Replacing the Evil Way

Chapter 62: omen


Cui Zijing has become alert after being bombarded by Lin Jiaqiao these days.

She was worried that her dad would just ignore her, so before leaving, she stopped the coach and asked, "What is my dad wearing today?"

The coach was puzzled, but still answered: "Just clothes, pants and windbreaker."

Cui Zijing asked, "What's the color?"

The coach said, "The pants are black and the jacket is brown."

Cui Zijing was still worried: "What about the clothes inside? Are there any blue ones?"

"No," the coach replied, "It's a plaid shirt underneath, and it's yellow."

Cui Zijing finally let go of her worries.

The dream was indeed just a dream, and Lin Zhizhi was really making a fuss out of nothing.

The coach said, "Why are you acting so strange today? Do you want me to report to you what I'm wearing?"

Cui Zijing waved her hands and said vaguely: "I had a dream last night and I'm a little worried."

"Did you dream about your dad getting into a car accident?" The coach took out his phone. "Let me check. 'Dream about a relative getting into a car accident'. I got it. It means you are very worried about your dad's current situation."

The coach consoled him, "Don't worry, I will continue to find a suitable pacesetter for you, and we will try to get your dad home as soon as possible."

The coach complained: "When we really get to the game, I'm worried that his old arms and legs won't be able to handle it. Since your dad came here, we finally have a place to put those expired plasters in the team."

Cui Zijing found the coach's arm accurately and hit her. She laughed and scolded: "A few days ago, you said my dad was a great hero and a real man, but today you despise him."

The coach said: "Your father is a hero, so we have to place him in a suitable place to prevent him from suffering and worrying about us."

The two were chatting when Cui Baixing came in to look for someone. He asked, "What's going on?"

Cui Zijing took his arm and said, "Girls' secrets. Let's go."

The two of them went out later than originally planned, just in time to avoid the morning rush hour.

Cui Zijing had been staying in this hospital since she fell ill, and was familiar with the medical staff. While she was being taken for a physical examination, Cui Boxing waited outside, searching for news in Youxiandubao.

Zhang Tiantian’s incident caused a lot of controversy. Various revelations from acquaintances and the constantly reversed refutations pushed this little girl to the forefront.

It seems that all media outlets are dedicated to portraying her and her boyfriend as bad guys, and only "Youxian Reading the Newspaper" sings a different tune and openly vindicates Zhang Tiantian.

It is conceivable that when netizens scolded Zhang Tiantian, they also scolded "Youxian Dubao" as well.

"Youxian Dubao" also has backbone. It resolutely does not close the comment section and directly confronts netizens.

Cui Boxing smiled and shook his head. Looking at the tone of voice, one could tell without any guessing that it was Lin Jiaqiao who came out personally.

The temperature in the room was a little high, so he took off his plaid scarf, revealing the royal blue shirt underneath.

A young couple was walking from a distance and passed in front of Cui Boxing. The husband slipped and in order not to hurt his pregnant wife, he chose to fall on the road.

The milk tea in his hand spilled onto Cui Boxing's clothes.

Seeing her husband fall, his wife was very anxious and was about to bend down to help him up despite her big belly. Cui Boxing quickly stopped her and pulled her husband up.

The young couple felt guilty for soiling Cui Baixing's clothes, so they gave Cui Baixing a lollipop as an apology. He casually gave the candy to the little girl waiting for treatment.

Cui Boxing didn't bring any tissues, so he used his scarf to wipe the stain on his chest. It was originally a small spot, but he managed to make it much bigger.

He is a free and easy person, and when he saw that he couldn't clean it up, he just left it alone.

It was just a small matter and he didn't take it seriously.

Cui Zijing’s reexamination results were not very good.

The disease is in her eye/cornea, and if it continues to spread, she will become completely blind. They applied for an eye/cornea transplant a long time ago, but she was never scheduled.

After coming out of the hospital, both the father and daughter felt a little heavy.

Cui Baixing forced himself to ask, "Do you want to go for a ride on the beach?"

