Replacing the Evil Way

Chapter 23: Scored twice


Ying Zhiwan's father has the temperament of someone who has never suffered, he is aloof and reserved, not very down to earth. But at this moment, his face is filled with despair: "He has leukemia, it's in the terminal stage, there's no cure."

His voice wasn't loud, but the whole room fell silent because of these words.

Officer Lu opened his mouth in disbelief, unable to believe that such a dramatic thing could happen in the world.

Lin Dapeng picked up a pack of disposable tableware from the coffee table, took out a tissue from it, and handed it over: "I'm sorry, Mr. Ying, you know, our country has zero tolerance for drugs. Since there are reports from the public-"

Ying Zhiwan's father refused the tissue and asked with red eyes: "Do you need his medical records? He had already reported those medicines when he entered the country."

This means to drive people away.

Since the search was almost complete, Lin Dapeng signaled to pack up.

He pretended to ask casually, "Mr. Ying, I wonder where your son has gone. We have been here for a while, but we haven't seen him."

Ying Zhiwan's father was not worried: "Where can his body go? He is probably just wandering around."

As he spoke, his eyes turned red again. "The child's life is really too hard. He has decided to have euthanasia. This time he came back just to see the place where he grew up."

"I asked him to let doctors and nurses follow, but he disagreed."

"I really-"

At the end of his speech, he turned around, not wanting to cry in front of others.

He seemed to be unaware of what happened between Ying Zhiwan and Liu Yang, nor did he seem to know that Ying Zhiwan had disappeared.

Lin Dapeng couldn't bear to tell a father such cruel news at this moment, and just wanted to say a few words of comfort, but then the door opened.

Everyone looked and saw that the person who came in was not Ying Zhiwan, but Xu Yalan.

She saw that everyone was very angry and screamed, "What are you doing at Young Master Ying's house!"

Officer Lu was about to speak out to stop her, but she said, "Do you police have brains? Young Master Ying is not the one who kidnapped Liu Yang!"

Lin Dapeng asked: "What evidence do you have?"

Xu Yalan blurted out: "Because Liu Yang is-"

Realizing that she had let something slip, she abruptly changed the subject, "I just know that Liu Yang was kidnapped by Xiang Xiaoyuan."

Ying Zhiwan's father understood at this time, "Do you suspect Ying Zhiwan of kidnapping someone?"

"You must be joking. With his current physical condition, he will die of pain if he doesn't take his medicine on time. And you kidnapped him—" At this point, he realized something, "You just said that Ying Zhiwan hasn't come back yet."

Xu Yalan only noticed him at this moment, and her sharp voice immediately softened. She shouted, "Uncle Ying, you—"

But at night her father was in no mood to pay attention to her.

He took out his cell phone and trembled several times before pressing the shortcut key.

Ying's cell phone was still turned off at night.

Ying Zhiwan's father was anxious. He stepped forward and grabbed Lin Dapeng by the collar. "Tell me the truth. Why did you come here?"

Lin Dapeng hesitated for a moment and said, "We suspect that it is related to Liu Yang's kidnapping case."

"You are crazy!" Without waiting for Ying Zhiwan's father to speak, Xu Yalan screamed again, "It's not Young Master Ying, it's really not Young Master Ying, he clearly-"

Lin Dapeng's phone rang at this time.

A colleague who checked Ying Zhiwan's communication information said that an hour and a half ago, Ying Zhiwan turned on his mobile phone and called Liu Yang.

According to the signal positioning, the address of the call was an abandoned popsicle factory in the old city. My colleague said that this popsicle factory belonged to Liu Yang's father. Because of its remote location and dilapidated building, no one usually went near it.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Dapeng felt like "it's true".

He asked Xu Yalan: "Why don't you worry about Liu Yang's safety at all?"

"Why are you sure that Ying Zhiwan didn't kidnap Liu Yang?"

"Why did Ying Zhiwan appear at the abandoned Liu's Popsicle Factory, and why did he call Liu Yang at the Popsicle Factory?"

Lin Dapeng stared at Xu Yalan, "Do you have any other connection with the kidnappers, or is this kidnapping simply fake?"

"Mrs. Xu, please explain."

Xu Yalan was trying hard to hold back and refused to confess at first.

But the forensic department was very helpful. They found two-thirds of the fingerprint behind the paper cutout of "400" on the ransom note. After comparison, it turned out to be Xu Yalan's.

This piece of paper was cut out from the "Idle Reading Newspaper" magazine of the week when the kidnapping occurred. Liu Yang and Xu Yalan's family subscribed to this newspaper, and they found the remaining parts of the newspaper in the wastebasket in the master bedroom bathroom.

The police also went to the internet celebrity cake shop to confirm that what He Youwei said was true.

With irrefutable evidence, Xu Yalan's psychological defenses quickly collapsed and she explained everything clearly.

This kidnapping case was directed and acted by Liu Yang himself.

Liu Yang's game company has been making losses. His father saw through his true colors and knew that he would not be able to make anything successful, so he did not want to spend money to fill this bottomless pit and asked him to go home and help his family.

But Liu Yang was too ambitious and thought that big companies like Tencent and Alibaba had debts of tens of billions or even hundreds of billions every year, and the money he owed was nothing.

