Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 73: Further studies


After the New Year, Zhan Aiping went to work in the hospital, bringing her two children with her. The hospital was very lively after the New Year. A new row of bungalows for the hospital's families had been built, and several medical and technical staff and other administrative staff had moved in. The family compound that Dean Hao had envisioned before was now completed, except for one building.

Although there is no building yet, there are fruit trees on the other side, which are especially popular with children. The older ones lead the younger ones to climb the fruit trees. They are not afraid even if they are beaten by adults and will still climb up the roof and tear off the tiles.

"Vice President Zhan, you are finally back."

"Vice President Zhan..."

Zhan Aiping greeted many people along the way. Behind her followed two little ducks with staggering steps. Sweet and sour pork and Xiao Tangyuan had unhappy faces. They were beginning to hate their mother.

Because I accompanied my mom to work today, I was not allowed to bring toys with me.

Why go to work if you can’t bring toys


The brother and sister Xiantian both turned into bitter melon faces, the sweet and sour pork car was gone, the little glutinous rice balls' panda was gone, and there was only a bag of unpleasant little building blocks, which they were tired of playing with.

"I want a car!"

Zhan Aiping said, "I'll ask for a car when I get home."

"I want a bear!"

Zhan Aiping was also afraid that if they brought new toys over and she wasn't watching, other children would snatch them away. The children didn't care and would just reach out to take the toys if they liked them. If they were snatched away by others, it would be ok for the children to cry, but she was afraid that they would get hurt from the pushing and shoving, and the toys might even be broken.

These two little short-legged kids, who are over one year old, have no ability to resist at all!

"Wait until I get home and play with Dad."

Zhan Aiping touched the heads of the two children. Both children now have their favorite things, which they always put beside them when they sleep, especially the beloved car of the little boy Guobaorou. Even if he can't count yet, as long as one is missing, this little Guobaorou is like a radar. He can actually find out that he has lost his car

Before going to bed, he would count his cars before he could close his eyes.

Zhan Aiping: “…”

While her brother was counting cars, little Tangyuan would sleep holding her giant panda. Although her sleeping posture was very bad and she kicked the giant panda under the bed early the next morning, she would still be in a bad mood if she didn't see the giant panda when she woke up.

So Comrade Gu Sheng had a new task every day, which was to check his daughter's giant panda before going out in the morning, pick up the giant panda that was kicked to the ground, and put it back to his daughter. If she didn't see the giant panda, she would suspect that someone had kidnapped her things.

But now that I go to work with my mom, without pandas or cars, what fun is there in life

The sweet and sour pork brother and sister were angry for most of the day.

Guo Bao Rou covered his heart and said it hurt.

Zhan Aiping was wearing a white coat and holding a stethoscope. She pressed the small tip of the stethoscope against Sweet and Sour Pork's chest, heard his heartbeat, and "frozen" her son for a moment.

"The heartbeat is normal. He is just trying to piss off mom."

"I want a car!" Guo Bao Rou stared at the stethoscope in Zhan Aiping's hand and suddenly wanted to play with it.

Zhan Aiping: “…”

"If you don't have a car, I'll give you a plane and a boat."

Zhan Aiping took some white paper and folded beautiful paper boats and big airplanes for them, temporarily coaxing the two children to forget about the car and giant panda at home.

In the office, Zhan Aiping contacted Guangcheng Medical College. They were previously responsible for clinical trials of anti-snake venom serum. Zhan Aiping mentioned the anti-snake venom serum on the phone, and the person on the other end was surprised: "How do you know this?"

"I'm the vice president of a township hospital..." Zhan Aiping mentioned to the staff on the phone her hope to promote the use of anti-snake venom serum in the hospital.

"Hey, this is the first time someone has actively approached us. We previously had a team go to Huxi to promote the product, but none of the hospitals there were willing to go. They all refused to cooperate. We put in a lot of effort, but the promotion has not yet been successful..."

The research on anti-snake venom serum was successful, but no one is willing to use it. The doctors who treat snake venom in the hospital don’t believe it, and the patients are unwilling to use it. They think that Chinese herbal medicine is the best... Of course, anti-snake venom serum also has a major problem, that is, you must know what kind of venomous snake bit you before you can use the relevant anti-snake venom serum. Now the most effective one they have is the five-step snake serum.

