Replacing the Evil Way

Chapter 103: Doubt


She took out a pen and paper from her bag and left her number:

"My name is Lin Jiaqiao."

"My father's last name is Lin, my mother's last name is Qiao, they are married, so my name is Lin Jiaqiao."

Xiang Xiaoyuan was still wary of her kindness at this time. Out of politeness, she replied: "My name is Xiang Xiaoyuan."

Lin Jiaqiao smiled and said, "I know. It's the 'Xiang Xiaoyuan' in 'All the flowers have fallen, only Xuanyan is left, taking all the charm to Xiang Xiaoyuan', right?"

"This name suits you very well. You are the most beautiful person I have ever met, except for my mother and Qin Guan's mother."

This is exactly what Lin Jiaqiao said to Xiang Xiaoyuan, but it was after they got to know each other.

He kept a vigilant look in Xiaoyuan's eyes and nodded politely.

While she was tying her hair, Ying Zhiwan passed by not far away with a sullen face, and Liu Yang and the others gathered around him.

At the school gate, Cui Baixing was taking He Youwei to report on the grand opening of Haicheng University. Cui Zijing was on holiday today and was accompanying her father to work.

A neighbor of the Gu family passed by here on the bus, his face full of envy, but he snorted with disdain, and the mole flew up with him.

In the nursing home, the nurse was watching the news about Haicheng University. Mother Gu was lying on the bed, making a humming sound, and no one knew what she was saying.

In the library, Gu Xiaoxu was searching for news about Ocean University on her mobile phone. Zhao Ruihe passed by her and gave her a covert but curious look.

Further away in the mountains, Zhou Laifu's son saw the same report when he changed the channel.

Zhou Laifu picked up his hoe and wanted to go to work in the fields. He heard his son say in dialect: "Dad, I also want to go to school by the sea. I haven't seen the sea yet."

It was just another ordinary moment.

No one knew that their lives changed from that moment on.

There were no more disturbances in the days that followed, and time repeated its original course quietly.

The year is coming to an end quickly, and the new year is here in the blink of an eye.

Lin Jiaqiao has been dreaming a lot recently.

In the dream, Lin Dapeng died again and again on the cross-sea bridge. The figure of the co-pilot became clearer and clearer, but his face could not be seen clearly.

Lin Jiaqiao couldn't figure out why he had this dream.

Lin Dapeng had a car accident on the way to the cemetery, and she was not at the scene at the time.

She and Ms. Qiao saw Lin Dapeng for the last time in the hospital.

But in the dream, Lin Dapeng's death place was always the cross-sea bridge. He seemed to have had many car accidents, and she witnessed the whole process more than once.

Lin Jiaqiao's mind was a little confused. She wanted to sort out her thoughts, but there were more and more doubts about Lin Dapeng's death.

For example, Ms. Qiao’s bag was indeed torn, both in her memory and in her dream, but in reality, it was intact.

For example, the place where Lin Dapeng died, even though it was a cross-sea bridge, was on a different section of the road.

And Lin Dapeng's notebook was clearly soaked red with his blood every time.

In the past, Lin Jiaqiao attributed these to illogical dreams, but thinking about it carefully, these dreams seemed to want to tell her something, but she couldn't understand their hints.

Lin Jiaqiao knew that her brain would only lead the truth further and further away, so she decided to seek advice from Qin Guan and Gu Yiming.

Just when she wanted to call Qin Guan, she heard the door ring. She thought Qin Guan had come, so she ran out excitedly, only to find that the person who came was Qin Guan's mother.

Lin Jiaqiao smiled and called out, "Auntie."

Mrs. Qin always brings gifts every time she comes, sometimes desserts, sometimes small ornaments.

She handed the Tiffany shopping bag to Lin Jiaqiao and said, "I told you a long time ago, how nice it would be for you to be my daughter. My family lives in a big villa, but you have to live in this old, run-down house with your parents."

This is just Versailles. Although the Lin family is not as wealthy as the Qin family, they are not that poor either.

Ms. Qiao threw cherries from the kitchen and hit her: "We are almost a hundred years old together. Don't force me to fight with you in front of the children."

Mother Qin screamed and rushed into the kitchen to fight with Ms. Qiao, "You are only fifty years old, you are only fifty years old, I am still a young woman, a beautiful young woman, do you understand?"

"Why don't you just accept your age?" Ms. Qiao restrained her with one hand and winked at Lin Jiaqiao, "Go back to your room. There's nothing good about old women fighting."

Mother Qin couldn't bear it anymore and shouted to Lin Jiaqiao: "Zhizhi, help me bite her!"

Lin Jiaqiao shook her head and walked towards the study. She thought, when she and Xiang Xiaoyuan grow old, it will probably be like this.

At this time, the door opened again and Lin Dapeng came back from the night shift.

He immediately noticed a pair of eight-centimeter high heels in the entrance and a fur coat on the clothes hanger.

Lin Jiaqiao was about to speak, but he made a 'hush' gesture and asked with his mouth: Auntie

Lin Jiaqiao nodded.

The next second, Lin Dapeng closed the door from the outside and slipped away.

Ever since he started dating Ms. Qiao, he has been afraid of Qin Guan's mother, and he always tries to stay as far away from her as possible.

Lin Jiaqiao smiled and shook his head. Just as he was about to go to the study, the door opened again.

