popular with women.

Gu Er caught a glimpse of Gu Sheng's actions and laughed wildly in his heart, thinking, you silly brothers must be envious, he found a gentle and petite wife.

The second brother Gu raised his lips. He went to pick a fight with his good brother, the third brother. He put his arm around the third brother's shoulder and said, "Third brother, when we were competing at the same time, I was one step faster and came out before you. Otherwise, now you are the elder brother and I am the younger brother."

"Don't be unconvinced. I won once when I was born, and now I've won again. I found a partner before you, and I got married before you..."

Gu Lao San laughed and shook off Gu Er's hand: "It would only take a few minutes for me to find a partner."

Gu Laoer said mischievously: "You old bachelor, you have such a bad temper, why don't you find someone who is more aggressive."

"Have you seen my girlfriend? Are you envious? Is my girlfriend very quiet?"

Gu San was harassed by him for more than ten minutes and felt really aggrieved. He thought, who doesn't have a partner? He turned around and went to find a partner, someone who was more dependent on him, which pissed off Lao Er to death.

The second brother Gu was so proud that he annoyed the second brother, so he went to find his youngest brother Gu Sheng.

"We all say that rabbits don't eat grass near their burrows, but you insist on eating grass near your burrows. Have you ever regretted it?"

He patted Gu Sheng on the shoulder and said, "You chose your own path, so keep walking on it."

"Are you envious of me, your brother, now?"

Gu Sheng nodded, smiling brightly.

"Brother, my wife is fine."

Seeing his smug look, Gu Sheng thought, isn't this just showing off? When it comes to showing off wives, he and Captain Jiang are experienced in this.

"Brother, look at my clothes. They were made by my wife. This handkerchief I use was also made by my wife. On each of my military uniforms, there is my wife's name sewed by hand... We also planted roses in the yard. My wife especially likes to give me roses... Hey, I'm afraid you don't understand these romantic things."

"You have never been married, you have never experienced it, especially when you are separated for a short time and feel like you are newlywed..."

Gu Sheng had been married for two years and had a lot to say. The intimacy and happiness in his tone stabbed Gu Er hard.

Although his girlfriend Qiao Ling was always very kind, she was too shy and always kept him at a distance.

As for taking the initiative to throw herself into his arms, that was not even a thought.

He was so jealous and wanted to beat up his little brother.

Gu Er said: "You two have children, a son and a daughter. You seem very proud of it, right? What if your son looks like you when you were a child? You will have a headache."

Gu Sheng shook his head and called the little pot-baked pork over. "My son looks like my wife. Look, isn't he cute?"

Gu Er stared at his little nephew and thought that he really looked like his mother. But his mother Zhan Aiping was not an easy person to deal with either.

"Youyou, call me second uncle and smile."

Pot-fried pork laughed and called out, "Second uncle."

Sweet and sour pork smiles very gently, and gives off a "spring breeze" scent, as if it had been exposed to the sun, and is filled with a warm smell.

Gu Er: “…”

There's something wrong with this face smiling like this.

Gu Sheng smiled and said, "Youyou, read a poem to your second uncle."

Guo Bao Rou nodded in a serious manner: "Geese, geese, geese, they sing with their necks bent toward the sky, their white feathers float on the green water, their red feet paddling the clear waves."

Gu Sheng sighed, "Listen, my son is so young, but he can already recite poems. Pingping and I taught him once or twice yesterday, and he memorized it all. These two first-born sons must be little geniuses."

"Brother, I can relax from now on. The two children are obedient and do not need adults to teach them. They love to learn."

Brother Gu blew his beard and glared: "I have never heard of a child who loves to study. Playing is the nature of children."

"Believe it or not." Gu Sheng smiled: "Brother, you may also have twins. It's not easy to raise twins. They have to be well-behaved. My brother and sister don't quarrel or make a fuss on weekdays."

Second Brother Gu said, "You can give birth to a well-behaved child, why can't I?"

This is absolutely impossible!

When these two children are three or four years old, they will start to make a lot of noise, like monkeys.

Brother Gu said, "A dragon gives birth to a dragon, a phoenix gives birth to a phoenix. Can you and Zhan Dapingping give birth to two well-behaved children?"

"I'll have trouble for you in the future."

Gu Sheng smiled mysteriously: "My son and daughter have a good relationship, and the brothers and sisters are in harmony, unlike you and the third brother."

"Third brother always makes you so angry that you jump up and down." Second brother Gu was so angry that he thought to himself, just wait and see, how could Zhan Aiping's daughter be gentle

If his daughter Lingling has a daughter in the future, she will definitely be a quiet and well-behaved girl like her.

Second Brother Gu stopped talking to Gu Sheng. In this family, when it comes to the ability to make people angry, the fifth brother is the best.

Gu Er said to his family, "You are in for a treat today. I will cook rice and roll noodles for you."

Qiao Ling took the initiative to speak at this time: "Let me do it."

The first time you visit your in-laws’ house, you should always show off your cooking skills.

