Reporting, I Have Been Reborn

Chapter 11: The value of benevolence


"Su Mian, who did you learn first aid treatment from?" Doctor Ma was puzzled.

Of course, it cannot be said that she worked as a military doctor for several years in her previous life. As for the reason, Su Mian had already thought about it. She raised her delicate face and smiled sweetly, "I am reading a medical book these days. It is from the county library. I borrowed it, and it happened to contain arterial bleeding first aid.”

"That's a coincidence!" Doctor Ma nodded, but even after reading medical books, it was not easy to handle it like this.

After Liu Da was sent away, Doctor Ma gave several others tetanus shots, applied iodine for disinfection, and told them not to get wet and to take medicine on time.

The crowd gradually dispersed, and Su Mian and his family went back to the house to eat.

Su Mian was walking at the end, when suddenly a golden light flashed in front of her eyes, and a line of small words appeared: Rescue a seriously injured villager and gain 5 benevolence points. Your current total benevolence points are 5.

Kindness is worth 5!

If it weren't for the presence of her family, Su Mian would have almost screamed with excitement. She finally showed her kindness. It turns out that saving lives and healing the wounded can be rewarded. She will do more in the future.

At the dinner table, Su Jinlong was especially quiet tonight. While eating the rice, he secretly looked at Su Mian.

Is Su Mian today still the same Su Mian who was timid and cowardly in front of outsiders and domineering towards her family

"Xiaolong, what are you thinking about? Eat more vegetables." Su Mian smiled and put a chopstick of vegetables into his bowl.

Su Jinlong liked cabbage more than potatoes. If Su Mian hadn't specially brought him cabbage, he would have thought that Su Mian was fake.

"Dad, Mom, I want to discuss something with you." Su Mian put down her chopsticks and said seriously.

"What's the matter?" Su Jianghai was stunned when he looked at his daughter who looked solemn.

The whole village knew that he doted on his daughter. Even if Su Mian wanted stars, he would agree to it, but Su Mian never sat down to discuss anything with them.

"Dad, I don't want to join the army now. I want to go to high school and take the college entrance examination, and then join the army after being admitted to the Military Medical University." Su Mian has been thinking deeply these days. She doesn't want to be like her previous life, where she was framed because of her lack of basic medical knowledge and left unjustly. force.

She must marry Wei Zhenhui, and in this life, she has to propose marriage first, and she must not let Su Hong get there first.

Su Jianghai and He Qin looked at each other. As long as their daughter wanted to take the exam, they would do it.

Of course, Su Jianghai hopes that his daughter can go to college, so that she can have face when it comes to public speaking. There has not been a single college student in their village yet!

However, my daughter's grades seem to be at the bottom of the class. Not to mention getting into college, getting into a junior college is all because of the smoke coming out of the ancestral graves of the old Su family!

Su Mian knew that Su Jianghai was worried, "Dad, I used to be ignorant and didn't study hard. Now there are still 6 months until the college entrance examination. I will work hard."

Su Jianghai looked at his daughter's serious face and nodded, "Don't worry, dad will provide for you even if he sells iron."

"Dad, you don't need to sell the iron, I will find a way to make money." Space can't make money, Su Mian has to find other ways as soon as possible.

Su Jinlong curled his lips and said, "Tch, what you say is better than what you sing. Make money. If you can make money, a sow can climb a tree! In the end, it's not just the upper lip touching the lower lip, and our dad wants money."

Su Jinlong knew Su Mian's urinary nature very well.

"Xiaolong, you are already 15. You are about to graduate from junior high school. It's time to think about your future. Do you want to continue studying, farm in the countryside like your parents all your life, or do you want to learn some crafts?" When Su Mian thought of Su Jinlong being framed by Su Jinbiao in his previous life, she thought. Being charged with murder for him gave me a chill.

In this life, she must prevent tragedy from happening no matter what.