Replacing the Evil Way

Chapter 1: Died


The weather was bad today, and it was gloomy. In the late night, the snow finally fell after a day of waiting, and the lead-gray cross-sea bridge quickly turned white.

A black double-ring SUV sped across the white road, leaving a narrow and long trajectory like an arrow.

The next moment, the straight line bent into a strange arc, and after a harsh sound, the car crashed directly into the guardrail on the side of the bridge.

The sirens of ambulances, the cries of women, the sound of leather tearing, and the flames shooting into the sky all burned together.

A man was whispering something, but it was too noisy around and Lin Jiaqiao couldn't hear clearly.

She looked in the direction of the sound, but heard a rapid ringing sound in her ears.

Lin Jiaqiao was awakened from her dream by the ringing of her cell phone. The call was from her subordinate.

The subordinate asked anxiously: "Boss, the information about the young idol you forwarded last time was complained by fans, and the platform—"

Lin Jiaqiao was in no mood to listen to her. He muttered "same old" listlessly and hung up the phone.

It snowed all day yesterday. Outside the car window, the lush green protective forest spread out in the endless white, blending with the azure sea in the distance. It was so magnificent that it was heartbreaking.

Today is Lin Dapeng’s birthday and also the first anniversary of his death.

Lin Jiaqiao and Qin Guan were on their way to the cemetery.

Lin Dapeng had a car accident on this road.

Qin Guan had been watching her in the rearview mirror. Seeing that she looked listless, he controlled the steering wheel with one hand and pulled down her hat with the other hand to cover her eyes: "Don't look. We'll be there soon."

They had been in a cold war for a long time, and Lin Jiaqiao was a little overwhelmed by his concern.

She pulled off her hat and felt a chill on her fingertips as she thought about the strange dream she had just had.

She lowered her head and found a diamond-studded bracelet between the gaps in the seat.

Lin Jiaqiao is afraid of pain and has never had her ears pierced.

This is not her thing.

Lin Jiaqiao knew that a normal girl would definitely question her boyfriend about the origin of the earrings, but after Lin Dapeng passed away, she lost interest in everything and was not in the mood to argue.

By then they had arrived at the cemetery. Lin Jiaqiao put the earrings back and prepared to get off the car.

Qin Guan saw her actions and a little dissatisfaction flashed across his face. But he said nothing, just asked her: "I'm going to find a parking space, can you go up by yourself?"

Lin Jiaqiao didn't look back, but just said "hmm" softly.

Lin Dapeng was a criminal policeman. He died of excessive fatigue and a traffic accident.

He liked crowds, so they buried him here, surrounded by his colleagues.

Lin Jiaqiao stood quietly in front of the tombstone. Without warning, tears overflowed from her eyes. The cold wind blew and scratched her cheeks, causing them to hurt.

Lin Dapeng's posthumous photo was taken when he was just promoted to the captain of the criminal police. He looked a little reserved, but he was smiling brightly. In the photo, Lin Dapeng looked at Lin Jiaqiao tenderly, just like when he was alive.

Lin Jiaqiao finally couldn't help it anymore, and leaned his head against the cold tombstone, murmuring: "Dad, I'm sorry."

The day before Lin Dapeng died, the father and daughter had a fight.

That morning, in the city's famous seaside park, a girl was making loud noises and disturbing other tourists, so the security guards used a very rude method to drive her away.

These methods include, but are not limited to: pulling open a girl's coat, and touching her breasts and certain parts of her lower body, intentionally or unintentionally.

According to eyewitnesses, the girl's leggings and pants were torn by the security guards, and most of her clothes were taken off during the struggle, exposing her white legs and waist to the winter sea breeze.

Netizens quickly started arguing. Some said the girl deserved it for disrupting public order, while others said the security guards took advantage of the girl, otherwise why didn't they deal with the equally noisy man.

Lin Jiaqiao is the editor-in-chief of "Youxian Reading Newspaper". Naturally, he would not miss this wave of popularity and immediately ordered his editors to report the matter.

In fact, her content is quite objective, but the title is very provocative.

In order to increase the click rate, Lin Jiaqiao deliberately emphasized the gender of the two people and used suggestive words such as "touching", "breasts" and "lower body" to increase the click rate.

When Lin Dapeng saw this, he got furious on the spot and said that Lin Jiaqiao had no professional ethics and that this behavior was a secondary harm to the person involved.

This was the first time in Lin Jiaqiao’s life that she was seriously scolded by her father.

Of course she was not convinced, she had her own work pressure.

And she wasn't lying.

In the surveillance video, the security guard's hands were indeed not honest.

Neither the father nor the daughter could convince the other. Lin Jiaqiao left in anger, not answering the phone and refusing to go home.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Dapeng passed away.

She always owes him a happy birthday.

Lin Jiaqiao was crying silently, and a gray area appeared in his peripheral vision.

Ms. Qiao is here.

She didn't want to make her mother worry, so she immediately wiped away her tears and forced a smile at her mother.

Before she could say anything, Ms. Qiao stuffed the tissue into her hand and said, "Go back and cry. It's windy here, and if you cry about the pain in your face again, it will be disturbing."

While the two were talking, Gu Yiming quietly placed fruits in front of Lin Dapeng's tombstone.

He was very tall, but thin and narrow, and his face was pale from the wind, as if he could faint at any time.

He took out a mango from the bag, but he didn't hold it firmly and the mango fell to the ground.

Lin Jiaqiao bent down, picked it up, and placed the mango in front of the tombstone.

She stood beside him and said, "Brother, let's go together."