"Then let's send someone over to provide guidance on the application." Guangdong and Guangxi are not too far from Yunnan Province, so they asked someone to come over to provide guidance on promoting the application.

If this anti-snake venom serum can be successfully used, it can save many lives.

Zhan Aiping hung up the phone and mentioned this to Dean Hao. Dean Hao said, "If this anti-snake venom serum is really that useful, will it be possible to develop antibacterial and anti-toxic serum in the future?"

Medicine is constantly evolving and we don’t know what will appear in the future.

Zhan Aiping didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "These two things can't be compared."

She chatted with Dean Hao for a while, and Dean Hao mentioned something to her: "Xiao Jiang, the new employee in the pharmacy, is said to have a bad work attitude. Go talk to her."

Zhan Aiping nodded.

Zhan Aiping found Xiao Jiang, a young girl in her twenties who had just graduated. She had two pigtails and was picking up medicine at the pharmacy. The medicine now was different from the later medicine. The later medicine was sold in boxes. Now when the hospital prescribed medicine, the patient would take the prescription and go to the pharmacy to pick up the medicine. The medicine was placed in glass jars. The person picking up the medicine poured the medicine from the sealed jar, mixed it according to the prescription, and put it in a white paper bag. It was a rectangular white paper bag. After the medicine was put in, the top was folded to become a triangle, bulging, and simply packaged before handing it to the patient.

People who wanted to get medicine lined up, and Xiao Jiang took the medicine lazily. Although she was slow, she worked seriously and did not pick up the wrong medicine.

Zhan Aiping talked to her, and Xiao Jiang sighed: "I don't want to get medicine at the pharmacy, I want to be a doctor."

But she didn't pass the medical exam and could only get medicine at the pharmacy.

Zhan Aiping said: "You don't even take the medicine seriously. Even if you become a doctor in the future, will you have a good work attitude?"

Xiao Jiang said: "I have always wanted to study medicine so that I could treat my family members for free. But after I started studying medicine, I realized how hard it is to learn so many things... I am busy in the hospital every day, working both day and night shifts."

“When I have children in the future, I will have to bring them to work… It is better to stay in the village and farm instead of working, and women can cook and take care of the children at home.” The village eats from a big pot, and many people will slack off at work. As long as they do so, life is not too hard or tiring.

Zhan Aiping said: "If you are willing to go back to your hometown, get married, cook and take care of children, the hospital will not keep you."

"I'm just saying it, Vice President, you're so serious. We're all young girls, and everyone gets lazy sometimes. We're not iron men."

"I just regret it. I heard that factory workers in the city have it pretty good."

When the situation was at its worst, students had classes suspended, workers stopped working, learning was over, and all benefits and production were gone. But people were happy and relaxed. Unlike them, doctors, they could not delay in treating patients and saving lives. Those who needed treatment had to be treated, and they could not stop practicing.

"I used to like and be interested in studying medicine, but when my interest turned into a job, I felt miserable and bored."

"Vice President Zhan, what exactly does it take for me to love work as much as you do?"

Zhan Aiping: "Work is always painful and boring, but if you don't work, you will feel that your life is empty and unfulfilled."

“No matter how much you like or are interested in something, if it becomes a job, you will still get bored.”

"If you feel tired, take a good rest for a few days and think more."

It is impossible for everyone to be as passionate about work as SpongeBob in the cartoon. In reality, most people are like Squidward. Being lazy and avoiding work is the deepest desire of many people.

In the past, Zhan Aiping was very strict with herself. She could not rest from beginning to end. She did not give herself time to rest, making herself like a tight string. Although she achieved impressive results, she was not happy.

Now Zhan Aiping allows herself to be lazy.

As long as you are a normal person, you don’t like to go to bed early and get up early. If it weren’t for the pressure of life, who would want to go to bed early and get up early

People nowadays like to stay up late. Why do people like to stay up late? It is because they are too busy during the day. Only when the night falls can they have a moment of peace and quiet.