Cui Zijing didn't want her father to be sad, so she forced herself to cheer up and said, "Let's go."

The seaside avenue in spring is sweet, and the air is filled with the fragrance of various flowers.

Cui Zijing breathed in the air here greedily.

She tried her best to identify the scents of the different flowers, and her mind would recall the brilliant colors.

She thought, it doesn’t matter if I can’t see it. It’s not like I’m going to die.

She was so absorbed in her own emotions that she had forgotten the curse of the pumpkin carriage.

The sea in spring is not as lively as in summer, but gentler than in winter. The waves hit the shore slowly, and people's moods also calm down.

Cui Zijing and Cui Boxing sat side by side on the bench.

Both of them wore sunglasses, crossed their legs arrogantly, and basked in the sun in exactly the same posture.

Cui Zijing suddenly turned her head and said to her father seriously: "Dad, let's apply for a guide dog."

"I'm used to my current life. If I can't see it, then I can't see it. It doesn't affect me at all."

"I know you're worried about me living alone, but with a guide dog, it won't be a problem."

Under the cover of the waves, Cui Boxing sighed softly.

He stood up and moved from behind Cui Zijing to in front of her. Through his sunglasses, he met her silent eyes and asked, "How does it feel to be unable to see?"

He had wanted to ask this question many years ago, but he didn't dare and didn't have the heart to.

Cui Zijing smiled: "It feels like I know the whole world."

“I can hear the flowers blooming and smell the sea water in different seasons.”

"When I was little, you told me that snow has its own sound when it falls, and the wind has its own fragrance. I didn't believe it before, but now I feel it."

"My world is actually very romantic."

The wind was strong at the beach, making Cui Baixing's eyes red. He wiped away the tears from his eyes and said, "Don't say these things just to reassure Dad."

Cui Zijing was dissatisfied, "I'm telling the truth."

At this time, the wind started to pick up, and Cui Baixing said, "Let's go back."

Cui Zijing suddenly asked: "Is this place close to the cemetery? Let's go see mom."

"Let's go." Cui Baixing said, "Let's go talk to mom."

Haibin Avenue is a gathering place for small and fresh people in Haicheng. There are many bookstores and flower shops on the roadside.

Cui Boxing picked a random shop and said to the owner, "Please make me a bouquet of white roses."

This is Cui Zijing’s mother’s favorite flower.

While waiting for the shopkeeper to wrap the flowers, Cui Bo asked, "What flowers do young girls like?"

Cui Baixing has a very ordinary appearance, while Cui Zijing looks more like her mother. Although the owner tried his best to hide it, his eyes still had some meaningful meaning.

This is a bad thing for a grown-up girl, as it can easily lead to misunderstandings. Cui Baixing explained: "It's not a gift for my daughter."

"I'm visiting a friend."

The shop owner quickly apologized and recommended the latest popular flowers to Cui Boxing.

Cui Baixing picked a bunch of cotton and pine cones and said, "This is it."

Cui Zijing thought her father was going to buy flowers for her, and thought the old man was finally being romantic, but who knew there was no chance for her at all.

She sniffed the bouquet that Cui Boxing had chosen out of curiosity, but it had no smell. She asked, "What did you choose?"

Cui Boxing picked out a white rose and handed it to the owner, asking her to bandage it separately.

The shop owner then realized that Cui Zijing was blind, and charged less for the flower when paying.

Back in the car, Cui Boxing put the white rose into Cui Zijing's hand and said, "Give it to the beautiful Cui."

Cui Zijing smelled that it was a white rose and said disdainfully, "You took another one from my mother's bouquet for me, didn't you?"

This kind of thing has happened before.

When she was a child, Cui Boxing was often away from home, but every time he came back, he would bring her mother a bouquet of roses. When Cui Zijing protested that her father didn't bring her a gift, they would just take one from the bouquet to give her a perfunctory gift.

Cui Baixing felt so wronged.

He waved the rose: "I bought it especially for you. Listen, the owner specially wrapped a little bell for you."

