Replacing the Evil Way

Chapter 29: Plastic Friendship 2


Li Shuangqian was really devoted to Ying Zhiwan. When she found out that Ying Zhiwan was missing, her eyes were swollen from crying. After meeting Lin Dapeng, she asked about the progress of the case several times and begged them to rescue Ying Zhiwan as soon as possible.

Unlike others, Li Shuangqian had a generally good impression of the people in their small group, but when she talked about Xiang Xiaoyuan, she gritted her teeth.

She swore, "It must have been Xiang Bitch who instructed Jiang Xing to do it."

Each of them has said this.

Although their reasons were idiotic and illogical, Lin Dapeng still asked as if he was hearing it for the first time, "What evidence do you have?"

Li Shuangqian said: "I saw it."

"This is actually not the first time Jiang Xing has taken action."

"A few weeks ago, I saw him causing trouble for Wu Bin."

Li Shuangqian's family runs a pharmacy, which is very close to Wu Bin's home. Li Shuangqian works in the pharmacy and often meets Wu Bin. The two are more familiar with each other than others.

Once during work hours, Wu Bin passed by the door of the pharmacy. He looked very anxious and didn't even hear Li Shuangqian's greeting to him.

Li Shuangqian was a gentle person, and she was afraid of getting into trouble. But she was very kind to her friends, and that day she was worried that something might happen to Wu Bin, so she bravely followed him.

"Then I saw Wu Bin arguing with Jiang Xing. It was very fierce and they almost came to blows."

Officer Lu asked: "Do you know why?"

Li Shuangqian said: "Wu Bin said he bumped into him accidentally. But I heard Jiang Xing asking Wu Bin for money."

She was full of disdain, "A grown man with hands and feet actually came out to scam people."

Officer Lu and Lin Dapeng exchanged glances, both remembering Jiang Xing's 'part-time job'.

It seems that there is a financial dispute between the two.

Wu Bin didn't tell them about this.

Lin Dapeng asked: "Are you and Ying Zhiwan familiar with each other?"

It is said that a girl's feelings are always poetic. Just hearing someone mention the name of her lover made Li Shuangqian blush.

She said shyly, "It's okay. Ying Shao, Ying Shao doesn't talk much."

Lin Dapeng asked again: "What do you think of Ying Zhiwan?"

Li Shuangqian immediately said, "Mr. Ying is very good."

"He is very gentlemanly, gentle, and handsome..."

Lin Dapeng wanted to get more information, but didn't want to listen to her crazy talk.

He wanted to guide Li Shuangqian to say something serious, but he heard her say: "... Moreover, Young Master Ying is very upright."

"I saw Xiang Xiaoyuan talking to him, but he ignored her."

Before, Xiang Xiaoyuan and He Ying were always separated by Liu Yang in the evening. This was the first time they had direct contact.

Lin Dapeng asked: "Can you tell me the details?"

Li Shuangqian was full of anger, "What else could it be?"

"Xiang Bitch was trying to seduce Master Ying. She tried to hold Master Ying's hand, but he slapped her away. Master Ying has seen all kinds of good things, so how could he fall for her trick?"

"You didn't see how lewd and disgusting her smile was."

It seems that this situation is quite stimulating for her.

Lin Dapeng asked again: "Have you asked Ying Zhiwan about this matter? What did Ying Zhiwan say?"

Li Shuangqian's eyes showed a hint of ruthlessness, "Do you even need to ask? Which woman doesn't want to be Mrs. Ying?"

"They are trying to get close to Young Master Ying in various ways. They are shameless."

She cursed, "It's all Ying's fault. She's bringing bad things to the school! I thought she was pretty at first."

"She is a bitch. Police officer, go and catch her!"

Officer Lu suddenly became curious and asked, "You all say Xiang Xiaoyuan is bad, do you have any evidence? Since she is so bad, there must be classmates who have been victimized who will come forward to testify against her."

A hint of innocence appeared on Li Shuangqian's angry face. "Everyone is scolding her. Isn't that enough?"

Officer Lu asked, "Where's the evidence? Evidence that she destroyed other people's relationships, evidence that she asked men to spend money on her."

Li Shuangqian didn't quite understand what he said, "If Xiang Bitch didn't do it, why did everyone only blame her?"

Officer Lu no longer had the desire to continue speaking.

He had seen such people before.

They are uneducated, do not like to read, have never left their homes, and only use their heads as decorations. They assume that they are the center of the world, and no matter whether it is family, friends, or strangers, they must live according to their wishes.

When they meet a weak person, they hit him hard. When they meet a strong person, they throw a tantrum.

They are the elderly people who coerce others to give up their seats on the subway, the parents who walk their dogs without a leash in the community, the drunk drivers, and the trolls on the Internet.

They go from being naughty kids to being naughty parents and then to being naughty old men. The next generation they teach will continue to be naughty, and their descendants will continue to be naughty.

Lin Dapeng asked: "How is the relationship between Ying Zhiwan and Liu Yang?"

Li Shuangqian thought for a moment and said, "Although everyone says that Liu Yang and Ying Shao have a good relationship, I think that they are just like that."

"Liu Yang is a very high-profile person who loves to show off his wealth and flaunts himself. He is very quiet and lonely, and always looks like he has something on his mind."

She said with some longing, "If it wasn't Liu Yang, but someone else, he would be happier."

This is Wu Bin’s third time in the police station.

Lin Dapeng didn't want to waste time and directly put the man into the interrogation room.

