Replacing the Evil Way

Chapter 130: the last time


After thinking for a while, she asked, "Sister Xiaoxu, did she die of illness?"

Gu Yiming said calmly: "Depression."

"She can't save herself."

"I can't save her."

Lin Jiaqiao asked again: "Did you become a doctor because of Sister Xiaoxu?"

Gu Yiming looked into the distance, "That's also the reason."

"The root cause is that I faint at the sight of blood."

He sighed, "Gu Xiaoxu in front of me... From now on, I can't stand seeing blood anymore."

The weather was bad today, with leaden clouds piled up overhead, making the entire sky gloomy. Black and white tombstones stood around, all with gray human faces on them, making people feel depressed.

Gu Yiming's usually gentle face now looked a little more sad.

Lin Jiaqiao took Gu Yiming's arm and said, "Brother, walk with me."

Gu Yiming looked around and said, "Let's go?"

Lin Jiaqiao pulled him and strode forward.

Behind her, Gu Yiming said softly: "Zizi, if you want to talk-"

Lin Jiaqiao took over his words, "—Will you give me a family price?"

Gu Yiming was stunned, and said in a coaxing tone: "We are really smart. So are you willing to talk to me?"

It's obvious that you need to talk to someone more than I do. Lin Jiaqiao asked: "Brother, do you want to talk to me?"

Gu Yiming raised his hand and wanted to rub her head, but gave up when he saw her greasy hair:

"You have so many worries lately, just deal with your own problems and don't worry about me."

"We psychologists have our own supervisor, and I will meet with him regularly."

Lin Jiaqiao remembered that last time, Gu Yiming mentioned that her supervisor's surname was Zhao, and she suspected it was Zhao Ruihe.

But isn’t Zhao Ruihe a veterinarian

She asked tentatively, "Is your supervisor Zhao Ruihe?"

Gu Yiming looked at her in confusion, "Zhao Ruihe is a veterinarian."

"My supervisor's surname is Xu, and she is a very gentle lady."

This time, the person who was surprised turned out to be Lin Jiaqiao.

Lin Jiaqiao can only change the plot in which she is directly involved. Zhao Ruihe has no direct connection with her, so she cannot change his occupation.

So Zhao Ruihe has always been a veterinarian.

Why did Gu Yiming say that he was his own psychological supervisor

Lin Jiaqiao didn't want to make random guesses about Gu Yiming. Although she had many doubts in her heart, she still attributed the doubt to a secret that he didn't want her to know.

At this time, the two came to a fork in the road, and Gu Yiming asked, "Which way should we go?"

Lin Jiaqiao still chose the small road.

She looked behind her, and Gu Yiming followed her and looked back: "What are you looking at?"

Lin Jiaqiao just wanted to make sure no one was following them.

She really wanted to know who killed her.

Does this person know the secret of the notebook, or does he just want to kill her.

She made up an excuse: "I seemed to hear someone calling me."

Gu Yiming confirmed again, "There's no one behind us."

Lin Jiaqiao hummed softly and walked forward in silence.

Gu Yiming followed behind her. Neither of them spoke, only the snow under their feet made a crunching sound.

The next second, Gu Yiming's cell phone rang.

Lin Jiaqiao's breathing stagnated. She knew that her life was about to enter the countdown again.

She had made sure before that there were no other words after 'Lin Dapeng Murder Case'.

If the case in the notebook gave her a chance to go back, then this was the last time.

She clenched her fists and, as before, made a gesture to Gu Yiming, indicating that she would leave first.

She turned around so quickly that she didn't see that Gu Yiming didn't answer the phone.

Gu Yiming turned off the alarm on his phone and looked at her sadly.

Deep in the cemetery, in the forest.

The snow had stopped, and as the wind blew, the snow on the trees fluttered down and landed on Lin Jiaqiao's face, quickly turning into water droplets, as if she was crying.

Lin Jiaqiao was about to wipe the snow off his face when he suddenly felt a chill on his neck.

Her throat was cut.

This time, it seems better than before.

Qin Guan, he hasn't arrived yet.

As she thought about it, she looked behind her and saw that Gu Yiming had fainted.

Behind him, there were only two footprints.

The air gradually became colder, and Lin Jiaqiao had already fallen into darkness. She had no time to appreciate the life that was slowly slipping away, and her mind was filled with the scene just now.

Why were there only two rows in the snow? Where did the person who killed her come from

Or, did Gu Yiming kill her

Lin Jiaqiao immediately drove the thought out of his mind.

Gu Yiming has always been on her side, he would never treat her like this.

But those two rows of footprints were like two sharp knives, cutting two sharp wounds in her brain. Whether she wanted it or not, they left two bright scars.

Lin Jiaqiao thought back to Gu Yiming's previous actions, and many fragments flooded into her head, burning her brain.

Faintly, she heard a familiar male voice.

The voice was very excited. Lin Jiaqiao listened carefully and found it was Lin Dapeng's voice.

He was saying: "Lin Jiaqiao, what the hell is this you wrote!"

"When you were in your third year of high school, you studied until late at night to get into the Journalism School. You cried as you memorized your lessons. Later, I got up early and went to work late, and I only saw you a few times a year."

"I've suffered so much with you just to report this kind of news."

"You might as well not go to school and become a paparazzi. You will definitely live a more comfortable life than you do now and earn more."

