Replacing the Evil Way

Chapter 31: Some doubts


In the office, Officer Lu was lying on a chair in dishevel, and he was terrified: "Master, are all women so scary?"

Just ten minutes ago, Xu Yalan drove over and had a big fight with He Youwei.

The situation was so tragic that they were obviously two weak girls, but they acted like they were in a gang fight, and a group of big men from the Municipal Bureau were unable to stop them.

The only good thing is that everyone's attention immediately shifted to the ethical issue of the original wife and the mistress, and no one clamored for the so-called "truth" anymore.

Officer Lu shuddered, "Those girls are so scary, I'd better stay single. It's good to live with a bunch of men in our dormitory."

He added: "Our bird brother has done a great deed this time. Master, please don't stop me. I will give her a big banner this time no matter what. I have already thought of what to write. I will write 'the loyal friend of the people'."

"But where is Bird Brother?"

Lin Dapeng said unhappily: "Where else can I go? Go and coax Qin Guan."

Officer Lu said "Oh!" and winked at his master, "You can't keep your son when he grows up."

Lin Dapeng glanced at him and said, "Since you are so free, the task of interrogating He Youwei and Xu Yalan is given to you."

Officer Lu wailed, "Master!"

Lin Dapeng patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Young man, this is the organization's trust in you, cherish the opportunity."

What Lin Jiaqiao did tonight was considered an extreme one-for-one exchange.

No one on the Internet cares about who Xiang Xiaoyuan is or what she has done. Netizens' focus has shifted to the quarrel between He Youwei and Xu Yalan's original wife and mistress, as well as Lin Jiaqiao.

It had only been half an hour, and Qin Guan had already had people delete two posts that gossiped about Lin Jiaqiao's life experience.

Qin Guan and Lin Jiaqiao sat side by side in the small conference room. Lin Jiaqiao looked at Qin Guan's expression and carefully pulled his sleeve.

Qin Guan slapped her hand away, turned his head and refused to speak to her.

Lin Jiaqiao has a way to deal with him.

She stood up, sat in his arms, and put his arm around her waist.

"I know you are very angry." She raised her head and looked at Qin Guan pitifully, "But I am very sad now. Can you comfort me first?"

Qin Guan knew that she was pretending to be pitiful, but he couldn't bear to continue to be angry with her.

He said angrily: "Do you know that you have become a target? He Youwei's fans, Liu Yang's fans, and those bored netizens are all trying to find out about you."

"They checked your address and posted a photo of you online. Yang also said you were sending dead animals."

Qin Guan looked at Lin Jiaqiao seriously: "I know you are good at fighting, and I think this behavior will not threaten your personal safety, but have you ever thought about it, what if a stranger suddenly stabs you while you are working one day?"

"Or they install cameras in your office and home, implant Trojans in your phone and computer, monitor your every move, and share your privacy with the whole world."

"You really don't care?"

Lin Jiaqiao felt suffocated at the thought of others knowing that he was picking his nose, picking his feet, having sex, or the websites he visited.

She pushed the phone away with her index finger and nervously grasped Qin Guan's sleeve, "I was too impulsive—"

Lin Jiaqiao just now realized that she was murdered, and the police would definitely look for clues in her hands and computer.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiaqiao really suffocated.

Qin Guan saw that she was really scared, so he wanted to comfort her, and then he heard her say: "Qin Guan, if something happens to me, you must format my phone and computer!"

Because of her excitement, her voice sounded a little fierce, "Even if I die, I want to leave my innocence in the world!"

Qin Guan tried not to think back. He didn't find anything shameless the last time he looked at her phone. He comforted her, "I'll remember. I'll format it."

Seeing that she was still uneasy, he took the initiative to change the subject, "But why are you sad?"

Lin Jiaqiao just made up an excuse, and seeing that he took it seriously, he expressed his distress:

"I just scolded the media that caused the trouble for being non-objective and unfair, and for ignoring the truth for their own selfish desires, but I am the same way."

"I also accused He Youwei in public."

Lin Jiaqiao remembered not only the hotel address, but also He Youwei's second account.

Originally, after the '11.11' disappearance case, He Youwei's secondary account was exposed.

It was inconsistent with her image of being as gentle as a chrysanthemum. Her trumpet was full of materialism and dirty talk.

She showed off the luxury goods she bought and the high-end places she visited. She cursed the poor for not having the right to live and mocked Xiang Xiaoyuan for having had plastic surgery.

