Replacing the Evil Way

Chapter 45: Letter of Understanding 3


Jiang Xing grasped at straws and argued, "I'm different from them. I really like you."

Xiang Xiaoyuan was a little impatient, "It's up to you, but I really don't like you."

"You think that the things I do to you are what I do to everyone."

"That's not love, that's politeness."

"Please be more polite to me next time."

"As for the secret filming, I was just worried that you'd get beaten up. I know how much of a scumbag Liu Yang and his gang are."

"I really just feel sorry for you."

Jiang Xing couldn't accept this fact, and said indignantly: "After all, you just think I'm poor!"

"A man like Ying Zhiwan is incompetent and philandering. He can't even get into college. What's so good about him? Why is he worth liking?"

"You just like his money. You are a superficial and vain woman!"

Xiang Xiaoyuan was unhappy, "Who said he only has money? He is obviously good-looking too."

Of course life is good.

But there is no need to share this with outsiders.

Xiang Xiaoyuan said sincerely: "I like him because he is good-looking, rich, and has a good personality."

Jiang Xing commented on Ying Zhiwan's condescending attitude, which made people dislike him. Xiang Xiaoyuan couldn't help but sneer at him again: "Is it so difficult to admit that you are mediocre?"

"If you really want to be able to respond to his instructions, at least you have to reach the same level as him."

At this time, the phone rang, and Xiang Xiaoyuan said to Liu Yang: "Ten minutes are up."

Liu Yang certainly knew the other people's little thoughts, but he was not the leader of this small gang for nothing, he had the leverage over the others.

He threatened a little and the others had no choice but to agree.

He Youwei, however, sang a different tune and refused to sign the letter of apology:

"My reputation is gone, and I don't know if I can keep my job. You have nothing to threaten me with."

Xiang Xiaoyuan's many years in the business world were not in vain. She asked, "What do you want?"

He Youwei smiled: "I want an exclusive interview with you and Ying Zhiwan."

Xiang Xiaoyuan said: "It is impossible to do so at night. I can accept your interview."

"I don't trust your professional ethics. I request that the interview be conducted live."

"This is my bottom line. There is no room for negotiation."

He Youwei still wanted to bargain, and whispered to Xiaoyuan: "I already have eight letters of apology, and you don't need one more."

"Besides, guess what crime Ying Zhiwan will be convicted of by the Ying family's lawyer."

He Youwei forced a smile and said, "If the Ying family's lawyers were as useful as you said, you wouldn't come to us."

Xiang Xiaoyuan said indifferently: "Whatever you think."

Seeing that she was really leaving, He Youwei quickly wrote her name on the letter of apology and made an appointment with Xiang Xiaoyuan for an interview.

After receiving the letter of apology, Xiang Xiaoyuan didn't want to stay with this group of idiots for even a minute. Before leaving, she heard someone say:

"Why are you so proud? Young Master Ying never mentioned you to us."

It’s Li Shuangqian.

She really liked Ying Zhiwan, and was truly heartbroken.

Her words were tart and her face was full of provocation.

Xiang Xiaoyuan smiled and replied, "There is a morning market near our home, and the uncles selling fried dough sticks there know that we are dating."

"You don't know. Maybe for Ying Zhiwan, you don't need to know."

"Who would care about strangers?"

After saying this, she walked out of the ward with her head held high, just like when she came.

When Jiang Xing's mother came back, Liu Yang and Xu Yalan went to change to a single room. Li Shuangqian hid in the bathroom and cried. No one knew where the supervisor had gone. Jiang Xing was the only one left in the ward.

Jiang Xing's mother was still angry and didn't want to talk to him.

Jiang Xing didn't want to talk either.

His hair had grown long, covering most of his face, so no one knew what he was thinking.

As soon as he walked out of the hospital, Xiang Xiaoyuan's legs went weak and he almost fell.

Lin Jiaqiao hurried to help her, but found that Xiang Xiaoyuan was actually shaking.

Lin Jiaqiao asked: "What's wrong? Are you so hungry that your blood sugar is low?"

Xiang Xiaoyuan said: "I, I am actually still a little scared. I didn't expect that I could really do it."

She asked Lin Jiaqiao: "Was I overbearing just now?"

Lin Jiaqiao gave a thumbs up, "Bossy, bossy CEO!"

Xiang Xiaoyuan breathed a sigh of relief, but soon became nervous again, "I didn't say anything wrong, did I?"

Lin Jiaqiao said seriously: "I was wrong."

"You have never been without anything. I have always been by your side."

Xiang Xiaoyuan was a little nervous at first, but after hearing her say that, she snuggled into her arms like a little bird, "You are so bad, I like you so much."

Qin Guan had been worried for a long time. When he saw the two people coming out, he hurriedly drove the car in front of them.

He just rolled down the car window when he heard these words.

He rolled up the window again, closed it, and drove off.

Qin Guan had a sullen face the whole time, so Lin Jiaqiao had to act cute to coax him. Xiang Xiaoyuan watched the whole thing and felt that these two were even more annoying than before.

When I returned to Ying Zhiwan's ward, there was a familiar-looking policeman guarding the door.

