Reporting, I Have Been Reborn

Chapter 132: real stuff


Wan Lili next to her wanted to laugh but didn't dare, so she had to cover her mouth and enjoy herself secretly.

Sun Ying glared at her fiercely before giving up and holding the chair steady again to sit down.

As soon as Sun Ying sat down again, she heard Su Mian smile faintly and said to the algebra teacher, "Teacher, Sun Ying also wants to do this topic, why not let her do it too!"

The algebra teacher looked hesitant. She knew Sun Ying's virtue. Is it strange that she could do it? But when he thought about last time, the algebra teacher also understood what was going on, "Classmate Sun Ying, come up too!"

All the classmates burst into laughter again, haha, they were so laughing. It was tit for tat. Let's see if Sun Ying dares to tease others in the future.

Su Mian, I’m going to fuck your grandma!

Sun Ying glared at Su Mian fiercely. In this situation, she had to go, otherwise she would give up directly. She wasn't going to give in to that bitch.

The two of them were facing south and north, deliberately separated by a long distance. Sun Ying was embarrassed to copy even if she wanted to, because her movements were so small that she couldn't see them.

Over there, Sun Ying was scratching her head and head, her mind going blank. It felt like the mathematical formulas she once remembered were against her, and she couldn't remember any of them...

Su Mian read the question carefully several times and already had a rough idea of how to solve the problem.

In fact, Su Mian has an advantage, that is, she likes to do new question types. There is no need to be rigid about this type of questions, and you can use the knowledge accumulated over time to use.

Moreover, her mental power now exceeds 70, and she has already reached the state of photographic memory. Those mathematical formulas are now arranged together in an orderly manner. Whichever one Su Mian wants to use, it will fly over...

After thinking for a while, Su Mian had already started writing, and the chalk made a swishing sound on the old wooden blackboard.

But Sun Ying didn't have any clue at all. She just wrote an equal sign "Explanation:", and then nothing happened.

Five minutes later, Su Mian wrote the final answer 2.

The students in the audience were all checking the calculations on paper. Li Yajun was the first to finish it. When he looked up, Su Mian had already finished it and was standing on the stage smiling quietly.

Li Yajun couldn't believe it, but Su Mian did it.

The algebra teacher's eyes sparkled. In 40 years of teaching, this was the first time he looked at a student with admiration.

When he went back that day, he deliberately looked through Su Mian's previous homework and examination papers. At first glance, Su Mian was shocked. Su Mian had never passed the math test before, even passing a score of 9 once.

In just one holiday, this student has indeed made rapid progress. He doesn't think it is his own fault, it must be her own hard work.

If that day was a coincidence, he chose today's question from a new set of simulation questions. In other words, he just wanted to give Su Mian a test to see if she had the real stuff.

Sun Ying did not make it, and no more than 5 students in the audience made it.

When Su Mian walked off the stage, the classmates burst into warm applause. This is how it is in this era. As long as you study well, you can basically walk sideways in the class.

In the evening, Su Mian and Wei Min went back to the dormitory together. Wei Min kept chattering along the way. "Su Mian, you are so amazing. You didn't see Sun Ying's aggrieved look today. If it hadn't been for class, I would have almost beaten the drum to celebrate you! Let's see if she dares to bully others in the future!"

The two talked and laughed, and when they returned to the dormitory, they saw Wan Lili and Sun Ying wrestling with each other. Wan Lili's long hair was pulled like a chicken coop, and there were bloody marks on Sun Ying's face and neck from Wan Lili's scratches.