Replacing the Evil Way

Chapter 40: Longevity


After sending Xiang Xiaoyuan back to the bedroom, Lin Jiaqiao sat on the sofa and pondered.

Qin Guan poked her face, "What are you thinking about? Such a serious expression doesn't suit you."

Lin Jiaqiao asked: "Tell me, why did Ying Zhiwan take action only now?"

"Look at him like this, he really loves Xiao Xiangzi. It's okay if he doesn't do it right away. Liu Yang and the others have waited for so many years."

"Also, what happened two years ago? Why did he hire someone to rob Xiao Xiangzi's house?"

Qin Guan thought about it, "Maybe he knew two years ago that he had no hope, so he made trouble?"

Lin Jiaqiao didn't quite accept this explanation, but couldn't think of a better reason. She added, "Do you think He Youwei is weird among this group of people?"

"Although she is annoying and has a bottom line, there is a difference between her and Liu Yang and the others. Strictly speaking, she is not part of Liu Yang's gang. She only said bad things about Xiao Xiangzi and never bullied her."

Qin Guan smoothed the wrinkles between her brows and said, "Don't think about it. Wait until you find Ying Zhiwan and ask him in person."

In the original timeline, the official notification of the '11.11' case was issued at 8:03 pm, but now it is 6:30 pm.

Whether for Xiang Xiaoyuan or Lin Dapeng, Lin Jiaqiao hopes to find Ying Zhiwan. But she also knows that Ying Zhiwan may not come back.

Like some kind of sign, the doorbell of Xiang Xiaoyuan's house rang.

The person who opened the door was the security guard bribed by Xu Yalan.

He was a middle-aged man with a simple and honest appearance and a kind smile. He didn't look like he had the potential to be a double agent. He asked, "Is Miss Xiang Xiaoyuan home? I have something for her."

The two looked behind him and saw a 34-inch black suitcase.

Qin Guan knew about the box, and he got goose bumps all over his body. He protected Lin Jiaqiao behind him and shouted, "What are you doing?"

Before Lin Jiaqiao could figure out the situation, Xiang Xiaoyuan had already come out of the bedroom.

The security guard saw her and walked into the house with a box: "Miss Xiang, I'm here to give you a gift."

The security guard always had a smile on his face, but considering his behavior in the past, this smile was a little creepy.

Qin Guan rushed to Xiaoyuan and shouted, "He is Ying Zhiwan's accomplice. Ying Zhiwan used this box to kidnap Jiang Xing!"

The security guard was only a few steps away from Xiang Xiaoyuan at this time.

Lin Jiaqiao's mind was still processing the information in front of him, but his body reacted first.

She rushed out and pinned the security guard to the ground.

Lin Jiaqiao moved too quickly, and the security guard even had that innocent smile on his face, making him look more like a bad guy with ulterior motives.

The security guard struggled for several seconds before he finally put up a fight. He shouted, "What are you doing? Robbery? I'm warning you. Our neighborhood is fully monitored by surveillance cameras. Your faces have been captured."

This sounds quite law-abiding.

Qin Guan put away the half-dial call to the police and looked at Lin Jiaqiao blankly.

Lin Jiaqiao had a lot of experience in getting into trouble, so he immediately let go of the security guard and said some New Year greetings.

The uncle had a good temper and didn't argue with them. He continued to move a few boxes to Xiaoyuan's house.

The black suitcase and several sealed boxes were piled in the living room.

After the security guard left, he asked Xiaoyuan, "Do you want to call the police and let Uncle Lin check it first?"

Lin Jiaqiao stared at the black box and said, "There's room for a person to hide in here."

Xiang Xiaoyuan's face changed and he immediately opened the suitcase. Various beautifully packaged boxes were scattered all over the floor.

One of them fell at Qin Guan's feet. He picked it up and saw that there was a '5' written on the box, and inside was a beautiful children's princess dress.

Lin Jiaqiao looked at Xiang Xiaoyuan in confusion, and Xiang Xiaoyuan's eyes were already red.

She remained silent as she unwrapped the gifts one by one.

Inside the box numbered '1' is a silver longevity lock.

Number '2' contains a gold bracelet. The bracelet is very small and it is obviously for children.

After a long silence, Xiang Xiaoyuan suddenly said, "Help me, help me find the ones with '9' and '14' written on them."

The gifts are arranged by number and are easy to find.

Box '9' was a fancy pencil case that was very popular when they were kids.

There is an MP3 player installed in No. 14, which is very small and looks like a candy.

"It's my birthday present."

"He gave it to me as a birthday present."

Xiang Xiaoyuan was smiling, but there was despair on his face. "It turns out that he remembers everything I said to him."

On her 9th birthday, she wanted a beautiful pencil case, but her pencil case was not broken, and her mother thought it was a waste, so she didn't buy her one and only gave her a new school bag.

On her 14th birthday, she wanted an MP3 player, but her father thought it was useless for her studies and refused to buy it for her.

It was just a casual complaint from her, but he remembered it.

The gift for my 20th birthday was a brand new iPhone 3, the gift for my 24th birthday was a gemstone necklace, the gift for my 31st birthday was a beautiful wedding dress, the gift for my 38th birthday was a final physical examination card, the gift for my 43rd birthday was a villa, and the gift for my 50th birthday was an electric wheelchair…

The gifts were numbered from one to one hundred, which should at least make up for the regrets she had in her previous years and wish her a long life.

