Replacing the Evil Way

Chapter 61: Pumpkin carriage


At this moment, he looked at Lin Jiaqiao unhappily, like a bullied little animal, making people want to pinch him again.

Lin Jiaqiao suppressed her laughter and immediately changed the subject. She exclaimed as if she had discovered a new world: "Brother, you actually have pierced ears."

Gu Yiming's hair had grown a little long, so to make it easier to cook, she pinned it behind her ears with a clip. She hadn't taken it off yet, revealing her pale ears.

Could it be that what Qin Guan said was true, and that the diamond earring really belonged to Gu Yiming

Lin Jiaqiao was puzzled as to what kind of aesthetic taste Gu Xiannv had.

Gu Yiming snorted coldly, "Have you never seen a man conceited? Your boyfriend even dyed his hair purple."

Lin Jiaqiao really didn't notice it, and she suspected that she was blind. She looked at Qin Guan in astonishment, and Qin Guan cooperated by smoothing his hair, revealing the purple highlights.

Lin Jiaqiao opened his mouth wide. Were you all so wild when you were young

Her hair was dark brown at this time, and because she hadn't had it retouched, a black patch had grown at the roots.

Compared to them, I am as rough as Lin Dapeng.

Lin Jiaqiao and Qin Guan were having dinner. Gu Yiming was idle and saw that Lin Jiaqiao's desk was full of documents, so he asked, "Arrange the documents? What can I do?"

It is of course good to have more helpers, so Lin Jiaqiao used his old excuse to trick him into helping him look for it.

"Cui Baixing, huh?" Gu Yiming looked at the thick newspaper and frowned unconsciously.

Qin Guan finished his work and saw that Lin Jiaqiao and Gu Yiming were still busy, so he went to the bathroom to wash his lunch box.

Young Master Qin naturally had enough money to buy these two lunch boxes, but he and Lin Jiaqiao had been using them since they were young, so he couldn't bear to throw them away.

The office building is old and dim, perfect for a ghost movie. Qin Guan wanted to escape as soon as he turned on the tap.

While he was struggling, a hand was placed on Qin Guan's shoulder, and Qin Guan almost screamed.

Seeing who it was, he said unhappily, "You are sick."

Gu Yiming pointed at Lin Jiaqiao and said, "Zhizhi is busy finishing up, so let me accompany you. But you are actually afraid of ghosts."

"What are you afraid of? I'm just not used to the environment here." Qin Guan changed the subject, "What's wrong with you? Didn't I ask you to make sweet and sour pork? But you made fried rice to fool the boss?"

Gu Yiming said dissatisfiedly, "If my rice wasn't about to expire, I would have cooked some instant noodles. Can't you just order takeout? You're bothering me so late at night."

Qin Guan muttered: "How can the boss work overtime while the employees sleep?"

Gu Yiming glanced at him:

"I was just about to ask you, are you sure you want to open a psychological clinic for me?"

"Your problem is not even a psychological problem."

"Ordinary people can't get over an arm injury, let alone you who have spent twenty years preparing to be a doctor. It's normal for you to have some negative emotions."

Qin Guan asked: "Is it normal to want to kill someone?"

"I killed that man countless times in my dreams."

Gu Yiming looked at him for a while and said seriously, "It's normal."

"If you go to my old workplace to register, I can talk you through three courses of treatment. Do you really want to open a clinic at a hundred times the price?"

Qin Guan was firm in his attitude, "No, it would be embarrassing if others knew that I was seeing a psychiatrist."

Gu Yiming rolled his eyes: "It's not shameful to see a psychiatrist."

Qin Guan still disagreed, muttering: "I just want to open a psychological clinic for you, isn't that okay?"

He warned, "Don't tell Zhizhi and Lao Lin."

Gu Yiming sneered: "I don't know any better than you what professional ethics to abide by."

But Lin Zhizhi had already heard it.

Seeing that the two men had not returned, she thought they had encountered some accident, so she came to look for them.

Then she heard it at the door.

She didn't know that Qin Guan had had such a hard time during this period.

She felt sad and guilty. She had missed so many things.

Qin Guan came back and got goose bumps from Lin Jiaqiao's soft voice. This was the first time he pulled Gu Yiming to sit in the passenger seat.

During the whole process, Lin Jiaqiao looked at him with such gentle eyes. Qin Guan felt so much pressure that he almost didn't dare to look at the rearview mirror.

When they were almost at the Lin family's house, Lin Jiaqiao finally fell asleep.

Qin Guan immediately stepped on the brakes and asked nervously, "What's going on? Is Lin Zhizhi possessed?"

He covered his face, "You can't hear us talking!"

Gu Yiming comforted him, "No, the floor in her company will scream. Did you hear the sound just now?"

"It seems not." Qin Guan breathed a sigh of relief, "But she—"

Gu Yiming said: "She is Lin Jiaqiao, who knows what's going on in her mind."

Thinking of this, Qin Guan calmed down.

He was about to start the car when Gu Yiming stopped him: "Can you help me find someone?"

"His name is Wang Ruile. I don't know if he is a man or a woman. He used to work at 'Wei Guan News' but has left."

Gu Yiming was puzzled: "If you ask Zhizhi about the media circle, wouldn't it be faster?"

Gu Yiming said: "I don't want her to know."