"My current job isn't that tiring, so I should cherish the present moment."

In the future, as science and technology continue to develop, people's pace of life will become faster and faster, the pressure on their shoulders will become greater and greater, and they will be busy like a top all day long. Some people will miss the leisurely 1970s and 1980s, when they did not need to buy a house or make a lot of money. Nowadays, people's lives in the 1970s are gradually getting better. Although they lack food and clothing, they rarely go hungry. They have enough coarse grains and sweet potatoes to eat. The promotion of hybrid rice later solved the food problem.

"Xiao Jiang actually thinks I'm a person who loves work?"

When Zhan Aiping returned home with her two children, she was still thinking about this matter. She felt that she was not too hardworking, and there were more people who were diligent and hardworking at this time.

"Cars, cars!!" Guo Bao Rou was still thinking about his car. As soon as he got home, he quickly took out his row of cars and counted them.

Little Tangyuan hugs her own giant panda, little rabbit, and stuffed tiger... She also has her own animal world.

Guo Bao Rou put the cars on the ground one by one. Zhan Aiping found that her eldest son Guo Bao Rou seemed to have a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder. He was only one year old, but he actually squatted down and carefully arranged the twelve cars into three neat rows.

Sweet and sour pork's eyes were focused and serious. All the cars were arranged neatly, without any error, so neat that they looked like they were copied and pasted.

Xiao Guobaorou carefully adjusted the distance between the two cars so that all the wheels were on the same level.

Zhan Aiping: “?”

Even adults can't arrange things so neatly. Her son's little pot dumplings really have the spirit of a craftsman. They are delicate and neat, and every move seems to be measured with a ruler.

Is it that powerful

Zhan Aiping was shocked. She tried hard to recall the past. She and Gu Sheng were not so serious when they played in the mud as children.

The sweet and sour pork was arranged neatly, but her younger sister Xiao Tangyuan was not very considerate. She kicked forward, just like she kicked her giant panda when it was sleeping, and her brother's car formation immediately fell apart.

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Comrade Xiao Zhan suddenly realized at this moment that the best toy for the two children in the family should be dominoes, which just meet the characteristics of the two children, one loves to play and the other loves to kick.

So who will cry

Zhan Aiping looked at the sweet and sour pork.

The car that he had worked so hard to put in place was broken by his sister's kick. Guo Bao Rou, the brother, was furious, but he didn't cry. He held his sister's hand and said in a fierce and childish voice: "Put it in place! Put it in place!"

What he meant was to ask his sister to help him arrange it.

Little Tangyuan was about to cry, she turned around to look at her mother.

Zhan Aiping said mercilessly: "You broke your brother's, you fix it."

We can’t let the habit of having naughty kids grow up in the family.

Zhan Aiping and her son Guo Bao Rou held down little Tangyuan and asked her to learn how to play with the car. Little Tangyuan tried it twice. She was very serious and even didn't want the giant panda. In fact, she also liked playing with cars.

She likes to park the car crookedly, one here and one there.

The small dumplings were placed in a messy manner, and his brother, the sweet and sour pork, followed behind to correct them and put them in an orderly manner.

Little Tangyuan almost cried, "Mom!"

“Ugly!” Little Tangyuan pointed at his brother and said he was ugly. The two kids could only use a few dozen words skillfully, such as “want”, “eat”, “bad!”... For little Tangyuan, the word “ugly” means he doesn’t like it.

Zhan Aiping: "You can't say that my brother is ugly. Arrange it well and be serious."

Zhan Aiping found that both her son and daughter had a strong spirit of craftsmanship.

"Will there be two paper-throwing kings and workaholics in the future?" Zhan Aiping held her cheek with her hand, feeling puzzled.

She tried to recall...

Suddenly I realized that she might be the laziest one in the family and the one who gets up the latest every day.

With a hardworking father and a serious daughter and son at home, Comrade Xiao Zhan found himself lagging behind.

When Gu Sheng came back, Zhan Aiping said to him, "Let me cook today, you play with the kids."