Cui Zijing felt a little regretful: "… So she knew I couldn't see."

Cui Baixing knew that she had a strong sense of self-esteem, so he tried to comfort her, but then she said, "I smelled something from the owner, it was nice, minty, and very pleasant."

"I wanted to ask her what flower it was, but I was afraid of being exposed. I should have asked her earlier."

Cui Boxing was relieved that she was not sad because of her blindness: "You don't need to ask her, I'll tell you."

"It's Fengyoujing, the cheapest kind, the green one, 50 cents a bottle. It's even cheaper if you buy a box."

“I used it often when I went to shoot in the wild.”

Cui Zijing: "… In my imagination, this is a very beautiful flower."

Sure enough, blindness makes people romantic.

"It's only April, and mosquitoes are so rampant?"

Cui Baixing answered nonchalantly: "The mosquitoes are very fierce at the seaside, and there are many flowers and plants there, so there must be mosquitoes."

Cui Zijing was not interested in mosquitoes, so she quickly changed the subject: "So what flowers did you choose for your friend?"

When the traffic light turned red, Cui Baixing handed her the bouquet of flowers in the back seat: "Cotton and pine cones."

Cui Zijing carefully touched the fluffy white cotton and asked in confusion, "Isn't it too plain?"

Cui Baixing replied: "It's a friend who lives with my mother."

It turns out that he had passed away.

There is only one cemetery in the city, built on a small hill. The vegetation coverage rate in Haicheng is already very high, and here it is even more lush and green, winding towards the horizon.

As soon as she got off the car, Cui Zijing smelled the unique scent of the woods.

Cui Zijing's mother's tombstone was buried very high, facing the sea she loved.

The father and daughter sat in front of her grave, helped her clean the tombstone, and reported in detail what had happened recently.

Cui Baixing is worthy of being a writer. He can make even a very ordinary thing very interesting.

Cui Baixing looked at the photo on the tombstone and said gently, "Don't worry, honey. I will take good care of Jingjing."

Cui Zijing also said: "Mom, I will take good care of Dad too."

"I won't argue with him or talk back to him, and I will make sure he goes to bed on time and smokes less."

"Do not worry."

Cui Baixing sighed, apologized to the old man next door, and turned Cui Zijing towards her mother.

Cui Zijing was a little embarrassed. "The wind was so loud when it blew through the trees that I couldn't tell the direction."

She repeated it to her mother. After thinking for a while, she added, "I am living a happy life now, don't worry about me."

When people die, there is nothing left. She said this to the living.

After saying goodbye to her mother, Cui Zijing accompanied her father to visit his friends.

Cui Boxing didn't seem to come here often and wasn't very familiar with the route.

Cui Zijing asked curiously, "Is this your friend from when you were a reporter?"

The stairs to the cemetery were quite steep. Cui Baixing had to find the way and carefully support Cui Zijing, sweating profusely as he was busy:

"No, it's a friend of Dad's. Be careful. It's a little girl, a little older than you. She—"

When Cui Boxing turned around to help Cui Zijing, he accidentally bumped into someone.

Cui Boxing quickly apologized. The man looked at him, then looked at Cui Zijing curiously, and didn't say much.

Cui Zijing whispered, "Dad, did I cause you any trouble?"

"That's not the case." Cui Baixing wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Why would a beautiful woman cause trouble?"

No girl doesn't like to be praised for her beauty. Cui Zijing smiled and said, "Dad, that person just now also seemed to have the smell of wind oil."

Cui Baixing was busy finding his way and said casually, "There's a lot of grass here, and some people are just afraid of mosquitoes."

Cui Zijing said: "There is another smell on him. It smells a bit fishy and also like water."

Cui Baixing said again: "Let's go fishing."

Actually it’s not the smell of fish, it seems to be something else.

Cui Zijing wanted to discuss this with her father, but Cui Baixing whispered to her, "We're here."

There is a pretty girl on the tombstone, with gentleness in her eyes.