"Besides, aren't you a domineering boss? Digging into people's privacy is no small matter."

"I'm sorry, I've only been a domineering CEO for less than two months, so I don't really understand what the business is all about." Qin Guan was speechless, "Read less of Lin Zhizhi's novels in the future, please."

He asked, "What do you want with this guy?"

Gu Yi lowered his head, his hair hiding his expression: "...Private matter."

Qin Guan became alert, "Isn't it that Zhao, Zhao what--"

Gu Yiming reminded: "Zhao Ruihe."

Qin Guan said: "Yes, it is him. What is your relationship with him?"

Gu Yiming sighed, "It's not what you think. ... He has a girlfriend."

Qin Guan was possessed by a spirit of drama, and he protected his chest, "The worst thing is that a lesbian loves a straight man. That's what's written in all those novels."

"Don't fall in love with me just because you've been frustrated in love. My body and soul belong only to Lin Zhizhi."

Gu Yiming suddenly moved closer and stared into his eyes:

"You know, there's something called psychological suggestion. The less prepared a person is, the easier it is to attack them."

Gu Yiming's eyes flashed with a strange light: "Maybe, I have planted a seed in your soul, just waiting for my gesture, and you will be as obedient as a puppy."

After that, he gently touched Qin Guan's brow and said, "Put me down. I'll take a taxi back."

Lin Jiaqiao was awakened by Qin Guan and found that the car was parked downstairs of the Lin family.

Qin Guan looked at her shyly: "If I were a puppy, would you still love me?"

Lin Jiaqiao searched for several days but found no clues related to Cui Boxing, so he had to go to his house again.

Because she had been there so often recently, not only Cui Boxing, but even Cui Zijing secretly asked her if she was in trouble.

Lin Jiaqiao thought about it and decided that it would be good to have a few more helpers when it comes to matters of life and death. She lowered her voice and said to Cui Zijing, "I've been having the same dream recently."

"There was only one scene in the dream, which seemed to be stuck and kept appearing over and over again."

"It felt so real. I could smell the blood in the air. I was very worried."

She created such a good atmosphere that Cui Zijing became nervous. She held Lin Jiaqiao's hand and urged her to continue.

Lin Jiaqiao said: "I dreamed that you had a car accident."

"I saw you and Master lying in a pool of blood."

"But I seem to be separated from you by a barrier, and I can't do anything. I can only watch Master die."

Thinking of the tragic death of Cui Boxing, Lin Jiaqiao's sadness was real.

Cui Zijing sensed her emotions and comforted her, "It's just a dream, don't be afraid. My dad has been driving for many years and has been to all over the world. I heard that the roads there are very steep, but he is safe."

Seeing that she didn't believe him, Lin Jiaqiao said nonsense: "I didn't believe it at first, but I also dreamed that Master was wearing a red sportswear today, and it really came true."

Thinking of Gu Yiming's psychological analysis method, she added: "These are all dreams I had in the first half of the night."

She held Cui Zijing's hand and said seriously, "Think about it, I'm very brave, right? You scared me so much that I came here specially. You can imagine how real and scary this dream is."

Cui Zijing didn't believe in dreams, but she believed in Lin Jiaqiao's courage. She asked, "What are you going to do?"

Lin Jiaqiao said: "Don't go out on April 20th."

Cui Zijing calculated the time and said, "Isn't that the day after tomorrow? It's a good time for us to take a break."

"We have made an appointment with an ophthalmologist to have our eyes rechecked."

Cui Boxing had the accident at night.

Lin Jiaqiao asked: "You guys agreed to meet in the evening?"

Cui Zijing replied: "In the morning, who will review it in the evening?"

Lin Jiaqiao breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay, just come back after the checkup. By the way, you have my cell phone number, right? If anything unexpected happens, remember to call me."

After thinking for a while, she said: "Why don't you just set my number as a shortcut key so that it will be easier to contact you."

Cui Zijing didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "It's just a dream, it shouldn't be that serious. You made me nervous too."

Lin Jiaqiao said firmly: "Even if there is a one in ten thousand chance, I can't let anything happen to you."

"In short, there are only three days left. You have to work harder and keep a close eye on Comrade Lao Cui."

Cui Zijing joked, "It's such a big deal, why don't we tell Lao Cui about it?"

Lin Jiaqiao was helpless. "I told him several times, but he didn't believe me and thought I was crazy."

In fact, Cui Zijing had the same idea as her father, but since Lin Jiaqiao was so serious, she couldn't scold her in person.

Cui Zijing asked: "What will my dad wear on April 20th?"

Lin Jiaqiao recalled the scene at that time and replied: "It was blue, with a stain on the chest."

She warned: "Remember, you must come back before dark."

Cui Zijing laughed, "I'm not Cinderella, can my carriage turn into a pumpkin?"

Because of the frequent mention of car accidents recently, Lin Jiaqiao has been having dreams about car accidents these past few nights.

But this car accident was not caused by Cui Boxing, but by Lin Dapeng.

The location of each of his car accidents was different, sometimes in the city center, sometimes on the coastal highway, and sometimes back on the road opposite the cemetery.

But strangely, the person in the passenger seat became clearer and clearer.

Lin Jiaqiao had no idea what the dream was hinting at. He was so anxious that pimples appeared on his face and he was extremely depressed.