Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 96: Visit relatives


"My brother and I have found a childhood sweetheart. We grew up in the same courtyard and know each other."

"Her brothers I know well—"

Zhang Lirong was choked back by the couple next door.

Zhang Lirong was in a trance. When Captain Luo came back, she asked him, "Where do so many childhood sweethearts come from?"

Captain Luo asked back, "Haven't there been enough children born in our compound in recent years? Aren't they all childhood sweethearts when they grow up?"

Zhang Lirong was stunned and thought to herself, that was true. Children were born one after another in the compound, in piles and piles, and the noise was so loud that it hurt people's ears.

"But I haven't heard of anyone's family getting engaged..."

"With so many children, there will always be a few who can succeed." Captain Luo said casually. When he talked about this, he frowned and felt very anxious. If he stayed in this position and could not be promoted in a few years, he would have to face the issue of changing his career.

Zhang Lirong asked, "How about finding one for our child as well?"

"Forget it, forget it. Do you think the girls from those families are reliable?" Captain Luo waved his hand. He felt that the girls in the compound were not virtuous enough, and the best one was his wife Zhang Lirong.

He didn't want his only son to marry a daughter-in-law like Zhang Lirong.

Forget about Zhan Aiping from next door. The Luo family doesn't want a woman like that.

Captain Luo hopes that his future daughter-in-law is not well educated, has a gentle and obedient personality, can do housework, relies on the man wholeheartedly, takes care of the children at home, does housework, and loves the man.

Zhang Lirong said, "Why is he unreliable? He is better than a country bumpkin."

Captain Luo said: "Those girls, from childhood to adulthood, are all very naughty. If anyone marries them, it will be a misfortune for the family!"

Marry a virtuous wife! Captain Luo is a lesson for us.

Zhang Lirong: “…”

Captain Luo asked her, "Why are you saying this today?"

Zhang Lirong said, "Zhan Aiping's brother from next door came over and said he also found a childhood sweetheart." Captain Luo was puzzled: "Is her brother also going to get married?"

Zhang Lirong said, "Well, I think the couple don't seem to be very satisfied with their sister-in-law. They are very stingy."

Captain Luo raised his eyebrows: "Is there any need to ask this? Which sister-in-law in the village can get along with the brothers' wives?"

"Fire and water are naturally incompatible."

Zhang Lirong smiled and said, "That's right. Zhan Aiping is just feeling proud right now. If she has more sisters-in-law in the future, she will have a headache."

"We'll just watch from the sidelines."

"If they get divorced, we'll have something good to watch!" Zhang Lirong was looking forward to watching the couple next door get divorced.

Go ahead and make a fuss, then leave now!

They have been married for four years. If they wait another three years, they will reach the seven-year itch. There are a lot of troubles at home!

Captain Luo frowned: "..."

Captain Luo felt uncomfortable when he saw Zhang Lirong was very interested in watching the quarrel next door. If the couple from the Gu family next door got divorced, would Zhang Lirong also want to remarry

Gu Sheng is a relatively young team leader with a good family background and good looks. Even though he is divorced, he is still a popular figure. Is Zhang Lirong also keeping an eye on him

Captain Luo was cuckolded once, and he always suspected that he was cuckolded... He didn't like being cuckolded more than watching the good show next door.

Captain Luo pursed his lips. Now he had two paths to choose from. One was to hope that Gu Sheng next door would become more powerful and control his wife Zhan Aiping into a submissive wife. If Zhan Aiping became a considerate wife to men, wouldn't she become a role model for "Zhang Lirong"

Let Zhang Lirong learn more from Zhan Aiping.

Of course, Captain Luo has another choice, which is to take someone with him before he dies. Now he is not strong enough at home, and it is miserable for one person or two people. He goes to Gu Sheng and asks him to love his wife more. Zhang Lirong goes to Zhan Aiping and encourages her to make trouble at home and torment her man...

By that time, when Commander Gu, who was considered very "capable" by the army commander and division commander, was being tormented by his wife at home, Commander Luo could also find joy in misery when he saw Gu Sheng, who was even more miserable than him. He thought, at least the man next door was even more miserable...

