Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 89: Good daughter-in-law


"The scenery here is so beautiful!" When Xie Wan and her group arrived in Chuncheng, Gu Sheng arranged for someone to pick them up. They took a jeep and got off at the gate of the staff quarters.

Although the mountain road was bumpy and tiring, the crisp green and the gentle breeze made me feel relaxed and happy when I got off the car. Green is a color that can make people feel happy.

It seems as if the whole soul is washed by the dewy green.

Zhang Shuyang adjusted his glasses. He was Xie Wan's fiancé. After seeing so many tall and strong soldiers and patrolling guards, he felt nervous unconsciously.

The military bugle sounded urgently, and Xie Wan said to Qin Lu, "I haven't heard this sound for a long time."

As soon as they entered the family compound, they saw a young soldier walking by leading Lai Fu, a black dog. Lai Fu had already grown tall and strong, and looked very majestic. Zhang Shuyang felt a little dizzy when he saw this half-human-tall black dog.

Qin Lu said, "It seems that Gu Wu also raised one before."

Xie Wan remembered this and suddenly she couldn't stop laughing, "Yeah, I remember, his dog bit Pingping. Damn, Pingping was so willing to marry him without holding a grudge?!!!"

Qin Lu's daughter Zhou Ting stood beside her timidly and curiously, "Mom, big dog!"

"Be careful."

They walked towards Zhan Aiping's house, but before they arrived, they saw a man washing clothes in the next yard. The man was Captain Luo, who was washing clothes and diapers for his wife and son.

Xie Wan, Qin Lu, and Zhang Shuyang stood outside the yard, staring blankly at Captain Luo washing clothes, just like humans seeing a gorilla.

—Such a grown man, actually washing clothes in broad daylight!

—He doesn’t look like a family-oriented and sociable man.

Xie Wan thought, is this the guy who does logistics, pulls equipment, and checks the oil in the warehouse? But this is next to Gu Wu's house, and judging from the size of the house, his position should be quite high.

When Captain Luo looked up, he saw three "idiots" staring at him as if they had seen a ghost.

Captain Luo: “?!!!” Look at your ass!

Xie Wan said to Qin Lu, "The man who lives next door to Gu Wu is really family-oriented! He even rubs diapers for the kids. He's a good man!"

"Teacher Zhang, you should learn from me."

Zhang Shuyang smiled but said nothing. Seeing Captain Luo, such a big man, rubbing diapers was indeed a great shock to him.

Xie Wan is an elementary school teacher and Zhang Shuyang is a middle school teacher. In terms of work, Zhang Shuyang's job is better than Xie Wan's, but Zhang Shuyang marrying Xie Wan is definitely marrying up.

Because Xie Wan's family was well-off and his family was poor, he won Xie Wan's heart by his good looks, thoughtfulness and romance.

He said a lot of nice things before the marriage, and promised to do the housework and take care of everything after marriage... But he knew that most of these promises were impossible to fulfill.

Even Qin Lu's husband, Mr. Zhou, who was a good man that everyone envied, had never rubbed diapers himself. It was Mr. Zhou's mother, Qin Lu's mother-in-law, who served him.

It is unlucky for a man to scrub diapers, as it will affect his future.

Although Zhang Shuyang promised to be a considerate and good man on the surface, he might not necessarily do so after marriage. After all, since ancient times, men have been the breadwinners outside the home and women have been the homemakers, and doing housework and taking care of children are women's responsibilities.

Zhang Shuyang agreed to come and accompany Xie Wan to meet her childhood friends. The men her childhood friends married were mostly patriarchal, and many of the military officers' spouses did not have jobs and stayed at home to take care of the children.

Zhang Shuyang hopes that after meeting them, Xie Wan will be content with her situation.

But I didn't expect to meet a male officer washing diapers as soon as I arrived.

Zhang Shuyang: “…”

Qin Lu: “…”

Xie Wan was also generous and cheerful. When she saw Captain Luo saw them, she took the initiative to greet them and even joked, "Comrade, you are so family-oriented and considerate to your wife. The man living next door to you must be under a lot of pressure."

Captain Luo: “…”

Captain Luo felt mixed emotions at this moment. He thought that over the past few years, it was Gu Sheng who made the men around him feel pressured.

But now it’s different. Gu Sheng has become stronger and acted like a real man, and his wife has become virtuous and considerate.

But his wife was diligent for only a few days and then became lazy again.

Captain Luo saw that they were here to visit the Gu family next door, and he secretly said, "Who made my wife not as virtuous and good-tempered as the wife next door?"

He would deliberately brag in front of outsiders about how the lazy woman next door, Zhan Aiping, was virtuous, sensible, considerate, and loving to men.

Anyway, what he said was the facts—“the latest facts”.

"What?" Xie Wan was stunned. The wife next door was virtuous and good-tempered? Was he talking about Zhan Aiping

"Is the house next door to you Gu Sheng's? His wife Zhan Aiping!"

Captain Luo said: "Yes, his wife Zhan Aiping loves men very much!"

Xie Wan: “… ???!!!”

Qin Lu: “… ?!”

Even Zhang Shuyang was shocked!

According to Xie Wan, her childhood friend had a strong personality, like a fake man, and had a stubborn temper.