Lin Jiaqiao was stunned by the scolding and opened his eyes with great effort. After the dazzling white light, he saw Lin Dapeng's angry face.

He didn't look well, his eyes were bloodshot, and his facial expression was very ugly because of anger.

Lin Jiaqiao felt that this scene was very familiar.

She looked down and saw the news she had just edited on the computer:

A young girl was playing at the beach and was sexually harassed by a security guard, but no tourists around her tried to stop her.

At the end of the news, there is a photo of the girl looking terrified and angry.

Even though she had already guessed what day it was, she checked it again.

Sure enough, it is now February 1, 2020, less than 24 hours before Lin Dapeng's death.

Although she had met Lin Dapeng many times, Lin Jiaqiao was particularly happy this time.

She stood up and wanted to hug Lin Dapeng, but because she was too excited, she staggered and knelt directly in front of him.

Lin Dapeng was startled and had no time to get angry. When he wanted to pull the person up, Ms. Qiao had already come out of the kitchen.

Seeing this scene, she was stunned, and then she angrily scolded: "Lin Dapeng, are you sick? If you are in a bad mood, go to the toilet to vent your anger. Why are you venting your anger on the child?"

Lin Dapeng felt very aggrieved. He moved his mouth, said nothing, and turned to go to the bathroom.

Ms. Qiao pulled Lin Jiaqiao up from the ground and said angrily, "You too, what kind of crap did you write? You deserve the suffering you've endured."

Lin Jiaqiao quickly apologized, saying that she was possessed by a ghost. Ms. Qiao rolled her eyes at her and wanted to go back to the kitchen, but was stopped by Lin Jiaqiao again: "Mom, why is my dad in a bad mood?"

This is a new clue that Lin Jiaqiao hadn't discovered before.

Ms. Qiao said nonchalantly, "Have some conscience. Your father is almost 60 years old. Can his body bear staying up late every day?"

Lin Jiaqiao instinctively felt that this was not the reason. She said, "My dad also stayed up late every day when he was investigating a case."

"Can a fifty-year-old man compare with a young man in his twenties or thirties?"

After Ms. Qiao finished speaking, she went back to the kitchen to work.

Lin Jiaqiao felt that Lin Dapeng was not upset about work. He had handled more complicated cases before and never brought his emotions home.

To prove her idea, she called Officer Lu.

Officer Lu said that the situation has been very peaceful recently. Not only has no one been looking for trouble, but even wanted criminals have voluntarily turned themselves in.

When Lin Dapeng came out of the bathroom, Lin Jiaqiao asked directly, "Dad, have you had any troubles recently?"

Lin Dapeng looked at her with a complicated expression, said nothing, and went to the kitchen to help Ms. Qiao.

Lin Jiaqiao followed him, trying to pry some clues out of him, when his cell phone rang.

It’s Mr. Hua calling.

Hua Zong asked: "Boss, do we really want to publish this news?"

He was talking about the report originally written by Lin Jiaqiao about the conflict between the girl and the security guard.

Hua Zong whispered, "It doesn't match our temperament."

"Of course not." Lin Jiaqiao said: "We are "Youxian Reading Newspaper", not "Wei Guan News"."

She said, "I'm very busy here, please write down what I say."

When it comes to work, Lin Jiaqiao is always smart.

She asked Hua Zong to repost the most viewed report about this incident, and then she accused them from a moral high ground:

It's embarrassing enough for a girl to encounter such a thing, but you media outlets don't censor the videos and photos before releasing them. You have absolutely no morals and no bottom line.

"Youxian Reading Newspaper" hereby appeals to everyone not to let the parties involved suffer secondary harm.

Hua Zong was a little worried, "Boss, this will offend them."

Lin Jiaqiao didn't care, "Do you think our newspaper is likable?"

She advised Mr. Hua: "Don't feel any pressure. They are taking advantage of netizens, and we are taking advantage of them. This is called energy conservation."

"Besides, picking on your peers is more stress-relieving than engaging in internal fighting over bad news."

Hua Zong gritted his teeth and said, "Done."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Jiaqiao was about to go to the kitchen when the doorbell rang and the courier brought a document: "Please sign for it."

This is something that never happened in the original timeline.

Originally, after quarreling with Lin Dapeng, Lin Jiaqiao went to her and Qin Guan's home.

This document does not exist.

Lin Jiaqiao glanced at it casually. It was just an ordinary letter and she had no intention of opening it.

Today is the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, and we are going to eat dumplings in the evening. In the kitchen, Lin Dapeng is helping Ms. Qiao peel shrimps.

He was so preoccupied that he didn't even notice when he threw the peeled shrimp shells into the bowl with the shrimps.

Ms. Qiao looked at him several times, and finally couldn't help it, so she took his bowl and said, "You've worked hard for several days, take a rest."

Lin Dapeng picked up the beans and folded them into several pieces. "No need. You're tired too. I'll help you cook."

Ms. Qiao had just cleaned the shrimp shells when she saw him messing with the unwashed beans. She couldn't bear it any longer and chased him out: "Take a break and don't disrupt my cooking rhythm. - Lin Zhizhi, get your dad out!"

Lin Jiaqiao came over quickly and chased after Lin Dapeng. Lin Dapeng was annoyed by her and took the opportunity to sneak into the study and locked the door.