Replacing the Evil Way

Chapter 75: I am right


Lin Jiaqiao shouted, "Get out of here quickly, do what you need to do, and stop gathering here to chat."

The ordinary people downstairs had no idea how powerful the media people were. They were silent for a full thirty seconds before they remembered to talk back.

Lin Jiaqiao was not afraid at all and called out their names one by one: "Don't think that the law will not punish everyone. I tell you, I will take pictures of your faces."

"The yellow-haired guy on the left wearing beggar's pants, the middle-aged young man wearing a black suit and blue tie, and the aunt in the purple dress and red pants at the back, I can't believe that you all look like decent people, but you actually instigated others to commit suicide."

"Uncle police officer downstairs, tell these ignorant people how long the sentence for inciting others to commit suicide will be."

"I'm telling you, this is a criminal offense. From now on, you, your parents, and your children, forget about taking the civil service exam!"

Qin Guan reminded quietly: "Zhizhi, Zhizhi, this area seems to be under the jurisdiction of godfather's friend."

Lin Jiaqiao was stunned, then calmly shouted: "Remember, my name is Qian Wei, come to me if you have any problems, don't embarrass others!"

Qian Wei:

Qian Wei: !!!

Even though we are competitors, your behavior is still too shameless.

Lin Jiaqiao advised: "Human life is at stake, don't worry about these details."

Qian Wei was very generous and did not pursue the matter further. He advised Zhang Tiantian:

"As the old saying goes, the soft ones fear the hard ones, the hard ones fear the tough ones, the tough ones fear the shameless ones, and the shameless ones fear those without bottom line."

"Look at our editor-in-chief Lin. She is shameless and has no bottom line. She is invincible. I am not bragging. She can solve any problem for you."

Hua Zong also chimed in: "That's right, our Bird Brother is a big hunk."

Lin Jiaqiao: I suspect you are scolding me, but I have no evidence.

It was the first time she saw someone commit suicide. She didn't know what to say. After thinking for a long time, she could only discuss with Zhang Tiantian: "How about you think about it again."

Zhang Tiantian seemed to want to laugh, but her expression was like crying. She said, "You know what kind of life I've been going through these days."

"They put my home address, my phone number, even my mum and dad's phone numbers online."

"Every minute, every second, there are countless strangers calling me, calling me a bitch, a slut, a whore, and telling me I'm going to die a miserable death."

"These words are harsh, right? But this is the lightest insult I have ever received."

"What did I do wrong? What did I do wrong to deserve such scolding from them?"

"Xiao Sun signed a contract with the company, but it was rejected. My parents' colleagues and neighbors all recognized me and pointed fingers at my parents every day."

"I said it wasn't my fault. I said it a hundred times, a thousand times, but no one would listen."

"They didn't even spare my relatives and friends."

"It was as if I was standing naked on the street, and everyone passing by was looking at my body with a magnifying glass!"

"Everyone just assumed I was a jerk, they labeled me a bitch, and then I lost my right to be a human being."

"I know they are just taking the opportunity to vent their negative emotions on me. But have they ever thought that even if each of them spit, with so many people, they can spit out a sea, and everyone will drown!"

The current situation is that Zhang Tiantian is sitting on the fence, Lin Jiaqiao is five steps away from her, and Qian Weihua and the district police are behind her.

It looked like they could easily rescue her, but the position she was sitting in was too dangerous for anyone to act rashly.

The police understood and asked, "Are you going to avenge them with your own death?"

Zhang Tiantian didn't answer, but just looked downstairs.

Someone downstairs was scolded away by Lin Jiaqiao, but someone else soon came in.

The police officer advised: "It's not worth it, girl. When a person dies, everything is gone. Think about your parents. If you jump and put an end to everything, what will happen to your parents?"

"If you encounter cyberbullying, you can call the police. Come down quickly and I will file a case for you. We can use the weapon of law to protect ourselves."

Zhang Tiantian said: “… there are too many of them.”

"I felt as if the whole world was against me."

"Even if they are caught, what will happen? Will they sentence them? Maybe they will just say sorry and live their lives as if nothing happened."

Zhang Tiantian shook her head, "But why? They are obviously murderers. They committed a mass murder in broad daylight. Why do they live without any burden?"

Her expression became firm, as if she had made up her mind about something.

She smiled brightly, "Do you know why I chose to jump off the building?"

"I heard that people who jump off buildings die miserably, with their heads and arms broken into pieces and their brains spilling out."

"I want Zhang Tiantian to become their nightmare. I want everyone passing by here to know that Zhang Tiantian was forced to death by them!"

After saying that, she stood up.

The edge of the rooftop was only a palm's length away, and she could fall off at any time. The spring wind was very strong, and Zhang Tiantian's thin body kept shaking in the wind.

Amid the exclamations of the crowd, a gentle voice said: "In fact, I have always wanted to ask, is there really nothing in this world worth your nostalgia?"

"You feel bad for your parents being blamed, but this blame will eventually end. If you jump, they will spend every minute of the rest of their lives in despair."