But his father had made up his mind. Not only did he not give him money, he also did not allow any bank he knew to lend him money. Liu Yang's company had already been mortgaged once, and the wedding house and car were both in his father's name. He had nothing to borrow money from.

Apart from his identity as the young master of the Liu family, he had nothing else.

Once the capital chain is broken, his company will be taken away by the bank. For the sake of his own company and to avenge his father, Liu Yang directed this kidnapping.

Xu Yalan didn't agree at first. She was not optimistic about Liu Yang's game company and thought it would be good for him to go home and help his father.

But Liu Yang assured her that he would give her half of the ransom to make up for the loss of her dowry.

Xu Yalan agreed.

Liu Yang wrote the blackmail letter himself. The original amount was 3 million, but Xu Yalan changed it to 4 million on her own initiative.

She felt that she couldn't help him in vain.

Xu Yalan said confidently: "Liu Yang cheated me of my money to pay off his debts, so shouldn't he pay me the interest?"

Lin Dapeng asked: "What is the relationship between He Youwei and this case?"

Xu Yalan said disdainfully: "We originally planned to scare Liu Yang's father, so of course the bigger the incident, the better."

"He Youwei has always loved to be in the spotlight. Since we are friends, let's give it to her."

"But He Youwei is really cruel. When she found out that Liu Yang was kidnapped, the first thing she did was to persuade me to broadcast live on her channel."

"This woman is crazy about clicks. I must stay away from her in the future."

Officer Lu didn't know what was going on in this person's mind. She was clearly the mastermind, but she treated herself as a victim.

Officer Lu said: "You are breaking the law, you know that."

Xu Yalan said indifferently: "How is it illegal for Liu Yang to take his father's money?"

Officer Lu said coldly, "You made a false report, wasted police resources, and caused social panic. Do you think this is illegal?"

Xu Yalan finally panicked, but she still held her neck high, looking very confident:

"We taxpayers pay so much money every month to support you, so what if we ask you to run errands?"

She rolled her eyes and argued, "What I said just now was wrong. Liu Yang threatened me, and I was forced to do what he said—"

Lin Dapeng was too lazy to watch her poor acting skills, and there were still many doubts that had not been clarified.

He asked: "Where is Liu Yang now?"

Xu Yalan replied reluctantly: "Don't you know it? It's in the popsicle factory in their old town."

"Liu Yang said that the place was deserted and there were few people there. He was familiar with the terrain and it would be difficult for him to be discovered."

Lin Dapeng asked again: "Why did Ying Zhiwan go there?"

Speaking of Ying Zhiwan, Xu Yalan became much gentler, "Young Master Ying should be going to look for Liu Yang."

"When I went to his house that day, he was worried that the ransom money from the Liu family was not enough, so he insisted on giving me money. How could I take his money, so I told him the truth."

Lin Dapeng and Officer Lu exchanged glances, and Officer Lu asked, "What is the relationship between Ying Zhiwan and Liu Yang?"

"They are good friends. They have been playing together since junior high school."

Xu Yalan wanted to have more interactions with Ying Zhiwan, so she added, "And me, the three of us have known each other since junior high school."

Officer Lu asked, "That's it?"

His original intention was to see if Liu Yang and Ying Zhiwan had any deeper connection, but Xu Yalan misunderstood.

She was a little angry and shouted in a sharp voice: "Mr. Ying has never been around other women. I am the person closest to him!"

Officer Lu was stunned by her yelling and asked, "Didn't Ying Zhiwan give Liu Yang the money to start his company?"

Xu Yalan seemed to be hearing this news for the first time, and said in disbelief: "What, how could it be!"

She said indignantly: "I was wondering how Liu Yang could suddenly have such a large sum of money. He actually gave me less than I should have, and he lied to me that it was from investment. He really knows how to flatter himself!"

"Let me tell you, although the Liu family looks rich, Liu Yang is actually very stingy. When we played together, we always paid less."

Thinking of her dowry that was taken away by someone, Xu Yalan became even angrier and cursed, "You didn't tell me anything, and you're still getting married. We'll get divorced tomorrow."

Lin Dapeng ignored her madness and asked, "How did Liu Yang come up with this trick of kidnapping and extorting money?"

Xu Yalan was a little afraid of him and answered honestly:

"On our wedding day, we were chatting together and somehow the topic came up. It seemed like there was a kid in a foreign country whose mother wouldn't let him eat snacks, so he pretended to be kidnapped and asked his mother to use snacks to redeem him."

Lin Dapeng asked: "Who said that?"

"I forgot." Xu Yalan replied, "I just talked about it."

Lin Dapeng said, "The last question is also what my father asked us to ask you."

"Why did you appear at Ying Zhiwan's house today?"

Xu Yalan hesitated, but finally confessed: "I bribed a security guard."

Lin Dapeng said: "We will verify what it looks like."

Lin Dapeng came out of the interrogation room and before he could say a few words to Ying Zhiwan's father, one of his men came running over and handed him a stack of photos.

Seeing his unhappy expression, Ying Zhiwan's father had a bad feeling in his heart.

He snatched the photo and saw that it was an abandoned factory with fresh bloodstains on the walls and floor.

"What is this!" Ying Zhiwan's father shouted uncontrollably, "Where is Ying Zhiwan!"

Lin Dapeng looked guilty, "Sorry, we didn't find him."