Replacing the Evil Way

Chapter 72: An explanation


When Lin Dapeng saw him, he thought he saw a real beggar.

Cui Boxing starved himself to the point of being skinny, with dark skin and ragged clothes that gave off a foul odor. In order to achieve a realistic effect, he did not take a bath for a long time and even got lice.

In short, he is completely different from the pretty boy who used to talk about "human rights" and "freedom".

After the case was over, Cui Boxing was afraid that his wife would worry, so Lin Dapeng took him in and let him live in his dormitory for a month. After his lice were cured and he grew back in shape, he returned home.

Thinking of the past, Lin Dapeng couldn't help feeling sad. He habitually reached into his pocket for a cigarette, then remembered that this was a hospital.

He could only let out a long sigh and thought to himself, old friend, you've got to hold on.

He has seen too many people off, his master, colleagues, and apprentices, and he doesn't want to experience this kind of pain again.

Cui Boxing woke up at this time.

Doctors and nurses were amazed at Cui Boxing's recovery and called him a medical miracle.

For some unknown reason, the blood clot in his head was gradually absorbed by himself.

When Lin Dapeng was allowed to enter the ICU, Cui Baixing took off his oxygen mask and said weakly, "Gu Xiao and An Xile sent me back."

Lin Dapeng was stunned. "What?"

Cui Baixing smiled with effort, "Yes, it's true."

"An Xile said to me, Uncle Cui, this is not the place you should come to, I will take you back."

“Then she took me out.”

An Xile is the abducted girl whom they rescued.

This is how Cui Boxing persuaded her when she was tortured by the buyer and didn't want to live anymore.

Lin Dapeng is an atheist, but he hopes this is true.

He smiled and said, "Get well soon—"

Seeing Cui Bai looking out the window, he also went to look, and discovered that his three beasts and Cui Zijing were pressing their faces against the glass, staring at them eagerly.

Cui Baixing said: "Go tell my daughter that I am too tired. I will take a nap first and play with her when I am refreshed."

This sounded too ominous. Lin Dapeng became nervous, "Don't sleep, hold on, I'll call a doctor for you."

Even though he was very weak, Cui Boxing tried to roll his eyes: "My anesthetic hasn't worn off yet."

Lin Dapeng was chased out by Cui Baixing, feeling a little embarrassed. When he saw the four people in front of him clearly, his blood pressure immediately rose.

The two boys looked okay, but Lin Jiaqiao and Cui Zijing were in such a miserable state. Their clothes were disheveled and covered in blood, as if they had escaped from a horror movie.

Lin Dapeng urged himself to calm down. He asked, "Who can explain it?"

Lin Jiaqiao immediately complained to her father: "Dad, you don't know how arrogant criminals are nowadays. They actually chased Jingjing to her house!"

Lin Dapeng looked at Cui Zijing in surprise, but Cui Zijing didn't care about being polite and asked anxiously, "Uncle Lin, how is my dad?"

Lin Dapeng quickly conveyed Cui Boxing's words.

Cui Zijing started to cry again. She knew she had cried too many times tonight, but she just couldn't control herself.

At her insistence, she was taken to the ICU by the nurse to visit the patient.

As soon as Cui Zijing left, Lin Dapeng became serious, "What's going on?"

The tacit understanding gained from growing up together is used in moments like this.

They didn't have any scripts, they just improvised:

In Lin Jiaqiao's story, the weak, innocent and helpless Cui Zijing is a complete victim. The perverted murderer Zhou Wei misunderstood that she had evidence of his crime, so he sneaked into Cui's house and wanted to kill her to silence her.

Lin Jiaqiao is indeed a journalist, and her ability to make up stories is second to none. She also has a physical cheat, and whenever there are loopholes in her words, Qin Guan will immediately help her make up for them.

Of course, Lin Dapeng didn't believe their nonsense at all.

It's not that the story is incomplete. In fact, the story is flawless. But Lin Dapeng knows too well what these two guys look like when they are in cahoots with each other, so he doesn't believe a word of it.

He asked Gu Yiming: "You say."

Gu Yiming was wearing Qin Guan's sunglasses at this time, and said shyly: "I, I faint when I enter."

Lin Dapeng wanted to interrogate the two guys, but his subordinates came to report: "Captain, we found a listening device in Zhou Wei's clothes in his car."

Lin Jiaqiao said disdainfully: "Eavesdropping, this guy is too disgusting. He won't look down on us, take pictures of us and go back to do something illegal."

Qin Guan frowned, "If he wanted to film us, he should have brought this equipment with him."

Lin Jiaqiao suddenly had an idea, "He wants to eavesdrop on the police, he wants to run away!"

Lin Dapeng sighed. It was good enough that the child was lively and active. What more could he ask for? He didn't want to be bothered by it and went to ask about the progress of other groups.

Qin Guan patiently explained to Lin Jiaqiao: "It is also possible that someone else is monitoring him."

Lin Jiaqiao couldn't understand, "Who has such a strong taste and likes old men?"

Gu Yiming was curious, "What are you talking about?"

"I'll tell you about tonight's case in detail later." Qin Guan asked, "But why did you go to Cui's house?"

Before Gu Yiming could answer, Lin Dapeng came back. He looked serious and asked, "Where did you tie up Zhou Wei?"

