Replacing the Evil Way

Chapter 47: Enthusiastic netizens


Ying Zhiwan said casually: "The 'enthusiastic netizen' told me that among these nine people, there is one person he wants to kill."

"I helped him kill people, and in exchange, he helped me clean up and hide this secret."

Lin Dapeng's eyebrows jumped, and he asked fiercely, "He Youwei?"

Ying Zhiwan was startled and asked, "What?"

Lin Dapeng's momentum was restrained a little, but he still had a murderous aura. He asked, "Is the person he wants you to kill He Youwei?"

Ying Zhiwan looked at him thoughtfully, "Why do you think it was He Youwei?"

Lin Dapeng didn't want to discuss this issue with him and only gave an ambiguous answer: "You are all classmates, but she is not."

Ying Zhiwan disagreed: "Doing bad things does not depend on age."

"He Youwei used her identity as a media person to incite public opinion again and again, spreading rumors that Xiang Xiaoyuan's brand had quality issues, and organized a group of idle netizens to cyberbully her."

"After being exposed, he just played dead. Not only did he not formally apologize, he even didn't delete the news that spread the rumor."

"I've investigated, and it's not just Xiao Xiangzi who she spread rumors about."

"If you ask me, she is not innocent at all. She is as stupid as Jiang Xing. She is a disaster if she is still alive."

Policeman Lin Dapeng could not bear to hear such lawless words, so he taught the illiterate child about the law: "You are not the law, you cannot represent fairness and justice, you must understand that this world cannot always go your way—"

Ying Zhiwan made a gesture of begging for mercy: "I know, I know. I don't want to live anymore. I plan to die with them. I won't do that again."

He looked towards the door and looked at Xiang Xiaoyuan, "I don't dare to die now."

Lin Dapeng had enough to worry about, so he didn't bother to worry about the moral issues of older naughty kids. He brought the topic back to the case: "What else do you know about your online friends?"

Ying Zhiwan thought for a moment and said, "The information he provided is very detailed. It is not something that can be completed in a short time."

"I guess my netizen should live in this city, or at least live here often. He should live alone, or have his own space, otherwise there is nowhere to store so much information."

"By the way, he needs a lot of personal time."

"To be honest, if I hadn't heard about the rubbish Jiang Xing did, I would have really thought that my 'enthusiastic netizen' was him."

Ying Zhiwan seemed to have said a lot, but in fact, he had nothing useful to say. Lin Dapeng tried to trick him with a few indirect words, but he really knew nothing.

Lin Dapeng's feeling of uneasiness became stronger and stronger.

The ward had good soundproofing, and three people at the door leaned against the crack and listened in on the entire situation.

Lin Jiaqiao clicked his tongue and shook his head, counting to Xiang Xiaoyuan:

"Ying Zhiwan should pay for Liu Yang's meals, Ying Zhiwan should take the blame for Liu Yang's drunk driving, Ying Zhiwan should act as Liu Yang's wingman when he picks up girls, and the most amazing thing is that when Liu Yang goes out to play with his girlfriend, Ying Zhiwan also sponsors him—"

She sighed and said, "Xiao Xiangzi, are you really determined to live with him? I feel like he and Liu Yang are the true love."

At this time, the interrogation was over and three people pushed the door open and came in.

Lin Jiaqiao wrote a long paragraph on his phone and shoved the phone into Xiaoyuan's hand, "Read it to me."

These words conveyed Lin Jiaqiao's blessing to Xiang Xiaoyuan, and she felt relieved when she saw them. She declined, "You should come."

Lin Jiaqiao flatly refused, "You know I curse. If you feel bad, we'll have a fight. It's better for you to just curse directly."

Lin Dapeng glanced at his phone and saw the content was disgusting.

He was afraid that his own daughter would be punished for pornography after hearing this, so he simply turned a blind eye and walked away.

Ying Zhiwan stopped him and asked him worriedly, "How would you write a case report?"

"You know, Xiang Xiaoyuan is the biggest victim in this matter."

Lin Dapeng didn't say anything, just looked at him deeply, closed the door and left.

Ying Zhiwan was puzzled and asked Xiang Xiaoyuan, "What does Lin Maque's father mean by this?"

Xiang Xiaoyuan cleared his throat and said to the phone with great emotion: "Ying Zhiwan, you idiot, beep-"

Ying protested at night, "If you want to curse someone, just curse him. But you use repetitive words. It's disgusting."

He patiently explained to Xiaoyuan: "The first 'force' means I let the cat out of the bag, and the second one means silence."

She continued, "Your brain must have been eaten by a donkey. The pigs raised at my grandpa's house are smarter than you."

"Don't shake your big head, I can hear the sound of the waves."

"You are very rich, aren't you? Why can't you give your dried-up brain cells some energy? You are a good person, but you can't tell the difference between your brain and your intestines. Were you hiding when we humans were evolving?"