Gu Yiming smiled at her. Lin Jiaqiao then realized that his eyes were red and he looked like he had been crying.

She felt even more guilty.

Sensing her emotions, Gu Yiming whispered, "My eyes are crying because of the wind."

He added: "I have been with my aunt all morning. I will not cry in front of her."

"Don't blame yourself anymore. Your uncle will be sad if he sees you."

He fixed Lin Jiaqiao's hair and asked, "Where is that kid Qin Guan?"

Speaking of Qin Guan, Lin Jiaqiao suddenly thought of the diamond earrings, and a nameless anger slowly burned in his heart.

Gu Yiming was puzzled: "You two, had a fight?"

Lin Jiaqiao immediately denied it, "No."

She glanced at Ms. Qiao, worried that she had noticed it and was worried about her.

Gu Yiming's voice is always gentle, making people want to talk. He said, "Don't be nervous, because I'm a psychologist, I can see it."

"Do you want to talk to me?"

Lin Jiaqiao felt that he had a lot to say, but he didn't know what to say, so he changed the subject and asked, "How do you buy mangoes? Doesn't Dad like to eat them?"

Ms. Qiao placed the incense and paper money in front of the grave. “We have to take them back after we worship. The cemetery does not allow us to leave offerings.”

Lin Jiaqiao's eyes turned red again. She likes eating mangoes.

Ms. Qiao quickly interrupted her sadness: "I almost forgot, this is for you."

She pulled out a small notebook from her shoulder bag, "Your father's notebook, keep it as a reminder."

Everything he saw in his dream appeared before his eyes again, and Lin Jiaqiao felt that there was something wrong with his memory.

Ms. Qiao's bag broke on the night Lin Dapeng died. And this notebook, because she carried it with her, was stained with blood after he had a car accident.

But now, they appeared in front of her intact and clean.

Lin Jiaqiao thought that she was too sad and had problems with her memory of the night Lin Dapeng died, so she didn't take it to heart.

She opened the notebook and the first thing she saw was a series of names.

She felt that these names looked familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen them. At this time, Ms. Qiao began to worship, and she put the notebook away and put it in her pocket.

Although Haicheng is a northern city, it is surrounded by the sea on three sides. The cold winter wind is full of moisture, and is damp and cold. Ms. Qiao's body soon couldn't bear it.

After sending her to the taxi, Lin Jiaqiao and Gu Yiming stayed to wait for Qin Guan.

Gu Yiming asked: "What did you want to tell me just now?"

He looked at Lin Jiaqiao gently, "You've been having a hard time lately, do you want to talk to me?"

"Don't worry, we'll give you a big discount on the consultation fee."

Psychological counselors charge by the minute. Lin Jiaqiao often teases Gu Yiming that he is a profiteer and says that he will never waste his money.

At such times, Lin Dapeng would speak up for Gu Yiming and tease Lin Jiaqiao that his nerves were as thin as a telephone pole and he would never have any psychological problems in his life.

This was a trivial past event, but Lin Jiaqiao couldn't help but smile.

Gu Yiming also smiled, "You finally smiled. I haven't seen you smile for a long time."

Lin Jiaqiao realized that something was wrong with him and wanted to continue the previous topic, but he saw a familiar figure.

She was a little surprised and asked, "Brother, is it Xiang Xiaoyuan?"

Gu Yiming looked in the direction she was pointing. "Is that your good friend from college?"

"I wouldn't mistake someone so beautiful."

The two stared at the figure until she disappeared among the rows of tombstones.

Lin Jiaqiao was puzzled. "Xiao Xiangzi is not from here. Who is she coming to worship? Does she have relatives buried here?"

Gu Yiming retracted his gaze, "Do you want to go find her, or should we continue chatting?"

The courage to speak out only lasts for a moment, and once missed it is gone.

Lin Jiaqiao lowered his head, gently kicked the snow on the ground, and answered with silence.

Gu Yiming understood. He said, "You have my phone number. You can call me anytime."

He asked again: "Shall we go back and wait for Qin Guan?"

“… I don’t want to quarrel with him in front of Old Lin.” Lin Jiaqiao took Gu Yiming’s arm and said, “Brother, please walk with me.”

The weather was bad today, with leaden clouds piled up overhead, thick and heavy, making the entire sky gloomy. All around were black or white tombstones, all covered with gray human faces.

Gu Yiming asked: "...Walk?"

No matter how you look at it, this isn't a good place to hang out.

Lin Jiaqiao had already pulled her and walked forward.

There are only two roads in front of the cemetery, one is the road we came in, and the other is a small path leading to the back mountain.

The two soon came to a fork in the road. Gu Yiming looked at Lin Jiaqiao and asked, "Which way are you going?"

Thinking of Lin Dapeng's car accident, Lin Jiaqiao chose the small road without hesitation.

The two walked in silence. The surroundings were quiet except for the crunching sound of the snow under their feet.

Gu Yiming's cell phone suddenly rang.

Fearing that someone might hear his patient's privacy, Lin Jiaqiao gestured to indicate that he would leave first.

There was a forest behind the mountain, and the path seemed to cross the entire mountain. The snow on the trees fell on her face and quickly melted into water droplets, as if she was crying.

Lin Jiaqiao touched his face randomly, but more tears flowed out uncontrollably.

She was too lazy to care and let them remain on her face.

She couldn't help but wonder if Lin Dapeng would feel pain when he died, if she hadn't -

Suddenly, she felt a chill on her neck, and large amounts of bright red sprayed onto the snow.

Then she fell heavily to the ground.

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