Qin Ying said, "Xiao Qiao, please sit down. Men cook in our family."

"Second brother, fifth brother, you two go cook."

Brother Gu: "He follows me?"

Gu Sheng: "We don't interfere with each other. You cook yours and I cook mine."

The two brothers went into the kitchen and cooked a large table of food, including noodles and dumplings. When Gu Ze'an came home, he saw the steaming food and was so moved that he shed tears.

Gu Ze'an sighed: "I, your father, finally have a good day."

"My two sons are such good cooks?"

Gu Ze'an was very disgusted with the third brother Gu at this time: "Third brother, you are not good enough. You are not as good as your brother or your younger brother."

“All you know is how to cook bean sprouts.”

Third Brother Gu gritted his teeth and thought that next time he came back, he would open the eyes of all these guys.

"Just you wait!"


After dinner at night, they took turns taking a bath, and then Zhan Aiping took the two children back to Gu Sheng's room. She searched around in Gu Sheng's room and actually found her diary.

She picked up the diary and patted Gu Sheng on the head several times, "You are such a rat, you are so good at hiding things, you even hid my diary."

Gu Sheng ran away in panic: "Wife, you have to be careful about your influence and don't let your daughter learn from you."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

She turned around and saw her soft and tender daughter lying on the small bed. She looked into her big watery eyes and wondered if she should be gentler.

"I surrendered it." Zhan Aiping put away the diary, let her hair down, and said to Gu Sheng, "You are really good at bragging. Our children are obedient and well-behaved... Wait a few more years and come back. You won't be afraid of a setback and being laughed at by your brothers."

Zhan Aiping doesn’t believe that her children will be good kids. Good kids are “other people’s children”.

Gu Sheng said: "Let's drink today, why worry so much, at least our son and daughter are very well behaved now, right?"

Zhan Aiping: “…”

—What would it be like if you really had two “other people’s children”

"After celebrating the New Year here, we will go to Shanghai to meet your other father-in-law and mother-in-law."

Zhan Aiping was thinking about going to see Teacher Sun.

Zhan Aiping made plans to go to Shanghai, and she called her old classmate Chen Mengxia who lived far away in the Northeast.

"You're going to Shanghai? That's great. I want to go there too. Do you want to come over to my place to play? Pingping, it's snowing so heavily here..."

"By the way, I heard that Xue Ningjia has also returned to Shanghai, and she wants to go find Teacher Sun. How are you and Teacher Sun doing now?"

Zhan Aiping said: "Very good."

"That's good. Why don't you go after the New Year? Maybe you can still run into each other..."

Zhan Aiping has no interest in meeting Xue Ningjia.

Gu Sheng and his wife will stay at the Gu family until the fifth day of the New Year. Now in the entire Gu family, only Gu Ze'an is still working, and the rest are on leave to visit their families. Even though they are busy all day, when they return home they can see one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine people. It is really lively.

He was delighted.

Qin Ying happily took her two daughters-in-law out, went to the department store to buy New Year's goods, picked out clothes and shoes, and went out to buy groceries.

When I meet someone familiar, they ask, "Women buy groceries and cook at home? The men at home enjoy it. Didn't you never cook in your family before?"

"Your daughter-in-law took action?"

Qin Ying said proudly: "No, I have a son, and my son cooks."

"Now my two sons are very good at cooking."

The women went out, and the three brothers Gu Sheng and the second and third brothers stayed at home to take care of the children. Little Tangyuan would hum and sing songs with a smile, and had a good memory. He had also learned two ancient poems. The two children were easy to take care of. The second brother found that he had not heard the two children crying for two days since he came back.

Second Brother Gu was confused because he always heard his sisters-in-law say that the little brats at home were difficult to deal with.


This child doesn't seem difficult to take care of. Since the child is so easy to take care of, he and Lingling will have more children in the future.

After Gu Laosan coaxed the child for a few days, he discovered a fact: he felt that he had a talent for taking care of and coaxing children.

The little Tangyuan he took care of never cried and always called him "Third Uncle".

Brother Gu San was very happy and thought: children are not so annoying.

He will get married and have kids in the future.

The second and third children were twins as expected, and they even thought the same thing. However, when they really had children, they both felt that they had been deceived.

Why is my child different from my younger brother’s child


Qiao Ling carefully finished reading the book written by Zhan Aiping. "Doctor Zhan, I think the book you wrote is very meaningful."

"Although it's just a story, it teaches people a lot of common sense. I met a lot of educated youth who went to the countryside. They all had a hard time. The students in the first few years knew more knowledge, but the ones who came later didn't learn any middle school knowledge at all. They didn't understand physics, chemistry, or English..."

"They are almost becoming farmers. They have no education and no chance to go to university."

"I have several friends who will definitely like your book. I really hope that your book can appear in our bookstore. Then I will definitely recommend it to everyone."

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "I also hope you can recommend me some comic books suitable for children."

Qiao Ling smiled and said, "Okay, I'll send you a few copies when the time comes."

