Replacing the Evil Way

Chapter 46: frank


Xiang Xiaoyuan hesitated for a long time, using almost all the courage in her life, and asked: "Can you live for me?"

She held his hand and pleaded, "I know this request is selfish, but we, we just met."

"I thought we had been together for a very long time, but I just remembered that we had only been in love for a few dozen days."

"Ying Zhiwan, you're a bastard, you know that."

"You are so good. You made me fall in love with you, and then you left me."

"This life is too long, really. I have already lived with these few memories for six years. Do you still want me to live with these memories for sixty years?"

Ying Zhiwan's Adam's apple moved, and he pleaded with Xiaoyuan, fearing a negative answer:

"Ying Zhiwan, you know, I'm having a very bad time."

"This world has been very bad to me. You are my compensation, my placebo, and the gift the world has given me."

"Can you please not leave me?"

"I beg you."

Ying Zhiwan looked at her helplessly, "Xiang Xiaoyuan, don't you never ask for help from others?"

"You didn't ask for mercy when you were beaten by Xu Yalan and her friends, you didn't ask for mercy when you were cheated by your business partners, you didn't ask for mercy when you were subjected to online bullying for years, why is it so easy for you to ask for mercy when you are against me?"

"Because you will be soft-hearted." Xiang Xiaoyuan looked at him with tears in her eyes, "You will definitely be soft-hearted towards me, right?"

Ying Zhiwan looked at her and shook his head.

The suffocating feeling immediately overwhelmed Xiang Xiaoyuan, and she cried even harder. The next second, she heard Ying Zhiwan say, "I have to shave my head for chemotherapy, and you are not allowed to think I am ugly."

Xiang Xiaoyuan was stunned for a few seconds before she understood what he was talking about.

She kissed him on the lips without hesitation.

Ying Zhi had seen this scene in his dream tonight.

He's seen it many times.

He immediately deepened the kiss.

The kiss ended faster than expected.

It should be stopped at night.

He panted and said, "You, your husband is a patient, the kind who needs to go to the ICU at any time. He can't stand such excitement."

Xiang Xiaoyuan became nervous, "Are you okay? Is it hurting anywhere?"

Ying Zhiwan actually felt a little uncomfortable, but the kiss was so sweet that he even had the illusion of being healed.

He held her hand and said lovingly, "Little fool, so silly."

He really loved her so much that he couldn't bear to even call her stupid, and added, "Good girl."

Xiang Xiaoyuan sent Ying back to the ward in the evening. When they came out of the stairwell, they saw Lin Jiaqiao, Qin Guan and Lin Dapeng standing in a "凸" shape with expressionless faces. Lin Jiaqiao was holding the young policeman guarding the door of the ward.

Lin Jiaqiao covered his mouth and he struggled helplessly.

Qin Guan held Lin Jiaqiao's hand expressionlessly: "Good boy."

Lin Jiaqiao shook his hand back affectionately: "Little fool."

Ying Zhiwan said with disdain: "You are so disgusting."

Lin Jiaqiao smiled, "Yes, we thought so when we were watching you two, no, mainly when you were chatting."

The young policeman escaped from Bird Brother's clutches and questioned Ying Zhiwan dissatisfiedly: "What's wrong with you? You had a hard time getting out of bed just now, but you turned your wheelchair to look for the girl so fast that I couldn't catch up with you."

After saying this, he looked at Lin Jiaqiao, the accomplice, in condemnation. He was really a traitor. Just to listen to the disgusting words of these two people, he even attacked the police.

Lin Jiaqiao has always been thick-skinned, so he gave him a flattering smile as an apology.

Ying Zhiwan was too thick-skinned to take the accusation seriously at all.

He said lazily, "Captain Lin, why haven't you left yet?"

Before Lin Jiaqiao could curse, Xiang Xiaoyuan said dissatisfiedly: "Why are you talking to Uncle Lin like that?"

Qin Guan had long been fed up with his attitude towards Lin Dapeng, and said coldly: "I think you could be more polite."

Ying Zhiwan snorted coldly and was about to retort, but suddenly he remembered that Lin Jiaqiao was able to defeat three people alone, and he became obedient.

He said obediently: "Uncle Lin, could you please come to my ward?"

In the ward, Ying Zhiwan sat face to face with Lin Dapeng.

There were still only the two of them in the room.

Ying Zhiwan's attitude became much more docile, the only problem was that he would always unconsciously glance towards the door.

Outside the door, Xiang Xiaoyuan was looking at him worriedly.

She wanted to come in and keep him company just now, but Ying Zhiwan refused.

Although it was a bit self-deception, he didn't want her to know the truth.

Beside Xiang Xiaoyuan, Lin Jiaqiao stood like a bodyguard.

She had a gloomy face and looked like someone who was not easy to mess with. When their eyes met, she pointed at her own eyes and then at Ying Zhiwan.