Gu Sheng's daily work is actually harder and more tiring than hers, and he has a lot of pressure on his shoulders, but he never says much when he comes home. Even if he is tired, he doesn't act like a boss at home. Whenever he has time, he cooks and washes clothes for her without complaint...

Before they got married, she boasted that she took care of all the housework.

Gu Sheng was stunned: "I'm going to take care of the children?"

Zhan Aiping said happily: "Yes, it's time to let the children taste mom's cooking skills, and dad can play with the children for a while."

Gu Sheng smiled gently and said, "Okay then."

Zhan Aiping said: "Don't let the child ride on your head."

Zhan Aiping hadn't cooked for a while. She was very happy to pick up the spatula. The recipes for various dishes and the related "medicines" appeared in her mind, just like a prescription. Oh, no, it was the proportion of "ingredients".

Zhan Aiping has always regarded cooking as "preparing medicine". As long as the process is correct, the food will not be too bad.

When Zhan Aiping finished cooking, she came out and saw three people carefully arranging small cars. There were only twelve cars, but the father, daughter and three girls had a lot of fun with them.

—Three dead obsessions.

What surprised Zhan Aiping even more was that Gu Sheng actually made a beautiful "small gas station" out of discarded wood blocks.

Zhan Aiping had long known that Gu Sheng was great at drawing and making graphics, but she had not expected that he was also so good at handicrafts and wood carving.

"Dad's handicrafts are amazing!" Not only can he sew cloth tigers for the kids, he can also do carpentry and make toy gas stations.

Gu Sheng said: "Even if your suggestions to the toy factory are useless, we have a gas station at home. Here, fill up the car slowly."

The two little cubs are very happy.

Zhan Aiping actively suggested: "How about we use wooden boards to make the driveway? The viaduct... Gu Sheng, why don't you make a few wooden cars for the children!"

The more Zhan Aiping spoke, the brighter her eyes became. Gu Sheng was good at carpentry, and they could definitely make a few wooden handcrafted cars for the children to play with. This would be unique.

Nowadays, the models of cars in toy factories are very antique. You can make a lot of interesting models by making your own handmade toy cars. You can make a wooden handmade jeep and let your children draw green lines on it. You can also make ancient siege vehicles, excavators, convertible sports cars, transport vehicles...

There are also racing cars with cool shapes.

Although it is 1973 now, which seems very backward, in fact, if we wait another three or four years, that is, around 1977, the Star Wars movies will start to be released.

"Gu Sheng, have you ever read science fiction novels? Make a few cars from science fiction novels..."

Gu Sheng said: "I will make a jeep."

Comrade Gu said that he did not have the same imagination as Zhan Aiping.

After agreeing to make handmade cars, the couple got together to tinker with handicrafts in the next few days. Gu Sheng is good at wood carving and painting, so the jeep he made was lifelike, with Zhan Aiping giving advice. The two little ones were staring at him. Gu Sheng carved not only a jeep and a gas station, but he also carved an ambulance and a small hospital.

You can play a game of rescuing the wounded with sweet and sour pork and small glutinous rice balls.

For example, a wooden ambulance was used to transport the injured panda Xiao Tangyuan to the hospital for treatment...

Zhan Aiping looked at the "small camp" that was gradually taking shape at home and thought that they were truly a hardcore family.

"Gu Sheng, when the child is two or three years old, let's make a small bicycle for him."

Zhan Aiping came up with the idea of a three-wheeled bicycle suitable for children. Buying a bicycle is very expensive, so making one by yourself saves money and also brings family fun. If it breaks down, you can fix it yourself, which is great.

Gu Sheng asked: "Can you do it?"

Zhan Aiping raised the engineer shovel at home and said, "We soldiers know everything."

It's just handicrafts.

"Light, light!"

Xiao Guo Bao Rou hopes to add two lights to his wooden convertible.

After their own wooden jeep and wooden convertible appeared, Zhan Aiping allowed her two children to take the wooden cars out to play.

Zhan Aiping said to Gu Sheng: "Dad, if our handmade wooden car breaks down, I will be even more heartbroken..."

Gu Sheng said: "We are suitable to work in a toy factory."

