Replacing the Evil Way

Chapter 101: become free


Someone suggested staying to take care of Gu's mother, but Gu Yiming refused.

He leaned on crutches and slowly moved out of the room.

When I opened the door of the master bedroom, I saw Mother Gu sleeping soundly.

He stood quietly at the door for a while, then returned to the hall.

He didn't do anything, just left the bedroom door open.

There was only one standing air conditioner in the living room of their house. He turned it on and adjusted the temperature to one degree lower than usual.

Mrs. Gu has a weak constitution and will have a migraine if she uses the air conditioner for a long time.

Gu Yiming returned to his room and took the packet of medicine to the kitchen.

The anti-inflammatory drug prescribed by the doctor contained cephalosporin.

He deliberately found a few bottles of medicine and placed them in a conspicuous place.

Mother Gu follows fashion and has the habit of drinking a glass of red wine before going to bed every day.

If she is depressed, she will drink more.

After doing all this, Gu Yiming returned to his desk.

He picked up a surviving book and read it carefully.

About forty minutes later, there was a noise in the master bedroom and Mother Gu woke up.

She rushed out angrily and shouted at Gu Yiming: "You just want me to die, right? You will be satisfied if I die!"

Gu Yiming said a little aggrievedly: "I'm worried that you're hot."

His mood changed so much that Mother Gu became confused.

Gu Yiming took out the words he had prepared long ago, "The school notified us that the tuition for the medical school is a bit expensive."

Mother Gu said coldly, "I said, if you continue to compete with me, why don't you go and ask Lin for it?"

She wanted to slap Gu Yiming again, but Gu Yiming's previous resistance frightened her.

Thinking of the person she had just lost, she said in a shrill voice: "Kneel down!"

She had used this method many times. Every time Gu Yiming asked for money, whether it was tuition or something else, she would always find an excuse to make him kneel down.

Worried that Gu Yiming would not obey, she threatened: "Even if Yuzhang Academy collapses, there are other academies. If I want, I can send you in."

Gu Yiming didn't intend to resist.

He pretended to be humiliated and knelt at the kitchen door.

This was where he knelt as punishment. Over time, the two tiles had traces of his knees.

Mother Gu snorted complacently, rubbed her temples, and went into the cupboard to look for medicine.

The medicine in the medicine box had been disposed of by Gu Yiming. Mother Gu slammed the cabinet door angrily and accidentally touched Gu Yiming's bag of medicine.

The prepared anti-inflammatory drugs rolled all over the table, and Mother Gu picked them up casually.

Gu Yiming reminded quietly, "That's my medicine."

Mother Gu sneered, "Why, I can't take the medicine that the Lin family bought for you."

She didn't have to take this medicine, but after being stimulated by Gu Yiming, she swallowed three pills.

She didn't read the instructions.

In fact, it doesn't matter if she watches it. At that time, few people knew that cephalexin should not be taken with alcohol.

Throwing the medicine box back on the table, she took out the red wine from the cupboard and poured herself a glass.

Gu Yiming stared at her cup and her heart beat faster and faster.

But Mother Gu didn't drink. She put the wine glass on the table and went to the bathroom to wash her face.

Gu Yiming stared at her actions closely, wishing she would drink the glass of wine in the next second.

But as if God was against him, just as Mother Gu came out of the bathroom humming a song, the doorbell rang.

It was the aunt downstairs who came to deliver dinner.

Mother Gu wanted to let someone in, but then she remembered that Gu Yiming was still kneeling against the wall, so she blocked the door.

She was thin and could only cover a limited area, but the aunt still saw it.

The aunt wanted to give some advice, but she felt that she shouldn't interfere in other people's family affairs, so she pretended she didn't see anything and left.

The dish sent by the neighbor was stewed pork ribs, which was very delicious. Gu Yiming hadn't eaten for a day, and his stomach made a loud rumbling sound.

Mother Gu asked, "Are you hungry?"

Gu Yiming hid his anxiety very well and nodded hesitantly.

Mother Gu handed the lunch box to him. Gu Yiming was about to take it, but Mother Gu turned her wrist and the box of ribs fell to the ground.

Mother Gu smashed the lunch box on his head, "Do you have a brain? I've told you so many times that the soy sauce and soybean paste are made from hair. Aren't you disgusted?"

After that, she went back to the kitchen.

Gu Yiming lowered his head until he heard the collision of the wine glass and the table leg, and finally he couldn't help but look at his mother.

In his plan, he shouldn't have looked at it.

But he just couldn't help it.

He had to see her finish the wine with his own eyes.

His gaze was so intense that it made Mother Gu feel uneasy. She threw the wine glass at Gu Yiming: "What kind of look is that!"

Gu Yiming turned his body slightly, and the wine glass brushed his face and broke into pieces on the ground.

Mother Gu was furious: "How dare you hide!"

Her emotions fluctuated greatly, and the effect of the medicine took effect faster. Before she could rush to Gu Yiming, she fell to the ground.

She initially thought she had fallen and tried to struggle to get up, but soon she began to have palpitations, severe pain in her lower abdomen, and her consciousness became blurred.