"Since the resumption of the publication of novels, more and more people have come to the bookstore to buy books, which shows that no matter what the world is like, there are still people who like to read..."

Even though studying cannot get you into college or change your destiny, there are still people who love reading in this land where sweat is shed.

Zhan Aiping chatted a lot with Qiao Ling, her future sister-in-law. They also prepared for the New Year with Gu Xiangyi, cutting window flowers and pasting up red and prosperous couplets. On New Year's Eve, the family took photos and made dumplings together in the evening.

The dim light illuminates a table full of delicious dishes, including chicken, duck, fish, meat, dumplings, and noodles.

Gu Sheng filled a bowl of pork tripe and chicken soup for Zhan Aiping. The soup was a beautiful milky white color, fresh and tempting, with red dates, longans and wolfberries floating on top, embellishing the milky white soup.

Zhan Aiping drank a big bowl and felt her body warmed up.

Another year passed, 1972 turned the page and 1973 came, marking the second anniversary of her marriage to Gu Sheng.

It was Chinese New Year and everyone was eating with great enthusiasm, including the two children. Food like chicken legs were always reserved for the children at the dinner table.

The children were young, so Gu Sheng washed his hands and tore the chicken legs into pieces for them little by little and mixed them with the rice. The two little piglets ate them with great relish, and Zhan Aiping looked at them with envy.

The chicken is really delicious at this time.

She lowered her head and took a sip of soup. People at the big round table were eating happily. There were ten people in total, perfect.

Gu Ze'an said, "This table is almost full now. When the third, fourth, and sixth sons come back with their partners, we will have to split into two or three tables."

"Adding the children in the future, there are six children in our family. If five of them get married and each couple has five children, that's 25 children... These children can make up three tables. Hey, cheer for your father and have one child to make it."

The second and third sons lowered their heads and said nothing, just letting the old man dream.

When Qin Ying heard about twenty-five children, her head almost exploded. This was too horrible. "Family planning is advocated nowadays. Two or three children are enough. If I really give you twenty or thirty grandchildren, you will be so annoyed that you will die."

The chicken wings in Gu Xiangyi's mouth no longer smelled good: "Two or three are not enough?"

Gu Ze'an: "Now every household has more than four or five."

Zhan Aiping said: "Some people only have one or two, or two or three children."

Not to mention that after 1982, family planning was completely required.

"It's a pity that the eldest brother didn't come back to see such cute nephews and nieces." Gu Ze'an was sad for a moment. It was a pity that the eldest brother in the family didn't get married and just hanged on a tree, and often wiped the butt of that man.

Of course, as parents, they can't say much.

"Forget it. As long as the second and third sons get married, your mother and I will be completely relieved."

Qin Ying nodded.

Gu Xiangyi said dissatisfiedly: "Why not include me? Isn't there anyone who wants to urge marriage like me?"

It would be fine if she just got rid of the eldest brother, but does she have no sense of existence in this family

Gu Ze'an said coldly: "I would feel even more uneasy if you got married, because I'm afraid you would be cheated by a man."

"You have a bad eye for men."

Qin Ying said, "That's right. If she grows up to be an old maid, then she's an old maid. Shanshan next door is about the same."

Gu Xiangyi was indignant: "I am not good at judging men, why don't I ask my sister-in-law to help me? My sister-in-law has helped many couples get married, and they all worked out."

Qin Ying asked doubtfully, "Really?"

Gu Ze'an: "Pingping can introduce people to potential partners?"

Gu Sheng said: "Not only does she introduce people to potential partners, she also delivers babies and cuts umbilical cords."

Gu Ze'an: "..."

Qin Ying: “…”

Gu Ze'an said: "It still doesn't work."

Gu Xiangyi said: "Next time I will bring a man back for you to see!"

Gu Xiangyi is full of fighting spirit.

She was the only one at the table who was full of fighting spirit.

At night, a group of people lit up the lights, gathered together and closed the door to play cards secretly. Zhan Aiping brought out the game of Landlord, and Gu Ze'an said that this card was very suitable, "Let's play Landlord."

When the New Year's bell rang, only one light was left on in the house and everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

The two children, Sweet and Sour Pork and Little Tangyuan, had already fallen asleep. It was such a cold day, and the brother and sister slept together like two chubby caterpillars. Zhan Aiping wrapped them tightly to prevent them from catching cold.

"Comrade Gu, when your children grow up, will you urge them to get married? Do you want to be a grandfather?"

Gu Sheng: "No one wants to be a grandson, so naturally I want to be a grandfather."

Zhan Aiping: “…Don’t joke.”

"Just don't be in a hurry to become a grandmother. I'm not in a hurry."

Zhan Aiping: "Aren't you anxious? What if the child grows up in a flash and brings a boyfriend back? I'll see if you'll be anxious or not."

Gu Sheng said: "Then I will be anxious and beat him out."

"Incorrect operation."

Gu Sheng and his wife stayed at Gu's house until the fifth day of the New Year, then packed their luggage and went to Shanghai.

(End of this chapter)