Didn't you expect that she is actually a virtuous, family-oriented person who loves her husband

Captain Luo said: "Who in our family compound doesn't envy him for marrying a beautiful doctor who takes care of the children, does housework, and loves men?"

Xie Wan: "... Married women change so much?"

Zhan Aiping, a virtuous and considerate woman for men

"That's right." Captain Luo agreed: "My current wife is a completely different person before and after marriage."

Before marriage she was barely a fresh flower, but after marriage she was simply a man-eating plant.

Qin Lu: “…” A completely different Zhan Aiping

Captain Luo said: "Since Gu Sheng became the captain, he has become more and more tough. Yesterday he even told me that he would go back and discipline his wife."

Xie Wan was stunned.

Captain Luo didn't say much to them. He felt ashamed of washing diapers outside and being watched by others.

Wait and see what happens next door

After these people leave, will the neighbors quarrel

Anyway, none of this has anything to do with him. What he said was all true, without a trace of falsehood.

Captain Luo went back into the house, and Xie Wan and her group went to knock on the door next door. Zhan Aiping was in the inner room with the child. The house was too big, and if there was any noise on one side, it could not be heard on the other side.

Zhan Aiping is setting up guest rooms, and now there are many empty rooms in their house.

After knowing Xie Wan was here, she went out to greet her, "Xiao Wanzi, you are here, this is your boyfriend, and Qin Lu."

"Pingping? Zhan Aiping!!!! Oh, you are so beautiful!" When Xie Wan saw Zhan Aiping, she was really shocked. The beautiful woman in front of her was completely different from the Zhan Aiping in her memory.

Xie Wan excitedly grabbed Zhan Aiping's hand and said, "If you know how pretty you are after dressing up, Lao Zhao and the others will regret it to death, for letting Gu Laowu pick up such a beautiful woman for nothing."

"This guy surnamed Gu got a bargain."

Such a beautiful lady with a good figure is rare in the world.

"If I were a man, you would be my wife."

Zhan Aiping laughed: "You are dreaming."

Xie Wan sighed and said, "I really didn't expect that you would marry Gu Laowu and become such a good daughter-in-law that everyone praises."

Zhan Aiping was stunned: "Am I a good daughter-in-law praised by everyone?"

Xie Wan nodded and said, "That's right, even your neighbors say you are virtuous, considerate and loving to men."

When Xie Wan said this, Qin Lu glanced at Zhan Aiping with some contempt. Her heart was in turmoil. She was jealous of Zhan Aiping for being so beautiful and bright, and despised her for trying to please men.

Zhan Aiping is nice to her man, definitely because of Gu Sheng's family background and future.

Listen, Gu Sheng just became the head of the regiment, and she became more considerate. Isn't it because she wants to be an officer's wife

Zhan Aiping's mouth twitched: "My neighbor, are you talking about Captain Luo next door?"

Captain Luo doesn't do his job every other day.

"Captain Luo? Is he still a captain?" Xie Wan was surprised. Such a captain actually washed diapers. He was really a good man. "Captain Luo next door is washing diapers outside. He is really a good man who cares about his family."

Zhan Aiping: "… He was probably forced to do it."

Zhang Lirong is indeed good at handling things, and she has made Captain Luo completely obedient. The two of them are just like a bunch of idiots.

"Being forced? Is his wife a powerful one?"

Zhan Aiping nodded and said, "He's a very capable guy." And a little crazy.

Xie Wan winked and said, "Then why aren't you a powerful person? I heard that your man disciplined you when he came back. Gu Laowu actually disciplined you!"

“I found it incredible.”

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Before Zhan Aiping could say anything, the sweet and sour pork that appeared behind her spoke up. The sweet and sour pork said resentfully, "My father only disciplines the children when he comes back. How dare he discipline my mother?"

After being discovered wetting the bed, he was forced to eat radishes and vegetables. Today's sweet and sour pork is full of revenge and resentment.

Xie Wan blinked when she saw the sweet and sour pork. His features resembled Zhan Aiping, like a replica of Zhan Aiping when she was a child. She had a deep memory of Zhan Aiping's childhood appearance. "This is your son. He looks a lot like you when you were a child..."

"Youyou, stop talking nonsense."

Xie Wan asked curiously: "Youyou? Your father doesn't dare to discipline your mother?"

Guo Bao Rou said: "My father is afraid of his wife. He only dares to be tough with his children."

Little Tangyuan ran out to support his brother: "That's right! My dad is afraid of my mom."

"My mother asked him to eat coarse food but he didn't dare to say a word."

Guo Bao Rou said: "My mother eats spicy food at home, but we, the Gu family, eat green vegetables and radishes without adding oil."

Zhan Aiping: “…” Both of these kids are a little leaky.

I feel so resentful just by eating some vegetables and radishes.

Zhan Aiping didn't rush to deny it. She said, "These two kids were taught a lesson by Gu Laowu yesterday, and they are very resentful now."

"It was obviously you who started it, mom."

"Dad always listens to you..."

Xie Wan: “…”

Zhan Aiping said to her childhood friend Xie Wan: "I have a very high status in this family. Gu Laowu listens to me in everything. He dare not refute me."

Xie Wan: “…”

She didn’t know whether her childhood friend Zhan Aiping had a high status in the family, but she felt that this family seemed to be filled with gunpowder everywhere.

(End of this chapter)