They left the door open and a draft blew through, knocking box numbered '100' off.

This is the lightest box.

Lin Jiaqiao picked it up and handed it to Xiang Xiaoyuan.

Inside was the ID photo that Ying Zhiwan had taken for the CET-4 exam. The dress was chosen by Xiang Xiaoyuan herself.

In the photo, Ying Zhiwan still looks unruly, overlapping with the person in the memory.

He didn't want to disturb her life, but he hoped that she would not forget him when she left this world.

Love has no shape, but Lin Jiaqiao felt the weight of this love. She said to Xiang Xiaoyuan:

"Don't cry. Now is not the time to cry."

"My dad has already sent people to look for him. We still have time. Don't give up."

"We will find him."

She said to Xiang Xiaoyuan, "Take a look at what he gave you this year, maybe there's a clue."

Xiang Xiaoyuan immediately ran to box No. 28.

Inside was a bottle of expensive champagne.

Xiang Xiaoyuan said, "He wanted to treat me to a drink! He said that he had hidden a lot of wine in his villa, and he wanted to drink with me after he finished the Level 4 exam."

Lin Jiaqiao hurriedly comforted him, "This shows that he subconsciously doesn't want to die, and he still wants to drink with you."

Qin Guan also assisted: "Yes, her brother is a psychologist, you should believe her."

Hope gradually appeared on Xiang Xiaoyuan's face.

Lin Jiaqiao's cell phone rang at this time. Lin Dapeng told everyone that Ying Zhiwan was not found in the villa.

What's worse is that the medicine that should be taken until late has run out.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but for a moment, Lin Jiaqiao saw something dead on Xiang Xiaoyuan's body.

Xiang Xiaoyuan held the wine and changed his shoes in silence.

Lin Jiaqiao hurriedly grabbed her and asked, "Where are you going?"

Xiang Xiaoyuan's face was numb. "Let's go to the villa. I'll go and have a drink with him."

On the way to the villa area, Qin Guan was still driving.

His cell phone suddenly rang. He pressed the answer button and it was Mr. Hua calling.

Hua Zong's voice sounded very anxious, "Mr. Qin, is our boss with you? Her phone is not working!"

Only then did Lin Jiaqiao realize that his phone was on silent mode.

She asked, "I'm here, what's wrong?"

Hua Zong finally breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly, "The advertiser called just now and said that we were being passive and lazy. He asked us to immediately follow up and report on the disappearance of Liu Yang and the others, otherwise he would withdraw the advertisement."

Lin Jiaqiao was puzzled, "Why do they care what news we report?"

Mr. Hua said: "There is a company that is in competition with Xu Yalan's family."

"Also, 'Wei Guan News' did a special report tonight, saying that they mourned He Youwei."

"By the way, 'Wei Guan News' also interviewed Sun Yu's mother and Wu Bin's parents. The elderly people cried together, and they looked very pitiful."

Lin Jiaqiao was angry. "Is 'Wei Guan News' crazy? The police are still looking for someone. What right do they have to say that the person is dead?"

"Isn't He Youwei one of their own? I thought they were only mean to outsiders, but I didn't expect they would not let go of even their own people."

Mr. Hua said, "For the click rate. The click rate of their report has exceeded 100 million. Boss, what should we do?"

Lin Jiaqiao said decisively: "Write a report right away, questioning why Weiguan News ended a person's life. Remember, the words you use must be fierce, and put any big accusations on them."

She looked at Xiang Xiaoyuan apologetically and said, "Also, keep an eye on the police's official account. They may issue a statement soon."

Mr. Hua asked again: "Then what? If we only achieve this level, the sponsor will not be satisfied."

Lin Jiaqiao's voice turned cold: "Tell our sponsor that the young master of the Ying family is among the missing people. Ask them if they are afraid of revenge from the Ying family."

"Also, tell the president that I'm on my way to the scene, and I'll release the news as soon as there's any new developments."

After she finished speaking, Xiang Xiaoyuan took the phone and said, "I am the person involved in this news. Tell your president that I am willing to accept an exclusive interview with Lin Jiaqiao."

After the two girls finished speaking, Qin Guan said, "I am Qin Guan. Tell your president that I am the new financial sponsor of your newspaper!"

"Okay, your editor-in-chief is going to save the world now, so don't bother her."

Lin Jiaqiao kissed Xiang Xiaoyuan hard, and then kissed Qin Guan while waiting for the red light.

After simply comforting Xiang Xiaoyuan, Lin Jiaqiao typed quickly on his mobile phone.

According to her writing, at least they were successfully rescued by the police.

When Xiang Xiaoyuan saw this, he looked like he was about to cry again.

Lin Jiaqiao held Xiang Xiaoyuan's hand and said, "There are enough depressing news. The world needs hope."

"I still say that until their bodies are found, they must be alive."

"I believe you will have a good ending."

"You have to believe it too."

When they arrived, the police had already searched the villa.

Because of the passage of time, the smell had faded and the police dog was of no use.

With a glimmer of hope, Lin Jiaqiao asked, "Dad, have you found the wine? Ying Zhiwan said he wanted to treat Xiao Xiangzi to a drink."

Lin Dapeng said to Xiang Xiaoyuan apologetically, "We found three bottles in that maze. We need to take them back for identification."

Xiang Xiaoyuan didn't care and just asked, "Can I go in now?"