The couple made a small car and a small slide for the child and placed them in the yard. Guo Bao Rou and Xiao Tang Yuan played happily on the slide at home. When Captain Jiang came to their house, he was very jealous: "You two are really good at making things."

A soldier who is not doing his job and a doctor who is not doing his job.

“Why not make it bigger?”

Captain Jiang stared at the size of the slide, thinking that his own big plate of chicken might get stuck on it.

Zhan Aiping said: "Enough, enough, this is just children's play."

Captain Jiang gestured: "This is not enough."

His Dapanji is also a child. When it grows up to one or two years old, its butt will obviously not be able to sit down.

"Make it bigger next time."

Gu Sheng looked at Captain Jiang's elegant back and said to Zhan Aiping, "Wife, just wait and see."

Zhan Aiping asked, "What are you looking at?"

Gu Sheng: "Sooner or later he will have to bear the pressure of the child."

"Today I saw Big Elbow from next door riding on his father's shoulders and saying he wanted to ride a big horse."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Later, Big Elbow will ride on his father's shoulders... Oh my God, she couldn't imagine that scene at all.


In May, Guangcheng Medical College sent people to promote anti-snake venom serum and brought several types of serum, which successfully saved several patients. Now that the temperature is gradually rising and it is summer, more people are bitten by venomous snakes, and the serum is very useful.

The man who came from Guangcheng was called Zeng Song, a thin, dark-skinned young man who liked to wear white shirts. Doctor Zhao asked him to eat chicken mushrooms, but he refused, saying that he was afraid of eating them.

"There was a teacher in our school who dug up some mushrooms in the school and ate them. He died..." This incident left a deep trauma on Zeng Song, and he didn't dare to eat these things at all.

However, since the people in the hospital enjoyed the food, he followed the local customs and started eating wild mushrooms.

Zhan Aiping's science stories have been sold in major Xinhua bookstores. She bought more than a dozen copies herself, and finally heard that her books were sold out. Many educated youth loved to read them, and Zhan Aiping's name became well-known among the educated youth.

The publishing house sent her a lot of royalties, totaling two thousand yuan. Zhan Aiping saved all the money. At that time, the interest rate on deposits was quite good, and saving money was reliable. Everyone loved to save money, and city dwellers saved a lot of money, but they had no place to spend it, because at that time, even if you had money, you couldn't buy anything.

I can't spend the money I have saved.

As a result, when the economy opened up, people's desire to consume suddenly exploded, the interest on savings became lower and lower, and the country no longer encouraged saving money.

"Doctor Zhan, the higher-ups hope you can lead the team to the military hospital for further training."

Zhan Aiping was stunned for a moment: "What? I'm going to the military hospital for further studies?"

"Yes, this time several hospitals have joined together..." Military hospitals and local people's hospitals have joined together to exchange knowledge and further their studies. This is a great opportunity for doctors.

Even if she didn't go to the military hospital for further studies, Zhan Aiping would have the opportunity to study at the county people's hospital and the municipal people's hospital for one or two years.

"You're still young, you have a lot of opportunities."

"There will be a bigger platform for development in the future. When you first came here, I knew you would not stay in a small township hospital forever,"

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "Even if I go to study for a year or two, it's not like I won't come back."

Dean Hao smiled and patted Zhan Aiping on the shoulder.

Zhan Aiping said: "To be disrespectful, I still want to take the position of dean."

"You are really good at talking."

Zhan Aiping has been working at Yanxin Health Center for two years. The two years have passed quickly. The hospital's operating room has been built. The jujube tree next to the operating room is lush and leafy, growing vigorously and towering like a canopy. When there are no operations, the children in the hospital like to play under the jujube tree.

The little girl Zheng Xuemei, who was born at that time, is already over two years old.

Zhan Aiping went to the military hospital for further studies, and her future workplace would change. Gu Xiangyi was particularly happy about this, and wished that Zhan Aiping would just move in with her, "We two sisters-in-law can just live together in the future."

"Bring along my two little nephews and nieces, and we'll still be a family of four!"

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of you."

Gu Sheng just wanted to kick her out.

(End of this chapter)