Replacing the Evil Way

Chapter 100: Set up a game


Suddenly, his smile froze.

He actually lied just now.

He wants his mother to be hospitalized.

It would be better for his mother to stay in the hospital for the rest of her life.

He started planning from the moment he saw Gu Xiaoxu.

Ten days later, Gu Yiming was no longer in good health and the doctor agreed to discharge him from the hospital.

His legs were not fully healed yet and he had to use crutches to walk.

Qin Guan advised: "Stay a few more days, and leave when your legs are better."

Gu Yiming disagreed, "It's too expensive here, I can't afford it."

Qin Guan was dissatisfied: "What do you mean? You look down on our 'Great Qin' and you even care about this?"

Gu Yiming didn't take his anger seriously at all, "Okay, I'll tell you the truth, I'm worried about my mother."

"I'm worried that she'll cause trouble for Uncle Lin and Ms. Qiao again. I have to go back and look after her."

Lin Jiaqiao looked at the bruises on his body and couldn't help but worry, "What if she tortures you? You won't have anywhere to run."

Before Gu Yiming could say anything, Lin Dapeng and Ms. Qiao arrived.

Lin Dapeng handed him a box and said, "If your mother abuses you, call us."

Gu Yiming opened the box and found a mobile phone.

He was a little surprised and excited: "You—"

Lin Dapeng said: "It wasn't me, it was our whole family who pooled money to buy it for you."

Lin Jiaqiao asked Qin Guan in a low voice: "Why don't I know about this activity?"

Qin Guan whispered, "I'll pay for your share."

"You have no money anyway."

The car was very quiet. Lin Dapeng was driving, Ms. Qiao was sitting in the passenger seat, and Gu Yiming, Qin Guan, and Lin Jiaqiao were sitting in the back seat.

Gu Yiming poked Qin Guan and whispered, "It seems like something is resting on my waist."

Without waiting for Qin Guan to speak, he took out his cell phone and showed it off: "Wow, it turns out to be my new cell phone."

In just half an hour, he has already shown off three times.

He has always been calm and rarely so lively. Lin Dapeng and Ms. Qiao exchanged glances and couldn't help smiling.

Lin Jiaqiao also felt that he was doing well this way, much better than before when he was lifeless.

Qin Guan couldn't help it and said to Lin Jiaqiao, "Zhizhi, open the car window. I want to throw this guy out."

Everyone soon arrived downstairs at Gu Yiming's house.

Gu Yiming's home is in an old residential area without an elevator. Fortunately, he didn't save much during his hospitalization, only a large bag of medicine.

Lin Dapeng asked: "You really don't need us to take you up?"

Qin Guan also said: "You live on the third floor, how long will it take you to jump around?"

Gu Yiming shook his head, "Forget it. If my mom sees this, she'll make trouble again."

He looked at Ms. Qiao and Lin Jiaqiao, "I probably won't be able to go out in the next few days, my sister, please help me."

In fact, it’s useless for him to go out.

Gu Xiaoxu's condition worsened due to her mother's stimulation. She felt nauseous when she saw men and always wanted to hurt herself.

Even though Gu Yiming missed her very much, they couldn't meet.

Ms. Qiao nodded and reminded: "I'm with your sister, don't worry. But you, be careful."

Gu Yiming nodded and walked into the building under the gaze of everyone.

At the corner of the first floor, he stopped, planning to wait for the Lin family to leave before going home.

He heard Qin Guan complain, "Why is Lao Gu still shy with me? I have accompanied him to the toilet, so what's wrong with carrying him upstairs?"

Lin Jiaqiao also said: "Why are you being so distant with us?"

Lin Dapeng replied: "You two told me and your mom everything you did? You worry about so many things all day long."

Then there was the sound of a car starting, mixed with the voices of Qin Guan and Lin Jiaqiao. Gu Yiming didn't hear it clearly, but he guessed that the two of them were probably acting coquettishly towards Lin Dapeng and Ms. Qiao.

It was only after getting to know them that Gu Yiming realized what a normal family was like.

He stayed there for a long time before moving up the steps one by one to the door of his house.

As expected, his mother refused to open the door for him.

Gu Yiming was not angry. He knocked on the door at the same frequency and shouted, "Mom, are you home?"

Because it was too long, the neighbor couldn't stand the noise, so he went out and said, "You're back. Don't you know that your mother seems to be sick and has been going to the hospital every day recently? Is she not at home?"

Gu Yiming was a little anxious: "That's why I'm worried."

"My mother was diagnosed with mental illness a few days ago, but she had an attack—"

Before he finished speaking, the door of Gu Yiming's house opened.

The anger on Gu's face had not yet faded, and she was eager to put on a smile, so she looked a little ferocious. She said, "Yiming, what nonsense are you talking about? I'm not crazy at all."

Gu Yiming quickly comforted her, "Yes, you are not sick."

He added: "I have been in the hospital recently and I don't know the situation. What medicine did the doctor prescribe for you? Did you take it on time?"

This simply proves that she has a mental problem.

If Mother Gu explained further now, it would only make things worse. She simply turned cold and said in a cold voice, "Come in now!"