However, the man next door was in a miserable situation. He was not much better off. He killed one thousand enemies but lost eight hundred of his own.

"It's better to be the first." Captain Luo murmured. Although he particularly couldn't stand Gu Sheng's good life, unfortunately they were now grasshoppers on the same rope. If Gu Sheng's life was better, his life would be better too.

Zhan Aiping's life became difficult, and Zhang Lirong's jealousy was finally at peace.


Gu Xiangyi and Zhan Mingzhao were chatting quite well. When Zhan Aiping and his wife brought the child back to the house, they both had a faint blush on their cheeks, and they were obviously embarrassed.

Zhan Aiping didn't tease them and told Gu Sheng to cook. Gu Xiangyi and his wife would stay at their house tonight and leave for Chuncheng together tomorrow. This year they would finally go back together for the New Year, first to the Zhan family and then to the Gu family.

When I return, I will go to Shanghai to visit Professor Sun and his wife.

Zhan Mingzhao went to the kitchen to help with the cooking. Gu Xiangyi said to Zhan Aiping, "I'm going to call my dad."

Zhan Aiping: "... Do you want to go and tell Dad?"

"Of course I have to say something." Gu Xiangyi thought that if he stuck his head out, he would be stabbed, and if he kept his head down, he would be stabbed too, so he had to go and give Old Gu a shot of prevention first.

"I found him a very handsome son-in-law!"

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Gu Sheng is a very good role model. Gu Xiangyi called Gu Ze'an and his wife and told them that she was going to bring her partner home. They should be mentally prepared because the partner she was looking for was none other than her sister-in-law's younger brother, making the two families even closer.

"A closer relationship?" Gu Ze'an's head was dizzy. He wanted to say a few words to his daughter on the phone, but his daughter had already hung up.

Zhan Mingzhao

Qin Ying had a headache: "Are they here for real or fake? How can they be put together?"

Gu Ze'an sighed, and after a few seconds, he calmed down. "If they really get married... that's fine. At least they are familiar with each other and won't cause any trouble."

Qin Ying was silent for a moment. She knew her daughter well. Instead of marrying a strange man who came from nowhere, it would be a good idea to choose a child she knew.

"Ming Zhao was a very obedient child when he was young. He was not as naughty as his sister and he had a good personality."

"Didn't he go to the movies before? We've seen it."

Gu Ze'an twitched his brows: "He is good-looking, but... he is too dark. How can so many girls like a dark and skinny boy?"

"Our Xiangyi doesn't like black boys, right? This must be fake!"

Qin Ying said: "..."

Gu Ze'an was so worried: "Old Lu laughed at our little six for being an old maid. What's wrong with being an old maid? I can support her for the rest of her life. What's so great about him having three daughters? He even showed off his sons-in-law in front of me. He said that his sons-in-law are all gentle and elegant. I think they are all gigolos."

Gu Ze'an glared at her: "You don't say anything, do you think I don't know? Your daughter likes gigolos, and you like gigolos too!!!"

The women in this family are really something. Even though they are from a military family, they like the kind of pretty boy who can't carry anything, can't lift anything with his hands, and can only recite poems and compose couplets.

"Your daughter learned that from you!"

Qin Ying sighed, "There's no elegant and cultured person in our family. I thought that since Lao Wu was a delicate child, there would definitely be an elegant person in our family. But we bumped into Pingping from next door and insisted on competing with her... Look at what we've become now."

Gu Ze'an said: "I think Lao Wu is the best."

"Isn't our eldest brother okay? The eldest brother is quite elegant. The fourth brother... the fourth brother is also okay." Gu Ze'an thought these women were talking nonsense. They obviously had elegant people in their family too.

Qin Ying said: "... Boss, Boss looks like you. No matter how well-dressed he is, he doesn't look elegant."

Gu Ze'an blew his beard and glared: "You are prejudiced!"

"Old Four... Old Four's voice is loud when he sings, but... his cheeks are too puffy, getting puffier every year. Obviously, we don't have such a big face."

Gu Ze'an: "..."

Qin Ying said: "Things are precious because they are rare. Can't we have a more elegant man in our family?"