The one who came this time was Qin Guan.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the high heels and fur coat, and whispered to Lin Jiaqiao, "My mom, is she here?"

Lin Jiaqiao pointed to the kitchen, "What happened?"

Qin Guan was completely relieved and hooked his finger at her, "Let's go, let's talk outside."

Lin Jiaqiao picked up his coat and shouted to the house: "Mom, Auntie, I'm going out to play."

After the two men left, Ms. Qiao asked, "Now that everyone has left, let's talk about what you want to say."

Mother Qin no longer had the liveliness she had just now. She covered her face and said sadly, "I can't live like this anymore."

"—What, cheating!"

It was still early for lunch and there were few customers in McDonald's. Lin Jiaqiao, Lin Dapeng and Qin Guan each had a milkshake and occupied a table to bask in the sun.

Qin Guan never considered the Lin family as outsiders and told them all the secrets of his parents:

"My mom said that my dad didn't come home at night and must be hooking up with girls outside. Men become bad when they have money. My dad said that my mom was unreasonable and didn't understand him."

"They've been fighting a lot lately, more than they've ever fought in the past combined."

He took a sip of the milkshake and said, "It's not that I'm biased, but my dad is fat as a ball, no woman would like him."

Lin Dapeng also took a sip of the milkshake, "I'm not biased, your dad was so handsome when he was young. What about women? What do you know about women, little brat?"

Lin Jiaqiao finished sipping the milkshake and fell into deep thought.

She knew that Qin Guan's parents would only quarrel more and more fiercely, and Qin Guan's arm was injured because of their quarrel.

She asked Lin Dapeng: "Dad, can you try to persuade my uncle and aunt?"

Lin Dapeng did not comment.

"Your uncle's company is busy expanding recently, and the couple has no time to talk. It will be fine after this busy period. - You don't want to eat, right? Go buy me another spicy burger. Guan Guan, what else do you want to eat? While Ms. Qiao is not here, let's eat everything we want."

Qin Guan didn't take the quarrel seriously and stood up cheerfully, "Zhizhi and I will go together."

The temperature in McDonald's was very high, so Qin Guan rolled up his sleeves to expose his forearms.

He was still young at that time, and his arms were still like those of a teenager. They were not as firm as they would be a few years later, and there was no scar.

His life plan at that time was to complete his PhD and become a doctor.

He didn't know that he wouldn't be able to finish college or become a doctor.

Lin Jiaqiao felt very distressed.

She held his hand. "Qin Guan, if uncle and aunt quarrel later, don't—"

Qin Guan broke free from her hand and waved happily to the waiter: "Here, here, our French fries, chicken, popcorn, burgers and Coke."

Lin Jiaqiao: …

Why am I dating this guy

She pinched Qin Guan's face and said, "Did you hear what I just told you?"

Qin Guan's mind and eyes were filled with junk food, and he said perfunctorily, "I remember it, I remember it."

It looks like he can't remember it.

This was so familiar, exactly the same as when Lin Dapeng treated her perfunctorily.

Thinking that she had already swept his grave three times, Lin Jiaqiao became furious and ate all the fried chicken patties in Lin Dapeng's hamburger, leaving only the vegetable leaves and bread slices for her father.

Today is February 1st, and tomorrow is the day we say goodbye.

Before going to bed, Lin Jiaqiao said, "Happy birthday, Dad."

Lin Dapeng was still angry that she ate his fried chicken patties. He snorted coldly and praised her, "You are such a filial daughter, Lin Zhizhi."

The sky was gloomy. In the second half of the night, the snow that we had been waiting for all day finally fell, and the lead-gray cross-sea bridge soon turned white.

A black double-ring SUV sped across the white road, leaving an arrow-like trajectory.

Suddenly, the straight line turned into a strange arc, and the next second, the car hit the guardrail.

In the flames that shot up into the sky, the sirens of ambulances, the cries of women, the sound of leather tearing, and the cries for help mixed together.

Lin Jiaqiao knew that he had to go back.

She did not run forward desperately like before, but stopped where she was and looked around.

Surrounded by onlookers, Chief Lu rushed in and stopped them from approaching. Officer Lu was right next to the overturned car, barking and asking how long it would take for the ambulance to arrive.

The scar on his face is gone.

Lin Jiaqiao stood behind the crowd. She didn’t see Ms. Qiao, nor did she see Qin Guan. She was alone.

Compared to the anxious crowd, she looked more like an unrelated passerby than the victim's daughter.

The car started to leak oil, which made a dripping sound and soon formed a puddle on the ground.

The car door opened at this time, and someone stumbled out.

Officer Lu seemed to know him and stepped forward to help him.

Lin Jiaqiao also wanted to go over, but then the ambulance arrived.

She instinctively turned around to look, and the next moment, flames shot up into the sky behind her.

Their SUV exploded.

What the hell is this.

Lin Jiaqiao took a step back. This was a scene that he had no memory of.

Is her mind so reckless

The man started talking again, but it was too noisy and she still couldn't hear clearly.

Lin Jiaqiao woke up from his dream and found himself on the way to the cemetery.

It snowed all day yesterday. Outside the car window, the lush green protective forest spread out in the endless white, blending with the azure sea in the distance. On the other side was a grey hill, on which the city’s cemetery was located.