Ying Zhiwan was dissatisfied: "I heard you were scolding me. Ma Que, why do you always target me?"

He showed his wrist to Xiaoyuan, "Lin Maque broke my arm before. It hurts so much."

Seeing this little devil dare to complain. Lin Jiaqiao is a real fierce woman, never afraid of the smell of tea.

She raised her voice even louder, "You and Liu Yang are still gay, and they are so loyal to each other. What's wrong with me breaking your arm? I can't stand ugly people insulting beauty!"

"By the way, you also asked Xu Yalan and He Youwei to come to your house. Aren't you beautiful with your girlfriends on both sides? Now you are pretending to be wronged."

In this matter, Ying Zhiwan was indeed at fault. More importantly, he couldn't win the argument against Lin Jiaqiao.

He was very good at retreating in order to advance, and looked at Xiang Xiaoyuan weakly.

Lin Jiaqiao was also eagerly waiting for Xiang Xiaoyuan to make the decision for him.

Xiang Xiaoyuan was a smart kid who knew how to divert trouble. She said to Qin Guan, "I saw you in the nightclub before. You were drinking with another girl."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a "bang" sound at the door.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound and saw that the fruit basket in Gu Yiming's hand had fallen to the ground.

No one knew when he came or how long he had been listening. Now he was holding his chin with both hands, his handsome face distorted into the look of the world-famous painting "The Scream", looking at everyone in the room in disbelief.

Qin Guan stretched out his hand weakly, "Listen to my explanation, it's not what you think."

Gu Yiming gave a perfunctory "hmm" and moved his fingers quickly to share gossip in the family group.

Qin Guan took out his mobile phone, and Ms. Qiao was asking in the group, "What happened next?", "What did Guan Guan say?", "Did you just hit him?"

He snatched Gu Yiming's phone and said, "Don't write!"

Lin Jiaqiao asked quietly, "Are you angry out of shame?"

Qin Guan wanted to defend himself, but he did it. He would not lie to Lin Jiaqiao, so he had to say, "Don't be angry."

Lin Jiaqiao smiled: "I'm not angry. I've kissed a lot of handsome boys before."

Qin Guan almost suffocated: "When, where, why don't I know!"

Lin Jiaqiao continued to smile: "Are you very angry? I was ten times angrier than you just now."

Xiang Xiaoyuan and Ying Zhiwan were lying on their sickbeds watching the fun. Ying Zhiwan started to make a noise, "That's right, what kind of person is this? He has no moral principles at all."

Lin Jiaqiao bullied Qin Guan herself, but that didn't mean others could bully him. She immediately changed the subject, "Brother, why are you here?"

Gu Yiming gestured to her to look at the fruit basket, "Visiting the patient."

"We slept in the same dormitory together. Lao Ying is sick, so of course I have to come and see him."

He was a little emotional, "I never thought that our dormitory would be reunited here."

Ying Zhiwan was surprised, "Qin Guan is the one who is missing one of the three."

Gu Yiming was dissatisfied: "I told you at least three times, and you really didn't listen to me."

Ying Zhiwan had some friendship with him, so he quickly apologized to him.

Xiang Xiaoyuan whispered to Lin Jiaqiao, "I know that people should have a bottom line, but I still want to say that Fairy Gu seems like the heroine of an old novel."

Lin Jiaqiao asked: "Is it the kind of thing like "The Devil Master's Sweet Girlfriend" or "The Evil School Prince's Innocent Little Wife"? "

After saying that, the two girls started giggling evilly.

Qin Guan was always generous at times like this. He said, "It's okay. I'm with the—eh, the man on the bed, what's your name?"

Everyone was speechless, thinking he was too petty.

Ying Zhiwan often heard his father praise Qin Guan, saying that he was young and promising and knew how to act sensibly. But now it seems that he was just pretending. How could a good person be with Lin Maque

He also put on airs: "Who is talking? Is there anyone here? How can the air talk?"

Lin Jiaqiao, Xiang Xiaoyuan, Gu Yiming: …

In order to prevent the older children in the kindergarten from quarreling, the two parents decided to separate them.

Seeing that Lin Jiaqiao was about to leave, Xiang Xiaoyuan hurriedly stopped her: "Uncle Lin said that the police will issue a notice of closing the case this afternoon. Let's do our interview in the afternoon as well. You can still take advantage of the popularity."

Lin Jiaqiao was worried, "But you haven't rested for a few days. Can your body handle it?"

Xiang Xiaoyuan clenched his fist and said, "I don't care, you must be the first media to report this. We are going to piss He Youwei off to death."

Ying Zhiwan also advised: "Lin Maque, can you finish all this in one go? Don't come and disturb our world of two."

"Don't come in the afternoon. Come now and don't come in the afternoon."

He took Xiang Xiaoyuan's hand and asked her to sit down. "I planned the whole thing. Interviewing me is less interesting than interviewing Xiang Xiaoyuan."