Lin Jiaqiao went forward and asked, and found out that Ying Zhiwan had already woken up, and Lin Dapeng was taking his statement.

Everyone could feel that Xiang Xiaoyuan was getting nervous.

She fixed her hair and asked Lin Jiaqiao, "How do I look?"

Lin Jiaqiao understood her thoughts very well. She took her to the nurses' station and went to the bathroom with the cosmetics she borrowed from the nurses.

The young policeman sighed: "These young nurses are so arrogant. They all ignored us. Only Bird Brother is good at chatting."

Qin Guan nodded and said that it was always okay for Lin Zhizhi to chat.

As the old saying goes, a dying man's words are good, so it's better not to do so at the end. He relied on the fact that he didn't have much time left to live, and his attitude was extremely arrogant, and he acted like a non-violent non-cooperative person, and no one could persuade him to do anything.

No matter what Lin Dapeng asked, he always looked like "I know, but I won't tell you."

He was not the most difficult suspect Lin Dapeng had ever encountered, but he was indeed not easy to deal with.

After all, no matter from which perspective, the middle-aged policeman Comrade Lin Dapeng can't do anything to terminally ill patients.

Qin Guan peeked at the door and saw that his godfather and father-in-law was bullied. Although it was very inhumane, he still missed the good times when Ying Zhiwan was pinned to the ground and beaten by Lin Jiaqiao.

Perhaps it was the unique tacit understanding between lovers, Lin Jiaqiao immediately appeared beside him.

She poked her head in and looked inside. "Hey, aren't you done yet? He talks a lot."

Before Qin Guan could complain, he heard Lin Dapeng say, "If you don't tell the truth, you will be stuck in this matter for the rest of your life."

Ying Zhiwan sneered and said self-deprecatingly: "Thank you for your concern, but all I have left in my life is—"

He counted on his fingers carefully.

After counting a few, he said in despair, "It depends on the situation. Anyway, it won't last more than three weeks in my lifetime."

He said nonchalantly: "Maybe I will fly to Switzerland tomorrow, get an injection, and die of euthanasia."

"So Officer Lin, can you be a good person and fulfill the wishes of a dying man like me? Don't ask any more questions."

"Besides, your chain of evidence is already complete. It doesn't matter whether there is my confession or not."

According to the current evidence available to the police, the whole incident can only be explained as follows: Ying Zhiwan killed Liu Yang in revenge because his secret love for him failed.

Lin Dapeng was about to speak when there was a heavy knock on the door of the ward.

The two turned around and saw Lin Jiaqiao's gloomy face.

Just now, when Ying Zhiwan said that he wanted euthanasia, Xiang Xiaoyuan heard it.

Then she left.

Xiang Xiaoyuan was sitting on the steps of the stairwell. She heard a noise behind her and quickly wiped away her tears. She whispered, "I'm fine, Zhizhi."

"I'm just, so sad."

"Please let me take it easy."

After a long silence, the man behind him said, "I am not Lin Maque."

I turned to Xiaoyuan in surprise, it was already late.

He was sitting in a wheelchair with some dissatisfaction on his face. When he saw Xiang Xiaoyuan, he smiled unconsciously: "Wow, my girlfriend is even more beautiful."

He stretched out his hand and wanted to touch Xiaoyuan's face.

Xiang Xiaoyuan immediately put his face next to him.

Ying Zhiwan picked up a strand of her hair and kissed it gently.

Xiang Xiaoyuan's heart suddenly started beating uncontrollably.

She has actually met many high-quality men in the past few years. Some are rich, some are powerful, some are handsome, but none of them can make her heart beat.

She thought she was no longer capable of love. But now she realized that the reason she would not fall in love with others was because none of them were meant to be.

Ying Zhiwan reached out and wiped the tears from her face: "Be good, don't cry."

Only then did she realize how thin he was.

Xiang Xiaoyuan held his hand and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Ying Zhiwan still had the same smile as when he was young: "It doesn't hurt."

Xiang Xiaoyuan's tears flowed even more fiercely, "You're lying."

Ying Zhiwan sighed softly, "Okay, it hurts a little."

Asked Xiaoyuan: "Why did you come back?"

Ying Zhiwan didn't say anything and just looked at her.

The expression on his face was very complicated, showing guilt, sadness, joy, and of course, more love.

He said nothing, yet it seemed as if he had said everything.

Xiang Xiaoyuan could no longer control her emotions, threw herself into his arms, and asked crying, "It's because of me, right?"

Ying Zhiwan touched her hair and said, "Don't cry, beautiful women shouldn't shed tears."

Xiang Xiaoyuan cursed: "Are you a fool? You actually want to starve yourself to death. Is it worth it?"

The action should be stopped at night.

He pinched Xiang Xiaoyuan's chin and asked her to look him in the eyes: "It's worth it."

"Xiang Xiaoyuan, I don't regret it at all. Even if I were given another chance, I would do the same thing."

"You may have forgotten or taken this as a joke, so I'll tell you again. This time, you have to remember it."

"I have always felt that this world is boring and I am living like a zombie. It is your appearance that makes me willing to make peace with the world."

"My life has no meaning. The only meaning of my life is you."

"I would do anything for you, including dying."