"And your boyfriend, you two were scolded together, right? How is he now? He must be desperate and helpless. But he wants to protect you and his lover, so he is holding on very hard."

"Have you really thought about the consequences of jumping down?"

Gu Yiming stood behind the crowd.

His eyes were very light in color, and he looked a little distant. He was also thin, even more bony than the suffering Zhang Tiantian.

But at this moment, he was determined and reached out his hand to Zhang Tiantian.

"Death is a very cold thing. Don't you want to touch your mother's warm hands?"

Zhang Tiantian stared at him blankly, tears flowing out without warning.

Perhaps she was too excited and sweat broke out on her palms.

The railing was made of stainless steel, and her hand slipped and she was about to fall.

Fortunately, Lin Jiaqiao reacted quickly, rushed over and held her hand.

"I caught you." Lin Jiaqiao shouted, "I will never let go, please don't die."

General Qian Weihua and the police immediately rushed over and pulled Zhang Tiantian up.

Zhang Tiantian had died once before, so she was afraid. As soon as she touched the ground, she threw herself into Lin Jiaqiao's arms and burst into tears.

As a veteran in the world of death, Lin Jiaqiao had some resonance with her.

She patted Zhang Tiantian on the back and comforted her:

“This world is really garbage.”

"I've seen passers-by snatching sugarcane from street vendors, I've seen an 80-year-old man having to do odd jobs on construction sites to survive, and I've also seen a child with a malignant tumor. His whole face looked like it could explode at any time, but his parents had no money to save him."

"I haven't experienced what you're going through, and I know my comfort means nothing, but I want to tell you that we all know that this world is really fucked up."

“But this world is also very warm.”

"Four blocks away from here, there is a bakery where the owner only employs people with disabilities, just so they can live a decent life."

"There was a fire on the third floor of a residential building on Haibin Boulevard. Two children were trapped in the house. It was six older brothers who climbed the outer wall with their bare hands and built a human ladder to rescue them."

"By the way, a few days ago, two little chubby kids from the kindergarten rescued a puppy on a rainy day."

"The world is still a beautiful place, isn't it?"

Zhang Tiantian didn't say anything, just wiped her tears.

At this time, someone downstairs shouted again: "You've been tossing and turning for a long time but you still don't jump. Isn't this wasting our time?"

Just as the police officer wanted to ask his colleagues to tell the people below to shut up, Zhang Tiantian rushed to the guardrail again.

She moved so fast that no one could stop her.

In the astonished eyes of the crowd, she shouted loudly: "Fuck you, you stinky idiots, shut your mouth!"

After everyone was sure that Zhang Tiantian was safe, Gu Yiming went downstairs.

Seeing that he could not help, Qin Guan followed him down.

He called Gu Yiming and praised him, "You are amazing."

Gu Yiming was lighting a cigarette at this time. He took a deep puff of the cigarette and exhaled slowly: "... I am a psychologist."

Qin Guan took his cigarette and took a puff.

Suddenly, a small broadcast vehicle stopped in front of him. Qin Guan narrowed his eyes and said, "This vehicle seems to belong to Wei Guan News."

He held a cigarette in his mouth, took out his cell phone, and found the homepage of "Wei Guan News".

He frowned unconsciously and showed his phone to Gu Yiming: "Are they talking about Zhang Tiantian?"

Someone posted the video of Zhang Tiantian jumping off a building online, and He Youwei followed the news.

She was interviewing the parents of the two young children.

Qin Guan took out his cell phone and informed Lin Jiaqiao: "Zizi, 'Wei Guan News' is making trouble again."

After reading the homepage of 'Wei Guan News', several people from "You Xian Du Bao" were so angry that their lungs almost exploded.

"The click rate and bottom line are inversely proportional." Hua Zong looked at Qian Wei with emotion, "Fortunately our Bird Brother scolded you hard enough to stop."

Qian Wei rolled his eyes at him and asked Lin Jiaqiao, "What should we do now?"

Hua Zong also said: "Yes, Boss, they are downstairs, will we meet them?"

They didn't realize that, unknowingly, they had begun to follow Lin Jiaqiao's orders.

Lin Jiaqiao also naturally took on the role of decision maker.

She said to the policeman, "Please send Zhang Tiantian back home. We at Youxiandubao are going to clean up our business."

Qian Wei and Hua Zong were inspired by her heroic spirit and wanted to rush up to confront "Wei Guan News", but Zhang Tiantian disagreed with Lin Jiaqiao's arrangement.

"I'll go too." Zhang Tiantian said, "I'm not wrong. I have nothing to be ashamed of. I want to explain it to them face to face."

The parents of the two children sat in the office's reception room, their faces full of dissatisfaction. The child who got into trouble sat on a chair nearby, happily drawing.

The child's father complained: "There's something wrong with Zhang Tiantian. She bullies people and thinks she's justified. She even came to our company to make trouble, making it impossible for us to go to work."