She stretched out her hand to Gu Yiming, "Save me—"

Gu Yiming seemed to have just noticed her abnormality. He struggled to get up, but he had been kneeling for too long and his legs were numb.

He tried several times before he stood up, but fell to the ground again due to hypoglycemia.

Useless things!

What’s the point of giving birth to you!

Mother Gu became more and more angry. She tried her best to crawl forward, but soon she fainted completely.

When the noise disappeared completely, Gu Yiming slowly stood up.

He really had low blood sugar just now and he wasn't pretending, but he wasn't serious enough to faint.

He slowly walked to her mother, squatted down, and tried her breath.

Seeing that she was still breathing, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He sat quietly beside his mother. After about five minutes, he shouted loudly: "Is there anyone here? Can anyone hear me? Come on, someone—"

His voice sounded anxious, but his performance was calm, as if he had rehearsed it many times.

When Lin Dapeng and his family arrived at the hospital, Gu's mother had already entered the emergency room. Gu Yiming was waiting outside, and the head nurse was helping him rebandage his wound.

Lin Dapeng asked: "What's going on?"

The head nurse thought they were the patient's family members and answered unhappily, "He took cefuroxime and drank alcohol. I don't understand why alcohol is so important. He needs a glass even when he has a cold."

"Also, what's wrong with the person lying inside? Why is he hitting people? Look at her. She is a good child, but she has treated him like this."

Only then did everyone in the Lin family discover that Gu Yiming had several new wounds on his body.

No one paid any attention to Gu's mother immediately. Everyone in the Lin family surrounded Gu Yiming and asked, "What's going on?"

When the nurse saw his family coming, she went back to her own business. Gu Yiming was not afraid of losing face in the old Lin family, so he told them what happened:

"After I got home, my mother was very angry and said some very unpleasant things. I didn't want to put up with it anymore, so I argued with her for a few words. She got even angrier and started beating me."

"I wanted to endure it, because being beaten is not a glorious thing. But she hit me on my wounds, and it hurt so much that I couldn't hold it back and cried out."

"The neighbors heard it and came over to stop the fight. They persuaded my mother to go back to her room."

"She took a nap and caught a cold. The cold medicine at home had expired, so she took mine."

"I said my medication was rationed, but she brought up my hospitalization and made me kneel down as punishment."

"I wanted to ask her for some money for my sister. I didn't want to provoke her anymore, so I knelt down."

"I was so angry that I didn't care what she was doing in the kitchen."

"I actually heard her fall, but I didn't want to do anything. It wasn't until she asked me for help that I—"

Gu Yiming sighed, "I really hate her, I'm annoyed with her, I hate her, but I don't want her to die."

He looked at the emergency room, as if asking someone, or as if talking to himself: "She won't die."

Gu Yiming didn't tell a lie. Including the one about not wanting her to die. He didn't tell a single lie.

He just didn't tell them the truth.

He really didn't want his mother to die. He wanted her to live and experience all the suffering he and Gu Xiaoxu had experienced.

He knew very well that it was difficult for ordinary people to deceive Lin Dapeng.

He simulated several versions of his answer before finally deciding to tell him a half truth.

His injuries were real, his emotions were real, and no one doubted him.

The operation was over quickly.

The doctor said that Mrs. Gu's life was not in danger, but she had suffered a stroke and suffered hemiplegia.

She is only in her forties. For the rest of her life, she will have a crooked mouth and squinting eyes, be unable to speak, have no ability to take care of herself, and even need to be fed.

Gu Yiming hesitated for a moment and asked, "Can she still hit me?"

The doctor's eyes were full of sympathy, "No."

Gu Yiming seemed relieved.

He looked to his side and asked, "Would it be weird if I said that I'm very happy now and not sad at all?"

Ms. Qiao hugged him gently, "No, you are not surprised at all."

Lin Jiaqiao also hugged him.

Gu Yiming asked in a low voice: "Can I call my sister? Will she be scared?"

After Gu Xiaoxu knew about this, she did not hide her happiness.

She seemed to have unloaded a heavy burden and kept asking, "Is it true? Will she really not torture us anymore?"

The Lin family members heard it carefully and couldn't help but sigh.

They sympathized with Mother Gu's situation, but they didn't seem to be very sympathetic.

When looking for a nursing home for Gu's mother, Gu Yiming discovered that his family did not have much savings left.

His father hasn't given them a penny since he turned eighteen.

But his father didn't know about Gu Xiaoxu, and his living expenses were doubled before.

Gu Yiming himself doesn't have much expenses. He receives scholarships from the school and the city every semester, so he hardly uses any money from his family.

The reason why they can't save money is because Mother Gu lives too extravagantly.

Although her cooking was terrible, the ingredients were all bought from imported supermarkets. Her bags were also branded. Even the bottle of red wine was expensive.

After several days of treatment, Gu Xiaoxu's condition has stabilized a lot, and the brother and sister can already see each other.

Gu Yiming handed her the passbook: "I went to the bank to handle the formalities today, you can take this money."

Gu Xiaoxu refused, "I don't need it, I have a job."

Gu Xiaoxu's hands were rough, and it was obvious that she had suffered a lot. Gu Yiming tentatively held her hand, "Sister, you have to keep this money, just think of it as for me, okay?"