Lin Jiaqiao was the one who did it. She replied, "It's in the living room. I'm so sleepy."

Lin Dapeng showed her the photos of the scene:

In the huge living room, only coins and fragments of the little golden pig were left on the floor.

The photos were sent by the detectives at the scene, they didn't find anyone.

"He, he escaped!" Lin Jiaqiao was surprised: "How could this happen? I tied him up tightly."

Qin Guan testified: "The ties were really tight. Could he have an accomplice?"

Lin Dapeng replied: "The Physical Evidence Department is already collecting fingerprints."

Lin Jiaqiao felt guilty. "I should have just notified the security guards or stuffed him in the trunk. What if he runs away and hurts someone else?"

Lin Dapeng saw that she was really sad and wanted to comfort her, but Qin Guan rushed before him and said gently: "No, you are the hero tonight, you saved Cui Zijing."

Lin Dapeng rolled his eyes and was about to speak when a subordinate came running over:

"Captain, I just found out that Zhou Wei is a pseudonym."

"His real name is Zhou Laifu."

Zhou, Lai, Fu!

Lin Dapeng thought he had heard it wrong, and almost instinctively, he looked at Gu Yiming.

Gu Yiming asked sternly: "What did you say!"

He looked at Lin Dapeng, then at the ICU, and seemed to understand, and took a step back in disbelief. He said, "The person who hit reporter Cui was Zhou Laifu."

Lin Dapeng took a step forward, trying to comfort him. But Gu Yiming didn't want him to get close. He looked at Lin Dapeng stubbornly, as if he had to get an answer.

Lin Dapeng didn't dare to look at him.

Gu Yiming knew everything from his avoidance. He said, "I'm sorry, I want to be alone."

After saying that, he turned and left.

Qin Guan winked at Lin Jiaqiao and chased after him.

Lin Jiaqiao looked at Lin Dapeng cautiously. Lin Dapeng sighed, "Don't ask me. Your brother wants you to know and will tell you himself."

After that, he left, making an excuse to call his subordinate.

Lin Dapeng actually really wanted to find someone to discuss this with, but the only person who could discuss this with him was currently lying in the ICU.

At this time, the subordinate called again and said that a fingerprint was found on the monitoring device, but it was incomplete and could not be used.

Lin Dapeng asked: "Are there any other discoveries?"

The subordinate said, "We plan to go to his son's school at dawn to inquire about the situation."

Thinking of the child, Lin Dapeng felt annoyed again.

After hanging up the phone, he called the team that went to Cui's house: "What did you find out?"

The answer from the other side: "Zhou Wei has an accomplice."

"After Zhou Wei sent Cui Zijing home, he pretended to drive away, but actually parked his car outside the community. It was just a coincidence that there was a small supermarket on the roadside where he parked his car. The owner installed surveillance cameras, so we were able to find him. If he had parked inside the community, we would not have found him."

"Then he walked into the Cui's neighborhood."

"The cameras in that community were just for show. It's unclear what he did inside. Later, not long after Zhizhi and the others left, someone drove Zhou Wei's car into the community."

"So we speculate that Zhou Wei used an accomplice."

"Ten minutes later, the car came out again."

"After about two intersections, the car disappeared."

"My brothers and I went to take a look. There was a farmers' market there, and the Jinbei was parked in front of the market entrance."

"This point happened to be the time for unloading, the market was crowded with people and cars, and it was raining. When we checked here, we lost the clue."

Lin Dapeng said "hmm", indicating that he understood. He then asked: "Can you confirm the identity of his accomplice?"

The other side replied: "The fingerprints of the Cui family are Cui Zijing, Zhizhi, Qin Guan and Gu Yiming."

"That person was quite aware of anti-detection and didn't leave any fingerprints at Cui's house."

"I guess he wore shoe covers, so there wasn't even a shoe print left."

Lin Dapeng thought that this man should not be Zhou Lai Fu’s accomplice, he was Zhou Lai Fu’s murderer.

He already had a suspect in his mind, Zhao Ruihe.

Qin Guan found Gu Yiming in the small garden.

At this time, the garden was full of flowers, a gorgeous sight. Gu Yiming stood in the middle, looking a little desolate.

Qin Guan looked at the sky. Perhaps the moon was too cold tonight.

He sat next to Gu Yiming. Neither of them spoke, they just sat there quietly.

About five minutes later, Gu Yiming said in a commanding tone, "Please buy me some milk tea."

"… You are so arrogant." Qin Guan took out his cell phone, "Same as always."

Gu Yiming glared at him, "You don't ask anything."

Qin Guan sighed, "Who doesn't have a secret that they don't want others to know?"

"I originally thought that people who trust each other shouldn't have secrets, but Jiji told me that if you truly trust someone, even if he has secrets, you know that he loves you."

Gu Yiming looked at him for a while and said, "I want double sugar for my milk tea."

Qin Guan was dissatisfied, "I asked you just now and you said the same thing as before."

Gu Yiming became unreasonable, "I'm in a bad mood, is that not okay?"

The two of them returned to the ICU carrying milk tea, and Lin Jiaqiao was the only one at the door.

Cui Zijing hasn't come out yet, and Lin Dapeng has disappeared somewhere.