She was truly full of malice towards Xiang Xiaoyuan. Not only did she spread rumors that Xiang Xiaoyuan was evading taxes, she also claimed that she was an "insider" and fabricated a lot of negative information about Xiang Xiaoyuan.

Qin Guan was puzzled, "You didn't lie, why are you sad?"

Lin Jiaqiao leaned on Qin Guan's shoulder and said, "He Youwei lacks great virtue, but her crime should not be judged by public opinion."

"Actually, if you think about it, my approach is essentially no different from He Youwei's."

"She promoted Xiao Xiangzi to earn traffic for herself. I promoted her to divert public attention. We are both manipulating public opinion."

Qin Guan touched her hair and said, "You were fighting back. You were forced to do it. You can only blame He Youwei for forcing you."

Lin Jiaqiao said somewhat depressedly, "I just realized now, I don't know when it started, whether it's me, Mr. Hua, or reporters and editors from other media, when we report something, the first thing we consider is the click rate."

"The story itself is no longer important, getting people to click on our stories is more important."

“So we all became UC members and wrote whatever was most explosive.”

"It's not our fault as a journalist. It's just that people like to watch those explosive and vulgar things."

"I like watching it, too. That's human nature, and there's nothing anyone can do about it."

"Serious social events are no more eye-catching than celebrity scandals."

“But I’m not a journalist to write about these things.”

"I don't care who has a mistress or who is a third party. What I care about is whether the sanitation workers have a place to eat and whether any children are bullied. That's what I want to report."

“But no one is watching.”

"People don't waste their time on this kind of thing."

"I don't understand. Compared to those imaginary celebrities, these are obviously things happening around us. Why doesn't anyone care?"

"I have to keep Leisure Reading alive, and I can only write stories that people are willing to spend time on."

“… But I was unhappy and I knew it was wrong.”

She's in my heart, and I don't even like myself anymore.

Qin Guan teased her, "If you are unhappy, just quit your job. You know, your boyfriend is the only son of the richest man in Haicheng. You can go home and have fun for the rest of your life."

Lin Jiaqiao refused, "I don't want it. I finally know what I want to do, I can't give up easily."

Lin Zhizhi is Lin Zhizhi. Even if she hits a wall, she will knock a hole in it and keep moving forward. Qin Guan laughed softly, "I just like your stubbornness."

Lin Jiaqiao was almost dying of worry. "If only I were smarter, maybe I could come up with a solution."

Qin Guan patted her back gently. "Asking a question is the first step to solving a problem. You have discovered this problem, which makes you much better than your peers."

Lin Jiaqiao sighed, "I wish you could give me half of your intelligence. You are always smart."

“You see, you know things when you are a teenager, but some people don’t know them until they are in their forties.”

She said piously: "When we worship our ancestors during the Chinese New Year, I will go and ask my great-grandmother to bless our children so that their IQs will be the same as yours."

Lin Dapeng came to the small meeting room to look for his child, and saw Qin Guan's face flushed red. Lin Dapeng was startled and hurried over to check, "What happened, Lin Jiaqiao slapped you in the face!"

Lin Jiaqiao rolled her eyes at her father and asked, "Captain Lin, please tell me what you think about this case."

Captain Lin also said to his daughter, "What are you doing? Come and listen to my work report."

The situation Lin Jiaqiao is facing now is this: she doesn’t know the answer to the question, nor does she know the steps to solve it, but she knows the hidden conditions.

She wanted to tell her dad the answer to the question, but she was worried that it would affect his thinking. But if she didn't tell him, she was afraid that his father would go astray.

She was aware of her own IQ and knew she could not handle such a complicated problem, so she could only ask Qin Guan for help.

Although Qin Guan didn't know her complicated psychological activities, he understood that she wanted to help Lin Dapeng.

He told Lin Dapeng the three guesses they had at Gu Yiming's house, and concluded: "If I had to choose, I think Ying Zhiwan is the most suspicious."

"I don't know the details of the case, but I know what kind of person Ying Zhiwan's father is."

"I've dealt with him before. How should I put it? This guy's personality is, to put it nicely, overbearing. In fact, he is vindictive and never gives in."

"As far as I know, regarding Ying Zhiwan's kidnapping, he has no complaints against the police station, nor has he caused any trouble for you. I heard that he has actively cooperated."