It seemed that if Ying Zhiwan dared to lie, she would tear up Xiang Xiaoyuan's hostage.

Ying Zhiwan was frightened by his own thoughts. Lin Dapeng asked, "Are you feeling unwell? I'll call a doctor for you."

Ying Zhiwan was even more sincere: "No need, uncle, let's get started."

"When I first went abroad, I regretted every night that I should have introduced Xiang Xiaoyuan to my 'friends', at least they would have someone to look after me. Later, I was thankful every day that I was a step late."

"You have checked my background. Even now, I admit that Liu Yang is my only friend."

"He's not a good person, and I'm not a good person either. We had a lot of fun together when we were young, and we did a lot of stupid things together."

He looked towards the door and saw Xiang Xiaoyuan's face full of worry, while Lin Jiaqiao was trying to cheer her up.

Ying Zhiwan couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth, "Later I realized that this is not how friends get along."

"I was very concerned about my reputation at that time. I didn't want to play with Liu Yang anymore, but I was too embarrassed to say it directly. Liu Yang probably noticed it and hinted to me several times that he and I were not as close as before."

"But I treat him as a friend, otherwise I wouldn't ask him to take care of Xiao Xiangzi."

"Thinking back on it now, I find it funny. I was so naive back then, and I had this inexplicable desire to win. I didn't want to see Xiang Xiaoyuan when I was sick, because I always felt it would be embarrassing."

"I even thought that my illness would be cured soon and I might be able to return home next week."

"Xiang Xiaoyuan is a very stubborn kid. She always keeps a very clear account of money with me. I only discovered before I left that she was the one who spent the money when we were together."

"So, before going to Switzerland, I found Liu Yang, gave him some money, and asked him to pass it on to Xiao Xiangzi."

Ying Zhiwan looked at Lin Dapeng and laughed at himself, "That's right, three million."

“It’s the money Liu Yang used to start his business.”

"I don't really have any idea about money. This amount is just the amount I can mobilize as quickly as possible. I don't think it's an amount that would cause anyone to have bad intentions."

"But my good brother Liu Yang kept the money."

Ying Zhiwan was actually very similar to his father, always having the laziness of a rich young man, as if he didn't care about anything. But now, there was an unspeakable anger and indifference on his face. Lin Dapeng was familiar with this expression, he had seen it on the faces of many murderers.

Because he was too excited, Ying Zhi started coughing violently in the evening and he even started to bleed from the nose again.

Perhaps because he was afraid that Xiang Xiaoyuan would worry, he deliberately turned sideways so that she would not see him.

Everyone could only see his profile. His spine was hunched over like a rugged mountain that could tear his clothes at any time.

Lin Dapeng wanted to call a doctor, but Ying Zhiwan stopped him with his hand: "Let's make things clear at once. You are very busy at work. Don't bother me while I am dating in the future."

He calmed his breath and continued, "At the old popsicle factory, I asked Liu Yang, do you know what he said?"

"He actually scolded me, saying that I had no conscience and would rather give so much money to a woman than help him."

"I didn't even know he wanted to start a business. And even if he wanted to start a business, he shouldn't have touched Xiaoyuan's money."

"That's what I told him. I said if you want to start a business, you should seriously ask me to borrow money."

"Liu Yang said, I have always looked down on him, he just wanted to do something to show me, he is not much worse than me."

"According to Liu Yang, he is keeping the money for me. He will return it to me double when he makes money in the future. It is better than wasting it on Xiang Xiaoyuan."

"In the past six years, I didn't dare to call Xiang Xiaoyuan. I learned about her through Liu Yang."

"Liu Yang always said that Xiang Xiaoyuan was doing well, that she had a new boyfriend, and that she was living a happy life. I never doubted him once!"

"I didn't even doubt him once!"

Lin Dapeng frowned and wrote something in his notebook. He asked, "Do you admit that you kidnapped Liu Yang and the others for revenge?"

Ying Zhiwan smiled slyly:

"I didn't kidnap them. I just wanted to teach them a lesson. You see, I didn't lock the door to the maze at all. They can leave as long as they find the exit."

"It's just a prank."

Lin Dapeng thought of the extra bag of cement.

Ying Zhiwan's plan was obvious. He planned to seal the exit with cement.

The maze is under the floor. Once cement is poured, it will merge with the basement floor and no one will find it.

But he couldn't do it alone.

Lin Dapeng asked: "You have an accomplice."

Ying Zhiwan shrugged, "Not an accomplice, just an enthusiastic netizen."

"He was the one who told me that Liu Yang had been lying to me, and he was also the one who sent me the video of Xiao Xiangzi being bullied."

"He gave me all the information about the activities of Liu Yang, Wu Bin, and Jiang Xing, the three idiots, Jiang Xing's cyberbullying of Xiao Xiangzi, and their group. He sorted out almost all the clues for me."

"I know that this statement seems like I am shirking responsibility. I also have no evidence to prove that I did not lie because I deleted all the messages."