"Don't talk about Lao Wu. Lao Wu has been in the army for more than ten years. How can he still look like the tall and thin man he was back then?"

Qin Ying felt extremely regretful whenever he thought of his youngest son Gu Sheng. When he was a teenager, he was a rare and beautiful boy, but now he can only be described as a handsome grown man.


Zhan Aiping and his wife packed up their things, entrusted little Zongzi to the caregiver of Wangcai in the staff quarters, and the family prepared for a long journey.

Sweet and sour pork and little tangyuan were so excited. They had forgotten most of their memories when they were one year old. They only remembered that they were going to their grandparents’ house with their parents and they were going to take the train! !

I can also meet many uncles and aunts.

Little Tangyuan was puzzled: "Uncle and aunt are coming too?"

Sweet and sour pork nodded: "Uncle and aunt are one family to us."

Little Tangyuan said: "My aunt's surname is Gu, but my uncle's surname is not Gu."

"Aunt Gu, Aunt Gu, Aunt Gu..."

Zhan Aiping couldn't help laughing and said, "What are you talking about? Is it a little pigeon?"

Guo Bao Rou said: "My sister is a pigeon, I am not!"

Gu Sheng arranged for someone to carry the luggage into the car. Gu Xiangyi and Zhan Mingzhao sat on the steps to bask in the winter sun. Although the sun was basking on them, they still felt very cold. Not only cold, but also creepy.

Zhan Mingzhao looked at Gu Xiangyi's dark eyes and the big dark circles under his eyes, and asked, "You can't sleep well either?"

Gu Xiangyi: "…It would be strange if I could sleep well."

Thinking about meeting the Gu family and the Zhan family, she trembled all over.

Zhan Mingzhao: “…”

People's joys and sorrows are not shared, but at least Zhan Aiping's family of four were particularly excited and happy about visiting their relatives. As a good brother, Gu Sheng thoughtfully arranged two cars, one for their family and one for Zhan Mingzhao and Gu Xiangyi.

The mountain road was bumpy all the way, and they kept asking for help, which made the driver Xiao Xie very worried.

"Is this a laxative?"

At this time, if you want to relieve yourself on the mountain road, you don't need to find a public toilet. You can just go into the woods and relieve yourself on the spot. It is convenient for men, but it is more troublesome for women.

Zhan Aiping leaned on Gu Sheng's shoulder and looked back frequently, "Why hasn't their car caught up yet? Why hasn't their car caught up yet?"

Gu Sheng smiled and said, "Don't worry, wife, your brother and my sister won't get lost."

After a long time, Xiao Xie finally drove over shakily.

Zhan Aiping asked: "Why is it so slow?"

The driver Xiao Xie said, "I think they had a stomachache. They had to relieve themselves more than a dozen times on the way."

"Haha... more than a dozen times?" Zhan Aiping ran to her brother and sister, "If you are sick, I will prescribe medicine for you."

As soon as Zhan Aiping looked at their faces, she understood instantly.

"We haven't even left the province yet, and you two are so nervous? When you get to the doorstep, don't you know which leg to take?"

Zhan Mingzhao: “…”

Gu Xiangyi: “…”

When I was joking before, I didn’t take it seriously at all, but now I have to go back to meet my parents, old friends, childhood friends and classmates... Where is my face? I don’t know where to put my face.

There are so many elder friends who know them!

Gu Xiangyi: "Why was I so stupid at the beginning? I actually thought it would be good to find a childhood sweetheart. There are too many people who know both of us."

Zhan Mingzhao: "Ugh..."

I’m so worried because so many people know about their embarrassing childhood experiences.

Gu Sheng crossed his arms and said, "What's the big deal? I'm not the same as your sister-in-law."

There are more people who know them.

Gu Xiangyi said, "Not as shameless as you and sister-in-law."

Zhan Mingzhao said: "My sister has no other abilities except thick skin."

Zhan Aiping snorted, "You two are cowards. You dare to do things but you don't dare to take responsibility. Your brother and I have always been upright and honest-"

Before Zhan Aiping could finish her words, she suddenly felt nauseous and then vomited all over the place.

(End of this chapter)