Replacing the Evil Way

Chapter 84: There are always regrets at the age of eighteen


The weather was bad today, with leaden clouds piled up overhead, making the entire sky gloomy. All around were black or white tombstones, all covered with gray human faces.

Gu Yiming asked: "...Walk?"

No matter how you look at it, this isn't a good place to hang out.

Lin Jiaqiao pulled her and strode forward.

Gu Yiming asked hesitantly: "Zizhi, are you in a bad mood? Would you like to talk to me?"

This sentence was so familiar that Lin Jiaqiao unconsciously helped him finish the rest of the sentence, "Can you give me a family price?"

Gu Yiming was stunned, and said in a coaxing tone: "We are really smart."

Lin Jiaqiao actually wanted to say something.

Ever since Lin Dapeng passed away, she felt her heart was filled with resentment, but when she was asked to vent, she couldn't utter a word.

In silence, the two came to a fork in the road.

Gu Yiming asked: "Which way are you going?"

Lin Jiaqiao stepped onto the path without hesitation.

She took a few steps and looked back nervously.

There were a few passers-by around, very far away from them, just small black dots on the white snow.

Gu Yiming followed her and turned around, asking in confusion, "What's wrong?"

Lin Jiaqiao retracted his gaze and said, "It's okay, let's go."

Gu Yiming asked again: "Shouldn't we wait for Qin Guan?"

Lin Jiaqiao curled his lips and said, "He'll be here soon."

It was quiet all around, with only the snow underfoot making a crunching sound.

Gu Yiming's cell phone suddenly rang.

Lin Jiaqiao's breathing stagnated. She knew that the countdown of her life had begun.

She took a deep breath, and like before, made a gesture to Gu Yiming, indicating that she would leave first.

Gu Yiming also waved to her, indicating that he would go to find her immediately.

Deep in the cemetery, in the forest.

The snow had stopped, but when the wind blew, the snow on the trees fluttered down and landed on Lin Jiaqiao's face, quickly turning into water droplets, as if she was crying.

Lin Jiaqiao doesn't have time to care about these things.

She was searching for 'An Xi Le' on her phone.

There is very little information about this person. All we know is that she was a girl who committed suicide by jumping off a building in 2011.

The cause of death was a psychotic episode.

Lin Jiaqiao didn't quite believe this statement.

Because the media that reported this news is "Wei Guan News", and what they are best at is manipulating public opinion.

In 2011, smartphones were just beginning to become popular, and people’s access to the Internet was not as convenient as it is now. Information was not very developed, and Lin Jiaqiao wanted to find other information to support the story, but he could not find anything.

Her fingers were frozen, and she only found a discussion post about the "An Xile" incident on a very old forum. Many replies to this post had been deleted, and the photos were invalid, but there was a reply that shocked Lin Jiaqiao.

The reply was: He Youwei, murderer!

The netizen who posted this message is 'Round Sparrow'.

This is Lin Jiaqiao’s online name.

How is this going.

Lin Jiaqiao doesn't remember this incident.

She was about to take out Lin Dapeng's notebook and read it again when she felt a chill on her neck.

Immediately afterwards, a bright red sprayed on the snow.

Her throat was cut.

She heard the sound of the wind blowing through the valley.

She suddenly had an urge to know who killed her.

This impulse gave her a burst of strength, and she controlled her body, wanting to turn her head and look behind her.

Just then, she heard a muffled sound and something fell to the ground.

It's my body, isn't it

Then, the second sound was heard.

When she looked up, Gu Yiming had already fallen in the snow, in a pool of her blood.

She suddenly remembered that there was a saying on the Internet that slitting the throat was actually a very quick way to die.

Although all deaths are painful, this is the least painful way to die.

It's just that the death scene is quite bloody, and the arterial blood will spray everywhere like a fountain. And it is demanding, after all, not everyone can find the aorta.

There was another noise in the snow.

I saw Qin Guan coming.

He looked anxious and ran towards him.

He knelt beside Lin Jiaqiao, tears flowing uncontrollably.

There was a hint of warmth on Lin Jiaqiao's cold face. It turned out that his tears fell into her eyes and then fell out of her eyes.

It was as if she was crying.

Qin Guan, don't cry, I'm fine, we will meet soon.

Lin Jiaqiao wanted to speak, but only a "whooshing" sound came out of his throat.

Soon, she was plunged into darkness.

Lin Jiaqiao was awakened by the heat.

It was hot and humid around, like a sauna.

Lin Jiaqiao looked around and found himself in the basement of his home.

In front of her were books and materials tied up with ropes. She flipped through them and found that they were all textbooks and test papers from her high school days.

Hearing hurried footsteps behind him, Lin Jiaqiao turned around and saw that it was Qin Guan.

He had shrunk a little in height, and his face still had some baby fat. His eyes were no longer sharp, but clear and innocent instead.

This, this is Qin Guan in high school!

Lin Jiaqiao's old aunt's heart was immediately struck.

She always knew that Qin Guan was handsome, but she didn't know he was this handsome.

She thought, no wonder all the girls wrote love letters to him, it’s just that I woke up too late, otherwise I would have written to him too.

Qin Guan came in a hurry, probably because he had something urgent to do with Lin Jiaqiao. But Lin Jiaqiao's eyes were so strange that he frightened him back a few steps.

