Replacing the Evil Way

Chapter 88: The whole village is proud


Because after going to college, he can live on campus and doesn't have to face his mother.

It’s not that he hasn’t tried to work, but whenever his mother found out, she would go to the store that employed him and make a scene.

He also tried running away from home.

But he found that even when he walked out of the house and out of his mother's sight, he didn't know what to do.

He actually looked down on himself.

He looked towards the room closest to the door with a nostalgic look.

Gu Yiming's mother was anxious for a long time. Seeing that Gu Yiming did not comfort her, she felt more and more wronged and burst into tears: "You have no conscience, Gu Yiming, you have no conscience!"

"I know you look down on me. You think I'm incompetent and laugh at me for not being able to keep a man!"

"But I also went to college. Do you know how hard it was to get into a junior college back then? But I made it. You're so smart because you inherited it from me. Your dad is a bastard. He doesn't have the brains for that."

"Yes, I was very outstanding. Many people pursued me at that time, but I was blind and chose your father."

"I went to a normal school, and being a teacher is a stable job. But your bastard father forced me to quit, saying that I was pregnant with your sister—"

His sister was Gu Yiming's Achilles' heel. He turned cold and said, "Have you said enough?"

His mother was stunned for a moment, then immediately picked up the broom at hand and hit him on the head:

"How dare you talk back? What right do you have to talk back to me? You don't want me to mention your sister, right? What qualifications do you have to not mention her?"

"Gu Yiming, your sister was killed by you."

"You evil villain, you murderer, why don't you just die!"

The night before departure, Lin Jiaqiao suffered from insomnia.

She sent a text message to Qin Guan: You said, can you come tomorrow

About a minute later, Qin Guan replied to her: Maybe, we can discuss it face to face.

Lin Jiaqiao thought so too and slipped into the study.

It was summer, and although Lin Jiaqiao wasn't unkempt, he was dressed casually.

Qin Guan glanced at her, then immediately looked away, not daring to look at her again.

Lin Jiaqiao didn't notice anything unusual about him, and said worriedly, "We won't cause trouble for Mingming, will we? His mother, the more I think about it, the more she seems like a psychopath."

Thinking of Gu Yiming's mother, Qin Guan couldn't help but worry, "Old Gu, she really suffered a lot."

Lin Dapeng got up at night and passed by the study. He heard two children not sleeping late at night, so he immediately sent his daughter back to her room:

"If you don't get some sleep, you'll both suffer."

The next morning, when Lin Jiaqiao and Qin Guan were washing up, someone knocked on the door.

Lin Jiaqiao was still confused, and Qin Guan took the initiative to open the door.

Gu Yiming smiled brightly: "Good morning, classmate Qin Guan, is this where the summer camp will gather?"

Qin Guan was very surprised: "You, what's wrong?"

Gu Yiming's face had more scars than before. He pretended not to hear and asked, holding the watermelon, "You won't invite me in?"

Qin Guan grabbed his wrist and said, "Your mother hit you!"

Gu Yiming gasped. Qin Guan frowned and rolled up his sleeves, which were covered with bruises.

Everyone in the Lin family heard the conversation between the two and came over to see, just in time to see this scene.

Gu Yiming put down his sleeves and said softly, "I fell accidentally."

Qin Guan still refused to give in, "Wrestling can—"

Lin Jiaqiao knew that Gu Yiming didn't want them to sympathize with him.

She immediately grabbed Qin Guan's throat from behind and dragged him back to her room: "I haven't packed my luggage yet, come and help me."

Lin Dapeng and Ms. Qiao pretended not to see the wounds and welcomed Gu Yiming in.

After knowing each other for many years, this was Gu Yiming's first visit to the Lin family, and he looked a little awkward. But Ms. Qiao took good care of his emotions, neither enthusiastically embarrassing him, but also making him feel warm.

Seeing that he was relaxed, Ms. Qiao secretly put safflower oil in Lin Dapeng's hand and asked him to rub it on Gu Yiming.

In the bathroom, Gu Yiming took off his long-sleeved shirt, revealing his bony back, which was covered with a mixture of new and old scars.

Lin Dapeng didn't speak, and Gu Yiming didn't speak either.

The air smelled only of safflower oil.

After a long while, Lin Dapeng suddenly said, "I'm sorry."

Gu Yiming was stunned for a long time, and said stiffly: "No, it's not your fault."

Lin Dapeng said apologetically: "Whenever children are hurt, it is the adults' fault."

He sighed, "I'm sorry, I can't save you. - I'm starting, it might hurt a little, just bear with it."

Lin Dapeng's hands were rough and hot, burning Gu Yiming so much that she shivered.

He doesn't have many memories of his father, but he just knows that this is his father's warmth.

After hesitating for a moment, he whispered:

"It's okay. Everything will be fine when I go to college."

"If, during my college years, I need to call my parents, can I find you?"

Lin Dapeng immediately replied: "Of course, our family is lacking a smart child."

"You can always call me."

Gu Yiming was very happy, and couldn't help but have some childish thoughts of comparison: "Qin Guan is smarter than me, and his score is higher than mine."

Lin Dapeng consoled: "What can the score represent?"

"Besides, you are only 0.3 points short. Maybe you forgot to write the half bracket."

"You don't know, Qin Guan is just a smart guy. At his age, he can't even cook instant noodles."