When she angrily slammed the door, the neighbor muttered: "No wonder no man wants her, it turns out she is mentally ill."

He clicked his tongue twice, and the mole on his face twitched. "No wonder her children have good grades. It turns out that geniuses are more likely to be born from mentally ill people."

The house is very different from before Gu Yiming left.

The room was in a mess, the dishes in the kitchen were smashed to pieces, and in the hall, Gu Yiming's reference books were torn to pieces. Gu Yiming's clothes were also thrown on the ground, some were cut up, and some were stepped on several times.

Gu Xiaoxu's room was locked all year round, but now the door was open and Gu Xiaoxu's things were scattered all over the floor like garbage.

Gu Yiming didn't say anything, but his eyes became deeper.

He returned to his room in silence and placed the medicine on the messy floor.

Mother Gu said sarcastically, "Oh, Master Gu is willing to come back."

"You like the Lin family so much, why don't you go back to their home? I thought you wanted to be the son of the Lin family."

Gu Yiming clenched his crutches and said calmly, "Maybe they don't want a child with a mental illness."

"What did you say!" Mother Gu was furious and slapped Gu Yiming twice.

Gu Yiming raised the corner of his mouth, "Do you think the hospital made a wrong diagnosis?"

"No, Dad told me before he divorced you that you were mentally ill. He divorced you because he disliked you and thought you were crazy."

"He also said that you were pretty when you were young, but after you got sick, your face became uglier and your figure became out of shape."

"You didn't have much to begin with, and now you have nothing."

"I knew it a long time ago, and I didn't tell you on purpose. I just wanted to embarrass you in public."

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Gu Yiming's words are full of loopholes. When his parents divorced, Gu Yiming was still young, and his father must have been crazy to say these things to him.

But Gu Yiming knew his mother too well, and his words hit her sore spot. Mother Gu went crazy on the spot, punching and kicking him, wishing she could strangle him to death immediately.

Gu Yiming still wanted to talk about his new mobile phone.

He wanted to show off that someone was kind to him and that he no longer needed a crazy mother. But he was worried that his mother would be too excited and smash her phone.

He couldn't bear it and had to give up.

He didn't endure it like he had in the past, and shouted, "Mom, calm down, take the medicine."

This just added fuel to the fire, and his mother became even crazier.

Gu Yiming begged for mercy even louder.

Before leaving, Lin Dapeng contacted the neighborhood committee and asked them to take better care of the orphan and his widowed mother.

In the middle of summer, residents who were reluctant to turn on the air conditioner opened the windows for ventilation. Gu Yiming's shout soon attracted people from the entire building.

The door of the Gu family was slammed loudly. Mother Gu finally came to her senses and said loudly, "Gu Yiming is yelling nonsense. You guys go back."

Gu Yiming said gently: "Look, now the whole community knows that you are sick."

Mother Gu was so angry that she hit him even harder, and Gu Yiming's cries for help became even more helpless.

But he was smiling.

The knocking on the door became louder, making people feel annoyed. Finally, Mother Gu lost her mind and cursed at the people outside the door, "Didn't you hear me tell you to get out?"

The knocking stopped for a few seconds, and then someone urged loudly: "Yiming's mother, if you have something to say, please talk to her nicely. Don't take it out on the child."

Mother Gu slapped Gu Yiming a few more times, "I told you to shut up, are you deaf!"

She has always been like this. Whenever she is angry with others, she takes it out on her own children.

Gu Yiming didn't resist, just waiting for this moment.

Seeing that everything was almost ready, he pushed Mother Gu away and stumbled towards the door.

Mother Gu wanted to stop him, but their house was very small and Gu Yiming had already reached the door.

He even smiled at her before opening the door.

This smile came from the heart, and was a smile that Mother Gu had never seen before.

Her heart sank, and the next moment, Gu Yiming opened the door.

Everything in the house is presented to everyone.

The perfect mask that Mother Gu had spent nearly twenty years creating was shattered.

The bruises on Gu Yiming's face had not yet faded, and now he had new injuries. He was also limping, making him look even more pitiful.

Everyone was stunned for a few seconds, then immediately rushed in and separated the two.

An enthusiastic aunt asked: "Hurry up and get medicine for your mother!"

Mrs. Gu did have some mental problems, but they were not serious enough to require medication.

Gu Yiming stood there blankly. Someone spoke for him: "He just got out of the hospital. How would he know?"

Several aunts half coaxed and half forced Mother Gu into the bedroom.

The aunt who stayed outside advised, "Mingming, it's not easy for your mother to raise you. She is just under too much pressure."

Gu Yiming smiled sweetly again, "I know."

He had laughed at his mother's hypocrisy countless times, but he never expected that he would do the same thing as her.

He picked up the broom and wanted to clean the house, but the aunt next to him snatched the broom away and said, "Take a break. You are a good child, but you have to suffer so much.

An auntie nearby also advised, "We can do the sweeping job, just treat the wound on your face. Or should I ask your uncle to take you to the hospital?"

Gu Yiming declined the aunt's kindness and returned to his room. He heard several aunts muttering, "What kind of evil has befell Yiming's mother? Look, she has torn up all the children's books."

The plan went smoothly and Gu Yiming felt very happy.