Qin Guan asked tentatively: "Lin Zhizhi?"

Even her voice is so sweet, so cute.

Lin Jiaqiao asked: "Guan Guan, what are we going to do?"

Qin Guan seemed relieved, "It's not you who said that you want to sell the high school textbooks and test papers."

It turns out that it is the summer vacation of her senior year in high school.

Lin Jiaqiao calculated that it was now 2009.

Ke Anxile's case happened in 2011.

What's going on? Why is it different from before? Lin Jiaqiao wondered if he would have to stay here until 2011.

She was secretly delighted when she suddenly remembered something important.

This summer, Gu Yiming was sent to a "repeat school" by his mother.

This "repeat school" is not a real repeat school, but a place similar to "Yu Zhang Academy".

They don't care whether the child lives or dies, they just want a obedient child.

Lin Jiaqiao remembered that when Gu Yiming was rescued, his body was covered with scars and he was as fragile as some thin porcelain. It seemed that even breathing could destroy him.

The reason why Gu Yiming's mother sent him in was that Gu Yiming did not get the first place in the province in the college entrance examination.

This year is Gu Yiming's third time taking the college entrance examination.

The first time he took the exam, he ranked third in the province, but his mother thought he was a disgrace and did not allow him to go to college, requiring him to retake the exam.

As a result, I did even worse on the second exam.

Actually, no, he ranked sixth in the province.

If Lin Jiaqiao had gotten this score, Lin Dapeng and Ms. Qiao would have definitely taken to the newspaper to celebrate, but Gu Yiming's mother slapped him twice on the spot and called him shameless.

Then this time, he took the second place in the province, only 0.3 points behind the first place. Just because of this little score, he was sent to hell by his own mother.

Lin Jiaqiao decided that she would help Gu Yiming avoid this disaster.

She was silent for a long time, and Qin Guan called her, "Zizi?"

At that time, Qin Guan was only sixteen years old and they were not together yet.

Lin Jiaqiao bullied the little kid and pinched Qin Guan's cheek, "Guan Guan, call me sister."

Qin Guan refused to do it. As they struggled, they accidentally knocked apart a bundle of books.

The books fell to the ground with a clatter, with a few test papers sandwiched in between.

Qin Guan picked up a test paper and when he saw the score clearly, he exclaimed, "Lin Zhi, you only got 23 points in physics. Are you still human?"

He flipped to the back and asked, "When was this paper issued? It even has Lao Lin's signature!"

He glared at Lin Jiaqiao: "Did Lao Gu sign it for you again?"

Before Lin Jiaqiao could argue, the test paper was taken away by a thin hand, "What's wrong with me?"

It’s Gu Yiming.

No, he hasn’t changed his name yet, his name is Gu Yiming.

He was even thinner and frailer at this time, and even though it was summer, he was wearing a long-sleeved shirt.

He didn't use it for sun protection, but to cover up the scars on his body.

Gu Yiming looked at the test paper for a while, then put it back into Qin Guan's hand, "I can't tell if it was written by me."

He urged, "The scrap collector is urging us, let's hurry up."

Qin Guan was still a little reluctant, "Are you really going to sell it, Zhizhi? This is a beautiful memory of your youth."

Recalling the years when he studied hard for the entrance exam to Shanghai University of Journalism, Lin Jiaqiao said firmly: "Sell it!"

No matter how you look at it, memorizing books until you get baldness is not a good thing.

She carried two piles of books and said, "Brother, look at the cubs, let's go."

Qin Guan and Gu Yiming followed her with books in their hands.

Lin Jiaqiao's youth memories were sold for 35 yuan. Lin Jiaqiao called her mother downstairs: "Ms. Qiao, Ms. Qiao, I'll treat you to a popsicle."

Ms. Qiao appeared in front of the window: "Okay, I want to eat 'whatever'."

There was a beautiful woman standing next to her, and she acted coquettishly towards Lin Jiaqiao: "I want one too."

She is Qin Guan's mother.

Lin Jiaqiao looked at her with a smile: "Okay, buy two for Auntie."

There was a familiar Audi in the yard. It was Qin Guan’s mother who drove Qin Guan here.

After the three children left, Qin Guan's mother began to sigh again: "You will always be Ms. Qiao. As for me, I am either Mrs. Qin or Qin Guan's mother."

It was the end of the month, and it was Ms. Qiao's working time.

At this time, whether it was the crime-killer Captain Lin or the ignorant Lin Zhizhi, they all stayed away and did not dare to disturb her work.

Only Mrs. Qin dared to harass her.

Mrs. Qin poked her best friend's arm and said, "Say something, why are you ignoring me?"

Ms. Qiao sighed. When Lin Zhizhi was a child, he was played with by this woman for a long time, which made him as crazy as her.

Ms. Qiao said angrily, "Why else?"

"Because I am a working woman, and you are a rich lady with nothing to do."

Qin Guan's mother felt wronged: "I want to work, but I have been at home for too long and have lost touch with the outside world—"

"Don't give me that." Ms. Qiao exposed her, "Because rich wives don't work, you think it's shameful to go out to work."

Qin Guan's mother was dissatisfied, "Why are you so direct? Can't you be more tactful?"