The first time he entered here, Wu Bin looked very nervous, and the timidity on his face could no longer be hidden. It seemed that being humble had melted into his blood.

Behind the one-way glass, Lin Dapeng and Officer Lu were observing him.

Officer Lu shook his head. "I thought he was just a, uh..."

He wanted to say that Wu Bin was an honest man, but this word was not suitable to describe him.

After thinking for a while, Officer Lu said, "I thought he was just an ordinary, selfish person."

Although he is profit-driven, at least he cooperates with the police when his friend is kidnapped.

Lin Dapeng stared at Wu Bin, "He is actually very smart."

"Showing weakness and playing the victim may make him lose some dignity, but he will gain more from the sympathy of others."

"After all, people will be wary of their opponents and the strong, but not those who are not as good as you."

After saying that, he quickly stepped forward and pushed open the door of the interrogation room.

Seeing him in this environment, Wu Bin strangely felt a sense of familiarity. He wanted to complain as usual, but Lin Dapeng interrupted him:

"There are two options now."

"First, you must tell the truth about your grudge against Jiang Xingjian."

"Second, I will apply to the higher-ups to investigate your bank statements."

"I suggest you choose the first option. First of all, the second option will take up more of our police time. Secondly, it will leave a record in your file, delaying the political review of your family for three generations."

Lin Dapeng is very experienced in dealing with this kind of people. Sure enough, Wu Bin chose the first one almost without hesitation.

According to him, every time he conveyed work to Jiang Xing on behalf of Liu Yang, he would receive a portion of the "commission". Of course, the other two did not know about this.

Officer Lu guessed, "Did Jiang Xing find out?"

Wu Bin made up his mind and said, "A few months ago, Liu Yang's company had financial problems and he was in a bad mood, so he asked Jiang Xing to cause trouble for Xiang Xiaoyuan to vent his anger."

"My company provided spare parts to his company. His capital chain had problems and he refused to pay me the money he owed me. My company was about to collapse, so I didn't give the money to Jiang Xing this time."

"Jiang Xing came to me to make trouble several times, and I lied to him and said that it was Liu Yang who didn't give him the money."

He looked at the two policemen in front of him with sorrow, "As soon as I heard about this kidnapping case, I guessed it was probably because Jiang Xing asked Young Master Yang for money."

"But I dare not say it, I am afraid that I will become a criminal."

“I’m really scared of being poor.”

He stretched out his hand and waved it in front of the police: "Look at my hand. Since I was a child, I have worked in the fields under the scorching sun in the summer and dug in the snow for food in the winter. I am really afraid of poverty."

His hands are hands that have suffered.

Frostbite, scars, and peeling skin make him look even more worn than his face.

In the business world, he often uses this trick to win sympathy. This time he used the same trick, hoping that the police would show leniency.

But he was disappointed by the police's performance.

The expressions of the two people in front of him were normal, without any change.

Lin Dapeng asked: "Why did Jiang Xing attack Xiaoyuan? Did you threaten him?"

He stared at Wu Bin, "I want to hear the truth."

Wu Bin felt guilty when he saw him, and he immediately denied it, "No, no, I didn't lie. Really, before I found Jiang Xing, he was Xiang Xiaoyuan's biggest anti-fan."

To prove his innocence, Wu Bin confessed everything:

"Don't I often give money to Jiang Xing? Jiang Xing doesn't have any friends. We have a good relationship and we have dinner together occasionally."

"It's well known that Jiang Xing is Xiang Xiaoyuan's bootlicker, and I wonder why he does that. Once, when he was drunk, I asked him, and he said he wanted to pull Xiang Xiaoyuan down."

"Because Xiang Xiaoyuan is too far away from him now, as long as he throws dirty water on Xiang Xiaoyuan and lets everyone know that Xiang Xiaoyuan is not a good person, then she will come back to him."

Wu Bin shook his head. "Jiang Xing likes Xiang Xiaoyuan too much. He's become obsessed with her."

The two policemen's fists hardened again.

Officer Lu slammed the table and said, "Threats are just threats. Don't use love to justify your dirty deeds."

"Jiang Xing is not a romantic, he is a criminal. You and Liu Yang are accomplices."

"If you sue Xiaoyuan, you can expect to go to jail."

Wu Bin panicked and tried to defend himself, "How could that be? We were just joking with her. We didn't hit her or scold her. She can just not read those things on the Internet if she doesn't want to."

"We, we have the right to express our own opinions, how can it be a crime—"

Officer Lu was really angry: "If you were Xiang Xiaoyuan, would you think it was fun?"

"I don't even need to find someone to smear you. I'll make your deeds public. You can try it yourself and see if it's fun."

Wu Bin didn't dare to speak, his face looked timid and honest.

Lin Dapeng asked, "Do you have anything else to add? If not, please sign the transcript."

Whether to make amends or for some other reason, Wu Bin suddenly said, "Actually, the person who targeted Xiang Xiaoyuan in the beginning was Liu Yang."

"Liu Yang fell in love with Xiang Xiaoyuan when he entered university."

"He's just an idiot who thinks he's so great. He feels that Xiang Xiaoyuan is being disrespectful by not sleeping with him, so he's targeting her."

"He was the one who spread those rumors in the beginning. Xu Yalan was stupid enough to believe him and thought Xiang Xiaoyuan seduced him. Plus, Xu Yalan was jealous, which led to the subsequent events."

He said sincerely, "Really, police comrade, I promise I am not lying."

"So you see, Jiang Xing will cause trouble for Liu Yang regardless of whether I am involved or not."