Qin Guan angrily knocked on the door: "I can cook, I just like to eat it soaked!"

"Also, I'm not only smart, I'm also very handsome. Very handsome!"

In order to stop this meaningless comparison, Lin Jiaqiao and Ms. Qiao covered his mouth and dragged him away.

Gu Yiming lay on the washing machine, his back ached, but the distress in his heart disappeared.

He thought with some pride, I can cook instant noodles.

Gu Yiming was injured and should have been sitting in the passenger seat, but Lin Jiaqiao was a novice on the road, so Lin Dapeng had to keep an eye on her.

Grandpa Lin Jiaqiao lives in a small village in the suburbs, about an hour and a half drive away.

Lin Jiaqiao wanted to take this opportunity to fight for her freedom to drive and change her image as a road rage person. At first, she was able to control herself well, but later, when she encountered people who were overtaking or cutting in, honking their horns, she couldn't help but curse at them and even overtook them to teach them a lesson.

The remaining few people trembled while holding their seat belts, and decided that they would never let her touch the steering wheel again.

Just as the car reached the entrance of the village, a person suddenly jumped out from the front. Lin Jiaqiao's face changed and he was about to scold him again, but Qin Guan immediately shouted, "It's Grandpa, it's Grandpa."

The old man in front of him had gray hair and looked very energetic. He stood next to Lin Dapeng and Lin Jiaqiao, as if they were copy and paste.

Lin Jiaqiao immediately rolled down the car window and smiled, "Grandpa, we're back."

The old man didn't ask about their well-being as he did in the past. Instead, he took a few steps back and waved his hand domineeringly: "Begin."

A red carpet rolled out on the bumpy concrete ground. Everyone in the car's eyes were still on the red carpet, and the cheerful sound of suona could be heard in their ears.

Everyone looked up and saw a group of old men at the end of the red carpet. They were wearing the same Zhongshan suit, marching in unison, and playing the suona loudly.

At the end of the team, two people were holding up a two-meter-high bamboo pole. There was a large red silk on the pole with the following words written in gold letters:

Congratulations to Lin Jiaqiao, the only son of the Lin family in the third generation, for being admitted to university.

Everyone in the car felt that they were being tortured crazy by Lin Jiaqiao and were having hallucinations.

Several people rubbed their eyes and opened them again, and Mr. Lin appeared at the window again.

He urged: "Come down quickly, come down quickly."

A few people seemed to have committed a heinous crime, and walked out slowly under the earnest gazes of the folks.

At this time, the "Ceremony to Celebrate Lin Jiaqiao's Admission to Higher Education" had already entered its second item, and a group of old ladies began to dance in the square.

This was the first time for Gu Yiming to go out of the city since he was a child. Everything he saw was new to him. He asked Qin Guan in a very unworldly way, "Everyone, are you so enthusiastic?"

The enthusiastic village party secretary held up a camera, trying to capture everyone's face. Qin Guan was afraid that the camera would capture him, so he lowered his head and whispered, "Stop looking, we're going to be captured in the camera."

The old ladies finally finished their passionate dance, and Mr. Lin smiled and led everyone to the side of the stage:

A red carpet was laid on the threshing floor in front of the village committee, with golden words on red paper on the back:

Congratulations to Lin Jiaqiao on being admitted to university;

Congratulations to Qin Guan for becoming the top scorer in the city.

There were also two flower baskets, each one person tall, placed on both sides.

The five members of the Lin family were flattered and kept silent. Old Master Lin held up the microphone and called out "Hello" twice. Before he spoke, his voice was already filled with tears:

"I really didn't expect it, I really didn't expect that our Lin family could produce a college student. It's really a blessing from our ancestors."

Grandma Lin was dissatisfied: "What are you talking about? We are also studying hard!"

Grandpa Lin quickly said, "Yes, yes, we are the ones who work the hardest."

"And my Dapeng's wife has worked very hard. She is also a college student. If it weren't for her, our Dapeng wouldn't be able to give birth to such a good child with his brain."

Qin Guan muttered quietly, "Why can't he give birth? Our Lin is Zeus, and he gave birth to Athena from his brain, who is both beautiful and capable of fighting."

Gu Yiming nodded, thinking that what he said was right.

Lin Dapeng protested, "Back then, junior college was the best!"

The conversation between the three people caught the old man's attention, and the old man immediately said: "Parents of college students, come up and share with us how to raise such a good child."

The college student's mother pushed the college student's father out without any hesitation, and even led a few children to make a fuss with malicious intentions, saying that the college student was mainly raised by him.

Lin Dapeng had not yet become team leader at that time and lacked experience in public speaking. Facing the villagers who had watched him grow up, he hesitated for a long time and even blushed in shame.

The filial daughter Lin Jiaqiao could not bear to watch it anymore, so she took the initiative to go on stage, grabbed the microphone, and recited with deep emotion:

"My admission to university is inseparable from the hard work of my parents. It is also inseparable from the earnest expectations of all the uncles, aunts and aunts."

"Whenever I want to give up, I always think of the land in the countryside. Ah, the soil, wheat and big squash in the countryside are my motivation to move forward."

The simple folks were immediately moved by Editor Lin and applauded enthusiastically. The village party secretary praised Mr. Lin loudly: "Look at your family's literary talent, he should go to college!"

The four members of the Lin family had numb expressions on their faces, not knowing when Lin Jiaqiao had developed this hobby for them.